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Articles after September 11, 2001
nky Wrote:Something for our Progressive brethren out there. Over the past two years President Bush has been the reason we're in the mess were in. No matter what the issue it's because of what President Bush had done and the President Obama has made sure it didn't get worst.
After 9/11/01 did you hear President Bush blaming President Clinton for dropping the ball? How it was the previous administrations fault for the attach and economic fall out? Just my observation on the Patriot Day.


They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy…

When I took office, our economy was beginning a recession," Bush said in a speech at a Mississippi high school. "Then our economy was hit by terrorists. Then our economy was hit by corporate scandals. But I'm certain of this: We won't let fear undermine our economy and we're not going to let fraud undermine it either."

Matalin said, “I was there, we inherited a recession from President Clinton and we inherited the most tragic attack on our own soil in our nation’s history. And President Bush dealt with it and within a year of his presidency within a comparable time, unemployment was at 5 percent.”

Perino said, “They want to do all of their investigations. I don’t know. All of the thinking that goes into it. But we did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush’s term. I hope they’re not looking at this politically. I do think we ought it to the American people to call it what it is.”
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Really?

They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy…

When I took office, our economy was beginning a recession," Bush said in a speech at a Mississippi high school. "Then our economy was hit by terrorists. Then our economy was hit by corporate scandals. But I'm certain of this: We won't let fear undermine our economy and we're not going to let fraud undermine it either."

Matalin said, “I was there, we inherited a recession from President Clinton and we inherited the most tragic attack on our own soil in our nation’s history. And President Bush dealt with it and within a year of his presidency within a comparable time, unemployment was at 5 percent.”

Perino said, “They want to do all of their investigations. I don’t know. All of the thinking that goes into it. But we did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush’s term. I hope they’re not looking at this politically. I do think we ought it to the American people to call it what it is.”
Why don't you give credit to Think Progress (a misspelled word, which you failed to correct gave away your "source") from which you copied and pasted Perino's 2009 quote? It is hard for Obama to personally go a single day without publicly blame Bush for the misery that the 2008 election brought to this nation. Of course, all of the Yes men and women with whom Obama has surrounded himself follow their leader and blame Bush on a daily basis as well. We will see how well Obama's whining and excuse making will serve him in 2012. My guess is that he is looking into the jaws of a landslide loss but there are many liberals such as you who will eagerly vote to approve the train wreck otherwise known as the Obama presidency by voting to give the fool a second term.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Why don't you give credit to Think Progress (a misspelled word, which you failed to correct gave away your "source") from which you copied and pasted Perino's 2009 quote? It is hard for Obama to personally go a single day without publicly blame Bush for the misery that the 2008 election brought to this nation. Of course, all of the Yes men and women with whom Obama has surrounded himself follow their leader and blame Bush on a daily basis as well. We will see how well Obama's whining and excuse making will serve him in 2012. My guess is that he is looking into the jaws of a landslide loss but there are many liberals such as you who will eagerly vote to approve the train wreck otherwise known as the Obama presidency by voting to give the fool a second term.

Well i guess i could just make quotes up? :ChairHit:

I didnt say Obama and others do not blame bush, IM saying that the Bush Admin done the say thing with Clinton. Not that they had much to blame him for.

But you ignored every thing that your REpuiblican bunch blamed CLinton for and seem to think its ok? YOu can do it but we cant? Come on hoot.....
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Well i guess i could just make quotes up? :ChairHit:

I didnt say Obama and others do not blame bush, IM saying that the Bush Admin done the say thing with Clinton. Not that they had much to blame him for.

But you ignored every thing that your REpuiblican bunch blamed CLinton for and seem to think its ok? YOu can do it but we cant? Come on hoot.....
No, the Bush administration did not do the same thing as Obama. Obama has made blaming Bush for his own incompetence a full time job. You would be hard pressed to find any major speech that Obama has given in the past 2-1/2 years in which he has NOT blamed Bush for something. Of course, every politician tries to blame his or her predecessor for a few ongoing problems but Obama is carrying that practice to an extreme. You know it and everybody with an IQ above room temperature knows it as well. You just apparently do not want to admit it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No, the Bush administration did not do the same thing as Obama. Obama has made blaming Bush for his own incompetence a full time job. You would be hard pressed to find any major speech that Obama has given in the past 2-1/2 years in which he has NOT blamed Bush for something. Of course, every politician tries to blame his or her predecessor for a few ongoing problems but Obama is carrying that practice to an extreme. You know it and everybody with an IQ above room temperature knows it as well. You just apparently do not want to admit it.

Read above Hoot were i said Obama has done it.. Geez.. First the Bush administration didnt do it... Now they didnt do it as much.... You could make an excuse for anything that administration done.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Read above Hoot were i said Obama has done it.. Geez.. First the Bush administration didnt do it... Now they didnt do it as much.... You could make an excuse for anything that administration done.
Read above where I listed my issues with the Bush administration. I am not sure whether you or or RV is Obama's biggest fan on this board. It is a very close call. I do not recall either one of you criticizing him for anything. "They all do it" or "Bush did it too" is about as close as either of you get to admitting that The One does not walk on water. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Read above where I listed my issues with the Bush administration. I am not sure whether you or or RV is Obama's biggest fan on this board. It is a very close call. I do not recall either one of you criticizing him for anything. "They all do it" or "Bush did it too" is about as close as either of you get to admitting that The One does not walk on water. :biggrin:
No matter what ANY democrat does, you won't like it, because it is opposite of what you believe in politics. That's why I don't argue it anymore, we believe in two different principles. Example: You believe in smaller government, and states rights to make their own laws, until Obama gives the states the right to make marijuana legal, then you criticize him for it. You are for states rights to make their own laws, until said states approve gay marriage, then you disagree with that right.
TheRealVille Wrote:No matter what ANY democrat does, you won't like it, because it is opposite of what you believe in politics. That's why I don't argue it anymore, we believe in two different principles. Example: You believe in smaller government, and states rights to make their own laws, until Obama gives the states the right to make marijuana legal, then you criticize him for it. You are for states rights to make their own laws, until said states approve gay marriage, then you disagree with that right.
And no matter what ANY Democrat does, you support it, regardless of the damage that "IT" does to this nation. Why? Because they are Democrats and union bosses say that you should support your party, right or wrong. After all, the party was bought with union dues. As Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. said, unions are Obama's private army.

I use the mind that God gave me to make decisions. I don't need a union boss or anybody else to tell me who which party I should support. Two of my cousins are pipe fitters who were working in Austin until a couple of months ago, when those jobs were lost to Mexican workers. Big labor has supported illegal immigration by backing idiots like Barack Obama. Why rank and file union members cannot understand that the dues they pay are destroying private sector union jobs is a mystery to me.

The thugs who control organized labor in this country have sold you out, RV. One day you may reach that conclusion yourself.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:And no matter what ANY Democrat does, you support it, regardless of the damage that "IT" does to this nation. Why? Because they are Democrats and union bosses say that you should support your party, right or wrong. After all, the party was bought with union dues. As Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. said, unions are Obama's private army.

I use the mind that God gave me to make decisions. I don't need a union boss or anybody else to tell me who which party I should support. Two of my cousins are pipe fitters who were working in Austin until a couple of months ago, when those jobs were lost to Mexican workers. Big labor has supported illegal immigration by backing idiots like Barack Obama. Why rank and file union members cannot understand that the dues they pay are destroying private sector union jobs is a mystery to me.

The thugs who control organized labor in this country have sold you out, RV. One day you may reach that conclusion yourself.
I don't either. I vote democrat because I don't like republican politics. I vote democrat because I am socially liberal. You didn't address one single point in my previous post, because you know I told the truth on your thoughts when Obama wanted to give the states the right to choose on marijuana and gay marriage. As you know, I don't really need the union money, so I don't need to vote their way.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't either. I vote democrat because I don't like republican politics. I vote democrat because I am socially liberal. You didn't address one single point in my previous post, because you know I told the truth on your thoughts when Obama wanted to give the states the right to choose on marijuana and gay marriage. As you know, I don't really need the union money, so I don't need to vote their way.
I didn't comment on your mischaracterization of my political positions because I have clearly outlined those positions myself in early posts in multiple threads. You are not known for accuracy in reporting, so why waste my time correcting you repeatedly? Responding to every untrue statement in each of your posts would constitute feeding a troll.

You have such a poor understanding of how our federal government is supposed to operate that it is very difficult to engage in a rational discussion with you. Obama has no authority to grant states the right to do anything - none - he is a president not a dictator. States and individuals have certain rights under our Constitution and no individual can expand or deprive states of those rights. You may not like the fact that Obama does not have the powers of a dictator but that is just how it is in this country.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I didn't comment on your mischaracterization of my political positions because I have clearly outlined those positions myself in early posts in multiple threads. You are not known for accuracy in reporting, so why waste my time correcting you repeatedly? Responding to every untrue statement in each of your posts would constitute feeding a troll.

You have such a poor understanding of how our federal government is supposed to operate that it is very difficult to engage in a rational discussion with you. Obama has no authority to grant states the right to do anything - none - he is a president not a dictator. States and individuals have certain rights under our Constitution and no individual can expand or deprive states of those rights. You may not like the fact that Obama does not have the powers of a dictator but that is just how it is in this country.
Do you want the states to have the right to allow gay marriage and marijuana use or not.
TheRealVille Wrote:Do you want the states to have the right to allow gay marriage and marijuana use or not.
Yes I do because the US Constitution gives them that right. However, when and if the Supreme Court forces a state to recognize a gay marriage obtained in a different state, then I would support a constitutional amendment. What is wrong with your view of the world is that you actually believe that one man should have the right to "give" any Americans rights.

Obama has absolutely no right to impose his will on any individual person, state, or local government. That is not the role of a president in a democratic republic. It is, in fact, a sure way of losing our country to a government run by lawless thugs.

For example, as a libertarian I believe that states should have the right to regulate (or not) drug use within their own boundaries. However, our Supreme Court has disagreed with that position and the liberal court members joined with Antonin Scalia in ruling that California residents may not grow marijuana for their own use. Obama's responsibility is to faithfully execute the laws of the United States and he took an oath to do so.

The fact that you believe Barack Obama has the right to allow the cultivation and sale of marijuana scares me. It makes me wonder how many millions there are who, like you, have no clue about the rule of law as it concerns President Obama. Obama is an outlaw, and you do not seem to have any problem with that fact.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yes I do because the US Constitution gives them that right. However, when and if the Supreme Court forces a state to recognize a gay marriage obtained in a different state, then I would support a constitutional amendment. What is wrong with your view of the world is that you actually believe that one man should have the right to "give" any Americans rights.

Obama has absolutely no right to impose his will on any individual person, state, or local government. That is not the role of a president in a democratic republic. It is, in fact, a sure way of losing our country to a government run by lawless thugs.

For example, as a libertarian I believe that states should have the right to regulate (or not) drug use within their own boundaries. However, our Supreme Court has disagreed with that position and the liberal court members joined with Antonin Scalia in ruling that California residents may not grow marijuana for their own use. Obama's responsibility is to faithfully execute the laws of the United States and he took an oath to do so.

The fact that you believe Barack Obama has the right to allow the cultivation and sale of marijuana scares me. It makes me wonder how many millions there are who, like you, have no clue about the rule of law as it concerns President Obama. Obama is an outlaw, and you do not seem to have any problem with that fact.
No, what I believe, is that all Americans have the same rights.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, what I believe, is that all Americans have the same rights.
All Americans do have the same rights. Fortunately, what is and is not a right is not based on your opinion. Neither you nor Barack Obama has the legal authority to change laws that have been legally enacted. The law does not seem to matter to either of you.

Your ignorance of the role of a president in our form of government just demonstrates a serious flaw in our public school system. However, Obama knows better and he has the power to do heavy damage to this country.
nky Wrote:Something for our Progressive brethren out there. Over the past two years President Bush has been the reason we're in the mess were in. No matter what the issue it's because of what President Bush had done and the President Obama has made sure it didn't get worst.
After 9/11/01 did you hear President Bush blaming President Clinton for dropping the ball? How it was the previous administrations fault for the attach and economic fall out? Just my observation on the Patriot Day.

Wildcatk23 Wrote:Really?

They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy…

When I took office, our economy was beginning a recession," Bush said in a speech at a Mississippi high school. "Then our economy was hit by terrorists. Then our economy was hit by corporate scandals. But I'm certain of this: We won't let fear undermine our economy and we're not going to let fraud undermine it either."

Matalin said, “I was there, we inherited a recession from President Clinton and we inherited the most tragic attack on our own soil in our nation’s history. And President Bush dealt with it and within a year of his presidency within a comparable time, unemployment was at 5 percent.”

Perino said, “They want to do all of their investigations. I don’t know. All of the thinking that goes into it. But we did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush’s term. I hope they’re not looking at this politically. I do think we ought it to the American people to call it what it is.”

What does any of this have to do with what I posted?

It would have been easy for President Bush to put the blame on the Clinton administration for the events of 9/11. He did not.

You go off on a tangent that has NOTHING to do with my statement thinking you can deflect the blame game the current administration does.

Typical progressive tactics
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I didn't comment on your mischaracterization of my political positions because I have clearly outlined those positions myself in early posts in multiple threads. You are not known for accuracy in reporting, so why waste my time correcting you repeatedly? Responding to every untrue statement in each of your posts would constitute feeding a troll.

You have such a poor understanding of how our federal government is supposed to operate that it is very difficult to engage in a rational discussion with you. Obama has no authority to grant states the right to do anything - none - he is a president not a dictator. States and individuals have certain rights under our Constitution and no individual can expand or deprive states of those rights. You may not like the fact that Obama does not have the powers of a dictator but that is just how it is in this country.
Looking back at my post I finally figured out where you think that I think Obama can give rights to the states. I left out a crucial word, wanted. My point was, that you harp and moan wanting to get the states the right to govern themselves, until Obama wants the government to let the states do it. That's the same thing as what I thought was funny in the Bill Maher video. When Obama wants what you republicans want, and wants the government to turn those rights over to the states, you people still bitch and moan,
nky Wrote:What does any of this have to do with what I posted?

It would have been easy for President Bush to put the blame on the Clinton administration for the events of 9/11. He did not.

You go off on a tangent that has NOTHING to do with my statement thinking you can deflect the blame game the current administration does.

Typical progressive tactics

Bush blamed every administration but his father for 9/11.

"""""They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy… """"

WIth that comment.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Bush blamed every administration but his father for 9/11.

"""""They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy… """"

WIth that comment.
For the next week, how would you like to compare every instance that Obama has blamed Bush for ongoing problems in less than three years to every instance tha you can find where Bush blamed Clinton for the economy during his 8 years in office? No repeats and each example must be sourced and dated. At the end of the week, we will tally the score and put to rest the "Bush did it too" defense that you and RV attempt to use to excuse Obama's whining and incompetence.

Are you two Obama fanboys up to the challenge? If so, I will start a new thread this evening.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Bush blamed every administration but his father for 9/11.

"""""They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy… """"

WIth that comment.
How is that a blame?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:For the next week, how would you like to compare every instance that Obama has blamed Bush for ongoing problems in less than three years to every instance tha you can find where Bush blamed Clinton for the economy during his 8 years in office? No repeats and each example must be sourced and dated. At the end of the week, we will tally the score and put to rest the "Bush did it too" defense that you and RV attempt to use to excuse Obama's whining and incompetence.

Are you two Obama fanboys up to the challenge? If so, I will start a new thread this evening.


But once again u don't want to believe that bush blamed clinton.
nky Wrote:How is that a blame?

He stating that our responses to those situations is what caused them to attack.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:He stating that our responses to those situations is what caused them to attack.
It wasn't that they just hate our way of life and believes that caused them to attack
nky Wrote:It wasn't that they just hate our way of life and believes that caused them to attack

I never said it was. That was a quote.

I agree with your statement.

But once again u don't want to believe that bush blamed clinton.
So, am I to take it that you decline my challenge? Wise decision. Maybe RV will be foolish enough to accept. I hope not because it will take a lot of time to compile all of Obama's blame Bush moments. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So, am I to take it that you decline my challenge? Wise decision. Maybe RV will be foolish enough to accept. I hope not because it will take a lot of time to compile all of Obama's blame Bush moments. :biggrin:

Typical Republican response, You decline to post on the topic and on something that im not denying.

And lets look at it this way?

What did Clinton leave bush with, Compared to what bush left Obama. Its not even comparable.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Typical Republican response, You decline to post on the topic and on something that im not denying.

And lets look at it this way?

What did Clinton leave bush with, Compared to what bush left Obama. Its not even comparable.
Nobody said that Clinton left Bush in worse shape than Bush left Obama. For one thing, Clinton left Bush a Republican-controlled Congress. However, Bush's policies did not make the recession that he inherited worse.

Obama's response to the recession that he inherited has been to plunge the nation into debt at a record rate and to propose huge tax increases, which will drive the unemployment rate even higher.

The point that I made is that Obama hardly goes a day without blaming somebody else for the declining economy. That point has not been refuted and pointing out that Bush blamed Clinton for some of his problems does not address my point at all.

Many of those who enthusiastically supported Obama in 2008 are sick of his whining and blame Bush strategy. This guy has never stopped campaigning. The only difference is that we have been paying for his campaign for more than 2 years and his "message" is no longer credible.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Nobody said that Clinton left Bush in worse shape than Bush left Obama. For one thing, Clinton left Bush a Republican-controlled Congress.[I][I] However, Bush's policies did not make the recession that he inherited worse. [/I][/I]

Obama's response to the recession that he inherited has been to plunge the nation into debt at a record rate and to propose huge tax increases, which will drive the unemployment rate even higher.

The point that I made is that Obama hardly goes a day without blaming somebody else for the declining economy. That point has not been refuted and pointing out that Bush blamed Clinton for some of his problems does not address my point at all.

Many of those who enthusiastically supported Obama in 2008 are sick of his whining and blame Bush strategy. This guy has never stopped campaigning. The only difference is that we have been paying for his campaign for more than 2 years and his "message" is no longer credible.

Bush inherited a recession? ???????

He didn't screw up the economy? Did i miss something?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Bush inherited a recession? ???????

He didn't screw up the economy? Did i miss something?
Quote:It's official. According to a statement from the National Bureau of Economic Research, the United States has been in a recession since December 2007. But while that conclusion from the non-governmental NEBR differs from the traditional definition of two consecutive quarters of GDP contraction, by any accounting the Bush recession will be well underway by the end of this year. And by either measure, the conservative talking point of a Clinton recession "inherited by George W. Bush" remains a myth.

The NEBR declaration is just the latest confirmation of the severe Bush downturn. Last week, the Commerce Department revised its third quarter (July through October) gross domestic product decline to 0.5% from 0.3%, while two recent forecasts predicted a Q4 drop-off of at least 3%. Two weeks ago, the quarterly Survey of Professional Forecasters by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia concluded that the United States already entered a recession in April. Today, the NEBR's analysis, which includes a broader range of factors beyond GDP, concluded that the U.S. has been in a recession since December 2007. As CNN reported:

The NBER said that the deterioration in the labor market throughout 2008 was one key reason why it decided to state that the recession began last year.

Employers have trimmed payrolls by 1.2 million jobs in the first 10 months of this year. On Friday, economists are predicting the government will report a loss of another 325,000 jobs for November.

The NBER also looks at real personal income, industrial production as well as wholesale and retail sales. All those measures reached a peak between November 2007 and June 2008, the NBER said.

Facing the avalanche of grim news Monday, the White House still refuses to use the term "recession" to describe the economic calamity that Barack Obama will inherit from George W. Bush. Two months after press secretary Dana Perino claimed, "I don’t think anybody could tell you right now if we’re in a recession or not" and one month after he himself rejected a question as to whether the U.S. was in a recession as "irrelevant," Bush spokesman Tony Fratto today said of the slowdown, "What's important is what is being done about it."

Of course, back in 2001 the new Bush administration and its amen corner in the right-wing media weren't shy at all when it came to blaming a sluggish economy on Bill Clinton.

While the NEBR determined the George W. Bush's first recession actually began in March 2001, the history of U.S. GDP shows that the traditional definition of recession - two straight quarters of GDP decline - was never met during either the last year of the Clinton presidency or the first of Bush's tenure:

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