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If you could fix one political problem right now, what would it be?
Your unemployment insurance benefits are taxable. Any unemployment benefits you receive including benefits paid under any regular state program, extended benefit program, trade readjustment allowance benefits and disaster unemployment assistance benefits must be reported as part of your gross income on your federal and state income tax returns.

You can have taxes withheld
If you wish, you may choose to have federal and/or state taxes withheld from your unemployment benefit payments as you receive them. You may request to have federal and/or state taxes withheld from your weekly benefit check and forwarded by DUA to the IRS and the DOR automatically.

The federal tax withheld would be 10 percent of your weekly benefit payment rate. The state tax withheld would be 5.3 percent. The following January DUA will mail to you, for filing purposes, a statement 1099-G showing total benefits paid and taxes withheld during the previous calendar year.

A typical example:

Unemployment insurance benefit rate = $325.00
Dependency allowance = 50.00 (two children)
Federal tax withheld = -37.00
State tax withheld = -19.00
Net weekly unemployment benefit payment rate = $319.00
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Here is a table taken from the that shows the numbers behind the lies that liberal Democrats are spreading about how much upper and upper middle income taxpayers pay in federal income taxes. The group that is not sharing the sacrifices that are being made are those who are mooching off the people who are footing most of the bill. Note that the share of the tax burden paid by the top 1 percent and the top 5 percent of wage earners increased under Bush and the tax burden of those in the bottom 50 percent decreased during the same period.

Yet, Obama would have us believe that the evil rich are getting a free ride while those at the lower end of the scale are suffering because the rich are not paying their "fair share."

Liberals are destroying this country's economy by robbing the rich and giving to the poor in exchange for votes. 2012 will be the nastiest campaign of my lifetime because Obama and the Democrats in Congress cannot win on their record. The tactics of smear and fear will be front and center every time they stand in front of a microphone.

Who ruined in before 2008 hoot? Jesus, TAX CUTS! And you know it.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Who ruined in before 2008 hoot? Jesus, TAX CUTS! And you know it.
Look at the numbers. Tax cuts had nothing to do with the bursting of the housing bubble. Why do you think that Obama and the Democrats extended the Bush tax cuts? Answer: they knew that letting the cuts expire would have made matters worse.

Seriously, '23, think carefully about what you are saying. Cutting income tax rates that reduced the burden on people all across the scale allowed people to keep more of their own money. How can allowing people to keep more of their own money to either spend more on goods and services or invest it in businesses that provide jobs and produce those goods and services possibly hurt the economy?
Tax cuts increase government revenues because of the dollar multiplier. As citizens spend THEIR money it gets into the economic stream. Each time that dollar is spent the government gets a piece, as a result the government's revenue goes up. Think of it this way When Walmart sells something the government doesn't only get a tax on the store sale but they also get a piece when the raw material was proved, trucked to the plant, made at the plant, shipped to walmart. Think of all the people who touch that dollar in getting the product to Walmart and how many times it is taxed.

The reverse can be seen here in Kentucky. What happened when Kentucky doubled it's tax on tobacco?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Who ruined in before 2008 hoot? Jesus, TAX CUTS! And you know it.

When Bush left office our debt was a managable 10 trillion. The republicans had to put up a fight in congress during the month of July, the like of which has not been seen before, at least not in my lifetime, just to negotiate the new proposed debt ceiling increase down in the 10 trillion range. By put up a fight I mean the epic, logger heads clash of the titans, when Senate Leader Harry Reid and the legion of demonically controlled liberal rabbids under his lead that villanized and called the more sober minded republicans terrorists, just because they were trying to slow down the entitlement train down just a little bit by limiting growth of increase only. You tell me which one is worse, 10 trillion in national debt for over 200 years of existence since the birth of our nation, or, suddenly jumping up to 25 trillion in the following single decade and try to say it's someone else's fault, even though, the whole world just watched you insist on acquiring the debt in some of the bloodiest infighting the congress has ever known.

What is running up the debt are the absence of economic growth, and the presence exponential growth of entitilements, in America. Not only are the range of entitlements growing, including everything from cell phones to housing, to health care and food. But, the actual number of recipients continues to spiral out of control. We already past the point years ago when we could afford to actually pay for these programs, now we BORROW a lot of the money and goods we give away. And it's not just to our citizens, it's illegal aliens and nearly every country around the world, even and sometimes especially to our sworn enemies Iran and North Korea.

It's a fact that recorded history, our history, teaches us that supply side economics really does work, heck, you guy's main man Barrack uses a Reagan quote nearly every day. All you have to do is look back at the balance sheets of the Reagan Era to verify that all this conservative policy bashing is lies. REAGAN ERA TAX CUTS STIMULATED ECONOMIC GROWTH I really worry about the college crowd these days. You guys need to be able to distinguish between fact and somebody blowing smoke up your drawers.

Unemployment taxes. Yes they are taxable, you have to ASK to have taxes withheld, from what I understand. And, if that is one's only income for that tax year Uncle Sam will most assurredly send those deducted funds right back to you. So you can call that taxable, but, the government doesn't think you should have to.
TheRealThing Wrote:When Bush left office our debt was a managable 10 trillion. The republicans had to put up a fight in congress during the month of July, the like of which has not been seen before, at least not in my lifetime, just to negotiate the new proposed debt ceiling increase down in the 10 trillion range. By put up a fight I mean the epic logger heads clash of the titans when Senate Leader Harry Reid and the legion of demonically controlled liberal rabbids under his lead that villanized and called the more sober minded republicans terrorists, while they were trying to slow down the entitlement train down just a little bit.

What is running up the debt are the absence of economic growth, and the presence exponential growth of entitilements, in America. Not only are the range of entitlements growing, including everything from cell phones to housing, to health care and food. But, the actual number of recipients continues to spiral out of control. We already past the point years ago when we could afford to actually pay for these programs, now we BORROW a lot of the money and goods we give away. And it's not just to our citizens, it's illegal aliens and nearly every country around the world, even and sometimes especially to our sworn enemies Iran and North Korea.

It's a fact that recorded history, our history, teaches us that supply side economics really does work, heck, you guy's main man Barrack uses a Reagan quote nearly every day. All you have to do is look back at the balance sheets of the Reagan Era to verify that all this conservative policy bashing is lies. REAGAN ERA TAX CUTS STIMULATED ECONOMIC GROWTH I really worry about the college crowd these days. You guys need to be able to distinguish between fact and somebody blowing smoke up your drawers.

Unemployment taxes. Yes they are taxable, you have to ASK to have taxes withheld, from what I understand. And, if that is ones only income for that tax year Uncle Sam will most assurredly send those deducted funds right back to you. So you can call that taxable, but, the government doesn't think you should have to.

A Mere 10 Trillion with the economy in a full down hill sprint.
in 2009 the defecit was more like 11 and half trillon because 2009 budget was
george w bush's losing jobs early 2009 something like 800,000 a month
if i could do one thing to get us out of this mess it would be a simple tax code

a flat rate for everybody no deductions if you draw 100 dollars food stamps

tax rate ten percent you get 90 dollars if you make 43 billion your tax's

would be 4.3 billion everybody pays one paragraph would all it takes

tax cuts don't create jobs it's the working people that does it's called supply

and demand we have had these tax cut's for ten years now where's the

vector Wrote:in 2009 the defecit was more like 11 and half trillon because 2009 budget was
george w bush's losing jobs early 2009 something like 800,000 a month
No, Obama was president for more than 11 out of a possible 12 months during 2009. He owns the debt that he and the Democrats have accumulated since January 2009 and he owns our economy - just ask DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Shultz.
vector Wrote:if i could do one thing to get us out of this mess it would be a simple tax code

a flat rate for everybody no deductions if you draw 100 dollars food stamps

tax rate ten percent you get 90 dollars if you make 43 billion your tax's

would be 4.3 billion everybody pays one paragraph would all it takes

tax cuts don't create jobs it's the working people that does it's called supply

and demand we have had these tax cut's for ten years now where's the

Lower tax rates allow our economy to create more jobs than higher tax rates. Demand creates jobs - not supply. The more disposable income that the federal government allows taxpayers to keep, the more money that gets spent and is available to create jobs.

I agree that something needs to be done so that all Americans feel the pain of federal income taxes as long as one of us feels that pain. A flat tax or a Fair Tax is my idea of "shared sacrifice." Obama's idea of shared sacrifice is allowing wealthy people making most of the sacrifices so that most of his constituents pay little or no taxes. Most Obama voters do not make any financial sacrifice that benefits their country.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:A Mere 10 Trillion with the economy in a full down hill sprint.
Still waiting for you to explain how raising taxes would create more jobs.
the federal budget is set in a year in advance like when
vector Wrote:the federal budget is set in a year in advance like when
Actually, the Democrats in the Senate have not passed a budget in more than 2 full years, despite a law that requires them to pass one. The last budget that Obama submitted to Congress, which called for large spending increases, died in the Senate by a vote of 97-0.

George Bush and the Democrats who controlled Congress beginning in 2007 deserve much of the blame for the current economy and a fair share of the blame for increasing the national debt, but Obama has been president for more than 2-1/2 years and we are still stuck in the worst "jobless" recovery since the end of WW II.

Obama's annual budget deficits have dwarfed those that were posted during Bush's two terms. He is on pace to add more to the national debt in less than one term than Bush added in two terms. Yet, Obama is still talking about new stimulus money and increasing funding for many existing programs. Obama has no intention of actually reducing the deficits. He is a socialist trying to shape a capitalist economy that he does not understand.
federal budget
FY 2009 ran from October 1 2008 through September 30 2009
FY 2010 is from October 1 2009 through September 30 2010
FY 2011 is from October 1 2010 through September 30 2011
FY 2012 is from October 1 2011 through September 30 2012
george w bush was in office oct 2008

obama took office jan. 20 2009

In a February 28, 2001, message to the Congress, Bush estimated that there would be a $5.6 trillion surplus over the next ten years ?

By October 2008, due to increases in domestic and foreign spending,[106] the national debt had risen to $11.3 trillion an increase of over 100% from the start of the year 2000 when the debt was $5.6 trillion

Most debt was accumulated as a result of what became known as the "Bush tax cuts" and increased national security spending

In November 2008, over 500,000 jobs were lost, which marked the largest loss of jobs in the United States in 34 years.[125] The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in the last four months of 2008, 1.9 million jobs were lost.[126] By the end of 2008, the U.S. had lost a total of 2.6 million jobs.[url=][/url]
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Your unemployment insurance benefits are taxable. Any unemployment benefits you receive including benefits paid under any regular state program, extended benefit program, trade readjustment allowance benefits and disaster unemployment assistance benefits must be reported as part of your gross income on your federal and state income tax returns.

You can have taxes withheld
If you wish, you may choose to have federal and/or state taxes withheld from your unemployment benefit payments as you receive them. You may request to have federal and/or state taxes withheld from your weekly benefit check and forwarded by DUA to the IRS and the DOR automatically.

The federal tax withheld would be 10 percent of your weekly benefit payment rate. The state tax withheld would be 5.3 percent. The following January DUA will mail to you, for filing purposes, a statement 1099-G showing total benefits paid and taxes withheld during the previous calendar year.

A typical example:

Unemployment insurance benefit rate = $325.00
Dependency allowance = 50.00 (two children)
Federal tax withheld = -37.00
State tax withheld = -19.00
Net weekly unemployment benefit payment rate = $319.00
Using your example (assuming a married man, filing jointly with a non-working spouse), the filer would be entitled to a refund of $8,760. In other words, the refund would exceed the taxes withheld by $6,836 and the filer would not be a net federal income taxpayer because his benefits (his refund) would far exceed the taxes that were withheld from his paychecks.

This calculation does not even take into account the fact that a portion of the unemployment compensation that the filer received was most likely funded by the federal government.
bush signed the budget if he veto's the budget that's the end of it he

put the economy in the ditch also if i had 2 wish's i would throw all

the tea party out of office bunch of nut's don't want no government

i would bet you 98% of them has benefited with some kind of government

program like the guy i seen on tv a while back said on his sign keep the

government out of my medicare who the hell does he thank's run medicare

In a June 26 article, the Los Angeles Times wrote that a family farm of which

Bachmann is a partner received nearly $260,000 in federal farm subsidies

from 1995 through 2008. who the hell does she thank's pay for the farm

vector Wrote:federal budget
FY 2009 ran from October 1 2008 through September 30 2009
FY 2010 is from October 1 2009 through September 30 2010
FY 2011 is from October 1 2010 through September 30 2011
FY 2012 is from October 1 2011 through September 30 2012
george w bush was in office oct 2008

obama took office jan. 20 2009

In a February 28, 2001, message to the Congress, Bush estimated that there would be a $5.6 trillion surplus over the next ten years ?

By October 2008, due to increases in domestic and foreign spending,[106] the national debt had risen to $11.3 trillion an increase of over 100% from the start of the year 2000 when the debt was $5.6 trillion

Most debt was accumulated as a result of what became known as the "Bush tax cuts" and increased national security spending

In November 2008, over 500,000 jobs were lost, which marked the largest loss of jobs in the United States in 34 years.[125] The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in the last four months of 2008, 1.9 million jobs were lost.[126] By the end of 2008, the U.S. had lost a total of 2.6 million jobs.[url=][/url]
Nothing George Bush did while in office was binding on Obama and the Democratic Congress when Obama took office. The actions on the previous Congress are not binding on any future Congress. You do realize which party controlled the House of Representatives beginning in 2007 - and which party controlled the House in the first two years of Obama's presidency as well - don't you? Obama was elected to take action to improve the economy and to put people back to work - not to whine ad nauseum that he "inherited a mess."

Your attempts to blame Bush for the spending of Democrats in Congress and Obama after he retired is ridiculous. Nothing prevented Obama and the Democrats from slashing federal spending quickly after taking office. Nothing made Obama push through Obamacare, which is, as much as any other factor, discouraging businesses from hiring permanent employees. Bush deserves blame for the state of the economy when he turned over the keys to the White House. After that, the economy became Obama's and his actions have made matters worse.
vector Wrote:in 2009 the defecit was more like 11 and half trillon because 2009 budget was
george w bush's losing jobs early 2009 something like 800,000 a month

All your comments are amatuerish and your logic is supported by political talking points which, are supported in turn by contrived data dreamed up in liberal think tanks. That data in turn has been delivered to you via the liberal main stream media/cheer leaders who are sworn to live or die at the beck and call of the cultic adherents of the extreme left ultra liberal democratic ideological clergy. I have paid close enough attention to the current events of the last 4 decades to be able to speak to the issues without parroting the latest drivel/propaganda sanctioned for circulation by the national political chair du jour. In short, having witnessesed all these things unfold, it would take one heck of a lot more than some talking point perspective to woo me away from the truth.

The liberal 'big dogs' have been trying to tell people what to think for years now, Jedi mind tricks don't work on those of us that are disciplined of mind enough to think for ourselves. Case in point, John Kerry, one of the afore mentioned 'big dogs', comes on TV the other night to inform all us poor little Eloi, that S&P action is, AND HERE COMES THE TALKING POINT OF THE DAY FOLKS, the Tea Party Downgrade! I bet you were just lapping that stuff up weren't you? :please:

You want others to tell you what you think? Reminds me of the Samuel Goldwyn quote that goes as follows "when I want your opinion I'll give it to you!"
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Nothing George Bush did while in office was binding on Obama and the Democratic Congress when Obama took office. The actions on the previous Congress are not binding on any future Congress. You do realize which party controlled the House of Representatives beginning in 2007 - and which party controlled the House in the first two years of Obama's presidency as well - don't you? Obama was elected to take action to improve the economy and to put people back to work - not to whine ad nauseum that he "inherited a mess."

Your attempts to blame Bush for the spending of Democrats in Congress and Obama after he retired is ridiculous. Nothing prevented Obama and the Democrats from slashing federal spending quickly after taking office. Nothing made Obama push through Obamacare, which is, as much as any other factor, discouraging businesses from hiring permanent employees. Bush deserves blame for the state of the economy when he turned over the keys to the White House. After that, the economy became Obama's and his actions have made matters worse.

Drawing your attention to what I have bolded. If anything was going to get better nothing would have stopped business from going on a growth rampage if there were anything to the Obama Pipe Dream. Candidate Obama promised voters the moon during those days, it was trully rediculous. Of course none in the media dare challenge him then, or now for that matter, why? They would have been branded racist, the death nell for anyone in public life, or any form of media.

But, back to the point. What actually happened? The debt skyrocketed to the tune of an additional 15 trillion and, unemployment rose DRAMATICALLY from 6.7% in Nov 2008;

Article excerpt----November 2008 Monthly Unemployment Rate at 15-Year High – Chart of The Day
By Sun

U.S. Labor Department released monthly unemployment data for November 2008 and it’s not a pretty picture: the monthly unemployment rate reached a 15-year high of 6.7% in November. The last time when monthly unemployment rate was this high was September 1993.


to the present unemployment rate of 9.3 percent which is a straw man for the real rate accepted outside the doors of the Ministry of Truth as being 22 percent.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Look at the numbers. Tax cuts had nothing to do with the bursting of the housing bubble. Why do you think that Obama and the Democrats extended the Bush tax cuts? Answer: they knew that letting the cuts expire would have made matters worse.

Seriously, '23, think carefully about what you are saying. Cutting income tax rates that reduced the burden on people all across the scale allowed people to keep more of their own money. How can allowing people to keep more of their own money to either spend more on goods and services or invest it in businesses that provide jobs and produce those goods and services possibly hurt the economy?

I just recently heard this idea...

perhaps a DNC talking points memo went out recently that i'm unaware of? But how could it be truthful? Raising taxes on individuals would allow homeowners to pay their bills easier? Raising taxes on corporations would allows businesses to lower their costs, save its consumer's REAL $$'s, and grow the economy in a way not understood by economists across the world?

Come on.

The plan follows:

-lower corporate tax rates to 15% or less.
-Make capital gains, dividends, and profit sharing... taxed at 0%.
-allow deductions for depreciation, investment in R&D, creation of jobs, and ownership of intellectual property as well as innovation to be up to 150% deductible. Jobs are deductible at the rate of 200% of their gross cost (training, healthcare, retirement, fringe benefits, payroll taxes, union dues, pay above the prevailing wages for the area, industry, economic event in existance??
-Make all regulations that cost more than $1,000,0000 to a business/employer to be voted on directly by congress. Following, congress must remove authority to the judicial branch to affirm and allow regulations to be implemented without due process of the law, acceptance of the citizens of this region, and authority the executive branch may believe it has to carry out the aforementioned.

My response to those who advocate higher taxes has always been of this nature..... "How much more will YOU pay?" Most often, zero is the answer. John kerry asked for his taxes to be raised, and has the ability to pay more voluntarily.... he hasnt, doesn't, and most likely won't.

Hoot, I find it hard to accept that there are some among us that seldom vote, exist among the 47% of americans who don't pay taxes, and believe that the economy is improving because they get foodstamps, earned income, and WIC......'entitlements' they never had before... these individuals believe that improvement/advancement of our nation involves only more participation and decreased standards to recieve $$'s for that which you and I should provide for ourselves otherwise.

i dunno... but at what moment did 'improvement' become...
-doubling of gas/oil prices?
-the most deaths EVER in afghanistan *august 2011*
-2.5 million, lemme explain.... 2.5 million. 2,500,000 more people are unemployed than before obama took office.
-16.2% are without a job, but either HAD ONE or was LOOKING for one the day that PresBo took office.
-Income has dropped.
-Our debt has increased by nearly 4 trillion under obama.
-Savings is at an all time low.
-Interest rates exist only in certain markets, and with large investments... otherwise, government investments and bonds pay less than 0% when interest is factored in.

Chance starts now. Change however, never did.... or perhaps it 'changed us' for the worse?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Nothing George Bush did while in office was binding on Obama and the Democratic Congress when Obama took office. The actions on the previous Congress are not binding on any future Congress. You do realize which party controlled the House of Representatives beginning in 2007 - and which party controlled the House in the first two years of Obama's presidency as well - don't you? Obama was elected to take action to improve the economy and to put people back to work - not to whine ad nauseum that he "inherited a mess."

Your attempts to blame Bush for the spending of Democrats in Congress and Obama after he retired is ridiculous. Nothing prevented Obama and the Democrats from slashing federal spending quickly after taking office. Nothing made Obama push through Obamacare, which is, as much as any other factor, discouraging businesses from hiring permanent employees. Bush deserves blame for the state of the economy when he turned over the keys to the White House. After that, the economy became Obama's and his actions have made matters worse.

I defend bush from time to time, only because of misinformation. However, Bush was a RINO on fiscal policy and budgetary issues.

-Medicare drug plan
-increases in spending across the board
-immigration reform/amnesty
-allowing funding for existing embryonic stem cell research

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