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Obama Knew
TheRealThing Wrote:He's alluding to Mitt's position that the federal government has likely grown itself past the point of no return. The idea that the individual states are not capable of taking care of their own problems is one that is supported and propagated by the federal government itself. The argument Mitt was making had to do with the waste associated with administration and dispensing of federal funds. If you'll remember, the federal disaster relief efforts in the Katrina debacle, were themselves characterized as a disaster. Millions went down the old rat hole. That's what Mitt was talking about. Now that RV and others think there's blood in the water they'll try to make something out of it.
I know what he is referring to and it is a perfectly legitimate topic for a thread of its own. His intent is to derail the thread to take attention off of Obama's actions that resulted in the deaths of four Americans in Libya. Obama could do nothing to prevent the 30 deaths from Hurricane Sandy and his role in disaster recovery is smiling for the camera, consoling survivors, and reading from his teleprompter.

When Obama's actions could have saved lives, he was not up to the job. Now he will milk the disaster for all the political gain that he can.

FEMA should be scaled down. States and local governments and private charities are more capable of effectively delivering disaster relief in most situations and there would be far less fraud. Federal relief should be provided only to restore interstate commerce (major airports, interstate highways, etc.) and to recover from terrorist or military attacks.
TheRealThing Wrote:Fine, get your check book out. Got a link for people to request help with insurance and other loses?
Typical twisting from you. It's nothing new.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Pretty sure it helps families with funeral cost.

I think that only happens through Other Needs Assistance, which means you must apply for a Small Business Association Loan.
How Presidential is it that Romney was campaigning/"helping"Wink , in Ohio? Why wasn't he over in one of the blue states, that needed much more help?
TheRealVille Wrote:Typical twisting from you. It's nothing new.

The feds aren't walking around in those situations handing out checks RV. Most of the assistance comes through loans.
TheRealVille Wrote:How Presidential is it that Romney was campaigning/"helping"Wink , in Ohio? Why wasn't he over in one of the blue states, that needed much more help?

Keep your shirt on. He'll be sitting the captain's chair soon. We all get to vote for him this coming Tuesday.
TheRealVille Wrote:How Presidential is it that Romney was campaigning/"helping", in Ohio? Why wasn't he over in one of the blue states, that needed much more help?
Romney is not president yet. Soliciting donations for disaster relief was certainly more presidential than what Obama did in response to requests for help from the Americans under siege in Benghazi. Obama voted present and four innocent people died.
TheRealThing Wrote:The feds aren't walking around in those situations handing out checks RV. Most of the assistance comes through loans.
Things may be different in this disaster. Remember, Obama promised not to "let the rules get in the way." Confusednicker:

The alternative to an endless series of photo-ops and speeches dealing with the Sandy aftermath is for Obama to return to the campaign trail and take a chance that the media will actually try to pin him down about what he did (not) do when faced with a decision of whether to send help to the Benghazi consulate.
TheRealThing Wrote:Keep your shirt on. He'll be sitting the captain's chair soon. We all get to vote for him this coming Tuesday.

therealville Wrote:not according to gov. Christie. He said they need all the federal help they can get. And, i might add that the gov. Was on the today show this morning applauding obama and fema on how it is being handled. I do give christie props for thanking obama, and fema for their quick action. That's the thing with people like you, hoot, and trt, and government people like gov. Christie, you want all these government programs cut, fema, police, firefighters, and other first responders, until you need them. Then, like christie, you hand will be palm up.

that's just like the stimuls obama passed the rep talked about it like a dog but everyone of them took the money
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Things may be different in this disaster. Remember, Obama promised not to "let the rules get in the way." Confusednicker:

The alternative to an endless series of photo-ops and speeches dealing with the Sandy aftermath is for Obama to return to the campaign trail and take a chance that the media will actually try to pin him down about what he did (not) do when faced with a decision of whether to send help to the Benghazi consulate.

Agreed, hard to say what he'll do since he has found his executive order 'sea legs'. He has become a desperate man. I just hope there are some patriots left in his party to challenge him, if he gets too brave with the pen.
hoot gibson Wrote:i know what he is referring to and it is a perfectly legitimate topic for a thread of its own. His intent is to derail the thread to take attention off of obama's actions that resulted in the deaths of four americans in libya. Obama could do nothing to prevent the 30 deaths from hurricane sandy and his role in disaster recovery is smiling for the camera, consoling survivors, and reading from his teleprompter.

When obama's actions could have saved lives, he was not up to the job. Now he will milk the disaster for all the political gain that he can.

Fema should be scaled down. States and local governments and private charities are more capable of effectively delivering disaster relief in most situations and there would be far less fraud. Federal relief should be provided only to restore interstate commerce (major airports, interstate highways, etc.) and to recover from terrorist or military attacks.

just like the military it needs scaled down we can't afford a trillon dollars a year
vector Wrote:just like the military it needs scaled down we can't afford a trillon dollars a year
If you are going to quote me, then quote me accurately. My first sentence started with a capital "I." I am not semi-literate. I understand rules of capitalization. If I take time to capitalize a word, then don't try to correct it.Confusednicker:

Well, once Romney gives that $500 trillion tax cut to billionaires that Joe Biden warned us is on the way, this country will not be able to afford anything.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you are going to quote me, then quote me accurately. My first sentence started with a capital "I." I am not semi-literate. I understand rules of capitalization. If I take time to capitalize a word, then don't try to correct it.Confusednicker:

Well, once Romney gives that $500 trillion tax cut to billionaires that Joe Biden warned us is on the way, this country will not be able to afford anything.
He quoted mine word for word, exactly as spelled, the same way as yours, and with the right link to send you back to the post, and the same capitalization. I think it is a setting on his computer. No need to be an ass.
vector Wrote:just like the military it needs scaled down we can't afford a trillon dollars a year

We seem to be able to cough it up for universal health care though, huh.
TheRealVille Wrote:He quoted mine word for word, exactly as spelled, the same way as yours, and with the right link to send you back to the post, and the same capitalization. I think it is a setting on his computer. No need to be an ass.
I don't think so. If you study his posts, it is obvious that he intentionally uses all lower case letters because he occasionally slips up and capitalizes a word. The reason is also obvious. If he wants to look illiterate himself, that's fine, but he does not need to change the case of any part of my post. I have seen you complain when people have modified your words - were you being an ass, or do a different set of rules apply to you?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't think so. If you study his posts, it is obvious that he intentionally uses all lower case letters because he occasionally slips up and capitalizes a word. The reason is also obvious. If he wants to look illiterate himself, that's fine, but he does not need to change the case of any part of my post. I have seen you complain when people have modified your words - were you being an ass, or do a different set of rules apply to you?
I complain when they only post part of my quote. There is a difference. I never worry about capitalization. The post was #190. Everything is right, except the capitals. It has to be something on his computer.
TheRealVille Wrote:I complain when they only post part of my quote. There is a difference. I never worry about capitalization. The post was #190. Everything is right, except the capitals. It has to be something on his computer.
That makes no sense. When you copy text to the clipboard, no computer indiscriminately changes the case of the text when you paste it into a new location.

Maybe he should stop trying so hard to use poor grammar and incorrect capitalization in his posts. It is interesting that vector did not respond to my criticism but you did. The little "i" is no big deal - it just shows a deliberate edit of a capital letter to a lower case letter. He obviously meant to "correct" his own post to stay in character and changed the quote instead. Not a big deal.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:That makes no sense. When you copy text to the clipboard, no computer indiscriminately changes the case of the text when you paste it into a new location.

Maybe he should stop trying so hard to use poor grammar and incorrect capitalization in his posts. It is interesting that vector did not respond to my criticism but you did. The little "i" is no big deal - it just shows a deliberate edit of a capital letter to a lower case letter. He obviously meant to "correct" his own post to stay in character and changed the quote instead. Not a big deal.
I didn't know if when he clicked the quote button, that his computer did something. He did the same stuff to my quote. At any rate, it is a school kid argument to worry about capitals, that's why I don't. You can insinuate all you want, any mod can prove that I'm not vector. I wouldn't go through the trouble.
TheRealVille Wrote:I didn't know if when he clicked the quote button, that his computer did something. At any rate, it is a school kid argument to worry about capitals, that's why I don't
Then maybe you should have just ignored my response to vector. I think everybody understands how cutting and pasting text works and the Quote button has never changed the case of any of my quotes.

As I said, it is not a big deal, but it makes no sense to deliberately avoid using proper capitalization to make oneself appear poorly educated. It only makes sense if one is juggling multiple accounts and trying to avoid any linkage between them. It seems like a lot of effort for no gain to me.
We will find out the truth after the election if Romeny wins. If O lie o wins then there will be a presidential pardon for all of the white house administrators.
Benchwarmer Wrote:We will find out the truth after the election if Romeny wins. If O lie o wins then there will be a presidential pardon for all of the white house administrators.
If Obama wins, then he will just claim executive privilege and refuse to allow anybody who was in the meeting with him to testify before Congress. If Obama loses, then I doubt that Romney or the Republicans in Congress will pursue the matter. Republicans may use the issue to pressure Democrats into working with them, but I doubt that they will hold those responsible accountable.

At the very least, Congress needs to recognize those who died because of Obama's inaction to be recognized for their heroism in the face of overwhelming odds. I doubt that Obama expected any of the consulate staff to survive the ordeal.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If Obama wins, then he will just claim executive privilege and refuse to allow anybody who was in the meeting with him to testify before Congress. If Obama loses, then I doubt that Romney or the Republicans in Congress will pursue the matter. Republicans may use the issue to pressure Democrats into working with them, but I doubt that they will hold those responsible accountable.

At the very least, Congress needs to recognize those who died because of Obama's inaction to be recognized for their heroism in the face of overwhelming odds. I doubt that Obama expected any of the consulate staff to survive the ordeal.

I think you might be right. The relief of getting this bunch out of power will seem like cure enough. However, there likely is no precedent for just giving up a consulate, complete with secret documents and staff for appearances sake. I doubt America has ever backed down from rescuing her own in any past circumstance. It has been demonstrated that we had assets enough to do the job, somebody said not to. If the book Dereliction of Duty, which is also defined in terms as follows, "the act of abandoning, abandonment", was written because Clinton had his finger on the trigger but, lacked the courage to pull it when Bin Laden was in the cross hair, I can't imagine what might be forthcoming as the result of this debacle.
TheRealThing Wrote:I think you might be right. The relief of getting this bunch out of power will seem like cure enough. However, there likely is no precedent for just giving up a consulate, complete with secret documents and staff for appearances sake. I doubt America has ever backed down from rescuing her own in any past circumstance. It has been demonstrated that we had assets enough to do the job, somebody said not to. If the book Dereliction of Duty, which is also defined in terms as follows, "the act of abandoning, abandonment", was written because Clinton had his finger on the trigger but, lacked the courage to pull it when Bin Laden was in the cross hair, I can't imagine what might be forthcoming as the result of this debacle.
I agree on all counts, TRT, but there are unfortunately many instances of incoming presidents not holding their predecessors accountable for their actions. The most notable one that comes to mind is Ford's pardon of Nixon, but there were certainly a long list of items such as suspicious pardons that Bush and the Republicans could have delved into had they wanted to do so. I think newly elected administrations and Congresses generally want to start with a clean slate instead of drawing attention to the actions of the previous administration. Obama's four-year blame-a-thon of Bush has been a notable exception.
judgementday Wrote:If you watched Fox news last night, the Father to the Navy Seal who died stated that Hilary lied to his face about the ordeal...

Nothing more to say...

I had not heard or seen anything about this story until scanning over this thread. I accessed your link Hoot, and also saw two other interviews with the same gentlemen, Charles Woods. I was very impressed by Mr. Woods' interviews, his demeanor, his level of intelligence and his articulation during the three interviews that I watched. Like you Hoot, this gentleman was far more forgiving and understanding that I ever could be.

He was so genuine and much more than fair. He doesn't want to make this political as he's afraid that would dishonor his son's memory. He states that on the day when his son's body was returned home, he along with three other family pods, were placed in a room along with each of the respective family's loved one. Then Obama and his staff arrived and made their rounds. He says that shook his hand and told him that he was sorry, but that his tone was not sincere. Then Hillary said for him not to worry, they would get the author of the video and put him in jail.....then they were gone.

This man decided not to publicize this meeting until he found out through a radio broadcast, that Obama and Hillary watched his son die.....in real time....and did nothing to help him or the other people who they also watched die.

Oh and in case anyone thinks I am being biased by using only foxnews.com website to view these interviews, I searched "Charles Woods" on cbs.com, cnbc.com, abcnews.com, nbc.com and even cnn.com. Want to hear something scarey and sickening.....fox news was the only website that gave me a "find" option from the search.

Obama had the resources and the power to stop this horrible tragedy. Rather than do something to stop it, he merely watched, denied to give these people help, and then invented a stupid cover up as a distraction away from the facts of the story. As far as I'm concerned, this is nothing less than murder.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:There are OTHER issues at hand. Like the 30+ and counting that died. And homes destroyed . Wondering if he has changed his view in FEMA.

How about as late as Monday then? It's had been 6 weeks since the attack, and as of monday he said he was still investigating. The Hurricane had never hit then that would cause him to have to refocus elsework.. Now come up with some other of your famous lame brained comments for that one.

I remember how high and mighty you were towards George Bush, and you saying he got us into a war where someone you knew got killed. Where's your outrage over this American president sitting with a room full off people watching his own get killed in real time, and then proceeding with a massive coverup story and continue to lie about it when he watched it all come down as it happened.

You are the supreme hypocrite junior.
Hey junior, just a wild guess that you really dont have much to comment on here?
Bob Seger Wrote:How about as late as Monday then? It's had been 6 weeks since the attack, and as of monday he said he was still investigating. The Hurricane had never hit then that would cause him to have to refocus elsework.. Now come up with some other of your famous lame brained comments for that one.

I remember how high and mighty you were towards George Bush, and you saying he got us into a war where someone you knew got killed. Where's your outrage over this American president sitting with a room full off people watching his own get killed in real time, and then proceeding with a massive coverup story and continue to lie about it when he watched it all come down as it happened.

You are the supreme hypocrite junior.

If you can find one situation where i have defended obama on the attacks please search and find it.

Its sickening to think that the President among other officials set and watched in real time americans be killed. Knowing what was really going on.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:If you can find one situation where i have defended obama on the attacks please search and find it.

Its sickening to think that the President among other officials set and watched in real time americans be killed. Knowing what was really going on.

Great, this is a good starting point. Now you can begin to build on reality.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:If you can find one situation where i have defended obama on the attacks please search and find it.

Its sickening to think that the President among other officials set and watched in real time americans be killed. Knowing what was really going on.
Bob did not say that you defended Obama, he just noted your complete lack of outrage over his role in the Benghazi events and subsequent cover-up. You seem to be totally lacking in intellectual curiosity where Barack Obama is concerned.

Not demanding that Obama be called to account for the events in Benghazi while spouting Obama talking points directed at Romney is not much different than defending Obama's action. You have vociferously attacked Bush with much less evidence for years, as Bob so rightly pointed out.

The time to find out what Obama knew/did and when did he know/do it is now - not after the election. We do not have the time to go through another Watergate (or worse) ordeal.
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