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Easter Weekend
As you all know yesterday was Good Friday. And this Sunday is Easter. So I just wanted you all to post how your spending your Easter weekend?

Let's hear em!
Probably stay home, work on some homework and watch sports. Did have a dinner to go to later today (Saturday) but it was canceled due to weather
Hanging around the house today (Saturday) Might go to Pikeville with the fam. Sunday i'm spending with my lady.
Work Friday, Work Saturday, and Work some more Sunday.
Huntin some eggs, WOOOO!!!!
Off Friday, Off Saturday, Worship Sunday
Easter play Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
^ good luck, but more importantly, may God's will be inspired in you!
I'll be spending Saturday with the wife and kids. Sunday starts early with the wife at the sun rise service at Binghamtown Baptist in Middlesboro and than Sunday sevice and dinner at Molus Pentacostal. Not sure about Sunday night. The first two sevices are about all the old knee can stand. Hope everyone has a blessed Easter. I thank the Lord for his resurection.
For those that don't know me, I am a Pastor at two churches. Needless to say, this weekend is very busy for me.

Yesterday (Friday), I FINALLY got called to be a Substitute teacher. I applied in July, and just now got called! I guess the Lord was giving me another lesson in patience. It was great because I filled-in for a teacher that actually leaves lesson plans to teach from! Praise God for teachers that actually trust their subs. It was a blessing to teach 1st graders about adjectives, magnets, what aisle certain groceries would be in, simple machines, etc... I love it and hope I get called again before school ends.

Also on Friday there was an Open Good Friday Service that was open to both churches, and really, anyone that wanted to come. It was a time that the Lord's Supper was served and the church was open for anyone to worship in any way they wanted: singing, prayer, reading their Bible, Holy Communion, etc.... Great service.

Today (Saturday), the smaller church that I serve is having a church-wide Egg Hunt, where they will share he last Resurrection egg. (If you are not familiar with them, they are plastic eggs filled with tiny things like a whip, crown of thorns, "burial cloth", nails, a cross, etc....) the last egg is always saved for Easter Sunday or a special event on Saturday. When they open the much anticipated last egg, it will be empty. Of course they are gonna ask, "why is it empty?" This leaves a blessed opportunity to explain that the egg is empty to represent the promise that Jesus died for our sins, rose on the third day and the tomb is empty and not filled, because he wants us to empty our hearts, so he can fills ours. I just love that story and that the children can use eggs to tell it. Praise the Lord!

On a more somber note, the in-laws are coming over. LOL, just kidding, they are great. I am a lucky man. My 16-year-old sister-in-law told my father-in-law that she wants to spend Easter at my churches and with her sister. Great girl, she's awesome.

On Sunday, We have a Sunrise Service at 6:00AM (Does the sun rise that early? lol) Then a small breakfast afterwards. Then at 9:30AM, I have the 2nd Service of the day at the other church. No night services so people can be with their families on Easter or attend one of the many plays, cantatas, etc... throughout Russell County.

Needless to say, I have been busy. BUT when you are a Pastor and you are busy, good things are being done for the Lord, so you hope to ALWAYS be busy.
^ I pray that God uses you as his vessel over the next 48 hours partner.
LWC Wrote:For those that don't know me, I am a Pastor at two churches. Needless to say, this weekend is very busy for me.

Yesterday (Friday), I FINALLY got called to be a Substitute teacher. I applied in July, and just now got called! I guess the Lord was giving me another lesson in patience. It was great because I filled-in for a teacher that actually leaves lesson plans to teach from! Praise God for teachers that actually trust their subs. It was a blessing to teach 1st graders about adjectives, magnets, what aisle certain groceries would be in, simple machines, etc... I love it and hope I get called again before school ends.

Also on Friday there was an Open Good Friday Service that was open to both churches, and really, anyone that wanted to come. It was a time that the Lord's Supper was served and the church was open for anyone to worship in any way they wanted: singing, prayer, reading their Bible, Holy Communion, etc.... Great service.

Today (Saturday), the smaller church that I serve is having a church-wide Egg Hunt, where they will share he last Resurrection egg. (If you are not familiar with them, they are plastic eggs filled with tiny things like a whip, crown of thorns, "burial cloth", nails, a cross, etc....) the last egg is always saved for Easter Sunday or a special event on Saturday. When they open the much anticipated last egg, it will be empty. Of course they are gonna ask, "why is it empty?" This leaves a blessed opportunity to explain that the egg is empty to represent the promise that Jesus died for our sins, rose on the third day and the tomb is empty and not filled, because he wants us to empty our hearts, so he can fills ours. I just love that story and that the children can use eggs to tell it. Praise the Lord!

On a more somber note, the in-laws are coming over. LOL, just kidding, they are great. I am a lucky man. My 16-year-old sister-in-law told my father-in-law that she wants to spend Easter at my churches and with her sister. Great girl, she's awesome.

On Sunday, We have a Sunrise Service at 6:00AM (Does the sun rise that early? lol) Then a small breakfast afterwards. Then at 9:30AM, I have the 2nd Service of the day at the other church. No night services so people can be with their families on Easter or attend one of the many plays, cantatas, etc... throughout Russell County.

Needless to say, I have been busy. BUT when you are a Pastor and you are busy, good things are being done for the Lord, so you hope to ALWAYS be busy.

Wow!! You pastor two churches?! How do you manage that? I love the idea of the empty egg. What a great way for the kids to learn that message.

As for the substitute, I am also a sub (I do have an interview for a full time position on Mon.). A teacher writing good plans makes a huge difference on how your day goes. I subbed for a teacher who did not leave me with anything, not even a class roster or a generic schedule of the day. Needless to say I was not happy. You will soon realize how much of a difference you will make just subbing and how quickly you will build relationships with the kids.
My plans for this weekend, last night (Fri.) I went to a Good Friday service at my church after yet another tornado warning, today, I just got home from a 10,000 egg Easter egg hunt. My wife will get off a couple of hours early tonight and we are going to my in-laws for Easter dinner. On Sun, I will be teaching a Sunday School class 1st service then go to worship for second service. My wife works till 7 on Sun IDK what we will do after church. I guess it all will depend on the weather. If it keeps raining like it is, I think my kids and I will have to build an arc to keep us afloat.
Sunday going to church in the morning. And then ALL my family is coming to my house and were cooking out and hiding eggs for the kids. It's gonna be a great day!!

I pray you all have a safe, fun, and good weather weekend!!!
MisterPerfect Wrote:Sunday going to church in the morning. And then ALL my family is coming to my house and were cooking out and hiding eggs for the kids. It's gonna be a great day!!

I pray you all have a safe, fun, and good weather weekend!!!

Good luck grilling. If your weather anything like Shelbyville's, you will be indoors or grilling and hunting eggs in your waders. Either way, enjoy!!
^ Same thing up north. Easter, huh! I'm waiting for this big wooden boat filled with animals to go floating by!
^I keep looking out my back window looking for the boat. My back yard has turned into a small lake. I dread cutting my grass if it gets dry enough again.
Jarons Wrote:^I keep looking out my back window looking for the boat. My back yard has turned into a small lake. I dread cutting my grass if it gets dry enough again.

Go get you some sea-HORSES, to eat your grass and it will be all OK when the water goes down:biggrin:
Jarons Wrote:Good luck grilling. If your weather anything like Shelbyville's, you will be indoors or grilling and hunting eggs in your waders. Either way, enjoy!!

Weather here is pretty good as of now. But they say it's gonna start to rain.
Homework, and studying for tests today.

Celebrating Jesus' life Sunday.
itzAmazing Wrote:Homework, and studying for tests today.

Celebrating Jesus' life Sunday.

Love your picture!
Having a nice dinner with family.
Enjoy this blessed day one and all!
Happy Easter everybody!

Go to church and have a good time with your family!!
Good sermon today. Good music. Good worship. Looking forward to the rest of the day with our family.
Well, it's post Easter.

How was everybody's?

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