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WWE Over The Limit
No chance, but what if Rock came down and took out Riley
Miz and Riley start working Cena over now. Riley charges but Cena dumps him to the floor. Cena unloads on Miz with shoulders and a back drop. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Miz andgoes for the Attitude Adjustment but Miz slides out and hits a neckbreaker. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but Cena counters with an Attitude Adjustment. Riley comes in and decks Cena with the briefcase. Riley starts smacking Cena with the case now.
Stardust Wrote:It would be smart booking if they do


They are gonna start having him beat on a dozen cruiser-weights like Big Show used to in WCW, lol.
Riley and Miz continue the double team now. They hit him with a double powerbomb from the top. The ref checks on Cena but he's not ready to quit. They throw Cena out to the floor. More double teaming on the floor with Cena being rammed hard back into the barrier. He's still not ready to quit.
LWC Wrote::Thumbs:

They are gonna start having him beat on a dozen cruiser-weights like Big Show used to in WCW, lol.

No, Kevin Sullivan is not the booker
I love this side of MIZ
Stardust Wrote:No, Kevin Sullivan is not the booker

lol. Very sadly funny moments with his booking.

Stardust Wrote:I love this side of MIZ

Me too.
LWC, they are trying to build sympathy for Cena
They continue to beat Cena on the floor but he won't quit. Riley nad Miz take apart the announcer's table and beat him down with the monitors. Cena still won't quit. He finally fights back but Miz throws him into the steel steps. Miz drops Cena's face onto the steel steps with a DDT. Miz puts the mic in Cena's face this time but he still won't quit. Riley lifts the steel steps up. Miz tells Cena that Riley is going to slam them into his ribs if he doesn't quit. Cena tells him to go to hell. Riley slams the steps into Cena's side. The ref checks on Cena again but he won't quit. Riley holds Cena's arms from the ring while he's on the floor. Miz grabs a kendo stick. He tells Cena to go ahead and quit. Cena tells him he hits like a girl. Miz cracks Cena in the ribs repeatedly with the kendo stick. Cena still won't quit.
Told ya, they are trying to make him legendary and Miz even more heel.
Miz unloads on Cena's ribs with the kendo stick again and Cena falls to the floor. Still no quitting from Cena. Another kendo shot from Miz. They go back to double teaming Cena now, beating him up the ramp and towards the cars on stage. Miz suplexes Cena onto the stage. The ref checks on Cena but he won't quit. Miz hits Cena with a running kick to the face and Cena rolls off the stage and onto the concrete floor. Cena still won't say it. Riley holds Cena while Miz gets a belt from a production worker. Miz threatens to whip Cena with the strap unless he quits.
Cena tells him he has a strap but no nuts. Miz whips Cena in the back repeatedly with the strap. Cena still won't quit. Miz whips Cena several more times but Cena won't give up. Miz tells Riley go to get him a chair from the ring. Miz takes Cena back to the ramp. Cena drops him with a right hand and slams Riley into the ringpost. Miz comes up and decks Cena and then hits him with the steel chair.
Stardust Wrote:Cena tells him he has a strap but no nuts. Miz whips Cena in the back repeatedly with the strap. Cena still won't quit. Miz whips Cena several more times but Cena won't give up. Miz tells Riley go to get him a chair from the ring. Miz takes Cena back to the ramp. Cena drops him with a right hand and slams Riley into the ringpost. Miz comes up and decks Cena and then hits him with the steel chair.

Yes, I see it. It's pretty impressive
Good call Dusty.
Lol, well, history repeats itself
- It's a Dusty finish - reversal
Riley screws up again!!!
That was so predictable
Miz brings Cena and the chair in the ring. Cena gets up and fights Miz off. Riley comes in but Cena throws him and he hits the ref. The referee goes down. Miz comes back from behind on Cena and lays him out with a DDT. Miz props the chair up in the ropes and lays Cena's face into it with a Skull Crushing Finale. Cena still won't quit. Miz goes to some Cena fans at ringside and asks him if he wants to Cena go through more pain. Miz tells the kid to tell Cena to quit. The kid says never, not any day. Miz tells the kid to look what he's done to Cena and kicks him. Miz yells at the kid some more now and says he won't stop until Cena quits. Miz tells the kid to tell Cena to quit again. Another kid tells Miz to quit first. Miz decks Cena in the head with the mic. Miz threatens to beat Cena repeatedly with a chair until he quits. Miz tells him he can't win this match. Cena tells Miz the kids are smarter than him. As Cena is laying halfway through the barrier, Miz cracks him in the head with a chairshot. Riley holds the mic to Cena's mouth and says "I quit." This is supposed to be Cena saying it but it sounded like Riley. The bell rings and the referee goes for the belt at ringside. The referee sees a cell phone at ringside and plays audio on it. The referee says no to the decsion and comes back in the ring to argue with Miz and Riley. He plays the audio from Riley's phone into the mic and exposes their trick. The referee restarts the match.
Cena sure looks awfully fresh now doesn't he
Lol, well Cena continues with the title...
Cena took an incredible amount of punishment tonight
Crappy way to end it.
Yeah, I didn't watch this PPV but it sounded awful.

I thought it was funny The Miz was going on and on about "I'm gonna do something that has never been done before...", when the same freakin' thing happened in '99 with Rock/Mankind.

Does the WWE just ignore the past now?

But I'm glad it actually backfired at least, but jeez.
That last match had WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY too much talking. I understand asking if you quit but Miz just kept talking and talking and talking. Don't get me wrong, he is great on the mic, but it ruined the match.

"I am gonna hit you in the ribs with these steel steps, give up first Cena...."

They should have really bloodied Cena up or put them in a cage or something. I have seen more damage done on Raw from a mid-card match with Crash Holly!
^ Agreed. If you want to gain sympathy for Cena, he should have been crimson!

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