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Kentucky gay marriage ban struck down
TheRealVille Wrote:I see that your reading comprehension hasn't improved since I've been gone. You did notice I said, "As for religion" I'll stick with these guys? All of which's version of god differs from yours. Some even had no got belief. Some of them might not have signed any official document, but all were instrumental in shaping our country in the early years.

Nor has your predilection for mixing stale and tired liberal arguments together. Or, your unwillingness to concede a point with any grace whatever. If I'd needed any help identifying those from among your list that didn't sign the Declaration of Independence, I would not have omitted Allen, Paine, Washington and Monroe in the first place. None the less, I appreciate the fact that you would freely admit that their conspicuous absence among the signers is meaningless to this discussion.
TheRealThing Wrote:Nor has your predilection for mixing stale and tired liberal arguments together. Or, your unwillingness to concede a point with any grace whatever. If I'd needed any help identifying those from among your list that didn't sign the Declaration of Independence, I would not have omitted Allen, Paine, Washington and Monroe in the first place. None the less, I appreciate the fact that you would freely admit that their conspicuous absence among the signers is meaningless to this discussion.
All I named were instrumental in the shaping of this country at the beginning, and ALL I named had religious, or non religious beliefs, that differ from yours, hence, the "As for religion". The ones I named were instrumental in the starting, and shaping of our country, and they were at odds with your religion.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:How much "schooling" do you have, little man?
An 8th grader, wither limited history knowledge, can tell that some of these guys have no clue about American rights. These guys opinions are purely based on bias toward gays, or on the christian religion, not what the documents say about equal rights for all. Apparently, number of school years doesn't mean much when a law professor bases his view of abortion on the bible, and not a doctor and patients right to privacy.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:How much "schooling" do you have, little man?

Apparently, number of school years doesn't mean much when an alleged law professor bases his legal view of abortion on the bible, and not a doctor and patient's right to privacy.
^Sorry, double post. BGR told me my edit wasn't valid after 15 mins. Apparently it was.
TheRealVille Wrote:All I named were instrumental in the shaping of this country at the beginning, and ALL I named had religious, or non religious beliefs, that differ from yours, hence, the "As for religion". The ones I named were instrumental in the starting, and shaping of our country, and they were at odds with your religion.

My faith is my constitutional right guaranteed to me under the 1st Amendment, and evidently the bane of your existence. But, let's back all this up to where you started changing subjects with every post. First you said that marriage is a right. Citing the Constitution, I pointed out that it is actually an institution ordained of God, that reasonable Americans have observed since our inception back in 1776. But, nowhere is marriage mentioned in the Constitution. And in addition, that according to the Declaration of Independence our rights were given to us by God, not the government and cited the text to prove it. That doesn't fit your narrative so you changed the subject.

To marriage licenses as I recall, and when I gave the correct answer to that you again changed the subject falsely claiming that the KY Ban on Gay Marriage was overturned by the "courts." Which of course is far from true as the judge who ruled will see his unfortunately short sighted ruling rightly go through the appellate system. Now in full fledged dodge ball mode, you changed the subject yet again to property rights.

From there our journey through the eddies of circular logic returned to the Constitution and it's framers which, turned out to be just the lead-in to another subject change. That being yet another personal attack surrounding my faith, which you attempted to substantiate by dragging in Allen, Paine, Franklin, Washington and Monroe. An argument I reject our of hand hence, Franklin's signature is affixed to the Declaration of Independence which again, clearly states that man's rights are unalienable and given to him by his Creator.

To wit, you never countered with anything of substance. So, if it is your intention to stay in circle"ville" again this evening, I insist we at least go to the right for a while. Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:Apparently, number of school years doesn't mean much when an alleged law professor bases his legal view of abortion on the bible, and not a doctor and patient's right to privacy.

Your position in your post is outdated. The Declaration of Independence specifically cites life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as basic rights. The US Constitution guarantees our rights to life, liberty, and property.

You will notice that your comrades in the abortion industry never cite science in their arguments any more. Why? Science, through the development of knowledge of DNA, has proven that the child is a separate being from the moment of conception. How? Because it has separate DNA from the woman carrying it.

Therefore, you can go ahead and support the "woman's right to control her body" but, in doing so, you must admit that you are supporting premeditated murder. And, of course, that is your choice.

And those, uninformed poster, are the true facts and you don't really have to be a law professor to understand that.
TheRealVille Wrote:An 8th grader, wither limited history knowledge, can tell that some of these guys have no clue about American rights. These guys opinions are purely based on bias toward gays, or on the christian religion, not what the documents say about equal rights for all. Apparently, number of school years doesn't mean much when a law professor bases his view of abortion on the bible, and not a doctor and patients right to privacy.

I will admit it. I strongly dislike gays :biglmao:
Not because of religion, but because there going against my scientific biological beliefs. That don't go there!
M'boroYellowJacket Wrote:If you aren't a Christian, why try to cause trouble among Christians?

You started this thread, not wanting to know the answer to your question, because you already have your mind set on what you think the answer is and nothing will change it. But you ask it anyways.

Why? Just to argue with Christians? To try to shake their faith? I really don't see what your purpose is in posting this forum.

In my opinion, let people believe what they want to believe. I'm a Christian, but if a Muslim or any other religeon's missionaries were to come to my door right now, I would talk to them politely. Would I change my faith? No. But there is no need to be rude or try to shake their faith. I would tell them about Jesus, as the Bible tells us to do, but I wouldn't insult their religeon nor shove it down their throat.

If you don't like the way people believe, live on with your life, and believe what you want to.. No need to cause trouble.

TheRealVille Wrote:I don't need life advice from a 14 year old. The thread was started to ask a question that Christians can't answer, rightfully. I can school you in theology.

But it sure doesn't look like you value the knowledge of someone at the 8th grade level....

TheRealVille Wrote:An 8th grader, wither limited history knowledge, can tell that some of these guys have no clue about American rights. These guys opinions are purely based on bias toward gays, or on the christian religion, not what the documents say about equal rights for all. Apparently, number of school years doesn't mean much when a law professor bases his view of abortion on the bible, and not a doctor and patients right to privacy.

unless they lean to the left.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I will admit it. I strongly dislike gays :biglmao:
Not because of religion, but because there going against my scientific biological beliefs. That don't go there!

I have no respect for fairies. I have contempt for abortionists. If neither of these parasites existed, the world would be better for it.
TheRealVille Wrote:When did you choose to be straight?

Like I said I never chose to be straight. I did what comes natural as I grew up. Homosexuality is not natural, I believe if it was you would have a much more even population distribution of homosexuals compared to Hetrosexuals. People choose to be gay and I will believe that until someone gives some beyond a reasonable doubt scientific evidence proving otherwise that has been scrutinized and agreed to by the best scientists in the world.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I will admit it. I strongly dislike gays :biglmao:
Not because of religion, but because there going against my scientific biological beliefs. That don't go there!
While I can agree, "that don't go there", does our opinion on that give us a right to go "into other's bedrooms", or take away their citizen rights?
I can't answer for anybody else but me. And I realize that people are gonna do whatever they want. No matter what anybody tells them. It's human nature.

Right or wrong... legal or illegal... I have no say over what anybody else does.

I believe what The Bible says. If The Bible says it's right then to me, it's right. If The Bible says it's wrong, then it's wrong.

The LGBTQ movement, abortion, The YOLO movement... whatever the issue is, there is nothing that going on in the world that The Bible doesn't have the answer to.

Now Here is the part that is hard to admit....
Yes, Every person has the right to believe in/not believe in whatever they want.
God has never changed the "free will" of any person. But He has done works that have changed people's way of thinking.

As a young person, I was drug to church everytime the doors were opened..... Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night, revivals, youth group meeting..... you name it, I was there. Church was Church. But one day, Jesus spoke to me as plain as any person ever had. He made me realize I was a sinner. He made me realize if I died as I was at that moment, I would spend eternity in hell. Then He showed me that He had the answers I needed.

If I had the choice to be rich or to be Saved.... I would have to remember all of the times I've needed The Lord. He's never, ever let me down.
Check out my YouTube channel.
TheRealVille Wrote:While I can agree, "that don't go there", does our opinion on that give us a right to go "into other's bedrooms", or take away their citizen rights?

That is why we rewrote sodomy laws in this country.
Until the 60s or 70s it was still illegal in most states to have anal sex.
Sure, plenty of married couple probably did this, but who could prove it? If two men were together, this had to be the case, so the laws were rewritten in order to protect those gays from being prosecuted because of there sexual preference.
That was fine, and that's where it should have ended. But like with all liberal flamers, they want to keep taking and taking. Marriage is not for gays. Never has been, never will be.
We accepted it when we rewrote the laws. That was enough.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:That is why we rewrote sodomy laws in this country.
Until the 60s or 70s it was still illegal in most states to have anal sex.
Sure, plenty of married couple probably did this, but who could prove it? If two men were together, this had to be the case, so the laws were rewritten in order to protect those gays from being prosecuted because of there sexual preference.
That was fine, and that's where it should have ended. But like with all liberal flamers, they want to keep taking and taking. Marriage is not for gays. Never has been, never will be.
We accepted it when we rewrote the laws. That was enough.
Name one thing that gay marriage does to harm you? You have made it clear that you are ok with them doing what they want, while unmarried. Where does a marriage license do harm to you personally? It merely gives them spousal, and property rights upon death, they same thing that piece of paper does for you.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:That is why we rewrote sodomy laws in this country.
Until the 60s or 70s it was still illegal in most states to have anal sex.
Sure, plenty of married couple probably did this, but who could prove it? If two men were together, this had to be the case, so the laws were rewritten in order to protect those gays from being prosecuted because of there sexual preference.
That was fine, and that's where it should have ended. But like with all liberal flamers, they want to keep taking and taking. Marriage is not for gays. Never has been, never will be.
We accepted it when we rewrote the laws. That was enough.

All true and yet there is more to it. Homosexuals will never find peace or contentment. Hence, they are in the throes of litigating 'at' straight folks, punishing us for our goody two shoes attitude as it were. As if we had anything to do with the Creator's business other than honoring Him. It really is a battle between good and evil. And the real argument has gone completely over folk's heads. There is a demand being made, and that is that Christians compromise their stand on Scripture, which is very clear on the matter of Sodomy. Folks, Christians suffer mightily if they would dare to compromise the Word of God. So, the choice for the Christian is to either get pushed around by these people or take their stand. (A pretty easy open and shut nobrainer in my book) But you're right Run, if their argument of just wanting to be deemed 'normal' was not a total sham, changing the laws should have brought some measure of satisfaction to them but, let's be clear. It's like Mick Jagger said, "I (they) can't get no satisfaction." Their assault on the condemnation coming their way, is being waged completely in vain and here's why. Though it's true that society does not accept their lifestyle, that is not the actual source of said condemnation. That source, having born testimony of His existence within them, is felt in the form of grave dread of the One they will one day face.

Man has something called a conscience. And, regardless of how seared it may become or how hard man tries to deny it, conscience is none the less a critical part of every man. The unrest and resentment aimed at straight folks will never be slaked because the true source of their guilt is spiritual. So, all the furious courtroom machinations not withstanding, the source of their pain is truth. And like it not, that truth is of God. Therefore, the battle in the courts and the legislatures of this land will never be over. When we started backing up and compromising the precepts of God, we lost our grip on orderly society function. And that across the board.

We see the exact same thing happening in Ferguson, MO., but for a different cause. Accepting lawlessness for any reason means the end of our society. We can't even defend our nation's borders because we lack the conviction to protect our own sovereignty. We left the path years ago and things have only gotten worse. That fact is so undeniably certain that only those drunk on the Kool aid will even try to defend against the obvious.
TheRealThing Wrote:All true and yet there is more to it. Homosexuals will never find peace or contentment. Hence, they are in the throes of litigating 'at' straight folks, punishing us for our goody two shoes attitude as it were. As if we had anything to do with the Creator's business other than honoring Him. It really is a battle between good and evil. And the real argument has gone completely over folk's heads. There is a demand being made, and that is that Christians compromise their stand on Scripture, which is very clear on the matter of Sodomy. Folks, Christians suffer mightily if they would dare to compromise the Word of God. So, the choice for the Christian is to either get pushed around by these people or take their stand. (A pretty easy open and shut nobrainer in my book) But you're right Run, if their argument of just wanting to be deemed 'normal' was not a total sham, changing the laws should have brought some measure of satisfaction to them but, let's be clear. It's like Mick Jagger said, "I (they) can't get no satisfaction." Their assault on the condemnation coming their way, is being waged completely in vain and here's why. Though it's true that society does not accept their lifestyle, that is not the actual source of said condemnation. That source, having born testimony of His existence within them, is felt in the form of grave dread of the One they will one day face.

Man has something called a conscience. And, regardless of how seared it may become or how hard man tries to deny it, conscience is none the less a critical part of every man. The unrest and resentment aimed at straight folks will never be slaked because the true source of their guilt is spiritual. So, all the furious courtroom machinations not withstanding, the source of their pain is truth. And like it not, that truth is of God. Therefore, the battle in the courts and the legislatures of this land will never be over. When we started backing up and compromising the precepts of God, we lost our grip on orderly society function. And that across the board.

We see the exact same thing happening in Ferguson, MO., but for a different cause. Accepting lawlessness for any reason means the end of our society. We can't even defend our nation's borders because we lack the conviction to protect our own sovereignty. We left the path years ago and things have only gotten worse. That fact is so undeniably certain that only those drunk on the Kool aid will even try to defend against the obvious.
How them getting married compromise YOUR christianity? Are you going to hell if the US legalizes gay marriage? They are practicing "sodomy" now. How does a piece of paper, and equal rights, hurt you? You have a right to your religion, but you can't force it on anybody.
^How *does* them
TheRealVille Wrote:How them getting married compromise YOUR christianity? Are you going to hell if the US legalizes gay marriage? They are practicing "sodomy" now. How does a piece of paper, and equal rights, hurt you? You have a right to your religion, but you can't force it on anybody.

I would never try to force the Lord on anybody, after all, even God doesn't try to force Himself on men. That is a decision left solely up to each man and, making that decision is the reason we live out our lives on this planet.

Now as for your unreasonable and mutually exclusive anti logic regarding state sponsored legalization of homosexuality. I never said my Christianity was in jeopardy. I said that Christians are being forced to compromise their understanding of Scripture. I said that there is a movement afoot that demands all men to accept the sexually depraved behavior of others on pain of the law. Employers of all sort must now deal with gays in addition to the list of other so-called minorities or suffer monetarily. In fact, the government is presently in the process of taking tax dollars from those who otherwise oppose the legalization of homosexuality, in order to provide benefits and other perks. I don't like that and, I don't like the fact that despite claims to the contrary, those same 'fleeced' from among us are being forced to help pay for abortions. There are laws coming down aimed at forcing all men to be under subjection to that movement. The movement seeks to homogenize all sexual behavior as being equal under the law, you just called it equal rights.

So, I and others of my view, (who comprise the majority in this nation BTW) can be forced to accept things we consider to be errant, but, you think that's okay because you by your own admission harbor contempt for that view. That sound about right?

Acts 5:29 (KJV)
29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

This nation used to protect Christian rights and interests. Turing our back on traditional morality has cost America dearly, the decent into chaos will only get worse and there will be no safe haven.
TheRealThing Wrote:I would never try to force the Lord on anybody, after all, even God doesn't try to force Himself on men. That is a decision left solely up to each man and, making that decision is the reason we live out our lives on this planet.

Now as for your unreasonable and mutually exclusive anti logic regarding state sponsored legalization of homosexuality. I never said my Christianity was in jeopardy. I said that Christians are being forced to compromise their understanding of Scripture. I said that there is a movement afoot that demands all men to accept the sexually depraved behavior of others on pain of the law. Employers of all sort must now deal with gays in addition to the list of other so-called minorities or suffer monetarily. In fact, the government is presently in the process of taking tax dollars from those who otherwise oppose the legalization of homosexuality, in order to provide benefits and other perks. I don't like that and, I don't like the fact that despite claims to the contrary, those same 'fleeced' from among us are being forced to help pay for abortions. There are laws coming down aimed at forcing all men to be under subjection to that movement. The movement seeks to homogenize all sexual behavior as being equal under the law, you just called it equal rights.

So, I and others of my view, ([B]who comprise the majority in this nation BTW) [/B]can be forced to accept things we consider to be errant, but, you think that's okay because you by your own admission harbor contempt for that view. That sound about right?

Acts 5:29 (KJV)
29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

This nation used to protect Christian rights and interests. Turing our back on traditional morality has cost America dearly, the decent into chaos will only get worse and there will be no safe haven.
You aren't being forced to accept anything. But, you are being required to treat citizens equal under the law. That might be in some historical document, if you read a little.

I would argue otherwise, according to polls.

Quote:WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' support for the law recognizing same-sex marriages as legally valid has increased yet again, now at 55%. Marriage equality advocates have had a string of legal successes over the past year, most recently this week in Pennsylvania and Oregon where federal judges struck down bans on gay marriage.
Quote:This nation used to protect Christian rights and interests.
Are you saying christians should have more rights that other citizens?
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you saying christians should have more rights that other citizens?

No, I'm not saying that. I said what I meant to say, which either went over your head or you cannot come up with much of anything to refute with, as you normally only respond to about 1% of my post content. And even then you usually distort that 1% in a way that allows you to parrot talking points.

I'll be at the polls this November to take part of the historic wave election headed at Dems who are all victim of their own propaganda.
TheRealThing Wrote:No, I'm not saying that. I said what I meant to say, which either went over your head or you cannot come up with much of anything to refute with, as you normally only respond to about 1% of my post content. And even then you usually distort that 1% in a way that allows you to parrot talking points.

I'll be at the polls this November to take part of the historic wave election headed at Dems who are all victim of their own propaganda.
I merely found another point in your post to respond to, after edit time ran out. I answered you in post #81, which you ignored because I proved you wrong where you said the majority of Americans agree with you, and you being forced to accept anything, other than treating citizens equal. You, and your kind, are in the minority on this topic. The truth of the matter is, that you can't name how them marrying, and being treated equal under the law, does you harm, because it does no harm to you or anybody else. FTR, we shall see in November. As of late, there are more people that vote like me. Granted, in midterms, they usually sit at home on their ass. That, coupled with the fact that republicans have found several ways to cheat, and tip the voting scales in their favor, via redistricting, and ID laws.
TheRealThing Wrote:No, I'm not saying that. I said what I meant to say, which either went over your head or you cannot come up with much of anything to refute with, as you normally only respond to about 1% of my post content. And even then you usually distort that 1% in a way that allows you to parrot talking points.

I'll be at the polls this November to take part of the historic wave election headed at Dems who are all victim of their own propaganda.
One thing that should be painfully obvious to you, given all the tea party defeats this spring and summer, the latest being in Alaska, is that America is tired of you hardline, far righters. I'd bet America won't be caught with their pants down, like 2010, not going to the polls and voting. The teas slipped in, and America woke up fast. It's all but over for that wing, and they will be voted out, as their elections come back up. At least we can deal with moderate republicans.
TheRealVille Wrote:One thing that should be painfully obvious to you, given all the tea party defeats this spring and summer, the latest being in Alaska, is that America is tired of you hardline, far righters. I'd bet America won't be caught with their pants down, like 2010, not going to the polls and voting. The teas slipped in, and America woke up fast. It's all but over for that wing, and they will be voted out, as their elections come back up. At least we can deal with moderate republicans.

Being "caught with their pants down" would only apply to the fairy wing of the Democrat Party, wouldn't it?:Thumbs:
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Being "caught with their pants down" would only apply to the fairy wing of the Democrat Party, wouldn't it?:Thumbs:

Numbers 5:11-31

Even though I could never do such a thing, but I was given free will.
This should show that the Bible can be used to "justify" anything
TheRealVille Wrote:One thing that should be painfully obvious to you, given all the tea party defeats this spring and summer, the latest being in Alaska, is that America is tired of you hardline, far righters. I'd bet America won't be caught with their pants down, like 2010, not going to the polls and voting. The teas slipped in, and America woke up fast. It's all but over for that wing, and they will be voted out, as their elections come back up. At least we can deal with moderate republicans.

^^Another post brimming with Democratic talking points.

As usual what seems painfully obvious to you, looks like liberal self delusion to me. Republicans are endeavoring to nominate credible candidates. You go ahead and interpret that in whatever light you've been told to by your anti American leadership. In my opinion you're wrong. Wave elections are not occasions of getting caught with pants down, rather they are a change of direction as chosen by the voting public.

Hard line far righters as you put it, are the folks of the Great Generation. They are those who would have agreed with Dwight D Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan. Those who wouldn't think of faking a disability or living on welfare. Folks who refuse to drink from the liberal bucket of monkey puke which passes for modern wisdom, in favor of the reality they have known their entire lives. These know the horror that comes with foreign policy born of pacifism, and the nauseous and cancerous backlash that comes from embracing the evil of nearly 80 million dead as the result of state sponsored infanticide and so-called gay rights. They sacrificed mightily for the "common good" the result of which is the apple of the world's eye, the face of America which the liberal, the like of Bill Ayers is so desperate to bring down.

In any event, I can't imagine anybody taking a party seriously that can speak of nothing other than an admitted preoccupation and a raging support of sexual depravity and other issues of social justice. The world is in economic chaos and armed conflict and still, all the left wants to do is sue straight people to legalize the "unseemly." It's got nothing to do with the Tea Party who if nothing else, have given the people of this land a MUCH needed lesson in civics. The left doesn't want Americans to know their Constitution because the threads they insist tie their arguments to law are thinner than a gnat's butt stretched over a boxcar.

No, after the dust settles this November Mitch will be the new Senate Majority Leader and Dems will be in the dumpster of history.
tvtimeout Wrote:This should show that the Bible can be used to "justify" anything

Really? Would you mind explaining what you're trying to say?

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