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Snake man of Appalachia debuts tonight!
The new reality show "Snake man of Appalachia" debuts tonight at 9:00 p.m. on Animal Planet. It is a new reality show that follows a Letcher County man who hunts snakes .
I like Snake Movies but there is no way I'd hunt or pick up any kind of Snake
^ You have enough problems hunting down your own....:biggrin:

^ hahaha It's not hard to find lol
^ LOL, just messing with you SK (you know I love you, but I also love to mess with you Wink )
^ lol
There will never be another turtle man
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:There will never be another turtle man

Thank God!
Anybody watch it? I never bothered. I've watched a few Tutleman episodes, but there all turning into Billy the Exterminator
Yes. It wasn't much. Rather boring. I do not look for it last long on AP. The only reason it is the least bit interesting to me is that I know the area and I live in the town they show sporadically on the show. Not much excitement. Not near as enjoyable as Swamp People.
Didn't get to watch it.
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I got bit by a Rattlesnake once about 2 years ago...we were on a range and bored out of our minds, and I was a dumbass and decided to make a video of myself catching a Rattlesnake with an Australian

Now, I'm scared to death of them. Really always have been. Never try to grab a snake by the neck if you've never done it before, haha.
vundy33 Wrote:I got bit by a Rattlesnake once about 2 years ago...we were on a range and bored out of our minds, and I was a dumbass and decided to make a video of myself catching a Rattlesnake with an Australian

Now, I'm scared to death of them. Really always have been. Never try to grab a snake by the neck if you've never done it before, haha.

Did you have to take anti-venom?
There was a lot more to this show than hunting snakes...
it shined a light on poverty and snake handling Churches.

Once again, someone flashes some money at someone in Eastern Kentucky to make fun of them on live TV and it seems as if their oblivious to it.

Sorry to get on here and ramble....
but it was ridiculous how they went about this.
They didn't show anyone talk that didn't stumble around on their words.
They put up subtitles at times so everyone could understand what was said.
And they didn't show any type of house that wasn't a ran down trailer or a shack on its last legs.
I enjoyed it, but I can see where some would be offended by the exploitation. What I found interesting, is how normal the family is, and that a feller that handles snakes, can be quite normal. Every time, I have seen snake handlers on TV, has been in a church setting, while everyone was jumping up and down, and drinking venom, and really they looked very dang crazy, to my eyes, and probably most of the general public.

I guess, what I am getting at, is that it is pretty amazing, how these guys, can feel God, and handle the snakes like that. I would love to see Tebow on the show. I think, he could handle two or three of them at a time.
They showed Cumberland Falls a crap load of times in that episode
I just watched the entire episode.
Disgusting is a great word that comes to mind.
Animal Planet is more into filming backwood people that are intelectually absent than filming anything about snakes.
Its completely ridicolous to see a show like this. If you want to film those type of people than do it. But when you do that know that your stereotyping all eastern ky communites when really familes like the one seen in this episode make up about .01% of the actual people living here in EKY today.

You can see the whole episode free right here, its where i seen it...
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I just watched the entire episode.
Disgusting is a great word that comes to mind.
Animal Planet is more into filming backwood people that are intelectually absent than filming anything about snakes.
Its completely ridicolous to see a show like this. If you want to film those type of people than do it. But when you do that know that your stereotyping all eastern ky communites when really familes like the one seen in this episode make up about .01% of the actual people living here in EKY today.

It's ridiculous.

I would kill for them to follow me around for a few months.
I'm unemployed. I talk with a little twang. I live in the middle of nowhere.

It would never happen though....
I'm too much like everyone else in the country. My house is too clean. I'm too educated to fit into the mold they want to cast as an "appalachian" person.
zaga_fan Wrote:It's ridiculous.

I would kill for them to follow me around for a few months.
I'm unemployed. I talk with a little twang. I live in the middle of nowhere.

It would never happen though....
I'm too much like everyone else in the country. My house is too clean. I'm too educated to fit into the mold they want to cast as an "appalachian" person.

Exactly, its just there way of letting people see a family that still lives the backwards way of life.
Dont get me wrong, i dont blame the family, you grow up the way you were raised and only have what you got. In there case all they have is a shack in the middle of Letcher County.
While i have a deep southern accent most of the time, i wish they could see my daily life as well. Im fortunate enough to have a job, and its a pretty good one. Other than that though, you honestly wouldnt be able to tell the difference in me and someone that lives in Chicago or something.
Bob Seger Wrote:Did you have to take anti-venom?

Whatever I was given I reacted badly to it, and I hardly remember anything from that night. But the doc said that I have sort of a natural resistance to an ingredient or something in the venom, so I did pretty well. I barely have scars now.
I need to watch this show. Can't be that bad can it? lol.
vundy33 Wrote:I need to watch this show. Can't be that bad can it? lol.

See for yourself...i guarantee it will remind you of a family you know close to where you live or a family youve seen.
^^ Just wow.
vundy33 Wrote:Whatever I was given I reacted badly to it, and I hardly remember anything from that night. But the doc said that I have sort of a natural resistance to an ingredient or something in the venom, so I did pretty well. I barely have scars now.

I have never seen anyone after they have been bitten by a rattlesnake but I have seen one after a copperhead bite. It was an awful sight. Severe flesh discoloration and what appeared to be flesh actually deteriorating. Kind of like pictures that I have seen after someone who has been bitten by a brown recluse spider. Real nasty looking stuff. Did a rattler bite cause anything similar to that?
They claim Rattlesnakes and Copperheads are the only two venom snakes in KY, but ive heard of several people who have caught water moccasins in western Ky.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:They claim Rattlesnakes and Copperheads are the only two venom snakes in KY, but ive heard of several people who have caught water moccasins in western Ky.

Yeah, I've heard that too. Around the Land between the Lakes region?
I killed a baby Cottonmouth in Pike County. Thought it was a copperhead until I took a closer look. It was a baby Cottonmouth alright...and before I killed it, it would go underwater and come back up and open it's mouth and hiss at me, haha. Ugh..
Yup seger, over in that country.
Ive heard of some in EKY as well, although rare, there here.

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