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Rick Santorum... wut?
Things like this is what blows my mind about the Republican candidates.

If he wins the GOP primary and you vote for him, well then you are an idiot. I would rather go down on a sinking ship with Obama than have someone in office that thinks this way.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
Amun-Ra Wrote:Things like this is what blows my mind about the Republican candidates.

If he wins the GOP primary and you vote for him, well then you are an idiot. I would rather go down on a sinking ship with Obama than have someone in office that thinks this way.
We disagree. I think that as long as anybody runs against Obama from any political party, and they vote for Obama after seeing what an incompetent boob he has been is an idiot. He is the worst president of this century. I can understand people not wanting to vote for a Republican but I cannot understand people who are still willing to vote for Obama, knowing now what they could have only feared in 2008.
Obama's term may be one of the worst our country has had to endure, yes. It is not entirely his fault. The entire time he has been in office, the Republicans in Congress have made it their sole purpose to make him fail. McConnell has said this publicly that that is their number one goal, to beat Obama, not fix our country.

Now back to Santorum. He is seriously out of touch with our society and the world. This is 2012 not 1900.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
Amun-Ra Wrote:Obama's term may be one of the worst our country has had to endure, yes. It is not entirely his fault. The entire time he has been in office, the Republicans in Congress have made it their sole purpose to make him fail. McConnell has said this publicly that that is their number one goal, to beat Obama, not fix our country.

Now back to Santorum. He is seriously out of touch with our society and the world. This is 2012 not 1900.
Santorum respects our Constitution and the laws of the land. Obama is an outlaw. Bill Clinton was able to get legislation passed with Congress controlled by Republicans - even as the impeachment storm was brewing. Ronald Reagan and both Bushes managed to get legislation passed with the other party controlling one or both houses of Congress as well.

Blame Republicans for Obama's failures if you want, but they are entirely the result of Obama's bloated ego and poor work ethic. Heck, even his own cabinet has complained about not getting to meet with him.

I don't think the strategy of ridiculing whoever gets the Republican nomination will be enough to make most voters overlook Obama's failed presidency. He may spend $1 billion on the campaign but it may take $2 billion for him to buy his way back into office.

I will gladly vote for Rick Santorum if he wins the nomination. I will even vote for Ron Paul if he gets the nod because although I disagree with him on many issues, I am convinced that he does respect our laws and the US Constitution. To me, that is a fundamental requirement for a presidential candidate.
Well hopefully Santorum doesn't get the nomination. I respect your views, but I would lose that if you voted for someone that out of touch with reality. BTW, non of our current people in office care about or follow our Constitution. They all bend the rules and make themselves exempt from the laws that the rest have to follow so they can make more money.

Paul on the other hand i honestly do believe repects and follows our Constitution. While I don't agree with him on somethings, I do think he is the best choice out the GOP candidates.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
I will vote for Paul on election day after giving it much thought, something a lot of people do not do anymore.
And as Hoot said, if Santorum gets the nod, i will gladly vote for him in the election. I would vote for any of the candidates over Obama. He has been a complete failure of a president.

I dont think Santorum will keep this pace going in to other states. I expect Romney to win New Hampshire, and in South carolina i see Newt and Paul being the front runners.
IMO, all of the candidates except for Santorum, Paul, Gingrich, and Romney should bow out and let those votes go to someone else. IMO there is no way the Perry, Bachmann, and Huntsman stand a snowballs chance in getting the nomination. Time to move on for them.
his comments are in line with his Roman Catholic faith. Men of principals are hard to fine. Unlike John Kerry (also Catholic), Santorum isn't picking and choosing what to "believe" faith wise because it polls well.
Amun-Ra Wrote:Obama's term may be one of the worst our country has had to endure, yes. It is not entirely his fault. The entire time he has been in office, the Republicans in Congress have made it their sole purpose to make him fail. McConnell has said this publicly that that is their number one goal, to beat Obama, not fix our country.

Now back to Santorum. He is seriously out of touch with our society and the world. This is 2012 not 1900.

Of course you fail to comprehend that our current society (and IMO your way of thinking) is what is out of whack, rather than the convictions of a man's faith. In reality we would probably be better off if we were of the society think tank of 1900. It is those that possess the thought process of yourself that are out of touch with reality.
As of now, if anybody other than Romney get's the nomination, I will do what others here have done when voting for their party. I will hold my nose and vote for Obama. As stated, as much as Obama has shortcomings, the republicans in Congress has tried to block everything he has done. Boner and the boys are no better for America than Obama.
TheRealVille Wrote:As of now, if anybody other than Romney get's the nomination, I will do what others here have done when voting for their party. I will hold my nose and vote for Obama. As stated, as much as Obama has shortcomings, the republicans in Congress has tried to block everything he has done. Boner and the boys are no better for America than Obama.

Kind of an understatement, wouldn't you say?:biggrin:
I wish there was a stronger GOP candidate. There isn't one of the front runners that I agree with totally or even more than 70% or so. Michelle Bachmann is an idiot.

That being said, I wouldn't vote for Obama if he were running unopposed.

Talk about holding your nose and pulling the ballot!

I would love to have a real choice; someone that I could get totally behind and support. So far, no good.
Please bring back Jesse "the body" Ventura. He looks like Abraham Lincoln compared to the entire lot of incoming and potential presidential candidates for this election. The entire group, led by Obama, needs to be flushed, and we need to start all over again.
back to topic

The quote from the article comes down to when do you believe life occurs or what is the natural cycle of life. Santorum believes and the Catholic Church emphasis that no artificial means should be used to stop the cycle.
Stardust Wrote:Please bring back Jesse "the body" Ventura. He looks like Abraham Lincoln compared to the entire lot of incoming and potential presidential candidates for this election. The entire group, led by Obama, needs to be flushed, and we need to start all over again.
Along with ALL in Congress who have been there for more than two terms.
nky Wrote:back to topic

The quote from the article comes down to when do you believe life occurs or what is the natural cycle of life. Santorum believes and the Catholic Church emphasis that no artificial means should be used to stop the cycle.

Thus creating another family of Duggars....not that I have a problem with them having a lot of kids, but how much more can that women take? I believe she had a miscarriage with her last pregnancy.
judgementday Wrote:Thus creating another family of Duggars....not that I have a problem with them having a lot of kids, but how much more can that women take? I believe she had a miscarriage with her last pregnancy.
Well the Duggars aren't Catholic but yes, That's why you see Catholics have large families
Sadly, this is coming from a preacher. Sometimes, when our beliefs are so far out there, and we are running for political office, sometimes it is best to say no comment, or avoid the subject.

Remember I said INVOLVING POLITICS, not if you are sharing the Gospel. There was no need for him to make THIS forward of a statement. You might gain 1,000 total votes, but you might lose a potential 10,000 or more!

I like Santorum, but with comments like these he is proving to be unelectable. He is the Huckabee of 2012. Except Huckabee was more electable.
I'm alright with Rick Santorum

All I know is the republicans have a very strong chance at unseating Obama. They have no idea on how bad and embarrassing it will be for them if they lose this election.

Also, Congress could use a few swift kicks in the butt.
Rick Santorum quote: “One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country.” And also, “Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that’s okay, contraception is okay. It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”

I keep reading this quote and for the life of me I don't see how it's politically inflammatory? Since "The Pill" was first introduced in the 1960's there has been an increased in promiscuity in this country. Even to the point of f-buddies today. He's just saying that this type of attitude isn't okay. So a candidate can't have a moral stand on something? Yet we get all bent out of shape when candidates get caught with their pants down with someone other than their wife(Herman Cain).
^nky it is in the wording.

He might have gained 10,000 votes if he said something like, "In the US today we are too sexually promiscuous. America needs to live better morally and we need to save our children from this phenomenon."

However, he stated "the dangers of contraception.... (Contraception) is not okay" That lost him many votes. It is in the wording.
The English Language is funny that way. In the end I don't see this as a big issue
IMHO, if Huckabee would have ran this time, he'd win in a landslide.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:IMHO, if Huckabee would have ran this time, he'd win in a landslide.

Certainly he would have MY vote.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:IMHO, if Huckabee would have ran this time, he'd win in a landslide.
I have just slightly more respect for Huckabee than for Obama and McCain. All three men are deeply dishonest and burdened with inflated egos for no good reason. McCain's endorsement of Romney after the dirty campaign that McCain and Huckabee ran against him have cost Romney a lot of respect that I had for him. Maybe McCain is trying to kill Romney's chances with kindness this time around instead of deceit.
You guys can stop with all the comments about he is a man of his faith.

He is totally against abortion and says any woman or doctor who performs one should be put int jail, even if it is to save the mother's life. Well, that wasn't his view when his wife had one to save her life.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
I'm sure it was a heart wrenching choice made by the Santorum's. I hope no one I know is never put into this position. I find the direction this is going not only here but elsewhere to be very disturbing especially in context of who the President hung out with yet he was given a pass.
Amun-Ra Wrote:You guys can stop with all the comments about he is a man of his faith.

He is totally against abortion and says any woman or doctor who performs one should be put int jail, even if it is to save the mother's life. Well, that wasn't his view when his wife had one to save her life.

doesn't mean he's not against abortion today. it's like someone that is against drinking and driving and has a DUI on their record. maybe he didn't feel the same way about abortion then as he does now, maybe he does. people are allowed to change their minds and views, especially when it's personally affected them.
Amun-Ra Wrote:Things like this is what blows my mind about the Republican candidates.

If he wins the GOP primary and you vote for him, well then you are an idiot. I would rather go down on a sinking ship with Obama than have someone in office that thinks this way.

You can arrive at this conclusion if you hang out on all day and get what is left of your brain turned to mush. Santorum explained what he meant by his position on The Factor but I'm not going to waste my time or yours explaining it to you. You will talk yourself into voting for the democrat whoever runs against him and until you can find something nutty to post about Obama or any other Dem you will be seen as nothing but a hack..........
Amun-Ra Wrote:You guys can stop with all the comments about he is a man of his faith.

He is totally against abortion and says any woman or doctor who performs one should be put int jail, even if it is to save the mother's life. Well, that wasn't his view when his wife had one to save her life.

Yeah, give me the partial-birth abortion crowd any day...:eyeroll:

I am sorry, but this is not what America needs. We are losing freedom more and more everyday.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis

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