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Preparing for the Coming Economic Collapse
I know I'm probably going to be made fun of for making this thread, but I honestly believe that we're about to experience an economic collapse. Therefore, I'm preparing for it. The reason I thought of making this thread is because I'm having trouble trying to find some information. And I thought that making this thread might be helpful to those who are preparing as well. Smile And about whether or not an economic collapse will occur or not, please don't take my word for it. Please look up the information yourself of whether or not there will be an economic collapse and make your own decision.

To be honest, I have no idea what life will be like after the economic collapse occurs. Therefore, I'm going to prepare as if it's going to be as bad as I think it might be. I guess my first question to all of you would be, what do you think life will be like after the economic collapse? I've personally tried to look at past countries that have experienced similar economic collapses that we're about to experience, and I'm still unsure.
I'm prepared, I've got a million in a safe place that can't be touched.
I've got guns and food built-up...not necessarily for an economic collapse, just anything really.

Pretty much all I need I think.
Failure too prepare is preparing too fail.

No, seriously, I've got my stuff buried deep in the Appalachians.
Real Badman Wrote:Failure too prepare is preparing too fail.

No, seriously, I've got my stuff buried deep in the Appalachians.
Lol one of my favorite posts in BGR history.
You must be smoking some good stuff man.
I confess that I am not prepared for the coming economic collapse. I live within 10 to 15 miles of the biggest terrorist targets in the country. If Islamo-fascists nuke the Washington Monument, I will not need to worry about an economic collapse.

Wages here are high but eventually our government will be forced to slash spending and services when it runs out of money and people refuse to loan it more money. When that happens, DC and the areas around it will no longer be a safe refuge from the economic disaster that will impact the rest of the nation first.

The best way to deal with an economic collapse is to avoid it by educating yourself, your friends, and your family. No country in history has managed to tax, spend, and borrow its way to prosperity. Reward politicians who promise to cut spending and slash the size of government and try to keep those promises once they are elected. If you voted for Obama in 2008, remedial history classes would be time and money well spent. Show that you have learned from your mistakes in 2012.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I confess that I am not prepared for the coming economic collapse. I live within 10 to 15 miles of the biggest terrorist targets in the country. If Islamo-fascists nuke the Washington Monument, I will not need to worry about an economic collapse.

Wages here are high but eventually our government will be forced to slash spending and services when it runs out of money and people refuse to loan it more money. When that happens, DC and the areas around it will no longer be a safe refuge from the economic disaster that will impact the rest of the nation first.

The best way to deal with an economic collapse is to avoid it by educating yourself, your friends, and your family. No country in history has managed to tax, spend, and borrow its way to prosperity. Reward politicians who promise to cut spending and slash the size of government and try to keep those promises once they are elected. If you voted for Obama in 2008, remedial history classes would be time and money well spent. Show that you have learned from your mistakes in 2012.

You kill me, YOu really do. Act as if the world was in tip top shape when Bush was president. Lol, Geesh man, Wall Street Fell under who in 2008? Everything that happens u blame on Obama its funny, YOu found reasons to defend bush. The economy started falling under him. If you want to blame anyone blame anyone, then blame him. YOu cant go one post without wanting to blame obama or the democrats. And you act like America was at its highest point under bush. Jesus man.
But on Topic, Myself plan on using all my money on one last vacation Smile
Wildcatk23 Wrote:[/B]

You kill me, YOu really do. Act as if the world was in tip top shape when Bush was president. Lol, Geesh man, Wall Street Fell under who in 2008? Everything that happens u blame on Obama its funny, YOu found reasons to defend bush. The economy started falling under him. If you want to blame anyone blame anyone, then blame him. YOu cant go one post without wanting to blame obama or the democrats. And you act like America was at its highest point under bush. Jesus man.
:lmao: Actually, I never defended Bush's domestic spending and economic policies. The economy went into recession with Bush in the White House and after Democrats grabbed control of Congress. I blame Bush for working with Congressional Democrats too closely. The goals of his "ownership society" fell right into line with the Democrats who pressured banks into making mortgage loans to people who had no way of paying back those loans.

You can never give any credit to Democrats for their ongoing responsibility for wrecking our economy. The unemployment rate under Obama and the Democrats has risen sharply, the inflation rate has risen sharply, and yet, Democrats are clamoring to raise taxes even higher to punish "the rich." Our delusional president keeps insisting that we have "turned the corner" but it seems more like a death spiral to those of us who are not dazzled by Obama's teleprompter skills.

As I said, learn from your mistakes and do not repeat them. If you cannot bring yourself to vote against this disaster of a president, then please stay home. This is your economy too and your future under socialism will be as miserable for you as it will be for the rest of us.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I confess that I am not prepared for the coming economic collapse. I live within 10 to 15 miles of the biggest terrorist targets in the country. If Islamo-fascists nuke the Washington Monument, I will not need to worry about an economic collapse.

Wages here are high but eventually our government will be forced to slash spending and services when it runs out of money and people refuse to loan it more money. When that happens, DC and the areas around it will no longer be a safe refuge from the economic disaster that will impact the rest of the nation first.

The best way to deal with an economic collapse is to avoid it by educating yourself, your friends, and your family. No country in history has managed to tax, spend, and borrow its way to prosperity. Reward politicians who promise to cut spending and slash the size of government and try to keep those promises once they are elected. If you voted for Obama in 2008, remedial history classes would be time and money well spent. Show that you have learned from your mistakes in 2012.

:Thumbs: Cutting spending to decrease our national debt honestly isn't an issue based on political parties. It's what our country truly needs to do.

Hoot Gibson, could you answer my first question? Would you happen to know what life might be like during the economic collapse? I've heard a lot of different things. I've heard that we will have to resort to bartering, finding our own food and water instead of depending on any local stores, providing our own shelter, providing for our own protection, etc. In other words, I've heard that it's going to be bad enough to force everyone to be completely self-reliable. Do you think this is true? Currently, I'm trying to research on past countries that have experienced economic collapses, such as the Weimar Republic, the USSR, and even Great Britain when it's currency dropped around the year of 1992 ("Black Wednesday").

I'm pretty sure that Glenn Beck warned about these four things that will occur during the economic collapse:
1) Inflation.
2) Higher interest rates.
3) Higher food prices.
4) Higher energy prices.

Here's a video you might want to watch. I encourage you to watch at least from the 0:00 minute-mark to the 3:46 minute-mark.

I'm personally downloading videos from the internet that can explain how we got into the economic collapse and how to fix our country's national debt problem. I'm also trying to research how to hunt for food, to filter water, and about the different plants in my area and how they can possibly be used for medicine. I'm still concerned with a few problems, though. Please feel free to reply to anything that I post here as well as to share any advice that you might have.

When the economic collapse occurs, I plan to encourage my local churches to unite together into a strictly non-political organization in order to unite the community. From this organization, we will be able to inform others of what has happened to our country, what they should do, discourage violent riots, and even create a volunteer program that helps the community. I'm hoping that this will keep our community calm and united.

About food, I'm still unsure of how to hunt for more food. Fishing is a possibility as well as hunting for food. Hopefully, someone in our community can give me some advice on this. I'm also trying to find out the different edible plants in my area. For those of you who are storing food, don't lose your food due to improper storage. Ensure everything is stored and sealed correctly.

About water, I've learned how to make a water filter. I've also learned to boil the water as well. I probably won't have any trouble trying to get clean water. Although, I've heard that this type of water isn't exactly the "best-tasting water".

About shelter, I'm hoping that the churches in my area will provide at least a temporary shelter for those who might lose their homes during the economic collapse. I'm also making sure that my house has been paid for and that I'm completely out of debt.

About electricity, I'm hoping that I will still have electricity, but I'm also preparing as if I won't have electricity. Thankfully, I have some board games and a few deck of cards that can help pass time and ease stress.

About medicine, I'm trying to research about the different plants in my area and how they could possibly help with some health problems. Honestly, this is something that concerns me because I'm assuming that there are at least a few people in my area that use medicine for possibly even life-threatening health problems. The best idea I can think of is to hopefully try to find some plants that might help with symptoms as well as having a volunteer group to try to take care of them the best they can. I'm hoping that they have stocked up on their medicine to where it won't be a concern for quite a while, though.

About protection, this is something that also concerns me. I really don't know whether or not there will be looters or violent riots in my area. Just in case, I'm hoping that when I unite the churches and, as a result, unite the community that there won't be any violence in my area. If there is, then maybe the churches can come together and discuss on how to deal with violence. One thing that I've thought of that does concern me quite a bit is that when our economy does collapse, those who are addicted to drugs might not have enough money to buy any more drugs. Therefore, they will be forced to either steal the drugs (meaning that they might become violent) or to experience withdrawal from the drug (which is very uncomfortable and might encourage violence). I personally encourage everyone reading this post that if you're addicted to something (which includes cigarettes or caffeine in pop), it's best to experience the withdrawal now before you're forced to experience the withdrawal during the stressful economic collapse. And I know that I'm probably going to be laughed at for mentioning this, but I honestly think that socialists and communists encourage violent protests. I've personally researched this myself and I found out that at least communists have participated in violent riots in the past. Therefore, don't be surprised if there's a group of people in your area that's trying to create chaos. I honestly don't know how to deal with people like that, but hopefully I might think of an idea in the future. Or at least we can discuss about it when the community comes together.

It's also good to have what I think survivalists call a "bug-out bag". This bag will contain needed goods for any survival situation, such as it might contain food, water, any of your medicine, a first-aid kit, a knife, some rope, a fire starter, etc. The reason to have a bug-out bag is because if there's an emergency situation and you need to leave immediately, you'll just have to pick up the bug-out bag and leave. This strategy will give you needed supplies while also allowing you to run from danger in almost an instant. You can put your bug-out bag beside your door so that you won't waste any time while escaping. You can also have multiple bug-out bags, such as one in your house, another in your car, one bug-out bag for each person in your family, etc.

Here's a website if you want to look at it:
Just to warn all of you, I think the website above might talk about some mature content a few times and might cuss. It's been a long time since I read from it, but I think I remember some comments about mature content and some cussing.
Deathstar, I have no idea what an economic collapse will look like because everything depends on what actions our government takes. Those actions will determine whether this country just continues the slow decline that began a few years ago or whether the economy crashes suddenly. Some of the current "experts" on the subject will be proven right by chance - only because there are so many economists making so many predictions - somebody has to be right.

The things that I am certain of, assuming federal spending continues to spiral out of control, tax relief never comes for businesses and individuals who produce jobs, and the Federal Reserve continues to "pump" money into the economy are as follows:

1. Politicians will find scapegoats - they will accept no blame for what lies ahead. For the Germans, the scapegoats were Jews. So far, our politicians are still looking for a group of scapegoats against which voters can be united. The leading candidates are the "wealthiest 1 percent among us," oil companies, and greedy speculators. My guess is that eventually politicians will turn on illegal immigrants because as common working people lose their jobs and see illegal immigrants still working and sending money back to Mexico, they will blame Mexicans and decide that they really are willing to do those jobs. Politicians, who are responsible for the illegal immigration problem, will become outraged that so many illegal immigrants have taken American jobs.

2. Inflation will skyrocket and we may become the largest nation ever to experience hyperinflation. If hyperinflation strikes our economy, then people will see paper currency become worth as little as wallpaper.

3. Tens of millions of people will be forced to change careers. There will be much less demand for sales and other service people as the inflation rate soars and people find themselves struggling to put food on the table. People with skills like blacksmithing, welding, and carpentry will find renewed respect. Former non-military federal employees who spent years creating regulations will find the world a tough place to live.

4. Riots and looting will once again become common in our largest cities. A new wave of immigration will result and new "Detroits" will be created around the country. Millions of people will buy property in rural areas for safe getaways.

5. Federal and state governments will find a way to raid private pensions and 401-K plans. The federal government is already using federal pension funds to fund the government until the debt limit is raised again.

Our population is much larger than it was during the Great Depression and it has also become much more urbanized. The potential for a second Great Depression that would make the first one look tame is a real possibility.

However, such a dire outcome can be prevented with less, not more, government action. The federal government created the conditions for a depression and the power to prevent it is within its grasps.

Unfortunately, we have a Senate majority that refuses to even propose a budget, following Nancy Pelosi's decision not to propose a budget in the House for last year. Think about that a moment and let it sink in. Democrat leaders believe that voters will support them in greater numbers if they fail to pass budget resolutions - and they may be right.

Bad government policies produce bad economies. Barack Obama has taken the exact opposite actions that Ronald Reagan took to reverse the damage done by Nixon, Ford, and Carter, and we are seeing the results.
Boys I'm going to tell you a story. There once was a man that had diabetes, and his doctor said if your don't stop drinking it's going to kill you. This man never stopped drinking he drank everyday. Then one day a rock fell on him at work and it took his life. The moral of the story is to enjoy your life you can't control what's going to happen just live life.
HawksRule Wrote:Boys I'm going to tell you a story. There once was a man that had diabetes, and his doctor said if your don't stop drinking it's going to kill you. This man never stopped drinking he drank everyday. Then one day a rock fell on him at work and it took his life. The moral of the story is to enjoy your life you can't control what's going to happen just live life.
Good Post!!!:Thumbs:
HawksRule Wrote:Boys I'm going to tell you a story. There once was a man that had diabetes, and his doctor said if your don't stop drinking it's going to kill you. This man never stopped drinking he drank everyday. Then one day a rock fell on him at work and it took his life. The moral of the story is to enjoy your life you can't control what's going to happen just live life.
I have another story for you...

Quote:The Big Flood

It had been raining for days and days, and a terrible flood had come over the land. The waters rose so high that one man was forced to climb onto the roof of his house.

As the waters rose higher and higher, a man in a rowboat appeared, and told him to get in. "No," replied the man on the roof. "I have faith in the Lord; the Lord will save me." So the man in the rowboat went away. The man on the roof prayed for God to save him.

The waters rose higher and higher, and suddenly a speedboat appeared. "Climb in!" shouted a man in the boat. "No," replied the man on the roof. "I have faith in the Lord; the Lord will save me." So the man in the speedboat went away. The man on the roof prayed for God to save him.

The waters continued to rise. A helicopter appeared and over the loudspeaker, the pilot announced he would lower a rope to the man on the roof. "No," replied the man on the roof. "I have faith in the Lord; the Lord will save me." So the helicopter went away. The man on the roof prayed for God to save him.

The waters rose higher and higher, and eventually they rose so high that the man on the roof was washed away, and alas, the poor man drowned.

Upon arriving in heaven, the man marched straight over to God. "Heavenly Father," he said, "I had faith in you, I prayed to you to save me, and yet you did nothing. Why?" God gave him a puzzled look, and replied "I sent you two boats and a helicopter, what more did you expect?"

The moral of the story is that God gave us a brain and He expects it to be used. Put another way, in a democracy, we deserve the government that we get and right now our government is screwing up our economy. We are not helpless victims unless we choose to be. We can enjoy life without being stupid.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm prepared, I've got a million in a safe place that can't be touched.

If your million is in gold, silver etc. you may be ok, unless the government decides to seize it. and if it is not in gold or silver and there is an severe economic colapse chances are the dollar will be worthless.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I have another story for you...


The moral of the story is that God gave us a brain and He expects it to be used. Put another way, in a democracy, we deserve the government that we get and right now our government is screwing up our economy. We are not helpless victims unless we choose to be. We can enjoy life without being stupid.

Your puff puff is up it's time to pass that stuff over.
HawksRule Wrote:Your puff puff is up it's time to pass that stuff over.
:thatsfunn I can see why you are rarely on the Political forum. Is that the best you got?
Hoot Gibson Wrote::thatsfunn I can see why you are rarely on the Political forum. Is that the best you got?

Why? Cause I don't like talking poltics. I'd rather caculate a hookers payday then talk poltics.
HawksRule Wrote:Why? Cause I don't like talking poltics. I'd rather caculate a hookers payday then talk poltics.
Even pimps' lives are touched by bad government policies. Unemployed men don't employ many hookers and unemployment is headed upward in case you had not noticed.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Even pimps' lives are touched by bad government policies. Unemployed men don't employ many hookers and unemployment is headed upward in case you had not noticed.

You could turn any conversation to politics couldn't you? I could tell you my girlfriend broke up with me and you'd blame the government. It's 9% now if I'm thinking right?
HawksRule Wrote:You could turn any conversation to politics couldn't you? I could tell you my girlfriend broke up with me and you'd blame the government. It's 9% now if I'm thinking right?
Just a tad over 9%. What is wrong with discussing politics in a political thread, and if you don't like discussing politics then why criticize those who do in a political thread?

Ideally, we could discuss economics without bringing politics into the conversation. Once the government starts meddling in the economy, which it does every day, politics and economics become tangled together. When Obama and the Democrats decide to triple or quadruple the annual budget deficit, it affects all Americans, whether you want to admit it or not.

I have no idea how old you are but when I was in my mid 20s, I bought my first house. Those were the days when the media reported the "misery index" on a regular basis. If you don't think that politicians screwing up the economy is worth discussing, wait until you are faced with mortgage or car finance rates pushing 20 percent with double-digit unemployment and inflation rates.

At some point, your threshold for pain will be reached and you will care that a socialist president is sitting in the White House messing with your paycheck and your family's security.
If half the PIMPS and Crack Heads and Government moochers would get a job instead of being lazy ass bums the unemployment rate would Decrease big time.
Old School Wrote:If your million is in gold, silver etc. you may be ok, unless the government decides to seize it. and if it is not in gold or silver and there is an severe economic colapse chances are the dollar will be worthless.

I've never really understood the notion that somehow one can sort of side step something like economic collapse. The dollar represents America's wealth. And, since our wealth is and has been strong, for the most part, for all of our history as a nation, the other nations of the world invest with us. The point is if we are broke, how does gold or silver still have value since the two's value are based in the dollar? Believe me, I'm not being contentious here with my remarks.

Example, in Germany in 1923 the rate of exchange fell to 8000 marks per dollar. Eventually, food prices had 12 zeros per item, say, a pound of butter was 6,525,000,000,000 marks. If something like that were to happen in the US how would one sell a gold bar? Here's the dollar amount equivalent for a 1000 gram gold bar if hyperinflation such as hit Germany were to occur here, 55,178,000,000,000,000.00 dollars. By my reckoning that is 55 thousand, 178 trillion dollars. Who would have that much money and, why would anyone want dump truck loads of worthless paper dumped in their yard if it was even possible to round that much of the stuff up? I mean, one would need a way to spend it, right? We're screaming bloody murder around here about a mere 14 trillion of debt for the whole nation.

Someone quoted a scripture regarding this matter on here, this one came to mind for me, Ezekiel 7:19 " They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity. " The world wide economic collapse will happen prior to the days of the one world government. ( the global community will coalesce) The exact details really aren't all that important but, that time of testing will come to call. Citizens of the US at one time not so long ago felt in control of this country. Now things feel 'out' of our control. I intend to put up a fight with my vote and yet, I wonder if the irresistable push of prophesy isn't what we are feeling?
Gold and silver will always have value because they can be converted into stable currencies or used to buy goods on the black markets that arise when a nation's official currency becomes worthless.

For those who have never seen them, it is worth searching for images of Germans hauling their money in wheelbarrows and using it as wallpaper in the 1920s. There is no reason to believe that the same thing cannot happen here.
I'm going to go ahead and explain why I think the economic collapse is coming. Again, please look this information up yourself and come up with an answer with your own research. I absolutely don't expect anyone to take mine or Hoot's words on this. Please research this yourself.

Just to give you guys a fair warning, I will be showing quite a few Glenn Beck videos. The reason for this is because to my understanding, he has been the only person on the news who has been warning of a coming economic collapse. Glenn Beck has been a great reference for me to understand our economy better. I personally want to apologize for any political bias that Glenn Beck might show. I want to be clear in that I don't want this issue to be related to politics at all. Please don't let this issue change your political stance. If you don't want to watch these Glenn Beck shows, then please learn this information for yourself in any way you can.

The main cause of the coming economic collapse will be our national debt, which is currently around 14 trillion dollars.

In order to understand our nation's debt problem, let's use a simple example of someone's personal finances. Let's say that I am an incredibly rich person. Smile Let's say that you're a good friend and co-worker of mine. Every day, we eat lunch at an expensive restaurant and talk about the issues at work. One day after eating, I find out that I don't have any money. Therefore, I ask you to pay for my expensive lunch. You pay for my lunch, thinking that it's nothing to worry about since I have plenty of money to pay you back with. Besides, I've paid back every loan that I've been given and you completely trust that I'll pay you back. After about a month of paying for my lunch, you get upset with me. I haven't paid you back yet and, as a matter of fact, I haven't even mentioned it much. Another month passes of paying for my lunch and I still haven't paid you back. Eventually, you're going to become upset with me and you will refuse to loan me money, at least until I pay you back. All of a sudden, I find out that I've been borrowing money from you all this time and I have to pay you back. This enormous debt I owe you forces me to sell a few of my stuff and to have my standard of living lowered.

This is what's happening to our country's finances, except we have borrowed much more money than what a person would spend at any expensive restaurant. Other countries have allowed us to borrow money for years now, trusting that we would pay them back. These other countries are about to demand for us to pay them back, seeing that we haven't made much of an effort to pay them back. When they finally demand us to pay them back, that's when our economy will collapse. We will run out of money and be forced to cut spending / raise taxes.

Something else to talk about is the decline of our currency though "monetizing the debt". I'm going to try to explain this the best I can. Please read carefully because this is very difficult to understand (at least it was for me). If you're able to, please get a dollar bill and look at it. You'll notice on the front of the dollar bill, it will have the words "Federal Reserve Note" on the top. This was put on the dollar bill to tell you that the dollar you're currently holding actually represents something of value that the Federal Reserve Bank or our country has. The dollar bill that you're holding is the promise to you from the Federal Reserve that your dollar bill is truly worth what it says it's worth. The problem is, what happens if our country and the Federal Reserve Bank has less valuables to back up our money? As our country or the Federal Reserve Bank loses the stuff that backs up the value of our money, the dollar bill you're currently holding loses value. This is called "inflation", where prices of products go up and each dollar bill is worth less. This same thing happens if we make more dollar bills, which our country is currently in progress of. After printing a lot of money, it turns into "Hyperinflation", where prices of products can skyrocket enough to where you can't even buy them. Hyperinflation can also empty savings accounts, since dollar bills become worthless.

^ I hope I got that correct. I encourage you to learn this yourself through your own research, just in case if I did make a mistake.

In this following video, Glenn Beck explain both the national debt and the decline of our currency. Please feel free to watch this over and over again. I definitely had to just to understand what Glenn Beck was talking about. Here's the video:

I encourage all of you to watch the news and keep up with the national debt limit. It's very important for you to know what it will mean if the national debt limit isn't increased and why it's even being considered not to raise it. Here are our country's remaining options:

1) Cut spending / raise taxes.
2) Continue spending and not raise national debt limit. (Would lead to economic collapse, link:
3) Continue spending and raise national debt limit. (Would lead to economic collapse. Starts at minute-mark 2:17 of this link:

To my understanding, all of these options will lead to an economic collapse.

I also want to talk about higher interest rates. I found this video recently, and it involves Glenn Beck talking about how inflation leads to higher interest rates. This video also explains why we haven't experienced hyperinflation yet. Here's the video:

Again, please don't take my word for any of this. Please research this yourself.

I hope I didn't leave anything out. Please mention anything to me if I did. And please ask any questions that you might have.

By the way, please also mention any mistakes that I made in this post.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Gold and silver will always have value because they can be converted into stable currencies or used to buy goods on the black markets that arise when a nation's official currency becomes worthless.

For those who have never seen them, it is worth searching for images of Germans hauling their money in wheelbarrows and using it as wallpaper in the 1920s. There is no reason to believe that the same thing cannot happen here.

I certainly see your point. I was thinking the economic collapse looming on the horizon would be global and not just national. Every time a Greece or a Portugal bellies up the machinery gets more fowled and the bailouts more burdensome for the global economies. If we go down, there is no real basis for comparison that one could use to describe such a thing.
Count me as a Hoot supporter. I believe economic collapse can and will be avoided. But it will take the average American voter doing the right thing and voting for politicians that will make the tough decisions to reduce our devastating national debt. No person, no company and no country can indefinitely survive huge amounts of debt. That's Economics 101.

While I've never philosophically agreed with the welfare state in this country, I'll admit that most in favor of big welfare programs due so out of a good heart. They want to help the poor and disadvantaged. That's great. And when our country was more prosperous, it was easier for me to stomach.

But we are not a prosperous nation at this time in our history. We are far from it. What we used to be able to afford, we can no longer afford. We have to drastically cut spending to nothing but the bare essentials. And welfare is not a bare essential for the federal govt. Those needy are going to have to look to their families and churches to get by. That will probably be a good thing. I think such will strengthen the family unit as well as the churches because they will once again become necessities in the lives of many. Much as the federal govt (through all of it's employment regulations) has undermined the need for unions, the federal govt (through all of its welfare programs) has undermined what used to be a big role of the family unit and the church.
If you guys don't mind, I would like to continue posting in this thread. I think there's about a month left until we reach the national debt limit around August 2. To my understanding, the national debt limit can be further delayed. Hopefully, China will continue to give us time before they sell their bonds (which, if they sell their bonds, will force us into an economic collapse).

Recently, I've been trying to find out how bad our economy might become. When reading any of this, please remember that this is only from my own research. Please do your own research about these things and make your own decisions based on your own research.

From the research that I've done of other countries that experienced economic collapses, it seems that we will still be able to buy from stores. Earlier in my posts, I thought as if this coming economic collapse would mean that there wouldn't be any stores available to buy from. I now believe that there will be food available in stores, but I don't think it will be very much at all. I honestly think that when you go to the grocery store during this economic collapse, most of the shelves will be empty. Keep in mind that food prices will go up much higher during the economic depression, especially if our country continues to print money and causes hyperinflation. Because of this, you might not be able to buy much food at all. Therefore, please prepare.

Another thing I would like to mention is that I noticed that both in Argentina's economic collapse that began around 1999 and Zimbabwe's economic trouble with hyperinflation a few years ago (which are the two most recent economic collapses that I've researched about), both economic collapses involved citizens buying stuff from the black market. I personally believe that the black market might appear at least in some parts of our country. I heard that in Argentina's economic crisis, the black market offers more goods and at a lower price, but it could be dangerous near the black market.

About food, I personally recommend all of you to stock up on food. I also encourage you to learn about edible plants, and learn how they can serve as medicine for some people. When learning about edible plants, always be careful! Some plants are poisonous, and you should ALWAYS talk to an expert if you can. If you can't, make sure you know what you're doing! You must research this information yourself!! Just to let you know, there are some edible plants that have look-alikes that are poisonous. Know what plants to eat and what you shouldn't eat. Also know how to prepare the food. And you have to know this information 100% before trying anything. There are poisonous plants that can kill you. I can't emphasize this enough that you must be careful.

Also, learn how to filter and boil water. All of this information that I have given to you will allow you to (1) not worry about buying water and (2) if you learn about edible plants, you don't have to worry about not receiving enough vitamins. Therefore, you can focus on buying protein foods and maybe even milk. If you already have stored food for yourself, then that helps you even more. And the more food you store, the better you can prevent yourself from going hungry.

I also personally recommend getting out of debt, or at least as much as you can. The reason I mention this is because interest rates will be going up. Besides, if food prices go up much higher, it would be much easier on you if you didn't have to worry about paying off a debt.

I'm not sure about this, but you might want to consider buying gold or silver. However, I'm personally cautious about this because I believe the government might confiscate silver and gold during the economic crisis in order to bring some stability to our economy. The reason I mention this is because I personally believe a desperate government will be willing to do desperate things. Although, I do have to say that in my research of past economic collapses, I haven't noticed whether or not the governments of those countries took gold and silver from their citizens, so our government might not.

About protection, I've heard over and over again to buy guns and ammo. I personally hope and pray that none of us will have to use this for protection. Even in self-defense, I can't imagine shooting at someone. Something to keep in mind is that guns might be taken away during this economic collapse. Don't be surprised if they are. Simply follow the law and give up your guns. And I don't imagine that you would be able to hide your firearms since you had to have registered for it. Therefore, I'd say the government will know whether or not you have a gun. And when considering a gun, make sure you see the positive and negative aspects of each gun. Such as a shotgun might protect you in your house. But the thing is, you can't protect yourself with a shotgun when you're standing in the middle of an open field trying to protect yourself from someone with a rifle who happens to be far away from you.

What I personally recommend is that you fortify your home. For your doors, you could buy bullet-proof storm doors (if you're able to afford them). For windows, you could buy window bars or security window film for your windows that might easily be accessible (such as for the windows on your first floor). Just to let you guys know that to my understanding, there are a list of codes that you must follow for firefighters when considering stuff like this. Such as, I don't think you can put window bars on certain parts of your home because this might prevent a firefighter from escaping the house if your house happened to catch on fire. But to be honest, I have no idea about a "code" that you have to follow. This is information that I just recently learned about. Please learn this for yourself.

One way that I plan on using to protect myself is by bringing the community together. By having neighbors who are willing to help you when a thief tries to break into your home is a great way to discourage thieves from ever trying to break into your homes in the first place. Also by uniting the community, this will prevent some in the community from becoming criminals themselves, which will decrease the likeliness that you'll be attacked. This is a great way to protect yourself and the community, which give you even more of a reason to unite the churches when this economic crisis occurs.

I wanted to tell you about filtering and boiling water a little bit. Here's a video:

When making a homemade filter, I heard that you need "activated charcoal". If you would like to know how to make a homemade filter, feel free to pm me and I'll try to explain it to you from what little I know.And don't forget to have a fire starter in order to help you boil water.

About health: From what I understand, rest can be great for a person's health. If you're sick and you have enough time, try to get enough rest. If you don't eat much (from lack of money/food), try drinking extra water. I'm personally not sure, but I read that drinking extra water is good for a person who isn't able to eat enough. For someone who is sick, I can't say whether or not to drink extra water since I'm not a doctor. One thing I can tell you is to make sure your water is clean, whether you bought it or you've filtered and boiled it.

About sanitation and hygiene, I've found out that you can put old clothes outside in the sun for about an hour or two in order to kill any bacteria on them. If you're able to boil water, you can first wash your clothes in that and then let them dry in the sun. There's also some more important information about this, but I prefer not to post it here since it could be disgusting for some. If you want to know more about this, please send me a pm or post a visitor message on my profile. One bit of information that I think is necessary in finding is how to clean your hands before eating, although I'm still trying to look this answer up. This is just in case if I'm out of soap and I know that I have to clean my hands before eating. It would be a great benefit if I'm able to find this information in order to prevent myself from getting sick. During a time when food is tough to get, getting sick could be a very bad detriment. Especially if you're immune system is weak from lack of food.

Again, I encourage you to do your own research about this. Please don't rely only on what I say.

EDIT: By the way, from my own research, I do want to tell you that government services won't be available during the economic collapse (at least at the beginning of it). You can't expect policeman, firefighters, or anyone else to help you during these times. For example, policeman will most likely be forced to hold back riots and, therefore, might not be able to help you.
I hope you guys don't mind, but I thought of quickly explaining how I found out all of this information about the coming economic collapse and about the information I found about bible prophecies. I had realized a few days ago that I didn't tell you guys. Just to give you guys a warning, this post is quite a bit off topic, so if you want to skip from reading this post, I'll completely understand. Just to tell all of you, I will get started again on telling how you can prepare for the coming economic collapse. I have learned some new information that could help you. And since the vote for the national debt limit is only a few days away, I'll make a short list in my next post of what I personally think is the most important information for you to remember.


It all began when I regularly watched Grant Jeffrey's show about Bible Prophecy. Since I've been very interested in Bible Prophecy for the past few years, I watched Grant Jeffrey's show every week for around the past three or four years. Last year after watching one of Grant Jeffrey's shows, he advertized his new book "Shadow Government". His book "Shadow Government" involves Grant Jeffrey talking about how there's a group of people who are trying to create a one-world government, which is what the bible predicts will occur during the Tribulation Period. He also talks about how this group of secret global elite is using surveillance against us in order to create this one-world government... I do have great respect for Grant Jeffrey, but that sounds like an obvious conspiracy theory. And of course, when I watched his advertisement, I immediately thought that he had become a conspiracy theorist.

A few days after that on November 8, 2010, I was watching television and noticed that Glenn Beck's show was on. Since I remembered regularly watching his show a few years earlier, I decided to watch his show. I immediately noticed that he was talking about how a group of people are trying to create a one-world government. I immediately remembered what Grant Jeffrey had said a few days earlier, and I started listening to what both of them were saying. The reason for this is that I personally had a tough time ignoring the fact that they both were talking about the same thing, and that they actually might be trying to tell the truth. I tried to regularly watch Glenn Beck's show afterward.

Another similarity between Grant Jeffrey and Glenn Beck is that they both are predicting an economic collapse in the near future. I researched this myself, and I have found out that the coming economic collapse is unavoidable. Although, I would like to point out that they both have said that this coming economic collapse is very difficult to predict when it will occur.

I've also noticed that Hal Lindsey, another Bible Prophecy teacher just like Grant Jeffrey, seems to also have learned about what Glenn Beck has been talking about. The reason why I came to this conclusion was because Hal Lindsey told his audience to stock up on food because we might have to experience tough times before the rapture occurs. Glenn Beck has also told his audience to stock up on food. A second similarity is that Hal Lindsey believes that we're about to experience an economic collapse, just like Glenn Beck believes.

Lastly, I want to remind everyone that the vote for the national debt ceiling is only a few days away. Please keep up with the news about this. And please continue to prepare.

And as I've said with almost every post I've made involving Glenn Beck, I can never emphasize enough to plead with you that you do your own research yourself about this. If you don't like Glenn Beck, that's fine. It doesn't matter if the messenger is Glenn Beck, Grant Jeffrey, Hal Lindsey, or anyone else. The fact to remember is that their important message is true, and that's what I'm trying to emphasize to you guys about. When it comes to this discussion, it doesn't matter about Republicans, Democrats, or anything else. The only important thing to remember about this discussion is truth. And truth never has an agenda.

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