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Preparing for the Coming Economic Collapse

Today’s federal deficit always seems dangerous and unprecedented. In fact, you need a war to really get a big deficit. The peak deficits came during World War I (16% of GDP in 1919) and World War II (24% in 1945), The deficits of the Great Depression only came to about five percent of GDP, and the big $1.4 trillion deficit for FY 2009 amounted to 13% of GDP.

The difference between the debt accumulated during WWII and today is that the economy following the war boomed and the national debt as a percent of GDP started falling sharply after the war's end.

In contrast, our economy is limping along, teetering on the edge of another recession (if not a depression) but President Obama and his Democratic supporters in Congress think that this country should be borrowing, taxing, and spending even more. The current level of fiscal irresponsibility is unprecedented in this nation's history.
nky Wrote:you're going over the top with this survivalist crap. That's Doom and Gloom and a bit zealot like. Every few years the end of the world, society collapse non scence crops up Y2K anyone? This is another wild goose chase. Unfortunately there will be some who will take it to an extreme and harm themselves or loved ones because they are "true" believes in this type of hype.

Just like you, I don't want anything like that to happen. And I want to be very clear with everyone that reads this thread: You can't get upset at others, force them to prepare, etc. You have to be gentle and compassionate. As a matter of fact, stop trying to convince them for now. When the economic collapse does occur and they realize they're in trouble, that's when you can offer help for them. That's another reason why I'm trying to educate you guys on what you can do, rather than telling you guys what you should buy. If you give a person a fish, they have food for one day. If you teach a person how to fish, they have food for life.

I really think we're going to be just like Greece when this economic collapse occurs. Therefore, there will be people who will be angry and rioting in the streets. Trust me, there's going to be more than enough angry people during the economic collapse. We have to be the people who follow Romans 12:21. We have to be an example of what people should be like, in that they should remain calm, help each other out, and believe in hope for the future.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:Just like you, I don't want anything like that to happen. And I want to be very clear with everyone that reads this thread: You can't get upset at others, force them to prepare, etc. You have to be gentle and compassionate. As a matter of fact, stop trying to convince them for now. When the economic collapse does occur and they realize they're in trouble, that's when you can offer help for them. That's another reason why I'm trying to educate you guys on what you can do, rather than telling you guys what you should buy. If you give a person a fish, they have food for one day. If you teach a person how to fish, they have food for life.

I really think we're going to be just like Greece when this economic collapse occurs. Therefore, there will be people who will be angry and rioting in the streets. Trust me, there's going to be more than enough angry people during the economic collapse. We have to be the people who follow Romans 12:21. We have to be an example of what people should be like, in that they should remain calm, help each other out, and believe in hope for the future.

Well said, Deathstar 80.
Ballers Wrote:Well said, Deathstar 80.

Thanks Ballers!

Hoot Gibson Wrote:The difference between the debt accumulated during WWII and today is that the economy following the war boomed and the national debt as a percent of GDP started falling sharply after the war's end.

In contrast, our economy is limping along, teetering on the edge of another recession (if not a depression) but President Obama and his Democratic supporters in Congress think that this country should be borrowing, taxing, and spending even more. The current level of fiscal irresponsibility is unprecedented in this nation's history.

Hoot Gibson, I was just curious. Back around the time of World War II, how did we have a booming economy? Can we do the same thing we did around World War II and have a booming economy today? I know that everyone has different philosophies on how to fix the economy, but I was just curious in what they did back then around World War II.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:Just like you, I don't want anything like that to happen. And I want to be very clear with everyone that reads this thread: You can't get upset at others, force them to prepare, etc. You have to be gentle and compassionate. As a matter of fact, stop trying to convince them for now. When the economic collapse does occur and they realize they're in trouble, that's when you can offer help for them. That's another reason why I'm trying to educate you guys on what you can do, rather than telling you guys what you should buy. If you give a person a fish, they have food for one day. If you teach a person how to fish, they have food for life.

I really think we're going to be just like Greece when this economic collapse occurs. Therefore, there will be people who will be angry and rioting in the streets. Trust me, there's going to be more than enough angry people during the economic collapse. We have to be the people who follow Romans 12:21. We have to be an example of what people should be like, in that they should remain calm, help each other out, and believe in hope for the future.
Europe made a mistake when they permitted Greece to join the EU and the Euro. Their economy was a sham then and should never have been let in. It was a disaster waiting to happen. It's like giving a drunk the keys to the distillery and telling him not to open the door.
Here are some videos for a more modern-day plan for the coming economic collapse. From what I understand, I think these videos are more for urban living than rural living, but it can also in some ways be applied to rural living as well. All of these videos came from

These next four videos involve an interview with a person named Fernando "Ferfal" Aguirre, an Argentinian who experienced the Agrentina hyperinflation crisis of 1999-2002. He currently continues to live in Argentina. Just to warn all of you, the first two videos here does involve cussing, adult content, and talks about politics. If I can remember correctly, I'm pretty sure the other videos don't have that. And as I always say, please don't let these videos determine your political stance. I don't want this thread to be about politics in any way. Here are the videos:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

This following video talks about crime during the Argentinian economic collapse of 1999-2002.

If you're interested, here's a website that Fernando Aguirre made:

I personally find these next two videos interesting. The next two videos involve an interview with Gary Yantis, the author of the book Infinite Dangers: The Family Survival Guide of 21st Century Dangers. Here are the two videos:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Just to let everyone know, there's a lot of information that I won't be able to post here. I greatly encourage you to do your own research about this. So far, I've given five websites that can help you. Please use these websites. And to warn you guys again, these websites do have adult content, cussing, and political views on at least some of their videos.

Just in case you might've missed them, here they are again:

Death star you do know that this type of end of civilization has been around well since the dawn of civilization. Survivalist are just the next in a long line of Armageddon prophets in resent times we have:
1.End of Oil Could Fuel 'End of Civilization
2. increasing cyber attach you'll start to see more end of the world talk because of how connected to the Internet
3. H1N1 pandemic, Bird Flu, Sars, and a host of other Global pandemic
4. Those from the 1970's may remember the coming Ice Age
5. Hale Bopp
6.The booming population - How much more can the earth hold-overpopulation are presumed to lead to a global civil war
7.super bacteria that are Antibiotic resistance
8. Peak food- droughts plus overpopulation
9. Y2K- why anyone would fill their garage with toilet paper is beyond me
10. December 21, 2012
11. read why that idiot in Norway did what he did plus others who keep claiming race wars are coming (Charlie Manson anyone?)

These are just in the last 40 years and there are more. The current debt "crisis" is just another issue that Doom and gloomer latch onto. Be careful what you take as "truth" are they trying to sell you something or do they always talk about a certain website/business? That's a great guerrilla advertising tool.
NKY, I have to say I never talk to you but your post makes the most sense IMO.
Not to mention, it makes me feel better about our future, lol.
Ballers Wrote:NKY, I have to say I never talk to you but your post makes the most sense IMO.
Not to mention, it makes me feel better about our future, lol.
nky Wrote:Death star you do know that this type of end of civilization has been around well since the dawn of civilization. Survivalist are just the next in a long line of Armageddon prophets in resent times we have:
1.End of Oil Could Fuel 'End of Civilization
2. increasing cyber attach you'll start to see more end of the world talk because of how connected to the Internet
3. H1N1 pandemic, Bird Flu, Sars, and a host of other Global pandemic
4. Those from the 1970's may remember the coming Ice Age
5. Hale Bopp
6.The booming population - How much more can the earth hold-overpopulation are presumed to lead to a global civil war
7.super bacteria that are Antibiotic resistance
8. Peak food- droughts plus overpopulation
9. Y2K- why anyone would fill their garage with toilet paper is beyond me
10. December 21, 2012
11. read why that idiot in Norway did what he did plus others who keep claiming race wars are coming (Charlie Manson anyone?)

These are just in the last 40 years and there are more. The current debt "crisis" is just another issue that Doom and gloomer latch onto. Be careful what you take as "truth" are they trying to sell you something or do they always talk about a certain website/business? That's a great guerrilla advertising tool.

I completely understand what you're saying. When I claim that an economic collapse is coming, it really does sound like a conspiracy theory. But please listen to the facts that I've presented in my claim. And please remember that countries in the past have experienced economic collapses before, and the fact that we aren't an exception.

nky, I'm asking you to please at least store 2 weeks to a month of extra canned food. And IF this economic collapse does occur, then please remember to unite the churches. That's all I'm asking you to do.

If I'm wrong about this, then all that will happen to you is that you'll have some extra food and some useless information that I've taught you. And you and everyone else here on can go ahead and make fun of me all you want until you run me off of this website. If we go through the next year without experiencing an economic collapse, then you can go ahead and call me a fear-mongering fruitloop of a conspiracy theorist for the rest of your career. But if I'm right about this, then you'll be prepared for tough times. And besides, you'll be able to come back to this thread and look up information (if we still have internet service and electricity).

I believe that an economic collapse is coming because I've researched it myself. If no one can point out a mistake in my claim of post #26 of this thread, then it's only logical for me to continue to believe in it.

Again, please continue to watch the news about our national debt. They've talked about a possible default of our debt, and now they're talking about how our nation's credit rating could be downgraded.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I completely understand what you're saying. When I claim that an economic collapse is coming, it really does sound like a conspiracy theory. But please listen to the facts that I've presented in my claim. And please remember that countries in the past have experienced economic collapses before, and the fact that we aren't an exception.

nky, I'm asking you to please at least store 2 weeks to a month of extra canned food. And IF this economic collapse does occur, then please remember to unite the churches. That's all I'm asking you to do.

If I'm wrong about this, then all that will happen to you is that you'll have some extra food and some useless information that I've taught you. And you and everyone else here on can go ahead and make fun of me all you want until you run me off of this website. If we go through the next year without experiencing an economic collapse, then you can go ahead and call me a fear-mongering fruitloop of a conspiracy theorist for the rest of your career. But if I'm right about this, then you'll be prepared for tough times. And besides, you'll be able to come back to this thread and look up information (if we still have internet service and electricity).

I believe that an economic collapse is coming because I've researched it myself. If no one can point out a mistake in my claim of post #26 of this thread, then it's only logical for me to continue to believe in it.

Again, please continue to watch the news about our national debt. They've talked about a possible default of our debt, and now they're talking about how our nation's credit rating could be downgraded.
two weeks of food? If we get what you claim you'll need more than two weeks. Glenn Beck has a years worth under his bed:thanks:
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I'm going to go ahead and explain why I think the economic collapse is coming. Again, please look this information up yourself and come up with an answer with your own research. I absolutely don't expect anyone to take mine or Hoot's words on this. Please research this yourself.

Just to give you guys a fair warning, I will be showing quite a few Glenn Beck videos. The reason for this is because to my understanding, he has been the only person on the news who has been warning of a coming economic collapse. Glenn Beck has been a great reference for me to understand our economy better. I personally want to apologize for any political bias that Glenn Beck might show. I want to be clear in that I don't want this issue to be related to politics at all. Please don't let this issue change your political stance. If you don't want to watch these Glenn Beck shows, then please learn this information for yourself in any way you can.

The main cause of the coming economic collapse will be our national debt, which is currently around 14 trillion dollars.

In order to understand our nation's debt problem, let's use a simple example of someone's personal finances. Let's say that I am an incredibly rich person. Smile Let's say that you're a good friend and co-worker of mine. Every day, we eat lunch at an expensive restaurant and talk about the issues at work. One day after eating, I find out that I don't have any money. Therefore, I ask you to pay for my expensive lunch. You pay for my lunch, thinking that it's nothing to worry about since I have plenty of money to pay you back with. Besides, I've paid back every loan that I've been given and you completely trust that I'll pay you back. After about a month of paying for my lunch, you get upset with me. I haven't paid you back yet and, as a matter of fact, I haven't even mentioned it much. Another month passes of paying for my lunch and I still haven't paid you back. Eventually, you're going to become upset with me and you will refuse to loan me money, at least until I pay you back. All of a sudden, I find out that I've been borrowing money from you all this time and I have to pay you back. This enormous debt I owe you forces me to sell a few of my stuff and to have my standard of living lowered.

This is what's happening to our country's finances, except we have borrowed much more money than what a person would spend at any expensive restaurant. Other countries have allowed us to borrow money for years now, trusting that we would pay them back. These other countries are about to demand for us to pay them back, seeing that we haven't made much of an effort to pay them back. When they finally demand us to pay them back, that's when our economy will collapse. We will run out of money and be forced to cut spending / raise taxes.

Something else to talk about is the decline of our currency though "monetizing the debt". I'm going to try to explain this the best I can. Please read carefully because this is very difficult to understand (at least it was for me). If you're able to, please get a dollar bill and look at it. You'll notice on the front of the dollar bill, it will have the words "Federal Reserve Note" on the top. This was put on the dollar bill to tell you that the dollar you're currently holding actually represents something of value that the Federal Reserve Bank or our country has. The dollar bill that you're holding is the promise to you from the Federal Reserve that your dollar bill is truly worth what it says it's worth. The problem is, what happens if our country and the Federal Reserve Bank has less valuables to back up our money? As our country or the Federal Reserve Bank loses the stuff that backs up the value of our money, the dollar bill you're currently holding loses value. This is called "inflation", where prices of products go up and each dollar bill is worth less. This same thing happens if we make more dollar bills, which our country is currently in progress of. After printing a lot of money, it turns into "Hyperinflation", where prices of products can skyrocket enough to where you can't even buy them. Hyperinflation can also empty savings accounts, since dollar bills become worthless.

^ I hope I got that correct. I encourage you to learn this yourself through your own research, just in case if I did make a mistake.

In this following video, Glenn Beck explain both the national debt and the decline of our currency. Please feel free to watch this over and over again. I definitely had to just to understand what Glenn Beck was talking about. Here's the video:

I encourage all of you to watch the news and keep up with the national debt limit. It's very important for you to know what it will mean if the national debt limit isn't increased and why it's even being considered not to raise it. Here are our country's remaining options:

1) Cut spending / raise taxes.
2) Continue spending and not raise national debt limit. (Would lead to economic collapse, link:
3) Continue spending and raise national debt limit. (Would lead to economic collapse. Starts at minute-mark 2:17 of this link:

To my understanding, all of these options will lead to an economic collapse.

I also want to talk about higher interest rates. I found this video recently, and it involves Glenn Beck talking about how inflation leads to higher interest rates. This video also explains why we haven't experienced hyperinflation yet. Here's the video:

Again, please don't take my word for any of this. Please research this yourself.

I hope I didn't leave anything out. Please mention anything to me if I did. And please ask any questions that you might have.

By the way, please also mention any mistakes that I made in this post.
These are not signs pointing to the collaspe of our civilization. This is someone who takes various crumbs and puts them togather and hypes it up for ratings (kind of what the news media does everyday-ever wonder why everything is breaking new?)
The points that are being made are the same points that the anti-Federal Reserve/Federal Reserve conspiracies always make It's no new and really not related to the current debt ceiling kind of blurring multiple conspierices to get a new one. Here's an interesting read on some of this

The real problem is Washington and the politician unwillingness to act in the best interest of the country instead of working on getting re-elected. We need the politicians to act like adults not party mouth pieces. Cut spending, stop spending, and start to back off all the entitlements. They need to stop the "scare" tatics. It's not the end of the world with or without the debt ceiling. Mass riots will not happen if we default unless the American people start to hold the politicians accountable but the American people are apathtic and very short sighted.
If anyone is so concerned don't just stock pile food, stock pile hard trade able commodities- generators, hand tools, and the like. Things that you can trade for other things. Myself I'll be living my life with my family and not woorying about any of this:thanks:
I thought of a way to explain our current economy. Here are the only three options that we currently have:

1) Cut spending / raise taxes.
2) Continue spending and don't raise debt ceiling.
3) Continue spending and raise debt ceiling.

Now that you know the three options that our country has, please choose the one that you would want our government to choose. But be careful in your decision, because it might cause an economic collapse. I'll explain when you choose.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I thought of a way to explain our current economy. Here are the only three options that we currently have:

1) Cut spending / raise taxes.
2) Continue spending and don't raise debt ceiling.
3) Continue spending and raise debt ceiling.

Now that you know the three options that our country has, please choose the one that you would want our government to choose. But be careful in your decision, because it might cause an economic collapse. I'll explain when you choose.
Congress will choose #3- they love to spend and have raised the debt ceiling 40 times since 1980
#2 will lead to defaults not a bad thing but political suicide for both sides
#1 Cutting spending/budget is a good start but raising taxes will cause the economy to stagnate more - tough to get re-elected saying you raised taxes (read my lips and all)

Better option- Cut spending-current and future,reel in entitlements. modify Social Security (raise retirement age to 70+, root out the waste and fraud in the system), Health Care issue needs to be fixed (that includes Obama Care, Medicare, and other federal programs on health), Cut government- remove the Department of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Energy, Homeland Security. Go to a flat tax and close all tax loop holds- you make x amount of money you pay a certain percent to Uncle Sam.
Go ahead and raise the debt ceiling it's an artificial number anyway
Been stocking up on Ammo for a while now. I can Kill it. I can catch. & I can grow it. And all that is without Ammo. The Ammo is for the ones trying to steal it! :Angry07::USAFlag:

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
nky Wrote:Congress will choose #3- they love to spend and have raised the debt ceiling 40 times since 1980
#2 will lead to defaults not a bad thing but political suicide for both sides
#1 Cutting spending/budget is a good start but raising taxes will cause the economy to stagnate more - tough to get re-elected saying you raised taxes (read my lips and all)

Better option- Cut spending-current and future,reel in entitlements. modify Social Security (raise retirement age to 70+, root out the waste and fraud in the system), Health Care issue needs to be fixed (that includes Obama Care, Medicare, and other federal programs on health), Cut government- remove the Department of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Energy, Homeland Security. Go to a flat tax and close all tax loop holds- you make x amount of money you pay a certain percent to Uncle Sam.
Go ahead and raise the debt ceiling it's an artificial number anyway

The reason why I asked that question is because from my research, all of those options would cause trouble for our nation.

1) Cut spending / raise taxes.

From what I understand about Greece, they had too much national debt. Therefore, they had to cut spending in order to pay back the money that they had borrowed. When their government cut spending, the people rioted in the streets. Here's a video:

I'm not sure if their economy is collapsing or not, but I do know that their citizens are upset with the government specifically because of the government spending cuts. But from my research, they may have other reasons for rioting as well. If it's true that Greece is currently experiencing an economic collapse, then we will experience an economic collapse as well just like Greece is.

2) Continue spending and don't raise debt ceiling.

According to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, defaulting on our debt would be very bad for our economy. I found a video back when the debt limit was about to be reached around May 16 of this year, but Timothy Geithner later found a way to move that day to August 2, which is just a week away. In his own words, he said "Even a very short-term or limited default would have catastrophic economic consequences that would last for decades."

Here's the video:

3) Continue spending and raise national debt limit.

This third option simply delays the trouble that we're about to experience. And if we continue to spend as much as we want, eventually the people we owe money to will get the idea that we're never going to repay them. Therefore, they would refuse to let us borrow any more money. This will make us just like Greece in that we'll be forced to cut government spending / raise taxes.


Saying all of this, the coming trouble is unavoidable. I'm simply saying that our country has borrowed money in the past, and it's now time for our country to pay that money back.
Using Greece is an example is a terrible mistake. There is no comparison to what Greece or Spain or Ireland are compared to the scope and size of the US's economy.
Greece's largest industry is Tourism who wants to see Greek temples with riots going on?
Using these countries as examples of potential issues in the US is reckless at best
nky Wrote:Using Greece is an example is a terrible mistake. There is no comparison to what Greece or Spain or Ireland are compared to the scope and size of the US's economy.
Greece's largest industry is Tourism who wants to see Greek temples with riots going on?
Using these countries as examples of potential issues in the US is reckless at best

The rules of running an economy count for our country as well as Greece and all the other countries of the world. Simply, if you borrow money, you have to pay it back. If you print more money, your currency becomes more worthless.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:The rules of running an economy count for our country as well as Greece and all the other countries of the world. Simply, if you borrow money, you have to pay it back. If you print more money, your currency becomes more worthless.
So you think Greece and the US have the same standing globally in the full confidence in our respected economic systems?
OffTheHook Wrote:Been stocking up on Ammo for a while now. I can Kill it. I can catch. & I can grow it. And all that is without Ammo. The Ammo is for the ones trying to steal it! :Angry07::USAFlag:

I don't have a gun, but if I need one I now know who to hit up! lol
I'm more afraid of alien invasion or Dec 21, 2012 then anything armageddon resulting from the raising or not raising of the debt ceiling.

Have we not learned anything in the last 3 years? TARP and Stimulus?
nky Wrote:So you think Greece and the US have the same standing globally in the full confidence in our respected economic systems?

Not at all. The US obviously has a much bigger economy than Greece, and investors would obviously have more confidence in the US than Greece. But what I'm saying is that just because we have a big economy doesn't mean that the rules of economics doesn't work on us.

Again, all I'm saying is that we've borrowed money in the past and we now have to pay for that. I'm also saying that the Federal Reserve is buying our bonds, which is devaluing our currency.

And I want to make it clear that I'm not sure what would happen if we didn't raise the national debt ceiling, but I've shown you a video where US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner clearly said that it would have "catastrophic economic consequences".
I'm trying my best to find plants that could possibly be used for medicine. I'm having a very tough time with this, and I admit that I have to do a very good job of research on this. I've asked someone who was raised in Kentucky of what herbal remedies they used when they were young, and this was the list I received:

1) Peppermint (for colds, nausea)
2) Mullin [I could've misspelled this wrong] (for a cough medicine, bee stings, arthritis)
3) Swamp Dogwood (for back aches)
4) Bear Vine (for kidneys)
5) Pennoril [I could've misspelled this wrong] (colds)
6) Catnip Plant (for colds, hives for babies)
7) Birtch Tree Bark (for nausea)
8) Sasaphras Tea / Spring Tonic (I'm not sure what they used this for)

Again, please do your own research about this. I haven't done any research about this yet. This is only the information that I've received in an interview I had.

From what I understand, some of the plants from my videos above that are from also can be used for medicine. But again, please do your own research. I'll try my best to do my research and I'll try to post it here. Again, please be careful about this. Please don't simply go to a plant and eat it. And please definitely talk to a professional first if you're able to.

As I always say, there are poisonous plants that can harm you when you eat them. And there are plants that can even kill you. Please be careful. Make sure you know what you're doing. If you're able to, PLEASE talk to a professional. And I think there might even be a unique way you have to prepare the plant you're about to eat before you can eat it.

I know that the above list of herbal remedies might not help with some of the major medical problems, but I thought of mentioning these herbal remedies because they might help with the symptoms.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I'm trying my best to find plants that could possibly be used for medicine. I'm having a very tough time with this, and I admit that I have to do a very good job of research on this. I've asked someone who was raised in Kentucky of what herbal remedies they used when they were young, and this was the list I received:

1) Peppermint (for colds, nausea)
2) Mullin [I could've misspelled this wrong] (for a cough medicine, bee stings, arthritis)
3) Swamp Dogwood (for back aches)
4) Bear Vine (for kidneys)
5) Pennoril [I could've misspelled this wrong] (colds)
6) Catnip Plant (for colds, hives for babies)
7) Birtch Tree Bark (for nausea)
8) Sasaphras Tea / Spring Tonic (I'm not sure what they used this for)

Again, please do your own research about this. I haven't done any research about this yet. This is only the information that I've received in an interview I had.

From what I understand, some of the plants from my videos above that are from also can be used for medicine. But again, please do your own research. I'll try my best to do my research and I'll try to post it here. Again, please be careful about this. Please don't simply go to a plant and eat it. And please definitely talk to a professional first if you're able to.

As I always say, there are poisonous plants that can harm you when you eat them. And there are plants that can even kill you. Please be careful. Make sure you know what you're doing. If you're able to, PLEASE talk to a professional. And I think there might even be a unique way you have to prepare the plant you're about to eat before you can eat it.

I know that the above list of herbal remedies might not help with some of the major medical problems, but I thought of mentioning these herbal remedies because they might help with the symptoms.

I'm trying to research this, but I'm still having a tough time. I have learned that they may involve some dangerous ingredients. Therefore, please talk to a professional first before trying any remedies. Please don't just trust your own research about this, but please talk to a professional.

I'm not really sure, but you might be able to talk to your local Native Plant Society. For those of you who live in Kentucky, here's a link to their website.

Just now, I've found an interesting website. It's the Native Plant and Wildflower Societies of Eastern United States. There's also the Native Plant and Wildflower Societies of Southern United States. They have a webpage for each of the regions of the United States, which can be seen here.

Just to let everyone know, this looks to me like it might be a Wikipedia version for plants. I'm not sure how reliable it is, but it does look like it has a lot of information.

Once you click on the region of the United States that you want to research, all you need to do is click on the "Plants" tab on the top menu. There, it will show you a wide-range of different types of plants. On that website, you can look up "Herbal medicine" and "Poisonous precautions". You will even be able to look up "Fruits, nuts, berries" and "Vegetables, herbs and spices". But again, I'm not sure if this is a reliable source or not. Please talk to a professional about medicinal plants. Please don't take this information from a website or anything.

Here's an example of an edible plant found on this website:

Common Dandelion

This will probably be the last information that I give to all of you. I could continuously post here, but it's simply too much information. I've given you five websites in an above post, and I deeply encourage you to do your own research. The next thing I recommend all of you to do is to stock up on essentials that you need. If anyone has any questions, I'll be glad to answer in any way I can.

Again, here are the different sources that I've used for this thread, and that I encourage you to look for yourself:

don't for get to plant some fruit trees maybe a few nut ones also
One of my favorite web sites is It is not a "survivalist" web site but it does have a section on survival. You can learn to do almost anything on the web site from making a duck tape hammock to building your own laser engraver. I highly recommend it - especially if you are a do-it-yourselfer or just interested in becoming handier around the house.
I've found a video that some of you might be interested in seeing:

27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="howcastplayer">
How To Survive Total Economic Collapse on Howcast

The downgrade on our national credit rating by S&P is another sign that the economic collapse is coming.

China is telling us to cut more of our government spending:

From what I understand, China is one of the last countries that is allowing us to borrow their money. If that's true and they stop letting us borrow money, then we will be in an economic collapse.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I've found a video that some of you might be interested in seeing:

27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="howcastplayer">
How To Survive Total Economic Collapse on Howcast

The downgrade on our national credit rating by S&P is another sign that the economic collapse is coming.

China is telling us to cut more of our government spending:

From what I understand, China is one of the last countries that is allowing us to borrow their money. If that's true and they stop letting us borrow money, then we will be in an economic collapse.

Well maybe when we quit feeding there children we will have enough money to not collapse/

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