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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Just cut out the middle man and go to Obama's campaign web site and read the facts for yourself. Confusednicker:
It's as much fact as anything the right wingers are putting out.
TheRealVille Wrote:It's as much fact as anything the right wingers are putting out.
Sure, the Congressional Budget Office is a radical right wing association. With every post, you make it abundantly clear that the facts don't matter to you. The economy is a mess and fewer people are working today than were working when Obama took office. Those are facts are not open to debate, so you attack the messengers. That's all you got...
TheRealVille Wrote:The guy that wrote that piece that yahoo picked up is a far right wing blogger.

Alright, fair enough RV. Now you admit that Obama said his health care plan would cost 900 billion over 10 years, back 2009 when he was 'selling' it to 312 million Americans. Then he comes out with this ad about Romney a couple of days ago, "When a president doesn't tell the truth, how can we trust him to lead" Lying is just another election tool for team Obama, and the dems normal modus operandi
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Sure, the Congressional Budget Office is a radical right wing association. With every post, you make it abundantly clear that the facts don't matter to you. The economy is a mess and fewer people are working today than were working when Obama took office. Those are facts are not open to debate, so you attack the messengers. That's all you got...

Far fewer actually,
Number of Americans Not Working at All-Time High - The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released its March unemployment figures last week, showing a drop in the overall unemployment rate from 8.3% (from the previous month) to 8.2%. That would indicate that the U.S. economy is headed in the right direction, right? Well, not exactly… Unfortunately, as we previously explained HERE, the monthly BLS ‘Employment Report’ (and its accompanying ‘unemployment rate’Wink does not take into consideration the number of Americans who have left the workforce and/or have simply given up on looking for a job. In fact, as demonstrated in this graph, the number of Americans no longer in the workforce is at an all-time high (88 million), up nearly 10% since Obama took office. Is this the ‘fundamental transformation’ of America that Barack Obama spoke about just four years ago…?

TheRealThing Wrote:Far fewer actually,
Number of Americans Not Working at All-Time High - The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released its March unemployment figures last week, showing a drop in the overall unemployment rate from 8.3% (from the previous month) to 8.2%. That would indicate that the U.S. economy is headed in the right direction, right? Well, not exactly… Unfortunately, as we previously explained HERE, the monthly BLS ‘Employment Report’ (and its accompanying ‘unemployment rate’) does not take into consideration the number of Americans who have left the workforce and/or have simply given up on looking for a job. In fact, as demonstrated in this graph, the number of Americans no longer in the workforce is at an all-time high (88 million), up nearly 10% since Obama took office. Is this the ‘fundamental transformation’ of America that Barack Obama spoke about just four years ago…?

I will play Captain Obvious for RV's benefit and point out, once again, that the Bureau of Labor Statistics is part of the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, which has been controlled for more than three long years by one President Barack Hussein Obama.

However, since the BLS is not an official part of the Obama campaign, RV might still dismiss it as a right wing source of information. Undoubtedly, the BLS probably employs a few Bush hold-overs and future Romney voters.
I've never tried to sway either of your two's vote. Vote for who you want, and I'll vote for who I want. TRT is the hypocrite here though. He votes for people that are on record of vowing to "kill" the very organization that provided him with work for over 30 years. He should have worked non union. It would have been better for the rest of that work union, for him to be non union and vote for the scum that tries to end our unions, than to be a hypocrite, and work union, retire union, draw a union check every month, and vote for people that want the unions to die. You know, people with your train of thought Hoot. You are record as being against unions. I'd say TRT voted for Ernie Fletcher, and he said way before he got elected that he was against unions, and wanted to make KY "right to work", and almost did.
TheRealVille Wrote:I've never tried to sway either of your two's vote. Vote for who you want, and I'll vote for who I want. TRT is the hypocrite here though. He votes for people that are on record of vowing to "kill" the very organization that provided him with work for over 30 years. He should have worked non union. It would have been better for the rest of that work union, for him to be non union and vote for the scum that tries to end our unions, than to be a hypocrite, and work union, retire union, draw a union check every month, and vote for people that want the unions to die. You know, people with your train of thought Hoot. You are record as being against unions. I'd say TRT voted for Ernie Fletcher, and he said way before he got elected that he was against unions, and wanted to make KY "right to work", and almost did.
I am not against unions - I am against public sector unions and I am against the union thugs who align themselves with the Democratic Party in exchange for jobs and outrageous pensions at taxpayers's expense.

The big labor unions have screwed themselves by blindly supporting the Democratic Party for decades. What have they got in return? Open borders politicians who will no longer need the unions' support once they are able to grant citizenship to enough illegal Mexican aliens. Union support of flooding this country with cheap illegal labor through union dues is the height of hypocrisy. Keep telling yourself that Obama is the friend of American workers but most of your fellow Americans who work for a living know the truth.
TheRealVille Wrote:I've never tried to sway either of your two's vote. Vote for who you want, and I'll vote for who I want. TRT is the hypocrite here though. He votes for people that are on record of vowing to "kill" the very organization that provided him with work for over 30 years. He should have worked non union. It would have been better for the rest of that work union, for him to be non union and vote for the scum that tries to end our unions, than to be a hypocrite, and work union, retire union, draw a union check every month, and vote for people that want the unions to die. You know, people with your train of thought Hoot. You are record as being against unions. I'd say TRT voted for Ernie Fletcher, and he said way before he got elected that he was against unions, and wanted to make KY "right to work", and almost did.

This is none of my business and I'm not speaking for anyone...But I have never heard anyone say anything about killing unions, TRT nor Hoot. I can recall many talking about toning down choking demands by some unions. Unions are fine when reasonable, but job killing when they overreach and force workers/companies/states in when they don't want in.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I will play Captain Obvious for RV's benefit and point out, once again, that the Bureau of Labor Statistics is part of the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, which has been controlled for more than three long years by one President Barack Hussein Obama.

However, since the BLS is not an official part of the Obama campaign, RV might still dismiss it as a right wing source of information. Undoubtedly, the BLS probably employs a few Bush hold-overs and future Romney voters.

Facts mean nothing when discussing issues of our day with the left. It always boils down to personal contempt with them. That's why name calling and misrepresentations are their weapons of choice. I can post quote after Obama quote, which has been proven untrue for whatever reason. Where there is no defense in the face of facts, all one has left are personal attacks. Obama, finds himself smack in the middle of this very problem and so are his supporters. We will see this November how many percent of the American public are willing to put party over country.

When we have a sitting president willing to make felony charges against his political opponent, based on the thinnest wisp of supporting evidence, we know the election will get nasty. Releasing completely unsubstantiated accusations usually does the trick. Create the killer rumor, and you've won. The idea is to tear down the credibility of the witness, if his testimony damages your case. There could very well be a miscarriage of justice as a result but, the dems don't care about that, they'd rather rule in hell than to serve in heaven. Way more important to them is to win, what ever is left of the country as the result of the coming melee, is ok with them. After all, the last thing the dems want, is to try to defend Mr Obama's abysmal record. In an attempt to avoid that, they will start fire after fire. Meanwhile, I guess, the idea is folks will focus of the fires, and ignore the nuclear blast created by this administration. I don't think they can pull it off, time will tell.
TheRealVille Wrote:I've never tried to sway either of your two's vote. Vote for who you want, and I'll vote for who I want. TRT is the hypocrite here though. He votes for people that are on record of vowing to "kill" the very organization that provided him with work for over 30 years. He should have worked non union. It would have been better for the rest of that work union, for him to be non union and vote for the scum that tries to end our unions, than to be a hypocrite, and work union, retire union, draw a union check every month, and vote for people that want the unions to die. You know, people with your train of thought Hoot. You are record as being against unions. I'd say TRT voted for Ernie Fletcher, and he said way before he got elected that he was against unions, and wanted to make KY "right to work", and almost did.

Why do you sink to these levels, name calling and ignoring facts when backed against a wall? It does not bode well for your defense...I can't figure out if you're defending Obama, attacking anyone that does not approve of his methods or you have a liberal fetish that makes you fume at anything but.

If it's all about unions, I can't help but think a good solid union could withstand without the likes of Barry.
TheRealVille Wrote:I've never tried to sway either of your two's vote. Vote for who you want, and I'll vote for who I want. TRT is the hypocrite here though. He votes for people that are on record of vowing to "kill" the very organization that provided him with work for over 30 years. He should have worked non union. It would have been better for the rest of that work union, for him to be non union and vote for the scum that tries to end our unions, than to be a hypocrite, and work union, retire union, draw a union check every month, and vote for people that want the unions to die. You know, people with your train of thought Hoot. You are record as being against unions. I'd say TRT voted for Ernie Fletcher, and he said way before he got elected that he was against unions, and wanted to make KY "right to work", and almost did.

As I have said time and again, and I guess you're just not capable of picking up on it. Unions are organized labor groups. They don't govern this land. Your posts reveal you are not worthy to be in a position of leadership and thankfully you are not. The beauty of our system is you get one vote. When unions started trying to hedge their bets buy trading bribes with politicians they shook hands with the devil. We're all about building stuff, not fixing elections. You want to do that kind of thing, fine, you go for it.

Unlike you, I was involved before the unholy pact between organized labor and the dems. They knew they could play you for a sucker and they knew they would be able to buy your vote. Politicians can no more feather our union nests, than they can create jobs in the first place. But, they've got people like you believing the lie and, you're not going to give up on your ideas. Mainly because they are not your ideas to begin with, they were planted there by others who bought into the lie before you.

Just to clear things up a bit though, I would say this. To me, whether you wear an American flag pin on the lapel your suit, or a swastika. (the millions murdered by Hitler as compared to the millions murdered in US government funded and sactioned abortion clinics, are pretty equaly matched) When you stand before the living God at the judgement seat, and give an account of your life and hear His judgement and, if you have signed and or supported legislation, or voted for candidates that have sworn to defend the so called right to choose, and uphold the landmark ruling Roe v Wade and susequent legislation. You share in their legacy of murdering the millions of sweet and precious unborn innocents, cut to pieces in their mother's womb, which God meant to be a sanctuary of safety and nurturement, not a gory murder scene. So, if it's all the same to you, as long as my union leadership insists on believing the lies of democrats who promise to drum up as much work and support as they can in exchange for their votes, while vowing to continue the unbridled slaughter of infants, I'm out. Maybe you consider union wages and benifits to be a weightier issue, but, I do not.
TheRealThing Wrote:As I have said time and again, and I guess you're just not capable of picking up on it. Unions are organized labor groups. They don't govern this land. Your posts reveal you are not worthy to be in a position of leadership and thankfully you are not. The beauty of our system is you get one vote. When unions started trying to hedge their bets buy trading bribes with politicians they shook hands with the devil. We're all about building stuff, not fixing elections. You want to do that kind of thing, fine, you go for it.

Unlike you, I was involved before the unholy pact between organized labor and the dems. They knew they could play you for a sucker and they knew they would be able to buy your vote. Politicians can no more feather our union nests, than they can create jobs in the first place. But, they've got people like you believing the lie and, you're not going to give up on your ideas. Mainly because they are not your ideas to begin with, they were planted there by others who bought into the lie before you.

Just to clear things up a bit though, I would say this. To me, whether you wear an American flag pin on the lapel your suit, or a swastika. (the millions murdered by Hitler as compared to the millions murdered in US government funded and sactioned abortion clinics, are pretty equaly matched) When you stand before the living God at the judgement seat, and give an account of your life and hear His judgement. If you have signed and or supported legislation, or voted for candidates that have sworn to defend the so called right to choose, and uphold the landmark ruling Roe v Wade and susequent legislation. You share in their legacy of murdering the millions of sweet and precious unborn innocents, cut to pieces in their mother's womb, which God meant to be a sanctuary of safety and nurturement, not a gory murder scene. So, if it's all the same to you, as long as my union leadership insists on believing the lies of democrats who promise to drum up as much work and support as they can in exchange for their votes, while vowing to continue the unbridled slaughter of infants, I'm out.
Will you share in all the killings of war? Again, did you vote for Ernie after he vowed to destroy the unions, and make KY a "right to work"(for less) state? Did you stand on the steps of Frankfort to try to help keep KY a "collective bargaining" state? You might as well be a union buster like Hoot, and all the other republicans that try to destroy unionism. You are no more union than the guy that works nonunion, and the people that try to kill unions.
TheRealVille Wrote:Will you share in all the killings of war? Again, did you vote for Ernie after he vowed to destroy the unions, and make KY a "right to work"(for less) state? Did you stand on the steps of Frankfort to try to help keep KY a "collective bargaining" state? You might as well be a union buster like Hoot, and all the other republicans that try to destroy unionism. You are no more union than the guy that works nonunion, and the people that try to kill unions.

Did Obama say his health care act would cost 900 billion over the next 10 years?
TheRealVille Wrote:Will you share in all the killings of war? Again, did you vote for Ernie after he vowed to destroy the unions, and make KY a "right to work"(for less) state? Did you stand on the steps of Frankfort to try to help keep KY a "collective bargaining" state? You might as well be a union buster like Hoot, and all the other republicans that try to destroy unionism. You are no more union than the guy that works nonunion, and the people that try to kill unions.
Anybody who supports Obama and his opening of the floodgates of cheap illegal labor from Mexico is not supporting American workers, union or non-union. Private sector jobs have been lost under Obama. You do not seem to understand that neither the federal government nor unions create jobs in this country.

Supporting an oppressive, socialist political agenda - as you are doing - is not helping your job prospects, and more importantly, it is destroying the economic security of future generations of Americans who deserve better.
TheRealVille Wrote:Will you share in all the killings of war? Again, did you vote for Ernie after he vowed to destroy the unions, and make KY a "right to work"(for less) state? Did you stand on the steps of Frankfort to try to help keep KY a "collective bargaining" state? You might as well be a union buster like Hoot, and all the other republicans that try to destroy unionism. You are no more union than the guy that works nonunion, and the people that try to kill unions.
No man will answer to God for serving his country, as long as his service was honorable. Men who criticize others who have served while he sat at home may have to though.

I always vote my conscience. If you don't mind, post a link for your slander with regard to Fletcher. As far as I knew, he was of the school of thought which believes unions flourish in right to work states. Take Texas for instance, non-union construction companies have operated in that state since the late 60's. From what I have seen Texan craftsmen have never been able to tell the difference. Post us some links to support your claims.

As to the bolded, in typical fashion, you blow gas where angles fear to tread. Union membership which demands the abandonment of a man's moral convictions and values is a worthless cause. No wonder you defend every destructive position of the left. If your high water mark is union membership, I can tell you right now that's attainable for a few hundred bucks.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am not against unions - I am against public sector unions and I am against the union thugs who align themselves with the Democratic Party in exchange for jobs and outrageous pensions at taxpayers's expense.

The big labor unions have screwed themselves by blindly supporting the Democratic Party for decades. What have they got in return? Open borders politicians who will no longer need the unions' support once they are able to grant citizenship to enough illegal Mexican aliens. Union support of flooding this country with cheap illegal labor through union dues is the height of hypocrisy. Keep telling yourself that Obama is the friend of American workers but most of your fellow Americans who work for a living know the truth.

the reason i don't vote republican is the BIG COMPANY THUGS they get
in money trrouble file for bankurpicity take your pensions and medical
insurance how can you vote for them
SKINNYPIG Wrote:This is none of my business and I'm not speaking for anyone...But I have never heard anyone say anything about killing unions, TRT nor Hoot. I can recall many talking about toning down choking demands by some unions. Unions are fine when reasonable, but job killing when they overreach and force workers/companies/states in when they don't want in.

hey swine where have you been the last thirty years?
TheRealThing Wrote:As I have said time and again, and I guess you're just not capable of picking up on it. Unions are organized labor groups. They don't govern this land. Your posts reveal you are not worthy to be in a position of leadership and thankfully you are not. The beauty of our system is you get one vote. When unions started trying to hedge their bets buy trading bribes with politicians they shook hands with the devil. We're all about building stuff, not fixing elections. You want to do that kind of thing, fine, you go for it.

Unlike you, I was involved before the unholy pact between organized labor and the dems. They knew they could play you for a sucker and they knew they would be able to buy your vote. Politicians can no more feather our union nests, than they can create jobs in the first place. But, they've got people like you believing the lie and, you're not going to give up on your ideas. Mainly because they are not your ideas to begin with, they were planted there by others who bought into the lie before you.

Just to clear things up a bit though, I would say this. To me, whether you wear an American flag pin on the lapel your suit, or a swastika. (the millions murdered by Hitler as compared to the millions murdered in US government funded and sactioned abortion clinics, are pretty equaly matched) When you stand before the living God at the judgement seat, and give an account of your life and hear His judgement and, if you have signed and or supported legislation, or voted for candidates that have sworn to defend the so called right to choose, and uphold the landmark ruling Roe v Wade and susequent legislation. You share in their legacy of murdering the millions of sweet and precious unborn innocents, cut to pieces in their mother's womb, which God meant to be a sanctuary of safety and nurturement, not a gory murder scene. So, if it's all the same to you, as long as my union leadership insists on believing the lies of democrats who promise to drum up as much work and support as they can in exchange for their votes, while vowing to continue the unbridled slaughter of infants, I'm out. Maybe you consider union wages and benifits to be a weightier issue, but, I do not.

why don't you try to get roe vs wade repealed
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Anybody who supports Obama and his opening of the floodgates of cheap illegal labor from Mexico is not supporting American workers, union or non-union. Private sector jobs have been lost under Obama. You do not seem to understand that neither the federal government nor unions create jobs in this country.

Supporting an oppressive, socialist political agenda - as you are doing - is not helping your job prospects, and more importantly, it is destroying the economic security of future generations of Americans who deserve better.

romney was the father of outsourceing jobs will not release tax returns
we are going find a lot more abou this guy
TheRealThing Wrote:[/B]No man will answer to God for serving his country, as long as his service was honorable. Men who criticize others who have served while he sat at home may have to though.

I always vote my conscience. If you don't mind, post a link for your slander with regard to Fletcher. As far as I knew, he was of the school of thought which believes unions flourish in right to work states. Take Texas for instance, non-union construction companies have operated in that state since the late 60's. From what I have seen Texan craftsmen have never been able to tell the difference. Post us some links to support your claims.

As to the bolded, in typical fashion, you blow gas where angles fear to tread. Union membership which demands the abandonment of a man's moral convictions and values is a worthless cause. No wonder you defend every destructive position of the left. If your high water mark is union membership, I can tell you right now that's attainable for a few hundred bucks.

if you thank voting republican is goin g to get you in heaven your in fo a
rude awakening
vector Wrote:if you thank voting republican is goin g to get you in heaven your in fo a
rude awakening

No problem, I'll be pleading the blood of Christ. And my voting record will show I have never knowing voted for a baby butcher. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:As I have said time and again, and I guess you're just not capable of picking up on it. Unions are organized labor groups. They don't govern this land. Your posts reveal you are not worthy to be in a position of leadership and thankfully you are not. The beauty of our system is you get one vote. When unions started trying to hedge their bets buy trading bribes with politicians they shook hands with the devil. We're all about building stuff, not fixing elections. You want to do that kind of thing, fine, you go for it.

Unlike you, I was involved before the unholy pact between organized labor and the dems. They knew they could play you for a sucker and they knew they would be able to buy your vote. Politicians can no more feather our union nests, than they can create jobs in the first place. But, they've got people like you believing the lie and, you're not going to give up on your ideas. Mainly because they are not your ideas to begin with, they were planted there by others who bought into the lie before you.

Just to clear things up a bit though, I would say this. To me, whether you wear an American flag pin on the lapel your suit, or a swastika. (the millions murdered by Hitler as compared to the millions murdered in US government funded and sactioned abortion clinics, are pretty equaly matched) When you stand before the living God at the judgement seat, and give an account of your life and hear His judgement and, if you have signed and or supported legislation, or voted for candidates that have sworn to defend the so called right to choose, and uphold the landmark ruling Roe v Wade and susequent legislation. You share in their legacy of murdering the millions of sweet and precious unborn innocents, cut to pieces in their mother's womb, which God meant to be a sanctuary of safety and nurturement, not a gory murder scene. So, if it's all the same to you, as long as my union leadership insists on believing the lies of democrats who promise to drum up as much work and support as they can in exchange for their votes, while vowing to continue the unbridled slaughter of infants, I'm out. Maybe you consider union wages and benifits to be a weightier issue, but, I do not.
But your party of choice is on record many times in words and actions of trying to kill unions. Like it or not, it's fact. That's why I choose to vote against them, to maybe keep one more union killer out of office.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Anybody who supports Obama and his opening of the floodgates of cheap illegal labor from Mexico is not supporting American workers, union or non-union. Private sector jobs have been lost under Obama. You do not seem to understand that neither the federal government nor unions create jobs in this country.

Supporting an oppressive, socialist political agenda - as you are doing - is not helping your job prospects, and more importantly, it is destroying the economic security of future generations of Americans who deserve better.
That's a black one. More illegals than ever before are being deported. Record numbers under this administration.
vector Wrote:why don't you try to get roe vs wade repealed
Conservatives brought us RvsW, and they intend to keep it. It's a running point for them. If Roe goes away, republicans lose a bullet.
Out of the last twenty Presidents, how many have been republicans? And how many unions did these "union killers" kill?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Out of the last twenty Presidents, how many have been republicans? And how many unions did these "union killers" kill?

the downturn of the union started in 1980 when regean fired the airtraffic
controllers the following 12 years shows the decline membership of
the union workers
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Out of the last twenty Presidents, how many have been republicans? And how many unions did these "union killers" kill?
The republicans are a major reason why unions stand at 7% right now. Think Reagan and all the republican "right to work" governors. It's fact SP, that republicans are union killers.
Good for Reagan.
vector Wrote:romney was the father of outsourceing jobs will not release tax returns
we are going find a lot more abou this guy

Like I said, lying about one's political foe is just another tool for the dems. It's a schoolyard level assault on the rather spotless reputation of Mitt Romney. You're wasting your breath, but hey, in your case that's in character.
Give it your best while you can. As of today, you're down to only 115 days before Obama starts packing.
TheRealVille Wrote:The republicans are a major reason why unions stand at 7% right now. Think Reagan and all the republican "right to work" governors. It's fact SP, that republicans are union killers.

So, to you this election comes down to the union killers vs the baby killlers? I use to wonder what the world looks like to those poor folks that have to wear the coke bottle glasses. Thanks to you, I think I'm starting to get the picture.
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