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Republicans Just worried about the Election in 2012
Not only has the 14th Amendment been kicked around as a way the President can "get" around the debt issue some Democrats have suggest having the mint create some trillion dollars coins- A little-known statute gives the secretary of the Treasury the authority to issue platinum coins in any denomination including the Trillion dollar coin (wonder who's face they'll use?)
If that isn't weird enough some have suggest selling "options" on government lands to raise $2 trillion dollars. Those options would be repaid once the "crisis" is over.
[QUOTE=Hoot Gibson;1217926]I am not sure why the Libyan War was brought up, I mentioned it first - but it is an illustration of the contempt in which Obama holds the US Constitution and duly enacted federal laws. Many Democrats are already urging Obama to act without Congressional authority and to claim that he must raise the debt ceiling because of the 14th Amendment. Doing so would be an impeachable offense but there is no way that Democrats will impeach this would-be dictator.[/QUOTE]

I sort of got you involved with that Hoot, sorry about that. People keep grumbling about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan as being unfunded. It's a democratic talking point and I was just pointing out that Bush actually went to Congress and got a bipartisan okeydoke to invade. That same congress voted to appropriate funding for those wars too, as I recall. Matter of fact, of the three Senators standing up to defend the senate's having tabled the second house bill last night, Reid and Schumer both voted yes on that very resolution. As you pointed out Libya is an unfunded war based entirely on Obama's authority as he did not bother to go before the US Congress with the matter.

He has yet to seek approval from the congress and has informed them that the Libyan action doesn't require approval under the war powers act. How can he do this? He simply sent congress a 'redefined' version (according to his own infinite wisdom) of what the act actually means and when it applies, ah yes, it's good to be King!
[quote=nky]Not only has the 14th Amendment been kicked around as a way the President can "get" around the debt issue some Democrats have suggest having the mint create some trillion dollars coins- A little-known statute gives the secretary of the Treasury the authority to issue platinum coins in any denomination including the Trillion dollar coin (wonder who's face they'll use?)
If that isn't weird enough some have suggest selling "options" on government lands to raise $2 trillion dollars. Those options would be repaid once the "crisis" is over.[/QUOTE]

That'll get all the Imams lined up!
TheRealThing Wrote:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am not sure why the Libyan War was brought up, I mentioned it first - but it is an illustration of the contempt in which Obama holds the US Constitution and duly enacted federal laws. Many Democrats are already urging Obama to act without Congressional authority and to claim that he must raise the debt ceiling because of the 14th Amendment. Doing so would be an impeachable offense but there is no way that Democrats will impeach this would-be dictator.

I sort of got you involved with that Hoot, sorry about that. People keep grumbling about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan as being unfunded. It's a democratic talking point and I was just pointing out that Bush actually went to Congress and got a bipartisan okeydoke to invade. That same congress voted to appropriate funding for those wars too, as I recall. Matter of fact, of the three Senators standing up to defend the senate's having tabled the second house bill last night, Reid and Schumer both voted yes on that very resolution. As you pointed out Libya is an unfunded war based entirely on Obama's authority as he did not bother to go before the US Congress with the matter.

He has yet to seek approval from the congress and has informed them that the Libyan action doesn't require approval under the war powers act. How can he do this? He simply sent congress a 'redefined' version (according to his own infinite wisdom) of what the act actually means and when it applies, ah yes, it's good to be King!
No problem, I am glad that you did bring it up. Obama has shown that he has no respect for federal laws and Democrats have shown that they have no shame when applying double standards to Bush and Obama. Most of the same liberals who condemned Bush and accused him of misleading the public on the reasons for invading Iraq have not made a peep in response to Obama's illegal war in Libya.

If Bush had unilaterally raised the debt ceiling at the time when Obama was voting against raising it and saying that raising the limit was proof of a lack of leadership in the White House, he would have been impeached (and rightfully so). It is amazing that Nancy Pelosi is openly encouraging Obama to take such an unconstitutional action that would undermine the constitutional role of the House of Representatives.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No problem, I am glad that you did bring it up. Obama has shown that he has no respect for federal laws and Democrats have shown that they have no shame when applying double standards to Bush and Obama. Most of the same liberals who condemned Bush and accused him of misleading the public on the reasons for invading Iraq have not made a peep in response to Obama's illegal war in Libya.

If Bush had unilaterally raised the debt ceiling at the time when Obama was voting against raising it and saying that raising the limit was proof of a lack of leadership in the White House, he would have been impeached (and rightfully so). It is amazing that Nancy Pelosi is openly encouraging Obama to take such an unconstitutional action that would undermine the constitutional role of the House of Representatives.

It is remarkably self serving. Then again, we are talking about the same Nancy Pelosi who shortly after her ascention to the speakership went to Palestine on her own and tried to broker a deal to settle the 4000 year long Middle Eastern dispute between Israel and the Arab world. If you'll recall she made a triumphant return to the US proclaiming success, only to be laughed to scorn short days later after she returned home. Here is a link to an article you might enjoy Hoot -------
Benchwarmer Wrote:Lord that damn Democratic Presidents trying to help the poor get some kind of insurance. The to hell with them mentality is at it again. It had to be democrats that tried to help someone that was not part of the rich that get tax breaks that can afford to get their own insurance. Poor little babies that get cut !8% of their gross income instead of making 10,000,000 a year I'm making 8,200,00 a year after tax cuts. Poor things. While someone that makes minimum wage and works 40 hours a week. How dare those working people that make minimum wage and work 40 hours a week take home not 15,080 dollar's but 11,310 dollars after taxes. How dare the government try to help them. it had to be the other side that caused this.

I agree that's a hard way to go. I worked 40 hours a week and any overtime I could manage when I started my career, minimum wage back then was 65 cents an hour. My check was somewhere around 30 dollars a week. With that 30 dollars I was able to buy a car and attend college for 3 years before I decided to enter the work force as a union carpenter. It never occurred to me to foam at mouth because the government hadn't done enough for the poor.

I remember when the worm turned for the financial fortunes of this country. Lyndon Baines Johnson threw a noose around the growth explosion of those days when he encumbered those that worked with the financial burdens of those who didn't. The idea was that we were going to have to help them anyway so why not organize welfare into something that sounded better, The Great Society sounded noble enouglh and we bought the troubles of the poor at that point. The trouble with that idea was that there was no way to limit the give aways, and no way to draw a line in the sand.

Now we see the end of the story. After 75 debt ceiling hikes and a natiional debt that soared from around 500 billion in the late 60's to 14.5 trillion at present. Then the straw that broke the camel's back was 9/11, we lost 3 trillion dollars from our economy and that used up all our slack. That added to the snail paced financial growth of the last several years and we have hit the wall.

Democrats and republicans went along with the whole thing. We have seen the noose tighten since LBJ first threw it and now we have to react. That's where we are right now with all the theatrics provided by politicians. The only way this country can survive and maybe even return to the prosperous days I remember from the 60's is to revive GROWTH. When jobs are available America functions well. Think about it. We just threw 800 billion dollars down a rat hole trying to revive the enonomy Obama's way. I believe we should get back on the horse that brung us, and quit experimenting.
TheRealThing Wrote:I agree that's a hard way to go. I worked 40 hours a week and any overtime I could manage when I started my career, minimum wage back then was 65 cents an hour. My check was somewhere around 30 dollars a week. With that 30 dollars I was able to buy a car and attend college for 3 years before I decided to enter the work force as a union carpenter. It never occurred to me to foam at mouth because the government hadn't done enough for the poor.

I remember when the worm turned for the financial fortunes of this country. Lyndon Baines Johnson threw a noose around the growth explosion of those days when he encumbered those that worked with the financial burdens of those who didn't. The idea was that we were going to have to help them anyway so why not organize welfare into something that sounded better, The Great Society sounded noble enouglh and we bought the troubles of the poor at that point. The trouble with that idea was that there was no way to limit the give aways, and no way to draw a line in the sand.

Now we see the end of the story. After 75 debt ceiling hikes and a natiional debt that soared from around 500 billion in the late 60's to 14.5 trillion at present. Then the straw that broke the camel's back was 9/11, we lost 3 trillion dollars from our economy and that used up all our slack. That added to the snail paced financial growth of the last several years and we have hit the wall.

Democrats and republicans went along with the whole thing. We have seen the noose tighten since LBJ first threw it and now we have to react. That's where we are right now with all the theatrics provided by politicians. The only way this country can survive and maybe even return to the prosperous days I remember from the 60's is to revive GROWTH. When jobs are available America functions well. Think about it. We just threw 800 billion dollars down a rat hole trying to revive the enonomy Obama's way. I believe we should get back on the horse that brung us, and quit experimenting.
If you are referring to the "stimulus package" of 762 billion, how soon you Republicans forget that the stimulus package was Bush's baby.
TheRealVille Wrote:If you are referring to the "stimulus package" of 762 billion, how soon you Republicans forget that the stimulus package was Bush's baby.

Actually I was referring to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. ESTIMATED to cost 787 billion at the time of passage. Many economists think the cost will be much higher, if you want to quibble over 13 billion I figure that's probably your best shot. Though I feel no malace toward you Realville, like I said, I lived through the time frame in question and I paid close attention. I know the optimism of those days when any tradesman worth his salt could reasonably expect to build three houses and the third one would be his free and clear. I have witnessed the transformation of our land. Anybody that was not here for the decade of the 60's couldn't possibly know the exhilaration of the reality of the American Dream.

Here's a link for the entire projected stimulus spending breakdown

You can call Bush the daddy of it (ARRA2009) if you want to, but these educators are demanding paternity tests, see article link follows,

As is obivious they paint the dems pushing the legislation while reluctant republicans were dragged by their heels. If you use the CLICK HERE link on the EDITOR'S NOTE (first paragraph) there is more accolades given Obama and the dems for 'stimulating' the education field.
TheRealVille Wrote:If you are referring to the "stimulus package" of 762 billion, how soon you Republicans forget that the stimulus package was Bush's baby.
You are a veritable fountain of liberal disinformation. Maybe Republicans forgot this fact because it was never really a fact. Not even Barack Obama has tried to disown his own stimulus act. Where were you all these past months as Obama and his crack (cocaine, maybe?) economic team defended the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. This bill was passed by a Democratically controlled House of Representatives and a Democratically controlled Senate at the urging of a left wing Democratic President Barack Hussein Obama, who claimed that our unemployment rate would soar above 8 percent (gasp!) if Congress did not pass the bill.

Do you honestly believe that Obama and his liberal Democratic cronies would have been defended ARRA if it had been "Bush's baby?" Trust me on this one, RV, I had one of those stimulus jobs that Obama boasts about. Like so many others whose jobs were created at a cost of $280,000+ each, I am currently unemployed myself. ARRA was nothing but an expensive sham that did little but make the economic mess and mushrooming federal debt worse. Ironically, my job was funded directly by ARRA and was to report on ARRA spending.

Come on, RV, you can do better than this. :lmao:

Actually, this is no laughing matter but it is funny that you chastised Republicans for not remembering something that never happened, while blaming Bush for one of Obama's blunders.
Bush had a 152 billion stimulus and another 700 billion in TARP. Bush bailed out the banks with HIS signature.
Let's add up Bush's end of Presidency stuff. 152B stimulus, 25B tarp, 700B bank bailout. Looks like 877B.
March 2008
$29 Billion Stimulus Package – Wall Street Bailout
The Federal Reserve stepped in to prevent the collapse of
Bear Stearns (one of the world’s largest investment banks and
brokerage firms) by guaranteeing $29 billion worth of potential
losses in its battered portfolio. This provided enough economic
stimulus for JP Morgan Chase to take over the beleaguered firm.
May 2008
$178 Billion Stimulus Package – Average American Bailout
The U.S. Treasury provided an economic stimulus package to American
taxpayers in the form of $600 economic stimulus checks for individuals
and $1,200 economic stimulus payments for couples. That cost the
government $100 billion, and they threw in another $68 billion in
tax breaks for businesses, $8 billion to increase unemployment benefits
from 26 weeks to 39 weeks, and a $4 billion economic stimulus package to
be doled out to states and local municipalities to buy and rehab foreclosed properties.
July 2008
$300 Billion Stimulus Package – Homeowners Bailout
The Bush Administration committed $300 billion for 30-year fixed rate
mortgages for at-risk borrowers, as well as tax credits for first-time
homebuyers, who could be eligible to receive up to a $7,500 tax credit.
September 2008
$200 Billion Stimulus Package – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Bailout
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (privately owned mortgage companies that are
backed by the federal government) were about to fail, due to declining
house prices and rising foreclosures. The Bush Administration stepped in
with a $200 billion economic stimulus package and placed Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac and their $5 trillion in home loans in “temporary conservatorship,”
to be supervised by the Federal Housing Finance Agency.
September 2008
$50 Billion Stimulus Package To Guarantee Money Market Funds
When the economic crisis reached a crescendo, Americans began to
pull their money out of money market funds – historically considered
to be the safest investment. To stop the bloodshed, the U.S. Treasury
agreed to guarantee up to $50 billion, for up to a year.
September 2008
$25 Billion Stimulus Package – Automakers Bailout
In an attempt to stave off bankruptcies for the “Big 3 automakers,”
the Bush Administration gave General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler $25
billion in low-interest loans.
September – November 2008
$150 Billion Stimulus Package – AIG Bailout
With the world’s largest insurance company in dire straits and
74 million clients at risk, the American government chipped in
and gave AIG (American Insurance Group) $150 billion in a stimulus
package that included: loans, purchase of toxic assets, and
purchase of preferred shares.
October 2008
$700 Billion Stimulus Package – Banks Bailout
The Bush Administration, under the umbrella of the U.S. Treasury,
committed $700 billion in economic stimulus money under TARP
(Troubled Asset Relief Program). By many accounts, if this
economic stimulus money hadn’t been injected, credit between
banks would have frozen overnight, and not only the American
economy, but also the global economy, would have seized up.
February 2009
$787 Billion Stimulus Package – Average Americans Bailout
The Obama Administration and Congress authorized $787 billion
in spending and tax cuts, primarily to create or save an
estimated 3.5 million American jobs.
February 2009
$275 Billion Stimulus Package – Homeowners Bailout
The Obama Administration handed out a $275 billion mortgage
stimulus plan, designed to assist more than 9 million American
homeowners in refinancing their home loans or averting foreclosure.
Of the $275 billion stimulus, $75 billion was allotted for direct
spending for keeping people in their homes, and $200 billion came
in the form of additional help for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
(See above, in the July 2008 entry, for more information on the
first economic stimulus package that was awarded to these mortgage giants.)
March 2009
$30 Billion Stimulus Package – AIG Bailout
The federal government intervened once again to help insurance giant AIG,
this time in the form of a $30 billion loan from TARP funds.
(See above in the September-November 2008 entry, for more
information on other AIG bailouts.)
March 2009
$15 Billion Stimulus Package – Small Business Loans
The Obama Administration introduced a $15 billion economic
stimulus venture aimed at the small business lending market
to get money flowing into small business lines of credit again.

March 2009
$1 Trillion "Toxic Asset" Program – Banks Bailout
The Obama Administration launched a public-private economic
stimulus venture (involving the U.S. Treasury and FDIC) to try
to get toxic assets off the balance sheets of banks so that they
can return to normal lending practicesMarch 2009.
March 2009
$22 Billion Stimulus Package – Automakers Bailout
The Obama Administration extended another $22 billion in loans to
Chrysler and GM, this time, with strings attached, including the
firing of General Motors Chairman Rick Wagoner.
April 2009
$1 Trillion Stimulus Package – G-20 World Leaders Stimulus
The leaders of the 20 most powerful countries in the world
(representing 85% of global economic production) convened in
London and agreed to $1 trillion in economic stimulus funds,
as well as tighter global financial regulations.

this is the mess obama walk into this is what happens when you
deregulate people have short memory we elected a bunch of nuts
fall 2010 its there way and nothing else
^ The Trouble Asset Relief Program (TARP) by law had a spending cap of 700 billion. TARP, was an effort to shore up the nation's financial sector by allowing the government to purchase or insure 700 billion dollars worth of distressed mortgages and equity from various American banks and institutions.

If you really must blame somebody for the financial meltdown that led to the need for TARP you may want to give Barney Frank a close look, tell you what, I'll give you the link to sort of 'bone up' on the whole matter------


Barney Frank, Chairman of House Financial Services Committee, testified before congress stating there was no financial problems with Fannie and Freddie--- Link to a number of congressional witnesses that went before congress and some of the thinking that led to the housing bubble crisis----


The economic Stimulus Package of Feb. of 2008 which gave most folks a rebate check for somewhere around 600 dollars on average was for 168 billion.
I didn't hear the first complaint about the gift from good old Uncle Sam when the checks were coming.

Vector, no offense, but your list adds up to over 5 trillion dollars. That is the total nation debt acquired by the US during Bush's 8 years as president. At any rate if you want to say that Bush's so called Wall Street Bail Out and his Stimulus Package adds up to 868 billion, I'll go that route. As long as you will admit that during that time period Harry Reid was Senate Leader and Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House and the Democrats had a SUPER MAJORITY. George W couldn't have done a thing without their support.
vector Wrote:March 2008
$29 Billion Stimulus Package – Wall Street Bailout
The Federal Reserve stepped in to prevent the collapse of
Bear Stearns (one of the world’s largest investment banks and
brokerage firms) by guaranteeing $29 billion worth of potential
losses in its battered portfolio. This provided enough economic
stimulus for JP Morgan Chase to take over the beleaguered firm.
May 2008
$178 Billion Stimulus Package – Average American Bailout
The U.S. Treasury provided an economic stimulus package to American
taxpayers in the form of $600 economic stimulus checks for individuals
and $1,200 economic stimulus payments for couples. That cost the
government $100 billion, and they threw in another $68 billion in
tax breaks for businesses, $8 billion to increase unemployment benefits
from 26 weeks to 39 weeks, and a $4 billion economic stimulus package to
be doled out to states and local municipalities to buy and rehab foreclosed properties.
July 2008
$300 Billion Stimulus Package – Homeowners Bailout
The Bush Administration committed $300 billion for 30-year fixed rate
mortgages for at-risk borrowers, as well as tax credits for first-time
homebuyers, who could be eligible to receive up to a $7,500 tax credit.
September 2008
$200 Billion Stimulus Package – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Bailout
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (privately owned mortgage companies that are
backed by the federal government) were about to fail, due to declining
house prices and rising foreclosures. The Bush Administration stepped in
with a $200 billion economic stimulus package and placed Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac and their $5 trillion in home loans in “temporary conservatorship,”
to be supervised by the Federal Housing Finance Agency.
September 2008
$50 Billion Stimulus Package To Guarantee Money Market Funds
When the economic crisis reached a crescendo, Americans began to
pull their money out of money market funds – historically considered
to be the safest investment. To stop the bloodshed, the U.S. Treasury
agreed to guarantee up to $50 billion, for up to a year.
September 2008
$25 Billion Stimulus Package – Automakers Bailout
In an attempt to stave off bankruptcies for the “Big 3 automakers,”
the Bush Administration gave General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler $25
billion in low-interest loans.
September – November 2008
$150 Billion Stimulus Package – AIG Bailout
With the world’s largest insurance company in dire straits and
74 million clients at risk, the American government chipped in
and gave AIG (American Insurance Group) $150 billion in a stimulus
package that included: loans, purchase of toxic assets, and
purchase of preferred shares.
October 2008
$700 Billion Stimulus Package – Banks Bailout
The Bush Administration, under the umbrella of the U.S. Treasury,
committed $700 billion in economic stimulus money under TARP
(Troubled Asset Relief Program). By many accounts, if this
economic stimulus money hadn’t been injected, credit between
banks would have frozen overnight, and not only the American
economy, but also the global economy, would have seized up.
February 2009
$787 Billion Stimulus Package – Average Americans Bailout
The Obama Administration and Congress authorized $787 billion
in spending and tax cuts, primarily to create or save an
estimated 3.5 million American jobs.
February 2009
$275 Billion Stimulus Package – Homeowners Bailout
The Obama Administration handed out a $275 billion mortgage
stimulus plan, designed to assist more than 9 million American
homeowners in refinancing their home loans or averting foreclosure.
Of the $275 billion stimulus, $75 billion was allotted for direct
spending for keeping people in their homes, and $200 billion came
in the form of additional help for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
(See above, in the July 2008 entry, for more information on the
first economic stimulus package that was awarded to these mortgage giants.)
March 2009
$30 Billion Stimulus Package – AIG Bailout
The federal government intervened once again to help insurance giant AIG,
this time in the form of a $30 billion loan from TARP funds.
(See above in the September-November 2008 entry, for more
information on other AIG bailouts.)
March 2009
$15 Billion Stimulus Package – Small Business Loans
The Obama Administration introduced a $15 billion economic
stimulus venture aimed at the small business lending market
to get money flowing into small business lines of credit again.

March 2009
$1 Trillion "Toxic Asset" Program – Banks Bailout
The Obama Administration launched a public-private economic
stimulus venture (involving the U.S. Treasury and FDIC) to try
to get toxic assets off the balance sheets of banks so that they
can return to normal lending practicesMarch 2009.
March 2009
$22 Billion Stimulus Package – Automakers Bailout
The Obama Administration extended another $22 billion in loans to
Chrysler and GM, this time, with strings attached, including the
firing of General Motors Chairman Rick Wagoner.
April 2009
$1 Trillion Stimulus Package – G-20 World Leaders Stimulus
The leaders of the 20 most powerful countries in the world
(representing 85% of global economic production) convened in
London and agreed to $1 trillion in economic stimulus funds,
as well as tighter global financial regulations.

this is the mess obama walk into this is what happens when you
deregulate people have short memory we elected a bunch of nuts
fall 2010 its there way and nothing else
A few questions, please. Do you have stuff like this emailed to you or do you actually have to search for your Democratic talking points? Next, do you read these talking points before posting them? Do you realize that Obama took office in January 2009 and that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (not the Average Americans Bailout, as you called it) was passed by a Democratic Congress and signed into law by Obama. It was not something that he inherited, it is something that he lobbied us to support.

One final question, a reminder of sorts, are you aware that Obama promised the American people that unless ARRA passed and became law, the unemployment rate would soar above 8 percent and that after it was signed, the rate soared above 10 percent?

Obama was clueless about how our economy when he took office. He has surrounded himself with people who were either clueless as well, or like Geitner, have used their positions to line the pockets of their Wall Street cronies. Obama remains an unrepentant socialist despite the fact that his economic programs have been miserable flops.

Obama inherited a recession but he has made things worse, not better, and we are now looking at a probably second dip of the recession as a result.
TheRealVille Wrote:Bush had a 152 billion stimulus and another 700 billion in TARP. Bush bailed out the banks with HIS signature.
That's it, just pretend that you did not wrongfully attribute a $782 billion failed Obama stimulus program to Bush and chastise conservative posters for not knowing better and change the subject. Nothing here to see, folks.

If you are looking for conservatives to defend Bush's bailouts, which were fully supported by President-elect Obama, then you are wasting your time. If I could vote to impeach both the current and former presidents for squandering trillions of dollars, I would do so.

It is unclear to me as to why you are blaming Bush for his actions in order to defend Obama for his own actions. Was what Bush did wrong and what Obama did right, or are you just standing up for your party's man?
It isn't likely the Obama administration will be able to drive away from their record prior to Nov. 2012. All those chickens will come home to roost no matter what they do or how many lies they tell. Only 21% of the country remain true desciples and that just isn't going to be enough. Republicans ARE indeed worried and they will be working hard to get the vote and Obama out.
I thought Texas Governor Rick Perry did himself and Texas proud today in Houston. Despite the automatic desparages he has already endured, and the coming slam fest at his expense( he will surely have to weather if he declares for the presidency in 2012), I believe Gov Perry is, in fact, electable. Unlike others I have heard offering opinions as to the electablility of several of the republican presidential hopefuls, to me the field is not all that anemic. Perry is atop the list in my book. He's a man of integrity and honor, just what we need after having been led through an Orwellian house of mirrors, and smoke, for the last 3 years. A couple paragraphs from an article on today's Day of Prayer;

Texas Gov. Rick Perry asked Christians to turn to God for answers to the nation's troubles as he held court Saturday over a national prayer rally attended by thousands of evangelical conservatives, an important constituency should the Republican seek the GOP presidential nomination.

"Father, our heart breaks for America," Perry told about 30,000 people gathered at Reliant Stadium. "We see discord at home. We see fear in the marketplace. We see anger in the halls of government and, as a nation, we have forgotten who made us, who protects us, who blesses us."

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