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Occupy Wall Street
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yes, I do, if the alternative is to spend my tax dollars to bail them out. The UAW received preferential treatment because Obama and the Democrats decided to spend billions to save GM. That 17.5 percent ownership interest only had value because Obama put taxpayers on the hook to the tune of tens of billions of dollars.
You and people like you, are the reason we have, and need, unions, and retirement plans are protected.
TheRealVille Wrote:You and people like you, are the reason we have, and need, unions, and retirement plans are protected.
You and people like you are why our politicians are funneling public funds into union coffers. It is outright theft. Today's union bosses have no sense of right and wrong.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You and people like you are why our politicians are funneling public funds into union coffers. It is outright theft. Today's union bosses have no sense of right and wrong.
We wouldn't be here if it were not for your type decades ago. Blame them. This is not a chicken or the egg argument, we are here because people of your ilk caused us to be here. Now you just have to deal with it.
TheRealVille Wrote:We wouldn't be here if it were not for your type decades ago. Blame them.
They aren't the ones who are stealing my money. Unions and the liberal Democrats in Washington are. Tell me why you believe that tax dollars should be used to bail out union pension funds and health care plans. What entitles union members to the money that I pay in federal income taxes?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:They aren't the ones who are stealing my money. Unions and the liberal Democrats in Washington are. Tell me why you believe that tax dollars should be used to bail out union pension funds and health care plans. What entitles union members to the money that I pay in federal income taxes?
Because people like you let these companies steal our money. Isn't it ironic that one of those big business that you think so highly of is the reason I can spend a few bucks to help liberals get elected? If your dad was killed by one of those big business, would be so quick to support them?
TheRealVille Wrote:Because people like you let these companies steal our money. Isn't it ironic that one of those big business that you think so highly of is the reason I can spend a few bucks to help liberals get elected? If your dad was killed by one of those big business, would be so quick to support them?
Call me hard-hearted, RV, but the victim card doesn't work with me. Most of us have lived through our share of personal tragedies, which we choose not to share with the general public, and we don't use those events as excuses for our own irrational behavior and attitudes.

So, that's your answer? Somebody stole the UAW's pension funds so that makes it right for Obama and the liberal Democrats to use the public's money to pay union pensions and health benefits? Who stole the UAW funds?
TheRealVille Wrote:We wouldn't be here if it were not for your type decades ago. Blame them. This is not a chicken or the egg argument, we are here because people of your ilk caused us to be here. Now you just have to deal with it.

I believe firmly in assisting the demonstrators. Their most pressing need at this time appears to be for an influx of bars of soap and instructions on how to use them. Then, possibly a goodly supply of garbage bags so that they can learn to clean up after themselves. When they learn to master these two basic tasks, they may be on the way to being taken seriously.
Truth Wrote:I believe firmly in assisting the demonstrators. Their most pressing need at this time appears to be for an influx of bars of soap and instructions on how to use them. Then, possibly a goodly supply of garbage bags so that they can learn to clean up after themselves. When they learn to master these two basic tasks, they may be on the way to being taken seriously.
:Thumbs: I think some Port-a_Potties would also be a welcome relief but I have a feeling that most of the occupiers see public urination as a benefit of their participation in the protests.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Call me hard-hearted, RV, but the victim card doesn't work with me. Most of us have lived through our share of personal tragedies, which we choose not to share with the general public, and we don't use those events as excuses for our own irrational behavior and attitudes.

So, that's your answer? Somebody stole the UAW's pension funds so that makes it right for Obama and the liberal Democrats to use the public's money to pay union pensions and health benefits? Who stole the UAW funds?
But, your personal tragedies didn't happen because of some big business that I support, unlike me. GM was ready to, via bankruptcy, until the government stopped it.
Truth Wrote:I believe firmly in assisting the demonstrators. Their most pressing need at this time appears to be for an influx of bars of soap and instructions on how to use them. Then, possibly a goodly supply of garbage bags so that they can learn to clean up after themselves. When they learn to master these two basic tasks, they may be on the way to being taken seriously.
The key word here Truth, was we at the first of my sentence. We being the unions that Hoot and I were talking about, not the protesters.
TheRealVille Wrote:But, your personal tragedies didn't happen because of some big business that I support, unlike me. GM was ready to, via bankruptcy, until the government stopped it.
All I know is that you have boasted in the past of your financial holdings and now you are telling us that the source of that money was some sort of financial settlement. I am sorry for your loss but it does not validate your belief that taxpayers should have bailed out unions or forced GM to give 17.5 percent of GM to the UAW. Nothing in life is without its risks. Nobody has a right to somebody else's money to make them whole. Whatever the state of the UAW's pension and health funds were, taxpayers such as me played no part in creating those problems.

GM and Chrysler should have been allowed to go under at no expense to the federal government. Ford, which thrived without an Obama bail out, would have increased production and hired more American workers. Whatever part of GM that was worth saving, would have been bought by its competitors.

Maybe unions should stop pouring millions of dollars into the pockets of Democratic candidates and use those funds to bail out their own members.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:All I know is that you have boasted in the past of your financial holdings and now you are telling us that the source of that money was some sort of financial settlement. I am sorry for your loss but it does not validate your belief that taxpayers should have bailed out unions or forced GM to give 17.5 percent of GM to the UAW. Nothing in life is without its risks. Nobody has a right to somebody else's money to make them whole. Whatever the state of the UAW's pension and health funds were, taxpayers such as me played no part in creating those problems.

GM and Chrysler should have been allowed to go under at no expense to the federal government. Ford, which thrived without an Obama bail out, would have increased production and hired more American workers. Whatever part of GM that was worth saving, would have been bought by its competitors.

Maybe unions should stop pouring millions of dollars into the pockets of Democratic candidates and use those funds to bail out their own members.
What don't you understand here? Nobody forced GM to give the UAW 17.5 percent. It was payment for money that GM had already taken from the UAW as part of their retirement package. It would be just exactly like if you worked for me and I took money out of your check to go into a retirement fund. When my business got in trouble, I agreed to give you a percentage of my company as payoff for that debt I owed you.
TheRealVille Wrote:The key word here Truth, was we at the first of my sentence. We being the unions that Hoot and I were talking about, not the protesters.

Since your unions are supporting the "demonstrators", I would peg them as aiders and abetters of the filth. They are accomplices and, thus, guilty in their own right.

The main difference between these demonstrators and the Tea Party is that the former emphasize alleged rights while the latter emphasizes responsibility. The contrast in attitudes and habits of cleanliness are stricking. I would suggest that those demonstrating are the greedy ones since they expect benefits without earning them.

As Herman Cain said, "You are entitled to earn the right to drive a Cadillac but you are not entitled to my Cadillac." That really sums up the whole matter.
TheRealVille Wrote:What don't you understand here? Nobody forced GM to give the UAW 17.5 percent. It was payment for money that GM had already taken from the UAW as part of their retirement package. It would be just exactly like if you worked for me and I took money out of your check to go into a retirement fund. When my business got in trouble, I agreed to give you a percentage of my company as payoff for that debt I owed you.
What don't you understand? The federal government pumped billions of dollars into GM. The UAW's 17.5 percent ownership share would have been virtually worthless if not for the bailout. Obama even forced the ouster of GM's CEO, Rick Wagoner, by making his departure a condition of additional public funding. Shareholders lost their collective shirts through the bankruptcy and the UAW made out like bandits because, well, that's what they are.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What don't you understand? The federal government pumped billions of dollars into GM. The UAW's 17.5 percent ownership share would have been virtually worthless if not for the bailout. Obama even forced the ouster of GM's CEO, Rick Wagoner, by making his departure a condition of additional public funding. Shareholders lost their collective shirts through the bankruptcy and the UAW made out like bandits because, well, that's what they are.
What don't you understand? GM pumped billions and billions into the government over the last hundred years. Who do you think benefitted from that money? The taxpayers is who. Now that is a "chicken or the egg" argument. Why would Waggoner be allowed to stay if the government is bailing GM out? He let the company go broke.
Here is a little known fact. Since 1989, which individual has received more campaign donations from Wall Street firms than anybody else? If you are TheRealVille, you may be shocked at the answer. (Most of us already know the answer.)

The answer for $16,004,693 is...Barack Hussein Obama!

Obama already leads George W. Bush in this race by a comfortable margin but with most of the 2012 campaign season remaining, Obama could end up with a 2 to 1 advantage by the time of the election.

It has been asked but not answered, why are these protesters supporting Obama's reelection and why are they not on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their signs and filth?

Details here
TheRealVille Wrote:What don't you understand? GM pumped billions and billions into the government over the last hundred years. Who do you think benefitted from that money? The taxpayers is who. Now that is a "chicken or the egg" argument. Why would Waggoner be allowed to stay if the government is bailing GM out? He let the company go broke.
GM built the company by manufacturing and selling cars in a relatively free market. It is not the job of the president or any other government official to hire or fire corporate CEOs. The fact that GM paid corporate taxes does not entitle the UAW to have public funds funneled to it in a bailout of a failed company.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Here is a little known fact. Since 1989, which individual has received more campaign donations from Wall Street firms than anybody else? If you are TheRealVille, you may be shocked at the answer. (Most of us already know the answer.)

The answer for $16,004,693 is...Barack Hussein Obama!

Obama already leads George W. Bush in this race by a comfortable margin but with most of the 2012 campaign season remaining, Obama could end up with a 2 to 1 advantage by the time of the election.

It has been asked but not answered, why are these protesters supporting Obama's reelection and why are they not on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their signs and filth?

Details here
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner Hoot, but when I talk to idiots for very long, I have to jump on one of my bikes and take a drive through the country looking at the fall foliage, then come back home and drink a beer and take a couple of hits of the good stuff that god made, just to keep a level head and deal with the idiocy.

Good for Obama to be so well liked that people have sunk a big amount of money into his campaign. Maybe big business, that you so adore, will get him re-elected. Good day sir, I feel too good to let you be a buzz killer. Loosen up, don't take life so serious. You will end up dying at some point, and nobody will care.
TheRealVille Wrote:Sorry for not getting back to you sooner Hoot, but when I talk to idiots for very long, I have to jump on one of my bikes and take a drive through the country looking at the fall foliage, then come back home and drink a beer and take a couple of hits of the good stuff that god made, just to keep a level head and deal with the idiocy.

Good for Obama to be so well liked that people have sunk a big amount of money into his campaign. Maybe big business, that you so adore, will get him re-elected. Good day sir, I feel too good to let you be a buzz killer. Loosen up, don't take life so serious. You will end up dying at some point, and nobody will care.
Wow, and you have the nerve to tell me not to take life so seriously. Seriously, dude, you are in urgent need of a professional cranial examination. Thank you for hopping on a bike and not getting behind the wheel in your current condition. I still have a lot of friends and relatives in Johnson County.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Wow, and you have the nerve to tell me not to take life so seriously. Seriously, dude, you are in urgent need of a professional cranial examination. Thank you for hopping on a bike and not getting behind the wheel in your current condition. I still have a lot of friends and relatives in Johnson County.
I got on the bike before, LOL. I don't drink and drive. Did you read the post, and the order of things? You had to see the word "then" in there. Did you go to school and learn how to read full sentences? See, your idiocy pops up again, LOL. How do I need a cranial because I told you to lighten up? It's true, if you are serious all the time, and live your life worrying about politics, and not take time to make friends withouts politics involved in every discussion, you will eventually die a bitter old man, and no one will care. I'm just trying to save you before it's too late.
TheRealVille Wrote:I got on the bike before, LOL. Did you read the post, and the order of things? You had to see the word "then" in there. Did you go to school and learn how to read full sentences? See, your idiocy pops up again, LOL. How do I need a cranial because I told you to lighten up? It's true, if you are serious all the time, and live your life worrying about politics, and not take time to make friends withouts politics involved in every discussion, you will eventually die a bitter old man, and no one will care. I'm just trying to save you before it's too late.
No, I read what you wrote. Based on your earlier posts, I just assumed that the beer of which you spoke was not your first and that staying vertical on your bike was probably a bit of a challenge. If it was simply your inability to compose and string thoughtful sentences together, then I apologize for erring on the side of caution.
Truth Wrote:Since your unions are supporting the "demonstrators", I would peg them as aiders and abetters of the filth. They are accomplices and, thus, guilty in their own right.

The main difference between these demonstrators and the Tea Party is that the former emphasize alleged rights while the latter emphasizes responsibility. The contrast in attitudes and habits of cleanliness are stricking. I would suggest that those demonstrating are the greedy ones since they expect benefits without earning them.

As Herman Cain said, "You are entitled to earn the right to drive a Cadillac but you are not entitled to my Cadillac." That really sums up the whole matter.
The Hermanator has a flair with the language. He hits the nail on the head without busting his hands in the process.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No, I read what you wrote. Based on your earlier posts, I just assumed that the beer of which you spoke was not your first and that staying vertical on your bike was probably a bit of a challenge. If it was simply your inability to compose and string thoughtful sentences together, then I apologize for erring on the side of caution.
I'm sorry if I didn't put sentences together that suited your political needs. You know what they say about assuming, right? It's usually you make an "ass out of u and me". This time by assuming, you only made an "ass out of you".
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm sorry if I didn't put sentences together that suited your political needs. You know what they say about assuming, right? It's usually you make an "ass out of u and me". This time by assuming, you only made an "ass out of you".
You need no such magical transformation. To paraphrase Popeye, you are what you are.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You need no such magical transformation. To paraphrase Popeye, you are what you are.
You calling me an ass? Confusednicker: Ask around on the board pal, you are right there with me. We can keep this up all night, but I must warn you, I'm on one of my little hiatuses from work, and I've actually got all night. I'll have to take a couple hour break in a little bit though, Monday night football will be on in a minute.
TheRealVille Wrote:You calling me an ass? Confusednicker: Ask around on the board pal, you are right there with me. We can keep this up all night. I'll have to take a couple hour break in a little bit though, Monday night football will be on in a minute.
Sorry, I work for a living. I need to be at my desk before 6 AM tomorrow morning. I will be calling it a night soon, so feel free to have the last word.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Sorry, I work for a living. I need to be at my desk before 6 AM tomorrow morning. I will be calling it a night soon, so feel free to have the last word.
I do too. I can take off 6 months and make what you make in a year though.
TheRealVille Wrote:I do too. I can take off 6 months and make what you make in a year though.
A prick as big as you should be able to make millions in the porn industry. Head to toe.

Sorry BGP members, couldn't resist.
TheRealVille Wrote:I do too. I can take off 6 months and make what you make in a year though.
Good for you, trust fund baby. I have earned every penny that I have and I would never be happy sitting around home all day wasting time or working under the close supervision of a foreman.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Good for you, trust fund baby. I have earned every penny that I have and I would never be happy sitting around home all day wasting time or working under the close supervision of a foreman.

Even without that money, I make in the neighborhood of 65-70K a year just from the job aspect of it. You really don't want to know the other direction. Don't act like you don't have a supervisor, just like I do.

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