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Best Student Section???
Drop the ER/PC thing.
Some of the comments were make over stuff that players could not help but it's not that big of a deal.
East Ridge have and will say things that other teams probably get pissed about but you suck it up and you move on. Live to play another day, be thankful for that.
"Carver08" Wrote:even though ashland is down this year we still have a decent student section

iono about that they are ok I went to the BC game and their front student section ashland that is the front side of the ashland student section was louder then bc's whole entire student section, but they can use a lil work on everyone else. :yum:
The craziest team by far is the students of Hazard. I have seen many of there games and not one has had less than 100 roaring, screaming, and crazy students behind their goal cheering the whole way. I ad a chance to go to the Hazard vs. PCC game and i can say that they were the wildest pep sectiont that i have EVER seen! The whole game no matter what the score they were on there feet and cheering! During the end of the game is when i got really heated because the game was so close and they were wired! They hassled the players of PCC the whole time and i believe that that is what makes a true pep section. Hazard by far has the wildest pep section in the state!
The colonel crazie's of Bourbon County and Pendleton County cause a wild bunch when they are a good team.
Allen Central
The Bleacher Creatures form Magoffin Get into it.
Anyone remember the 254 painted bodies at the PC game... definetly the best students
PBURG...pburg has the craziest fan section you will ever see at a highscool basketball game...shafter i no personally is one of the craziest fans pburg has
i remember at the 2004 15th region semis when PC and P-Burg played the fans were literaly ready to fight lol....
"mxracer6" Wrote:Anyone remember the 254 painted bodies at the PC game... definetly the best students

I was at that game!!! too bad they didn't put that WR in the book... it needed to be!! although it smelled absolutely awful they were really intimidating...
Yeah i know i was disappointed when it didnt make the book have you all saw the HUGE picture in the gym of it??? it is NICE...To bad by the second half everyone like left b/c we was up by so much...
p burg has the best by far
blackcats for sure!!
"mxracer6" Wrote:Anyone remember the 254 painted bodies at the PC game... definetly the best students
Painted bodies or not, JC has a loyal following despite their rocky start.
"Warrior's #1" Wrote:How come no one can reply on here what they think without u coming on here and being a smart ass. And I know the boys that came over and sat in your fan section brennon hackney and the other was Matt Damron they didnt come too cheer with u guys they wanted to fight u guys because u guys were dissing all of our players, matter of fact i would say all of them..And u guys better be ready because if we play at region it will get ugly...
OK dissing players is the whole **** reason for a student section a student section is used to get inside the oppositions head what do u expect a highschool student to do say good job to the opposition i know i sure dont
"MCHS_FBALL#14" Wrote:OK dissing players is the whole **** reason for a student section a student section is used to get inside the oppositions head what do u expect a highschool student to do say good job to the opposition i know i sure dont
I agree whole heartedly, the Johnson Central vs. Lawrence County game was one of the most entertaining student section battles I've seen in a while.
and i dont really bleave paintsville has a good student section at all when we(magoffin) played paintsville on the 16th we were 10 times louder then they were in their own gym and they had cops there that wouldnt let us say the stuff we wanted without being thrown out
Thanks for having my back MCHS
i remember at the BL and P-Burg game. It was awesome. Just constant chants from both sides really got both teams really pumped up. until p-burg started to throw spit bottles at BL's pep squad after the game
We had a nice crowd tonight against Valley.Valley's crowd was surpizing small.:confused:
Last year the Lawrence County Painted Crazies were the best BY FAR.
This year a lot of senior members are gone so I wouldn't say we have the best, but still VERY rowdy!
"bballjunky" Wrote:i remember at the BL and P-Burg game. It was awesome. Just constant chants from both sides really got both teams really pumped up. until p-burg started to throw spit bottles at BL's pep squad after the game

If THAT isn't redneck, I don't know what is...
Allen Central did that to us as well Tribe and hit one of our elderly ladies...
I've saw alot of student sections.. pike central only had the painted bodies one game that I know of... so im going with what ive saw the past couple of years and im going with magoffin.. they jus have a pep section at alot of games home and away.
Ashland usually brings a pretty big crowd.
"15thRegionSlamaBamma" Wrote:Allen Central did that to us as well Tribe and hit one of our elderly ladies...

That wasnt a spit bottle...and we was aiming at you all not the "elderly ladie"
Well what i was pointing out there flash was that you all threw some type of object and it hit an elderly lady no where did i say you was aiming for her.

Pike Central has painted themselves either 2 or 3 times this year....

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