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Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 48% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns 44% of the vote. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

Just prior to this past week's Republican National Convention, Romney trailed the president by two. Today’s four-point advantage confirms that the GOP hopeful has received the expected convention bounce. See daily tracking history. Romney also has gained ground in the swing state tracking results updated daily for subscribers at 10:00 a.m. Eastern.

Matchup results are updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update). Platinum Members can see demographic details from the tracking poll and additional information updated on a daily basis.

During August, the number of Republicans in the country reached the highest level ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports. In each of the recent election cycles, the victorious party has gained in net partisan identification over the course of the election year.

A president’s job approval rating is one of the best indicators for assessing his chances of reelection. Typically, the president’s job approval rating on Election Day will be close to the share of the vote he receives. Currently, 48% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president's job performance. Fifty-one percent (51%) at least somewhat disapprove of the job Obama is doing (see trends).

Forty-eight percent (48%) trust Romney more than Obama on the election’s top issue, the economy. Forty-four percent (44%) trust the president more. The good news for Romney is that he still has the edge on this issue. The good news for Obama is that Romney’s advantage has been shrinking over the last few months.

Scott Rasmussen’s weekly newspaper column notes that the conventions “provide a stark reminder of how out of touch our political system has become.” He adds, “A half-century ago, conventions mattered because they actually selected presidential candidates. Today, they only serve to remind us that what interests -- and entertains -- the political class has little to do with what America needs.”

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Seems the RNC did well for Republicans
Best thing for the Repubs is that the DNC will prbably hurt the dems. They have nothing to boast about, oh, and Biden will be there Confusednicker:
Oh, and for you dems, the Gallup..

Obama- 46.08
Romney- 45.74
^ LOL. I'm curious to see what the dems do for their convention. But like you had mentioned RIUTG, the RNC did do a lot of good and the liberal media can't deny it. I thought it went much, much better than back in 08 and there was a lot of firepower built up.
I agree that the RNC went pretty well, although I was very unimpressed with the first night. They managed to run a very positive convention while keeping it upbeat and without making nasty attacks on Obama and Biden. I expect that the DNC will consist of a long series of lies and personal attacks because there are not any successes for them to celebrate.

I am looking forward to the speeches by Biden and Clinton. I keep envisioning Clinton wandering off script and torpedoing Obama's campaign. I'll bet Obama will be holding his breath until Bill exits the stage.

Following Biden's speech, I want to see if anybody in the media will provide an honest comparison and contrast between his speech and Ryan's speech.

I am also looking forward to seeing what kind of cast of characters the Democrats bus into Charlotte to fill the seats for Obama's acceptance speech.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I agree that the RNC went pretty well, although I was very unimpressed with the first night. They managed to run a very positive convention while keeping it upbeat and without making nasty attacks on Obama and Biden. I expect that the DNC will consist of a long series of lies and personal attacks because there are not any successes for them to celebrate.

I am looking forward to the speeches by Biden and Clinton. I keep envisioning Clinton wandering off script and torpedoing Obama's campaign. I'll bet Obama will be holding his breath until Bill exits the stage.

Following Biden's speech, I want to see if anybody in the media will provide an honest comparison and contrast between his speech and Ryan's speech.

I am also looking forward to seeing what kind of cast of characters the Democrats bus into Charlotte to fill the seats for Obama's acceptance speech.

I would be willing to bet that whoever it is will get much more attention than the people brought in by the republicans. They will probably try to get famous people, such as athletes, etc. to come support Obama. The media will soak in on that.
WideRight05 Wrote:I would be willing to bet that whoever it is will get much more attention than the people brought in by the republicans. They will probably try to get famous people, such as athletes, etc. to come support Obama. The media will soak in on that.
Because of Obama's huge ego, the acceptance speech is being held in Charlotte's football stadium. My guess is that if the fill up the 70,000+ seats, it will take busloads of union members, teachers, and as many welfare loafers and homeless people that they can round up. We will probably never know, because the media will make sure to interview (as you said) the celebrities, athletes, and and other people whose names the Obama campaign have pre-approved.
Ive noticed that there isnt as many Obama celebrity suckers out there this time around.

In 08 thats all you seen. I guess everyone but Diddy and Oprah got the message.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I agree that the RNC went pretty well, although I was very unimpressed with the first night. They managed to run a very positive convention while keeping it upbeat and without making nasty attacks on Obama and Biden. I expect that the DNC will consist of a long series of lies and personal attacks because there are not any successes for them to celebrate.

I am looking forward to the speeches by Biden and Clinton. I keep envisioning Clinton wandering off script and torpedoing Obama's campaign. I'll bet Obama will be holding his breath until Bill exits the stage.

Following Biden's speech, I want to see if anybody in the media will provide an honest comparison and contrast between his speech and Ryan's speech.

I am also looking forward to seeing what kind of cast of characters the Democrats bus into Charlotte to fill the seats for Obama's acceptance speech.

Oh, you can count on that. This morning already, the interviews with the dems attack dogs have been nasty going in. They will double down with their lying and distortions of the republican record at the convention this week. FOX News' Martha McCallum sat there without the faintest hint by way of challenge as the lies rolled out for over 5 minutes. The lies I heard this morning---republicans supposedly will gut medicare, Ryan is lying about Obama taking 741 billion dollars from medicare to fund ObamaCare, (I heard BHO say that very thing) Romney will give the rich over 5 trillion in tax cuts, perks and other breaks and force the middle class to pay for all that. (that's a lie of such grandeur it almost qualifies as an impeachable offense right there)

Of course it's the republicans in general distorting the record according to the dems. These bozos evidently don't think the public record exists, along with all of the Obama promises, on video, to cut the national debt in half during his first term, reduce the cost of health insurance by $2,500 per family during his first term (when in reality and again this is a matter of public record, the cost went up $2,500, (that's a $5,000 dollar increase above what Obama promised for all you who buy into the dems creative financing schemes), gasoline has gone from $1.87 to $3.90 during his first year. Electricity costs have indeed skyrocketed as the direct result of the 120 generating stations which have been closed due to his war on coal. Like I said before, at some point one just has to quit typing unless he wants to go ahead and go for the whole book series it would take to complete the list of Obama atrocities.
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh, you can count on that. This morning already, the interviews with the dems attack dogs have been nasty going in. They will double down with their lying and distortions of the republican record at the convention this week. FOX News' Martha McCallum sat there without the faintest hint by way of challenge as the lies rolled out for over 5 minutes. The lies I heard this morning---republicans supposedly will gut medicare, Ryan is lying about Obama taking 741 billion dollars from medicare to fund ObamaCare, (I heard BHO say that very thing) Romney will give the rich over 5 trillion in tax cuts, perks and other breaks and force the middle class to pay for all that. (that's a lie of such grandeur it almost qualifies as an impeachable offense right there)

Of course it's the republicans in general distorting the record according to the dems. These bozos evidently don't think the public record exists, along with all of the Obama promises, on video, to cut the national debt in half during his first term, reduce the cost of health insurance by $2,500 per family during his first term (when in reality and again this is a matter of public record, the cost went up $2,500, (that's a $5,000 dollar increase above what Obama promised for all you who buy into the dems creative financing schemes), gasoline has gone from $1.87 to $3.90 during his first year. Electricity costs have indeed skyrocketed as the direct result of the 120 generating stations which have been closed due to his war on coal. Like I said before, at some point one just has to quit typing unless he wants to go ahead and go for the whole book series it would take to complete the list of Obama atrocities.
People who make a living by opening checks from Uncle Sam every month will latch onto any excuse they can for voting for their Sugar Daddy in Chief. I am not going to get caught up too much in the polls for awhile because Obama will most likely pull ahead for awhile after his own convention. The real state of the campaign will not be known until a week or two later.

Judging from the list of speakers at the DNC, I don't expect that Obama will be changing many people's mind permanently in Charlotte. There really are not many success stories that Obama can tell and I don't think that his campaign will want to feature millions of people touting their government handouts, which are being paid by the rest of us. I hope that Obama delivers another one of those promises to stop the rising seas and heal the Earth speeches at the end of the convention. Chrissy Matthews leg may tingle again, but even most Obama supporters won't be moved by more lofty, empty rhetoric after the past four years of failure.
Romney maintained a 4 point lead over Obama in today's Rasmussen poll. Obama and Romney are now tied in the Real Clear Politics average of national polls.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Because of Obama's huge ego, the acceptance speech is being held in Charlotte's football stadium. My guess is that if the fill up the 70,000+ seats, it will take busloads of union members, teachers, and as many welfare loafers and homeless people that they can round up. We will probably never know, because the media will make sure to interview (as you said) the celebrities, athletes, and and other people whose names the Obama campaign have pre-approved.

If there is a shortfall dont see surprised to see them hire "extras" for this grand extravaganza.
Bob Seger Wrote:If there is a shortfall dont see surprised to see them hire "extras" for this grand extravaganza.

Yeah, gotta roll with the illegals!
WideRight05 Wrote:Yeah, gotta roll with the illegals!
To do that, they would need to waive the requirement for convention attendees to show a photo ID. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:To do that, they would need to waive the requirement for convention attendees to show a photo ID. :biggrin:

I really hope Romney wins this one.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:People who make a living by opening checks from Uncle Sam every month will latch onto any excuse they can for voting for their Sugar Daddy in Chief. I am not going to get caught up too much in the polls for awhile because Obama will most likely pull ahead for awhile after his own convention. The real state of the campaign will not be known until a week or two later.

Judging from the list of speakers at the DNC, I don't expect that Obama will be changing many people's mind permanently in Charlotte. There really are not many success stories that Obama can tell and I don't think that his campaign will want to feature millions of people touting their government handouts, which are being paid by the rest of us. I hope that Obama delivers another one of those promises to stop the rising seas and heal the Earth speeches at the end of the convention. Chrissy Matthews leg may tingle again, but even most Obama supporters won't be moved by more lofty, empty rhetoric after the past four years of failure.

don't you make your money from uncle sam ?
^ isn't there a difference between making money and taking money from the government?
gonna show all this, may as well have the congress approval rating on here as well.
vector Wrote:don't you make your money from uncle sam ?

He works for his money. That's a little different than laying around a HUD funded apartment somewhere drawing food stamps, getting his utilities paid by LIHEAP, packing a government issued medical card around and making calls on his govt. subsidized cell phone.
TheRealThing Wrote:He works for his money. That's a little different than laying around a HUD funded apartment somewhere drawing food stamps, getting his utilities paid by LIHEAP, packing a government issued medical card around and making calls on his govt. subsidized cell phone.

tell that to the single mother who works on minumum wage pay wage and has 3 kids..some of that stuff helps..sorry we cant all be millionaires who must change his wardrobe just to make an illusion he has a friggin clue what the normal joes are going through
^ first off I'd tell her to keep her legs closed
^ and her boyfriend TREY would split yours wide open.
nky Wrote:^ first off I'd tell her to keep her legs closed
Excellent advice but it seems to be a difficult thing for liberal womenfolk to do.
they had a back up plan if it's inconvenient for them
vector Wrote:don't you make your money from uncle sam ?

WOW! Man, I troll the boards sometimes (especially the football) but there's a line man. I'm sure Hoot has a rock solid job where he is at and there is no need to take such a personal attack on how someone makes a living.
WideRight05 Wrote:WOW! Man, I troll the boards sometimes (especially the football) but there's a line man. I'm sure Hoot has a rock solid job where he is at and there is no need to take such a personal attack on how someone makes a living.
Is that your attitude for a union man making a living?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Excellent advice but it seems to be a difficult thing for liberal womenfolk to do.

Right because when Republican women get raped they just tell there body to stop the pregnancy.
WideRight05 Wrote:WOW! Man, I troll the boards sometimes (especially the football) but there's a line man. I'm sure Hoot has a rock solid job where he is at and there is no need to take such a personal attack on how someone makes a living.
Thanks for the support, Wide, but I expect no more from the cast of liberals on this forum. They depend on unions or Uncle Sam for a living and the unions keep Uncle Sam's piggy bank full in return. They are jealous of those who get paid for their skills and ideas.

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