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Chick Fil-a Pusses out and Stops supporting traditional marriage groups
its all about the allmighty $
And the source of this tidbit is "a Chicago alderman"? Who, other than vector and TheRealVille, would believe such a brainless source? Berlieving a Chicago alderman would be like believing their boy, Bucky.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:And the source of this tidbit is "a Chicago alderman"? Who, other than vector and TheRealVille, would believe such a brainless source? Berlieving a Chicago alderman would be like believing their boy, Bucky.

Your boy wide was the one who posted the link?
I hope this isn't true, but I'm afraid it is. It's disappointing to see Chick Fil-a back down on their stance for traditional values. Read it from multiple sources.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:And the source of this tidbit is "a Chicago alderman"? Who, other than vector and TheRealVille, would believe such a brainless source? Berlieving a Chicago alderman would be like believing their boy, Bucky.

Quote:A Chicago lawmaker says that Chick-fil-A is re-evaluating the multimillion-dollar donations the company gives to anti-gay marriage activists and other groups with “political agendas,” a month after company CEO Dan Cathy’s pro-traditional marriage comments created a firestorm in the fast-food world between LGBT supporters and gay-marriage opponents.
After weeks of negotiations with city Alderman Joe Moreno, the fast-food restaurant agreed to take “a much closer look” at which groups receive donations from the WinShape Foundation, a non-profit created by the Cathy family and funded almost entirely by Atlanta-based Chick-fil-A, the company told Moreno.
“The WinShape Foundations is now taking a much closer look at the organizations it considers helping, and in that process will remain true to its stated philosophy of not supporting organizations with political agendas,” Chick-fil-A’s senior director of real estate said in a letter to Moreno.
Between 2008 and 2010, the WinShape Foundation gave $3.2 million to groups that advocate against same-sex marriage, according to the group’s tax reports. That included $2,000 to the Family Research Council, which was designated as a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2010, and $2,500 to the Alliance Defense Fund, which supported California’s Proposition 8 to outlaw gay marriage.
The Family Research Council and the Alliance Defense Fund did not return requests for comment.
News of these donations, which was sparked by Cathy’s saying he supports “the biblical definition of the family unit,” sparked national outcry from gay-marriage activists and an overwhelmingly supportive response from traditional-marriage conservatives, who turned out in droves to dine at Chick-fil-A restaurants Aug. 1.
Moreno, who represents the ritzy Northwest Side of Chicago, vowed to block construction of a new Chick-fil-A restaurant in his ward after Cathy’s remarks. But in a statement today, Moreno commended the company for making “real progress” toward addressing “the very legitimate concerns of the LGBT community regarding Chick-fil-A.”
When ABC News requested clarification from Chick-fil-A on the policies that Moreno says are new, the company resent a statement from July, when the controversy about its traditional marriage support first erupted.
“The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect -regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender,” Chick-fil-A spokeswoman Tracey Micit said in the statement. “Going forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena.”
Along with re-evaluating funding to anti-gay marriage activist groups, Moreno said, Chick-fil-A has agreed to amend its corporate policy to include sexual orientation in its anti-discrimination policy.
“The company today has put into writing, for the first time, that its employees are to ‘treat every person with honor, dignity and respect — regardless of their beliefs, race, creed, sexual orientation and gender. .. our intent is not to engage in political or social debates,” Moreno said in a statement.

Because of such changes to company policy, Moreno said he will recommend to the Chicago City Council that Chick-fil-A construction plans be approved for its new location in Chicago.
The WinShape foundation directed all comments through the Chick-fil-A headquarters, which declined to comment on the company’s donations.
Isn't "a Chicago lawmaker" an obvious oxymoron? Shouldn't it be a "Chicago law breaker"?
You dont believe him anyways .
Liberals seem to take special delight in causing trouble for individuals and companies who are known to have standards and principle and to siupport traditional Judeo-Christian absolutes. . Possibly Chick-fil-A would be more acceptable to liberals if it hired America's whore, Sandra Fluke, as its spokesperson. I'll bet Bucky, the alderman, and all the other misfits, fruits, and nuts in society would be delighted.
I would bet my house that the CEO still feels the same way, which should still piss off liberals, because unlike Obama wants you to think, you cant believe something you do not want to...
TheRealVille Wrote:

All this article says is that Chic-fil-a intends to treat all customers with dignity and respect regarless of a litany of mentioned social distinctions, to include the stigma of sexual orientation. What would one expect them to do, call them a name of some kind? It's probably better business to not fund firebrands of social upheaval. Looking closely at whom they fund and saying they're cutting off the money are sort of different things, are they not?

But, the fact that this bunch of folks, who's main claim to fame is the fact that they get down with ?, can bring that much pressure against an American business the size of Chic-fil-a, just shows how far we've fallen. They are ever on patrol, seeking out somebody else to harrass in response to any disapproval toward the gay community. I mean, kill all the ambassadors you want, but, say one word in opposition to sexual depravity and you'll be drug into court.
TheRealThing Wrote:All this article says is that Chic-fil-a intends to treat all customers with dignity and respect regarless of a litany of mentioned social distinctions, to include the stigma of sexual orientation. What would one expect them to do, call them a name of some kind?

But, the fact that this bunch of folks, who's main claim to fame is the fact that they get down with ?, can bring that much pressure against an American business the size of Chic-fil-a, just shows how far we've fallen. They are ever on patrol, seeking out somebody else to harrass in response to any disapproval toward the gay community. I mean, kill all the ambassadors you want, but, say one word in opposition to sexual depravity and you'll be drug into court.

Agreed TRT, and I am frightened to think of the level this will reach. I wonder if people will be jailed one day for speaking out against this stuff. What amazes me is that they do this in the name of tolerance, and people like TRV and other liberals out there are the ones actually shoving this stuff down people's throats. There are more than one set of opinions out there.
WideRight05 Wrote:Agreed TRT, and I am frightened to think of the level this will reach. I wonder if people will be jailed one day for speaking out against this stuff. What amazes me is that they do this in the name of tolerance, and people like TRV and other liberals out there are the ones actually shoving this stuff down people's throats. There are more than one set of opinions out there.

The only ones that matter are their opinions though. That's the argument I have made. Conservatives get skewered because they resist this sweeping redefinition of God's clearly spelled out moral code. We adhered to this code without question for nearly two and a half centuries, up until the last couple of decades or so, and now the sky's the limit for "change." We stepped over the line when we used the "Right to Privacy" to legalize the murder of the unborn, in the decision which has gone down in infamy, Roe v Wade. Because the Lord's hand of judgement was witheld for the short term, the rebellion quickly gained momentum and bench activists and misguided legislators became more and more brazen in their rebellion against God and His Word. But, here is the end of it---Galatians 6:7 (KJV)
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

We are in the midst of change, if you ask the liberal. All we're really changing is the level of judgement the Lord will exact upon us as a nation.
TheRealThing Wrote:All this article says is that Chic-fil-a intends to treat all customers with dignity and respect regarless of a litany of mentioned social distinctions, to include the stigma of sexual orientation. What would one expect them to do, call them a name of some kind? It's probably better business to not fund firebrands of social upheaval. Looking closely at whom they fund and saying they're cutting off the money are sort of different things, are they not?

But, the fact that this bunch of folks, who's main claim to fame is the fact that they get down with ?, can bring that much pressure against an American business the size of Chic-fil-a, just shows how far we've fallen. They are ever on patrol, seeking out somebody else to harrass in response to any disapproval toward the gay community. I mean, kill all the ambassadors you want, but, say one word in opposition to sexual depravity and you'll be drug into court.
It also says they will no longer give to organizations with a political agenda.
TheRealVille Wrote:It also says they will no longer give to organizations with a political agenda.

In my opinion that is also their out, to the backlash that I'm sure they expected to receive.
TheRealVille Wrote:It also says they will no longer give to organizations with a political agenda.

I'm okay with this. There are ways to conduct one's self in the business arena other than getting out there in the dogfight. It's like I have said. The fight is with the Lord. He's the One who made moral law. I believe conservatives should never back down on the truth but, they will never be able to win an arguement in support of God's written Word, unless those listening to the argument are willing to submit to God's authority. We are creatures of free will after all.
Whoa not so fast
Chick-fil-A, in a statement Thursday, affirmed the workplace protections. Friday, however, company President Dan Cathy denied the company has ceased making donations to groups that oppose gay marriage and said Chick-fil-A "made no such concessions."
"There continues to be erroneous implications in the media that Chick-fil-A changed our practices and priorities in order to obtain permission for a new restaurant in Chicago," Cathy said in a statement to Mike Huckabee, the former Republican presidential candidate who now runs a conservative website. "That is incorrect."
^ Saw on Mike Huckabee's facebook wall that he had talked to the CEO of Chick Fil-a and that the restaurant was not changing anything. I am glad to see that they continue to stand their ground.
WideRight05 Wrote:^ Saw on Mike Huckabee's facebook wall that he had talked to the CEO of Chick Fil-a and that the restaurant was not changing anything. I am glad to see that they continue to stand their ground.

Unbelievable, your link, Dylan Stableford wrote this whole piece based on what?
The paragraphs below from the article would be my only guess. Something seriously has to be done about the mainstream media...they are controlling our country. And liberals bash Fox news, what about this?

"Joe Moreno, the alderman whose opposition of a proposed Chick-fil-A on Chicago's north side helped fuel the controversy, told the Chicago Tribune the company has pledged to include a statement of respect for all sexual orientations in a memo to staffers, and has promised that the WinShape Foundations, its not-for-profit arm, would no longer contribute money to groups that oppose gay marriage. Moreno said he will recommend that Chick-fil-A's construction plans be approved.
'Last week, I met with Chick-fil-A executives for the second time this month,' Moreno said in a statement on Wednesday. 'These meetings cap 10 months of negotiations with the company over concerns about fair and equal hiring and serving practices within the company. Before now, Chick-fil-A had no formal message as it related to the fair treatment of all citizens in our great democracy. Now, for the first time in the company's history, Chick-fil-A provided an official company document, which clarifies their new policies to ensure equality at Chick-fil-A facilities.'

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