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Obama turns his back to Israel
Hoot Gibson Wrote:"God" and a statement that Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel are back in the Democrats' platform but it wasn't easy. It took three voice votes and it still sounded to me like the "nos" had it, but the LA mayor declared God the winner. There is no way that the platform would have been changed had they counted votes. There is nothing democratic about the Democratic Party. Confusednicker:
It was in the '04, and the '08, and is still in the '12. What do you mean it is back in?
TheRealThing Wrote:If it wasn't 'left out' why did Alan Dershowitz feel compelled to go on national TV today, decrying the omission as "extremely foolhardy", calling on the president to speak "strongly" to reaffirm his support for Israel during his coming speech tomorrow night? If it wasn't left out why did they hold a mock vote to include that very language hours later? If it wasn't left out why did the issue ignite a wildfire on the 24/7 newsloop? Is everybody out their a fool too? An awful lot of very smart folks have reported on this matter the last 24 hours, they're all a bunch of morons?
The two points have been in at least the last 3 platforms. 2004, 2008,2012. Anything else?
WideRight, why don't you do the honor of posting a video (or at least an audio clip) of the three voice votes that it took to amend the DNC's platform and the booing of God and Jerusalem that followed? Let us all watch RV try to make excuses for his Democrat brethren. I am starting to feel sorry for him. :lmao:
TheRealVille Wrote:I would love to see where it was left out, since it was just revealed at the convention. Any non extremist proof?
might want to read this
TheRealVille Wrote:The two points have been in at least the last 3 platforms. 2004, 2008,2012. Anything else?

Yeah, the fact that it was suddenly left out of the 2012 platform is what made it stand out so much. FWIW, that language means a lot to a people who's very existence is threatened almost daily by the arab world powers. Therefore, since a lot of Jews in the US belong to the democratic party, they are very prone to check the platform language to make sure they are still on the party radar. It sends a message to Israel's enemies as well. They are the ones that raised the issue in the first place and media picked up on it. This isn't intended to make you mad RV. No way you'll ever convince me or by now the millions of concerned Americans, that this did not happen. I mean, they took a vote to have it reinserted into the platform on national TV today. You really think your denials mean that much?

Hoot, I will take the honor.
TheRealThing Wrote:Yeah, the fact that it was suddenly left out of the 2012 platform is what made it stand out so much. FWIW, that language means a lot to a people who's very existence is threatened almost daily by the arab world powers. Therefore, since a lot of Jews in the US belong to the democratic party, they are very prone to check the platform language to make sure they are still on the party radar. It sends a message to Israel's enemies as well. They are the ones that raised the issue in the first place and media picked up on it. This isn't intended to make you mad RV. No way you'll ever convince me or by now the millions of concerned Americans, that this did not happen. I mean, they took a vote to have it reinserted into the platform on national TV today. You really think your denials mean that much?
There is no denial, they have to vote every convention on whether to keep it in. That's why they have conventions, to nominate a candidate, and set the platform in stone. The points have now been in place for 12 years. What do you want?
[YOUTUBE="The old run around"]mFhyO4RmQSM[/YOUTUBE]
MustangSally Wrote:[YOUTUBE="The old run around"]mFhyO4RmQSM[/YOUTUBE]
Faux News? :thatsfunn God is in the platform, it was voted on.
[YOUTUBE="If you don't like Fox then"]R8ywbrByqJ4[/YOUTUBE]
^ It's more accurate than NBC, ABC, CNN. It's funny that liberals complain about fox when they have three or four stations that give them everything they want to hear.

Edit: Meant for TRV
TheRealVille Wrote:There is no denial, they have to vote every convention on whether to keep it in. That's why they have conventions, to nominate a candidate, and set the platform in stone. The points have now been in place for 12 years. What do you want?
I don't want anything. You have already provided tonight's entertainment by attacking the OP for being a lie and then refusing to admit that it was no such thing.

The 2012 platform that was adopted - listen closely to the audio as Democrat Ted Strickland tells you the same thing that I am telling you - did not include any references to either God or Jerusalem.

Under heavy political pressure, Democrats caved and amended the platform to insert the references. Even then - again, listen closely to the soundtrack of the video - it is very debatable whether 2/3s of the attendees approved the amendment - and I am being charitable.

I will never understand why some people simply refuse to admit their mistakes even when confronted with overwhelming and indisputable facts.
The video is a lie It's part of the right wing industrial conspiracy complexConfusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:There is no denial, they have to vote every convention on whether to keep it in. That's why they have conventions, to nominate a candidate, and set the platform in stone. The points have now been in place for 12 years. What do you want?

Nothing, you're comfortable with the DNC damage control and that suits me. However there are literally millions of folks watching this whole mess on national TV including Dershowitz, agruably a genius in his own right, read for yourself--- "Alan Morton Dershowitz (born September 1, 1938) is an American lawyer, jurist, and political commentator. He has spent most of his career at Harvard Law School where in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history. He has held the Felix Frankfurter professorship there since 1993." I don't know about you but I don't know anybody with a credential like Mr Dershowitz? You? He sure thinks the dems purposefully left out the language and he would know.
TheRealVille Wrote:Faux News? :thatsfunn God is in the platform, it was voted on.
:hilarious: WideRight posted the same video from CSPAN. Is CSPAN a right wing organization? In fact, you can find the same story on the websites of every major network and newspaper in the country. If the story is not there now, it will be in the headlines tomorrow. Turn your TV on, RV and tune to MSNBC to convince yourself that this debacle never happened to the DNC. But the truth will remain the truth. :Clap:
Come on if Piers Morgan is questioning the change.......................
never mind
[YOUTUBE="ok then"]K8E_zMLCRNg[/YOUTUBE]:trolldad2:
Pretty damning video. What has become of the democratic party is merely a shadow of what it was 50-60 years ago.
wooderson Wrote:Pretty damning video. What has become of the democratic party is merely a shadow of what it was 50-60 years ago.

And that's what you have difficulty in trying to convince the older group of lifelong democrats that dont really keep up with the everyday shenanigans that go on. These folks wouldn't know how to turn a computer on even if someone gave them one. All they know is what ABC, NBC, or CBS tells them. It has now become a party that condones and advocates everything vile and morally corrupt.
wooderson Wrote:Pretty damning video. What has become of the democratic party is merely a shadow of what it was 50-60 years ago.

Compromise. They have espoused the cause of nearly every off the wall special interest group coming and going, from animal/plant rights advocates to the environmentalist, and the social justice activists, oops, can't leave off the abortion activists. Their a ship of fools these days. Going back to the days you're talking about, I don't agree with the fiscal policies of FDR, but I think he was a great president. I respect him greatly. Obama? Not so much, LOL
Bob Seger Wrote:And that's what you have difficulty in trying to convince the older group of lifelong democrats that dont really keep up with the everyday shenanigans that go on. These folks wouldn't know how to turn a computer on even if someone gave them one. All they know is what ABC, NBC, or CBS tells them. It has now become a party that condones and advocates everything vile and morally corrupt.

What you are saying is sad and oh so true. The democratic party is a mess and the media constantly defends their mistakes. People are beginning to wake up to them, I hope. This issue with God and Jerusalem will hurt them greatly.
TheRealThing Wrote:Compromise. They have espoused the cause of nearly every off the wall special interest group coming and going, from animal/plant rights advocates to the environmentalist, and the social justice activists, oops, can't leave off the abortion activists. Their a ship of fools these days. Going back to the days you're talking about, I don't agree with the fiscal policies of FDR, but I think he was a great president. I respect him greatly. Obama? Not so much, LOL

At least with FDR's welfare policies there was an exchange that included actual labor by the recipitant. Not the free for nothing programs we have today.
welfare recipeants do need to work. they should at least be required to perform work for the government to receive their checks
Bob Seger Wrote:And that's what you have difficulty in trying to convince the older group of lifelong democrats that dont really keep up with the everyday shenanigans that go on. These folks wouldn't know how to turn a computer on even if someone gave them one. All they know is what ABC, NBC, or CBS tells them. It has now become a party that condones and advocates everything vile and morally corrupt.

I understand completely. My family, along with many other eastern kentucky families, was brought up under the idea that you must vote straight democrat when entering the polling booth. From grandparents to parents to uncles/aunts and on down to sons/daughters and cousins it continues. I, too, was included in that mind set from being brought up with that direction. The good news is I have a brain thats able to research and decide what my views are and which party stands for the majority of my beliefs. Luckily I rid myself of the "straight party voting" notion years ago and Im able to see things for what they are. Now my family is a different story. They still cling to idea that the democrats are the god fearing, small government, anti-abortion, etc. party of years gone by and try to explain it too them and you are in for a long debate where they sling lies and falsehoods to try and prove their point.
wooderson Wrote:I understand completely. My family, along with many other eastern kentucky families, was brought up under the idea that you must vote straight democrat when entering the polling booth. From grandparents to parents to uncles/aunts and on down to sons/daughters and cousins it continues. I, too, was included in that mind set from being brought up with that direction. (1) The good news is I have a brain thats able to research and decide what my views are and which party stands for the majority of my beliefs. Luckily I rid myself of the "straight party voting" notion years ago and Im able to see things for what they are. Now my family is a different story. They still cling to idea that the democrats are the god fearing, small government, anti-abortion, etc. party of years gone by and(2) try to explain it too them and you are in for a long debate where they sling lies and falsehoods to try and prove their point.

(1) You and I have made a similar journey. The dems were in the process of morphing into the party they have now become during the Clinton years. They are now the party of the special interest groups, factions for the most part, who without the benefit of the power they enjoy through the coalition of wierdos (I won't bore you by listing them all again here) would be voiceless. For instance, it's gonna be an uphill climb for plant life rights advocates to get many folks to listen to them but, powerful dems will throw them a carrot once in a while just to keep them in the democratic fold where their votes can and will be taken for granted.

(2) LOL, if you ever figure out how to get through to them please let me know how you did it! I have come at them from every angle, quoted everybody from Benjamin Frankln to George S Patton, and researched the views of FDR to Netanyahu.

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