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Trayvon Martin Death
All the usual suspects have jumped to paint Trayvon Martin as an innocent child of high virtue. It might be best to wait until all the facts are known before executing Zimmerman. Of course, that assumes that MSNBC, Obama, and the others will report and admit the facts if they are not "favorable" to their agenda.
Truth Wrote:All the usual suspects have jumped to paint Trayvon Martin as an innocent child of high virtue. It might be best to wait until all the facts are known before executing Zimmerman. Of course, that assumes that MSNBC, Obama, and the others will report and admit the facts if they are not "favorable" to their agenda.

I agree, it would be best to wait until the investigation is further along. Everyday there is more news coming out about this case and apparently Martin is not as innocent as some want everyone to believe.

Let's not forget the Duke lacrosse mess from a few years ago.
I knew we could count on a few here to take up for the killer. I've been waiting patiently for this thread.
TheRealVille Wrote:I knew we could count on a few here to take up for the killer. I've been waiting patiently for this thread.

I didn't take it as anyone taking up for the "killer".
White Hispanic? When is the last time you heard that one?
lol im not even going to get into this one, but lol at the media.
TheRealVille Wrote:I knew we could count on a few here to take up for the killer. I've been waiting patiently for this thread.

So you would prefer to charge someone with murder without knowing all of the facts rather than verifying the actual facts of the case.

I'm sure you remember the Duke lacrosse case, and how Sharpton, Jackson and others had those boys tried and convicted within two days of the innocent, and we all know how that turned out don't we.

If Zimmerman is quilty then he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, but let's get the facts straight first.
To bad the legal system isn't permitted to do it's job. The rush to judgement is appalling not only in this case but others as well. Especially if race/religion is an element to the crime.
I to was wondering when this thread would pop up........so many things wrong on both sides, but unfortunately only one side gets to tell their story...
TheRealVille Wrote:I knew we could count on a few here to take up for the killer. I've been waiting patiently for this thread.

No need to wait for the facts (if we ever get them). TheRealVille has already served as prosecutor, judge, and jury and will soon act as the executioner.

I do find it misleading that MSNBC and its ilk continue to show an "angelic" picture of Martin on a regular basis. The only problem is that the picture is of Martin when he was twelve years old. With Martin's apparent checkered past (check out the filth posted by him on Facebook, etc. and his school record for a start), the portrayal is shamefully (and purposely) biased. But, on the other hand, it gives Jackson, Sharpton, and the other parasites another chance to extort publicity and greenbacks from the rest of society.

Truth is not politically correct. However, it is truth.
Conservatives are equally as guilty in taking the side of Zimmerman and failing to talk about his past criminal charges of assaulting a police officer and domestic violence.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Conservatives are equally as guilty in taking the side of Zimmerman and failing to talk about his past criminal charges of assaulting a police officer and domestic violence.

Quite true. However, there is the absolute constitutional rule of innocent until proven guilty. The liberal media, liberal politicians, civil rights prostitutes, etc. seem to only remember that guarantee on a selective basis. And, I don't recall seeing conservatives demonstrating and making threats. Of course, conservatives have to work to pay the taxes to provide handouts for these demonstrators so that the latter can have plenty of free time to exploit the situation.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Conservatives are equally as guilty in taking the side of Zimmerman and failing to talk about his past criminal charges of assaulting a police officer and domestic violence.

First, this isn't a national issue, it's a local issue. These types of things happen every day across the nation. The only reason this is "talk worthy" is because special interest groups are using it as an opportunity to further their political agendas. It is in their blueprint to use these types of events as opportunities to pray on the uninformed and common sense challenged, and some of you obviously fall into that category. Two years from now these people will have no concern for Trayvon Martin because the usefulness to their cause will have been exhausted.

The real travesty is that horrific events like this are used as publicity stunts and that some people are either too blind, too gullible, or too plain stupid to see it for what it is.
Amen Laker20 Amen
Anyways, Before this turned into a Liberal bashing Campaign. As usual.

The facts from the one side are staying consistent. I would shoot someone that was attacking me to. This kid isnt the saint there making him out to me. I heard there is also a witness that seen The kid attacking Zimmerman?

Here is some history on him.

Martin's Miami school records show that he has been suspended three times.
Family attorney Benjamin Crump confirmed to ABC News that Martin had been slapped with a 10 day school suspension after a bag with suspected marijuana was found in his backpack.
Last year Martin was suspended for spraying graffiti on school grounds. The Miami Herald reported that the school guard who stopped him searched his backpack and found 12 items of women's jewelry and a flathead screw driver that the guard believed to be a "burglary implement." But Martin was never charged or specifically disciplined for the incident.
Its sickening that everytime a White guy kills a Black guy its considered a hate crime. If the world would move on and not bring up this stupid racist shit everytime someone was killed. Not teach about slaves in the history books. Just move the hell on. Our kids wouldnt know the difference between black and white. I have 3 Younger cousins that had no knowledge what a Colored person was until there 3rd grade History book basically labeled white people as evil worshipers that owned and beat slaves. Yes we did own slaves. 100 years ago. Now everytime chase sees a black guy he askes me if that guy hates him over that. Truth is, yea he probbaly does. Because the schools and his parents have more than likely told him the history of the white man. Its stupid. The younger generations are trying to move on. Let it be over. I have numerous black friends. Love them to death. One was a very good friend of mine who was killed during a truck accident where he fell off the back. A week later i was hearing rumors of how he was pushed because he was black. Jesus christ. Its never going to end as long as u have different media channels pushing there own agenda at the sake of making everyone want to kill each other.
I do not think it is a hate crime, but there is a good possibility that it is a crime. What society needs to do is judge each situation individually and on its own merits. Not take the side that fits their political affiliation or belief. The chief investigator wanted to charge him that night but didn't because the D.A. told him not to. They need to gather the information and take it to a grand jury and let them decide. The victim has a history of bad behavior in school and the shooter as a possible pattern of volatile behavior. There is not one poster on here that wouldn't have wanted him arrested if it was their child that had been shot. Regardless if they were a troubled teen or not. I need to move to Florida where if any person bigger or tougher looking makes me feel threatened, I can shoot them without repercussions. Before too long we can go back to the old west and it will be legal to shoot people for snoring too loud, just like John Wesley Hardin.
Great points WildcatK.

Throw away the history books and you wont have to repeat it because nobody will know about it anyways.
It's a different world were living in.
This racist card being thrown around freely is complete bull shit.
I can guaarantee you that the precentage of blacks that hate whites is just as large as the percentage of whites that hate blacks.
I can also guarantee you that no black person living today was ever a slave, and within the next 10-20 years there will be no person living in America that has even been segregated against.

Just end this shit now and kill off the nancy graces of the world already.
Quote:ABC News has obtained exclusive police surveillance video of George Zimmerman taken the night he shot and killed Miami-Dade teen Trayvon Martin.

The video shows a handcuffed Zimmerman being taken out of a parked police cruiser and inside a Sanford, Fl. police station on the night of Feb. 26.

Zimmerman and the 17-year-old had argued and struggled in a gated community near Orlando where Zimmerman lived and Trayvon was visiting with his dad.

Zimmerman, a crime watch captain, said he fatally shot the teen in self-defense after he called 911 to report the teen was acting suspicious.

The killing of the teenager who attended Dr. Michael Krop Senior High in Miami-Dade has sparked national outrage.

The video is significant, the network said, because it appears to show that the muscular-looking Zimmerman is uninjured.

News reports that cited anonymous police sources said Zimmerman told police that Trayvon decked the neighborhood watch volunteer and slammed his head on the concrete. Zimmerman’s attorney Craig Sonner has told television networks that the neighborhood watch volunteer’s nose was broken and he was left with a gash on the back of his head that would have required stitches had he gone to the doctor in time.

But there are no visible bruises on his face or cuts on the back of his shaved head in the video, and his shirt doesn’t appear to have blood on it in the front or back. There does not appear to be any grass on his jacket, as indicated in the police report.

The video was authenticated by the city of Sanford public information office. Although it’s unclear what time it was taken, it was likely taken after Zimmerman was administered first aid at the shooting scene.

“I think the video speaks for itself,” said the family’s attorney, Benjamin Crump. “You don’t see any broken nose. You don’t see any blood on his head. You don’t see any stuff on the back of his clothes. You have to ask why did this police chief, state attorney and now this acting police chief conspire to protect George Zimmerman for killing this unarmed teenager?

Appearing on CNN Wednesday night, Crump called the video “the smoking gun,” prove that t the self-defense allegation is not true.
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/28/27...rylink=cpy
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Its sickening that everytime a White guy kills a Black guy its considered a hate crime. If the world would move on and not bring up this stupid racist shit everytime someone was killed. Not teach about slaves in the history books. Just move the hell on. Our kids wouldnt know the difference between black and white. I have 3 Younger cousins that had no knowledge what a Colored person was until there 3rd grade History book basically labeled white people as evil worshipers that owned and beat slaves. Yes we did own slaves. 100 years ago. Now everytime chase sees a black guy he askes me if that guy hates him over that. Truth is, yea he probbaly does. Because the schools and his parents have more than likely told him the history of the white man. Its stupid. The younger generations are trying to move on. Let it be over. I have numerous black friends. Love them to death. One was a very good friend of mine who was killed during a truck accident where he fell off the back. A week later i was hearing rumors of how he was pushed because he was black. Jesus christ. Its never going to end as long as u have different media channels pushing there own agenda at the sake of making everyone want to kill each other.

I agree with you 23 but, you gotta remember. The dems make a living off this kind of stuff, they're the ones pushing for hate legislation, and they fan the flames of bigotry because of their willingness to profit politically by being the champions of minorities. The sacred cow in our society are minorities, white people are going to get stomped like roaches if they are suspected of violating the rights of any minority.

Now, we are starting to see that once we start giving special rights based on race or ethnicity there will be no place to stop and, it will grow worse and worse. We have always had perfectly good laws on the books to defend all Americans. I really don't get it, I thought the idea was that minorities were not to be descriminated against but, all the hate legislation and special laws are descriminatory by nature. How are minority folks supposed to be just like everybody else when they keep getting treated special? And you hit on something that was actually very 'special'. The media is responsible for trying to mold public opinion and sway the masses with "made for TV news" The media are all actor wanna-be's, their faces all shine like the sun when they get to interview an actor or actress on their show.
TheRealThing Wrote:I agree with you 23 but, you gotta remember. The dems make a living off this kind of stuff, they're the ones pushing for hate legislation, and they fan the flames of bigotry because of their willingness to profit politically by being the champions of minorities. The sacred cow in our society are minorities, white people are going to get stomped like roaches if they are suspected of violating the rights of any minority.

Now, we are starting to see that once we start giving special rights based on race or ethnicity there will be no place to stop and, it will grow worse and worse. We have always had perfectly good laws on the books to defend all Americans. I really don't get it, I thought the idea was that minorities were not to be descriminated against but, all the hate legislation and special laws are descriminatory by nature. How are minority folks supposed to be just like everybody else when they keep getting treated special? And you hit on something that was actually very 'special'. The media is responsible for trying to mold public opinion and sway the masses with "made for TV news" The media are all actor wanna-be's, their faces all shine like the sun when they get to interview an actor or actress on their show.

Its just not the democrats. Its everyone. The Right, The LEft, The Middle.

As long as we as humans decide not to forget the past we fail to move forward.
The guy may be guilty. He Might have done it. Innocent until proven guilty but the evidence is starting to pile up.

But make it about being a murder. No one being black and white.
Your exactly right.
Murder is murder no matter who does it to who.
The media just does this shit for ratings when it happens to be a black youth with a white male. It happens everytime.
Just because the kid had been suspended from school 3 times and was in trouble often doesnt make it right for people to say it was justified also. So as you can see, im not in favor of either side.
This entire country has gone to shit when it comes to stuff like this. Im just sick of these networks and fake news shows getting thir jollies off from retard viewers wanting to state their opinion.
Was it racially motivated? Who knows. Maybe yes, maybe no. The bigger issue is the way this crap gets blown up when it should be a private family matter.
In all honesty, would this have been as big of a story, and a racist story if a black guy killed a white youth , no, but these networks need thier ratings.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:The guy may be guilty. He Might have done it. Innocent until proven guilty but the evidence is starting to pile up.

But make it about being a murder. No one being black and white.

I put the Lib in Liberal. There is no doubt about that. And im not one bit ashamed to admit it. But Come on.

“Antonio Rodriguez was formally charged with three counts of the following; Murder, Rape, Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse and Abuse of Corpse,” announced the PPD
Anyone know anything about this? A Black Man Tortured, Raped and Killed 3 White Women. I never heard anything about it.

He was charged with the deaths of Elaine Goldberg, Nicole Piacentini, and Casey Mahoney.
My point exactly.
I honestly hadnt heard.
But im done on this subject. I could go on for days about the racially backed news outlets to gain votes on both sides.

The new video seems to show that the guy has no physical damage done to him. But the police should have taken photos and some DNA or something.
Glad all my hoodies are packed away.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I put the Lib in Liberal. There is no doubt about that. And im not one bit ashamed to admit it. But Come on.

“Antonio Rodriguez was formally charged with three counts of the following; Murder, Rape, Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse and Abuse of Corpse,” announced the PPD
Anyone know anything about this? A Black Man Tortured, Raped and Killed 3 White Women. I never heard anything about it.

He was charged with the deaths of Elaine Goldberg, Nicole Piacentini, and Casey Mahoney.

I don't have any problem whatever with your choice of liberal politics. But, if you're gonna wake up and smell the coffee enough to realize what you have posted here, you might as well understand the true reason why the media gives passes on some things and not on others. There are guilty among the left and the right, though folks are so polarized these days I'm not sure there is a middle anymore.

I've watched the evolution of this kind of thing over the course of the past 50 plus years, and I know for a fact there once was no fighting between the two parties and the media didn't skewer either party. Instead of contempt between the dems and repubs we see today, respect ruled the day and the media treated the republicans with respect. It is mostly the dems. They have been actively recruiting minorities for decades. Harry Reid got reelected in spite of himself due to the hispanic vote in Nevada, or you'd have a different Senate Leader right now. I'm really encouraged by this discussion. We are not very far apart even given the fact you're liberal and I'm conservative, it forms the basis for mutual respect and that is exactly how it should be.

That's what I have been saying for years, with regard to the media fanning the flames of unrest in America. All we're talking about now is one 'form' of this media generated unrest. I don't agree with liberal policies, but I don't hate the people who are liberal. Let each side present their case and then let the folks decide at the polls. The hatchet job the media is doing on the right is what is unacceptable, both sides need each other to establish what the middle really is. Then the long accepted wisdom is to govern from the middle.

It's no different than the case of Black Panther members accused of voter intimidation at a polling station in Philadelphia. There wasn't a squeak of protest or an ounce of interest by an Obama administration that later dropped all charges. And there was barely a hint of the story in main stream media outlets. The situation hit at least some DOJ officials the wrong way however, as these charges have been most notably made by J. Christian Adams, who in May 2010 resigned his post in the Department of Justice in protest over the Obama Administration's perceived mishandling of the case, and by his former supervisor Christopher Coates. We didn't hear much about this but had this been two KKK members, or even two Tea Partiers involved in the incident we'd still be hearing about it. There are double standards and they are politically motivated.

In contrast, how much did we all hear about the alleged spitting incident involving a Tea Partier who supposedly spit on Congressman Cleaver (D) Missouri at a rally. It was further alleged by the media that he and fellow black congessman John Lewis were racially slurred at the event, though news crews that filmed the whole thing with high quality equipment could in no way confirm any such racial slurrs. I guarantee the invisible spit got 10 fold the coverage the voter intimidation got. The liberals among us could help reign in this unacceptable behavior by the news organizations by calling them out on it. The reason I believe this doesn't happen is because most of the time the media tickles the fancy of those that dislike the right by stoking the contempt of the left. Think about it for a second, don't most of us like to talk about somebody we don't like to another who doesn't like that person either? Well folks, when it comes to the media and the democrats, it's a national slam fest.
ah boys...
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