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Lebron James before the ''Decision''
I was wanting to let everyone know my views on Lebron. When Lebron first started in the league he was my favorite player!! And my 2nd player off all time behind MJ. But when he left Cleveland the way he did. It just made me have a lot of hatred toward to him. But I believe in 2nd chances. So if in any threads you see me bashing or cheering for him. You know why.

And I also want to know who liked Lebron before the decision?
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Ive always been a LBJ fan and always will be
I didn't totally hate him before the decision.
And now I want him to lose every game lol
zaga_fan Wrote:I didn't totally hate him before the decision.
And now I want him to lose every game lol

Haters gonna hate.

I hate the Media Field day with lebron.
Lebron is getting blamed for last nights lose! I expect Lebron to come out and have a huge game 5.
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strongly disliked Lebron before, Hate him now. And will never cheer for him to do anything besides break his legs. (Yes Ballers, Im a hater lol. This is no surprise though Im sure) haha.
Loved LBJ then, love him now. My favorite all time player.
I liked LBJ, one of my favorite players while he was at Cleveland then he went to Miami, I still like him but not as much because I can't stand the Heat.
I can see how some would become mad because he did not notify the Cavs before making the decision on TV but besides that no one has any reason to hate Lebron. He had the earnings from "The decision" donated to charity. So I don't think the way he did it was wrong but just not telling the Cavs before he went on TV. Lebron does not owe Cleavland anything. He wants to win a Championship and he felt he had a better chance long term to win more Championships in Miami.. And who doesnt think he can win more in Miami? During the weeks leading up to the decision he met with each team. It was not his fault the media covered every single meeting making it seem like the process was being drug out. He wanted to explore his options and meet with each team to make sure he had the right fit and made the right choice. I can't blame Lebron for anything he done. I was never a big Lebron fan and still am not but I kind of feel sorry for what he has gone through.
Strikeout King Wrote:I liked LBJ, one of my favorite players while he was at Cleveland then he went to Miami, I still like him but not as much because I can't stand the Heat.

......then get out of the kitchen Big Grin :lmao:
I liked LeBron before and I do after. I just lost a lot of respect for the whole TV event. To me that was classless and unprofessional. It looked as if his ego had its own reality show for an hour.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
Amun-Ra Wrote:I liked LeBron before and I do after. I just lost a lot of respect for the whole TV event. To me that was classless and unprofessional. It looked as if his ego had its own reality show for an hour.

Same here!!
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Like I've said before..
Do you guys' really think that Lebron called ESPN and said "I want to announce where and what I'm doing on your alls' show, so have a buncha cameras and recorders ready.."

I don't think so..
Lebron leaving is a big deal because he's the best player in the league..
And ESPN held the show to announce it to the world for ratings, fans, etc..
First year at Miami and he's in the finals..
Without Lebron, IMO the Heat wouldn't be in the finals..
He wants a championship and that is the only reason he went there..
The more I think about it. I say..

How can you blame a guy for trying to better himself?
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
MisterPerfect Wrote:The more I think about it. I say..

How can you blame a guy for trying to better himself?

There ya' go!
How many people on here were fans of the Heat last year? Probably few if any. I personally can't recall a single person. That's my problem with the Heat, everybody jumped on their bandwagon and act like they've been Heat fans since the cradle. I don't have a problem with any of the players, I just can't root for a team that has everybody jumping on their bandwagon.
Aslan Wrote:How many people on here were fans of the Heat last year? Probably few if any. I personally can't recall a single person. That's my problem with the Heat, everybody jumped on their bandwagon and act like they've been Heat fans since the cradle. I don't have a problem with any of the players, I just can't root for a team that has everybody jumping on their bandwagon.

Hey now, GO back and look at all the threads. How many times did i praise Dwayne Wade Smile.

But then the media started in. And Lebron claimes they could win 7 championships. Oh how i Hope dirk proves them wrong.
Ballers Wrote:Like I've said before..
Do you guys' really think that Lebron called ESPN and said "I want to announce where and what I'm doing on your alls' show, so have a buncha cameras and recorders ready.."

I don't think so..
Lebron leaving is a big deal because he's the best player in the league..
And ESPN held the show to announce it to the world for ratings, fans, etc..
First year at Miami and he's in the finals..
Without Lebron, IMO the Heat wouldn't be in the finals..
He wants a championship and that is the only reason he went there..
That's basically how it look and sounded. It;s a big deal because he is one of the best in the world and he made himself look like a jack ass. He could have said no to ESPN and some class. The whole thing was disrespectful to his teammates in Cleveland.

MisterPerfect Wrote:The more I think about it. I say..

How can you blame a guy for trying to better himself?
Oh I don't blame him for leaving. He wasn't getting it done there and the owner wasn't bringing anyone good to help him. Antwan Jamison really???

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
^Exactly!! lol
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Antwan Jamison was averaging like 13 a game - on good nights LOL....
The guy wasn't doing all that well.
Ballers Wrote:Antwan Jamison was averaging like 13 a game - on good nights LOL....
The guy wasn't doing all that well.

Thats almost Lebrons total for 4th Quarter points in the Finals.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Thats almost Lebrons total for 4th Quarter points in the Finals.

Your jokes aren't even funny Wildcat..
I could understand if we we're referring to JJ Barea or someone that sucks..
But we are talking about The King.
Ballers Wrote:Your jokes aren't even funny Wildcat..
I could understand if we we're referring to JJ Barea or someone that sucks..
But we are talking about The King.

YOur So Called King, Is a servant. Its not funny to you because its true. How does he have 11 points in 5 Quarters!
Ballers Wrote:Your jokes aren't even funny Wildcat..
I could understand if we we're referring to JJ Barea or someone that sucks..
But we are talking about The King.

That's funny because J.J. Barea has exactly as many 4th quarter points as LeRobin this series.
Aslan Wrote:How many people on here were fans of the Heat last year? Probably few if any. I personally can't recall a single person. That's my problem with the Heat, everybody jumped on their bandwagon and act like they've been Heat fans since the cradle. I don't have a problem with any of the players, I just can't root for a team that has everybody jumping on their bandwagon.

The only reason I'm a Heat fan is LeBron. If Kobe left the Lakers, would you not be a fan of his new team? And the Lakers had just as many jump on their bandwagon as the Heat after they won their first title with Kobe and Pau.
LClion4life Wrote:The only reason I'm a Heat fan is LeBron. If Kobe left the Lakers, would you not be a fan of his new team? And the Lakers had just as many jump on their bandwagon as the Heat after they won their first title with Kobe and Pau.

I honestly didn't see too many people jumping on LA's bandwagon, but I understand what you're saying. I'd still be a Laker fan, but I'd also root for where ever Kobe went.
The only thing that kills me with most Miami fans is that they act like they've been Heat fans since the cradle.
I'm still a Cavs fan. I want them to win. BUT, that doesn't look like it's gonna happen anytime soon. Cleveland didn't give LeBron good enough help to win a title IMO and they suffered because of it. They can hate and yell at LeBron all they want, but I'm the end, it comes down to the organization and their bonehead moves like settling for Antawn Jamison when Amare Stoudemire was still on the trading block. I like the Heat, but I love LeBron. I know I'm a new Heat fan, but what aggravates me is when people accuse me of hopping on their bandwagon just because they're good. I'm just like, "Ok, like if you're favorite player went somewhere else you wouldn't root for his new team? Ok."
Aslan Wrote:I honestly didn't see too many people jumping on LA's bandwagon, but I understand what you're saying. I'd still be a Laker fan, but I'd also root for where ever Kobe went.
The only thing that kills me with most Miami fans is that they act like they've been Heat fans since the cradle.

You can't be referring to me..
Because in all honesty.. I don't think Dwayne Wade is the big time player everyone puts him to be..

When Lebron is playing his best, and has a clear head.. His team is unstoppable.. I will admit that he's playing like a girl on the offensive side of things.. But let's be real, if he wants to drive to the goal and has full intent on doing it, he will do it and more than likely score.

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