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Its time for Bookie Cobbins
its time for Bookie
What they no Bookie fans?
I thought he redshirted this year. I agree Bookie needs to play in a couple of downs to see what he is capable of doing out of the wildcat.
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He has not been Red Shirted yet, but the last I heard the plan was to Red Shirt him this season
No !
He's got a knee injury everyone.
Newton, or any other QB is going to look awful as long some of those stone handed WR's stay on the field.
I just like Bookie he great kid from New Orleans and believe he make good one with lots speed
I think every starter on offense should be yanked...
I would love to see Joker put Bookie in for a few plays so we can see what he has!
Newton is a good qb guys. Peyton Manning couldn't do any better getting scaked every play and with his receivers dropping everything he throws.
While I agree he gets hit way to many times in a game I have to put blame where it needs to be and some of the reason Newton gets hit so many times a game is because he holds onto the ball a lot of times for far to long instead of checking down to a back or tight end like a good quarterback needs to do and once he learns that it will help him the o-line and the rest of the offense.
SaveUK Wrote:While I agree he gets hit way to many times in a game I have to put blame where it needs to be and some of the reason Newton gets hit so many times a game is because he holds onto the ball a lot of times for far to long instead of checking down to a back or tight end like a good quarterback needs to do and once he learns that it will help him the o-line and the rest of the offense.

There is no check down when your receivers suck to bad to get open.
rustyankle Wrote:I just like Bookie he great kid from New Orleans and believe he make good one with lots speed
Good point, he DOES have decent speed. But we need someone who can actually throw the ball, lead the team, etc. He is a freshman who has never played a down in the SEC. Running backs can get away with that because they run behind blockers and basically it is all about hitting the hole. A QB needs to be able to recognize blitzes, call out his protection, audible if need be, check down from his primary receiver on a route if covered, etc. Bookie may indeed be a fine QB someday, but lets wait and see. I would rather he be redshirted this year. Maxwell Smith is the one who should have gotten some snaps against WKU and CMU, as well as UL, in my opinion. We would have lost nothing in terms of a series or two early in the game by putting him in in those games. All it would have taken was a specific package of plays designed for him, and see how he did. If he did well, expand the package and prepare him for the next game, same scenario, in early, run specific plays from the package based on outcome of the plays, and go from there.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:There is no check down when your receivers suck to bad to get open.
Been open MANY times, it's catching the damn ball where they suck. But at least EJ Fields stepped up and did his job against UL. Now, if Joker can just get Newton to dump the ball instead of taking sacks.....
Right now Bookie twitters better than he throws the ball.
rustyankle Wrote:its time for Bookie

The way this season is going, we could have Boobie Miles out there and it wouldnt help none.

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