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Paul Heyman Silent on UFC, But Vocal About CM Punk
While he has yet to say or tweet one word about the fact he produced Brock Lesnar and Shane Carwin for the UFC 131 Countdown shows, Paul Heyman went off on a tirade about WWE Superstar CM Punk on Twitter just a few minutes ago, and the subject went wild on the social networking platform.

Heyman tweeted, "I'm sure he will get heat for me saying this, but @CMPunk is STILL the most underutilized talent on the WWE roster ... It's amazing to me (and not in a good way) that WWE doesn't see how @CMPunk has brought out the best in every opponent ... My apologies to @CMPunk for the heat he'll get, but come on already. Punk is the best heel in the biz today! WAKE THE F--- UP!"
I believe that J-Rod will like seeing this Big Grin
^ We got no reply from him
^I know we have a thread about CM Punk and he is nowhere to be found!
i liked what they did with cm punk becoming the leader of nexus. but they have really used nexus poorly splitting them into 2 groups. i felt like it would have been a much more powerful group for punk 2 control all of the guys from nexus and the corre and let barret start a single career
Paul Heyman is absolutely right Wink
THERE he is Big Grin
My power was out last night -_-
Punk will get a push this year
I have to agree with you all. He deserves his chance at the title. I'm tired of seeing Cena and Miz go back and forth for that title
I'm hearing they may be pushing Punk as Cena's next opponent, as requested by Cena I believe.

Might actually give him a title reign as well, who knows.

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