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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
I can't for the life of me, remember who it was on here that said this conservative leaning court would shoot down in flames, Obama's healthcare reform.
Lord help us all
It will be done away with come november.

Hurry elecetion before he can do anymore damage.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:It will be done away with come november.

Hurry elecetion before he can do anymore damage.

No it won't. The same court that ruled on it, will uphold their decision if a new President takes over.
just my opinion.
after they see what happens, im sure it will be ruled unconsitutional.
^ Once it is ruled constitutional by the high court, it will be next to impossible to overturn. Case in point, Roe vs. Wade. The next President will have almost zero say in the matter.
Congress may pass legislation overturning it, so a different President may sign such a bill into law
5-4 decision is not an overwhelming mandate. I'm disappointed in Chief Justice Roberts
nky Wrote:5-4 decision is not an overwhelming mandate. I'm disappointed in Chief Justice Roberts

I think the court is just trying to let the congress do the dirty work. By striking down the medicaid expansion there is no way to fund the individual mandate. The fight is just beginning on that front. My fear is that like so many other tax programs in effect right now, middle class America will pay for the poor and the listless of society to have first class medical care. I can see the lower class getting preferential treatment over middle class folks that have paid for health insurance for decades, because the terms of their medical contracts will be so well defined by law. It's a social reckoning by the ruling liberal zealots in power right now. Roberts knows all too well the fury he has unleashed on the political scene.
Well...ain't this a bitch..
President Obama said,
“I can make a firm pledge – under my plan, no family making less that $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase,” he said in a September 2008 campaign speech in New Hampshire.

September 2009, Obama told ABC News that the law “is absolutely not a tax increase.”

Sumpreme Court said

Imposing a tax through judicial legislation inverts the constitutional scheme, and places the power to tax in the branch of government least accountable to the citizenry.-- Justice Antonin Scalia
Upholding the individual mandate under the Taxing Clause does not recognize any new federal power. It determines that Congress has used an existing one.-- Chief Justice John Roberts

$1.7 trillion dollar tax hike:notbad:

Thank you Mr. President
What in the hell has happened to my great country...we're going to shit.
nky Wrote:5-4 decision is not an overwhelming mandate. I'm disappointed in Chief Justice Roberts

that's same mandate that bush 2 won the president
vundy33 Wrote:What in the hell has happened to my great country...we're going to shit.

vundy33 Wrote:What in the hell has happened to my great country...we're going to shit.

That is what happens when you combine a novice, self proclaimed know-it-all who has no respect for traditional America or the constitution, with liberal extremism.

Self-identified liberals are the smallest ideological bloc in the US. They make up about 20% of the American population, with roughly 6% identifying as very liberal. Over the last two decades, the proportion of both liberals and conservatives have increased, while those self-identifying as moderates have decreased. According to surveys by the New York Times and CBS News, between 18% and 27% of American adults identify as liberal, versus moderate or conservative. In recent presidential elections, exit polls show that roughly 20% of the electorate self-identified as "liberal," and, the vast majority of liberals voted in favor of the Democrats.

A Pew Research Center study found that liberals were the most educated ideological demographic and were tied with the conservative sub-group, the "Enterprisers", for the most affluent group. Of those who identified as liberal, 49% were college graduates and 41% had household incomes exceeding $75,000, compared to 27% and 28% as the national average, respectively. Liberalism has become the dominant political ideology in academia, with 44-62% identifying as liberal, depending on the exact wording of the survey. This compares with 40-46% liberal identification in surveys from 1969-1984. The social sciences and humanities were most liberal, whereas business and engineering departments were the least liberal, though even in the business departments, liberals outnumbered conservatives by two to one. This feeds the common question whether liberals, on average, are more educated than their political counterparts––conservatives. Two Zogby surveys from 2008 and 2010 indeed affirm that self-identified liberals tend to go to college more than self-identified conservatives.

Polls have found that young Americans are considerably more liberal than the general population. As of 2009, 30% of the 18-29 cohort was liberal. In 2011, this had changed to 28%, with moderates picking up the two percent. Scholar of liberalism Arthur Schlesinger Jr., writing in 1956, said that liberalism in the United States includes both a "laissez-faire" form and a "government intervention" form. He holds that liberalism in the United States is aimed toward achieving "equality of opportunity for all" but it is the means of achieving this that changes depending on the circumstances. He says that the "process of redefining liberalism in terms of the social needs of the 20th century was conducted by Theodore Roosevelt and his New Nationalism, Woodrow Wilson and his New Freedom, and Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal. Out of these three reform periods there emerged the conception of a social welfare state, in which the national government had the express obligation to maintain high levels of employment in the economy, to supervise standards of life and labor, to regulate the methods of business competition, and to establish comprehensive patterns of social security."

People are emerging from our colleges and universities as brainwashed ideologues. Practical application of the liberal agenda has historically produced only failed attempts to realize their dream. No discipline is required to dream this stuff up, and liberalism exists mostly in the minds of the John Lennonesque. And so, since every experiment to install any of the tenets of liberalism have failed miserably, spawning never ending bruhaha's in their wake, it never ceases to amaze me that liberals just won't die. Like the cancer one cannot treat successfully, it just keeps coming back again and again. And so, we find ourselves embroiled in a fight to quell the demon of liberalism yet again. The fight is long from over as the Obama administration will necessarily have to come up with a way to raise your taxes to fund this fiasco. All I can tell you is, if you want to at least dodge it for 8 years, vote for Romney.
"Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be `constitutional' does not make it so. The whole thing remains unconstitutional. While the court may have erroneously come to the conclusion that the law is allowable, it certainly does nothing to make this mandate or government takeover of our health care right," - Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky.

How in the heck did he become our senator?
vector Wrote:leave

You know vector, I hardly ever agree with much of what you post, but I think you are entitled to your opinion like everyone else, (even though you appear to be so far out in left field it's pitiful), so I rarely say anything back. And there are also a lot of times I dont agree with what Vundy says, and I always wish that he would tone that un-needed profanity down, BUT what you just posted, is something that you should absolutely be ashamed of posting. Vundy has put his life on the line for this country time and time again. He freely puts his life on the line so YOU can have the freedom to live the life you live and to do the simple little things that we all take for granted every single day in this country. I agree with you being able to speak your mind and to express politically anything that you want to express, but to tell someone that represents the sole reason that you are even able to freely do what ever you want to do (and is willing to "DIE" for it) to "leave" if he doesn't "like it", is despicable. If there is anybody that should be able to speak of a dislike of how he feels things might be screwed up in this country are, it is him. You dont have to agree with anything he says, but he has EARNED that right, to say it. You and I have not earned any of those rights, and neither of us have any right to say what you just said to him.......You are completely out of line, and IMO you have just hit a new low. As an American who is proud of our members of our armed forces, I am very ashamed of your comment.
nky Wrote:
"Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be `constitutional' does not make it so. The whole thing remains unconstitutional. While the court may have erroneously come to the conclusion that the law is allowable, it certainly does nothing to make this mandate or government takeover of our health care right," - Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky.

How in the heck did he become our senator?

the crazy's put him in there that's how
vector Wrote:that's same mandate that bush 2 won the president
Wouldn't have come to that if Sore loser Gore would have conceded
vector Wrote:the crazies put him in there that's how[/align]
no the state's news media fell in love with his outsider persona and feed it hook line and stinker plus Trey Grayson was an idiot also
So the the Supreme Court rules that the largest tax increase in the history of the country, which Obama argued is not a tax, is constitutional because it is a tax, and the resident socialists are celebrating. No surprise there.

Meanwhile, the final numbers show that GDP grew at a paltry 1.9 percent in the first quarter and Democrats are having trouble getting many of their so-called "leaders" to attend their own party's national convention.

The Republicans who are running for the Senate this year need to pledge to repeal Obamacare immediately upon taking the oath of office if the GOP regains control. Democrats ignored the rules of the Senate to pass Obamacare by a simple majority, and the next Congress should modify the rules to allow its repeal by a simple majority and send it to President Romney for his signature.
nky Wrote:no the state's news media fell in love with his outsider persona and feed it hook line and stinker plus Trey Grayson was an idiot also

NO the crazy's VOTED him in
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So the the Supreme Court rules that the largest tax increase in the history of the country, which Obama argued is not a tax, is constitutional because it is a tax, and the resident socialists are celebrating. No surprise there.

Meanwhile, the final numbers show that GDP grew at a paltry 1.9 percent in the first quarter and Democrats are having trouble getting many of their so-called "leaders" to attend their own party's national convention.

The Republicans who are running for the Senate this year need to pledge to repeal Obamacare immediately upon taking the oath of office if the GOP regains control. Democrats ignored the rules of the Senate to pass Obamacare by a simple majority, and the next Congress should modify the rules to allow its repeal by a simple majority and send it to President Romney for his signature.

obamcare passed 60 votes
the crazy's have been worried about eric holden to much these last 1 year and a half instead of the economy
vector Wrote:NO the crazy's VOTED him in
It seems like everybody who disagrees with you is one of the "crazy's" [sic]. Shouldn't you learn to spell a word that you enjoy using so much?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It seems like everybody who disagrees with you is one of the "crazy's" [sic]. Shouldn't you learn to spell a word that you enjoy using so much?

Ah Hoot, I think it's finally time to realize that this is just another one of those guys that only post this stuff for the cheap thrill of getting someone's rile up. This is either the alter ego of another poster, or just someone who gets his heebie jeebies from being the percieved resident wacko who keeps things stirred up. I just cant see anyone being this incapable of posting legible and coherent posts, with every single post that is made. This is all just an act. It is simply not possible for any sane individual to be this ignorant. You know the old saying about how if you ignore something long enough, it'll just go away? Probably the policy that should be taken concerning the posts of certain members, as I seriously doubt that in reality, they support the first thing they are posting. Right now all that is being done, is satisfying someone's sick and distorted fetish by replying an opposition to their fabrications.
Crazy how some people guffaw and boast about losing freedom and liberty. Crazy!
Bob Seger Wrote:You know vector, I hardly ever agree with much of what you post, but I think you are entitled to your opinion like everyone else, (even though you appear to be so far out in left field it's pitiful), so I rarely say anything back. And there are also a lot of times I dont agree with what Vundy says, and I always wish that he would tone that un-needed profanity down, BUT what you just posted, is something that you should absolutely be ashamed of posting. Vundy has put his life on the line for this country time and time again. He freely puts his life on the line so YOU can have the freedom to live the life you live and to do the simple little things that we all take for granted every single day in this country. I agree with you being able to speak your mind and to express politically anything that you want to express, but to tell someone that represents the sole reason that you are even able to freely do what ever you want to do (and is willing to "DIE" for it) to "leave" if he doesn't "like it", is despicable. If there is anybody that should be able to speak of a dislike of how he feels things might be screwed up in this country are, it is him. You dont have to agree with anything he says, but he has EARNED that right, to say it. You and I have not earned any of those rights, and neither of us have any right to say what you just said to him.......You are completely out of line, and IMO you have just hit a new low. As an American who is proud of our members of our armed forces, I am very ashamed of your comment.
Best post I've read on BGR in a long, long time. I agree 100%, Bob.
Bob Seger Wrote:Ah Hoot, I think it's finally time to realize that this is just another one of those guys that only post this stuff for the cheap thrill of getting someone's rile up. This is either the alter ego of another poster, or just someone who gets his heebie jeebies from being the percieved resident wacko who keeps things stirred up. I just cant see anyone being this incapable of posting legible and coherent posts, with every single post that is made. This is all just an act. It is simply not possible for any sane individual to be this ignorant. You know the old saying about how if you ignore something long enough, it'll just go away? Probably the policy that should be taken concerning the posts of certain members, as I seriously doubt that in reality, they support the first thing they are posting. Right now all that is being done, is satisfying someone's sick and distorted fetish by replying an opposition to their fabrications.
I agree. Bob - on all counts. Nobody would refuse to learn the simplest fundamentals of posting, such as the use the Quote button or misspell the same simple words over and over unless they were trying to stay in "character." Liberals are so badly outnumbered on this forum, they need several accounts to appear relevant. We will see how many hard core liberals there are left in this country in November.
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