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White House admits terror behind the slain embassador
The administration, painted into a corner with no escape, finally admits the truth. Ambassador Stevens was tortured and murdered, suffering terribly in the horror which framed his last moments.




Any thoughts about what the administration will do about this? They had no compunction whatever, in hiding behind the fabrication that these uprisings, complete with rpg's and other heavy ordinance, were spontaneous and directly attributable to a you-tube movie.
Man, I'm at a loss of words...that's just awful and a horrible way to die that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Like you TRT, I hope the PROPER action is taken.
Should be impeachment of our great leader who has lied.
This "could" have happened under any president. At the same time, we all can agree that prior to the attacks, things were NOT HANDLED CORRECTLY. We should also agree that after the attacks, the way our President and his administration reacted is sickening. My stomach hurts looking at and reading about all this.

As President of The United States, Obama has been a miserable failure. If there has ever been a President that did not deserve another term, Barry is the one. I would vote for vector over this thug.
that is bad. shame on you for this one obama
I just don't understand how so many folks can vote for a man they know for a fact will lie to them whenever he chooses. A president that thinks he has the right, or the option, to lie to Americans is a president who has set himself up on a higher level. He lies because he sees them as underlings. He thinks he's somehow a higher life form I guess.
I included the link to this thread in another post, TRT...hope you don't mind. I just felt like I needed to make a point. This absolutely makes me physically sick.

(....I gave you full disclosure)
TheRealThing Wrote:I just don't understand how so many folks can vote for a man they know for a fact will lie to them whenever he chooses. A president that thinks he has the right, or the option, to lie to Americans is a president who has set himself up on a higher level. He lies because he sees them as underlings. He thinks he's somehow a higher life form I guess.

But is this also not the same group of sheep that thinks of Bill Clinton as a god or something too? Ole Slick Willie should have been locked up in prison for a long long time for doing the exact same thing, AND WHILE UNDER OATH. Wasn't he their golden boy at the DNC a couple of weeks ago on top of it?

Morals?...... Conscience?...... Nah, who needs that silly unimportant sorta stuff???? Not when these guys'll give me all the free stuff I want.
Granny Bear Wrote:I included the link to this thread in another post, TRT...hope you don't mind. I just felt like I needed to make a point. This absolutely makes me physically sick.

(....I gave you full disclosure)

Don't mind a bit, G-Bear! I'm flattered.
Bob Seger Wrote:But is this also not the same group of sheep that thinks of Bill Clinton as a god or something too? Ole Slick Willie should have been locked up in prison for a long long time for doing the exact same thing, AND WHILE UNDER OATH. Wasn't he their golden boy at the DNC a couple of weeks ago on top of it?

Morals?...... Conscience?...... Nah, who needs that silly unimportant sorta stuff???? Not when these guys'll give me all the free stuff I want.

Birds of a feather convene together! LOL He left office in a cloud of disgrace that rivaled anything Nixon endured. Yet, the democratic spin machine has had ample time to resuscitate his image.
TheRealThing Wrote:The administration, painted into a corner with no escape, finally admits the truth. Ambassador Stevens was tortured and murdered, suffering terribly in the horror which framed his last moments.




Any thoughts about what the administration will do about this? They had no compunction whatever, in hiding behind the fabrication that these uprisings, complete with rpg's and other heavy ordinance, were spontaneous and directly attributable to a you-tube movie.

Obama and Hillary both have blood on their hands for this whole escapade. But then again this is not the first time that the Clinton's have not had blood on their hands and got off absolutely Scott free. They are a disgusting slime bag bunch of people.

This is flat disgusting that the President and the Secretary of State of the United States would subject any American (or any human) to this sort of torture and treatment as what they allowed these American to go through and then stand in front of the American people and proclaim that they knew nothing of impending dangers and lie of what lead up to the circumstance that caused it just for the sake of being re-elected.

What was it that Obama said last week on Romney's comments. I beleive he said some along the lines that "Gov. Romney likes to shoot first and then aim".

Yet there will not be the first frelloading democrat change their vote in November in disgust of this administration. That just goes to show you how low the standards of this nation's people and the democratic party have become.
Yet there will not be the first frelloading democrat change their vote in November in disgust of this administration. That just goes to show you how low the standards of this nation's people and the democratic party have become.

I know of one who will, although he isn't freeloading.....
He has worked every day of the 40 years we've been married!
Granny Bear Wrote:Yet there will not be the first frelloading democrat change their vote in November in disgust of this administration. That just goes to show you how low the standards of this nation's people and the democratic party have become.

I know of one who will, although he isn't freeloading.....
He has worked every day of the 40 years we've been married!

It's the leaders and the true believers that won't change their vote. Bob didn't mean anything by that. In fact, I have yet to run into a union brother or acquaintance of any stripe that has said they will vote for Obama this time.
Bob Seger Wrote:Obama and Hillary both have blood on their hands for this whole escapade. But then again this is not the first time that the Clinton's have not had blood on their hands and got off absolutely Scott free. They are a disgusting slime bag bunch of people.

This is flat disgusting that the President and the Secretary of State of the United States would subject any American (or any human) to this sort of torture and treatment as what they allowed these American to go through and then stand in front of the American people and proclaim that they knew nothing of impending dangers and lie of what lead up to the circumstance that caused it just for the sake of being re-elected.

What was it that Obama said last week on Romney's comments. I beleive he said some along the lines that "Gov. Romney likes to shoot first and then aim".

Yet there will not be the first frelloading democrat change their vote in November in disgust of this administration. That just goes to show you how low the standards of this nation's people and the democratic party have become.

Absolute power, corrupts absolutely. Hill and Obama are at the top of their game and they have no conscience. Nothing wrong with lying, cheating, or distortions of all kinds, when in pursuit of the social justice/environmental agenda.
Granny Bear Wrote:Yet there will not be the first frelloading democrat change their vote in November in disgust of this administration. That just goes to show you how low the standards of this nation's people and the democratic party have become.

I know of one who will, although he isn't freeloading.....
He has worked every day of the 40 years we've been married!

Granny I grew up in a democratic home, so I meant no dispespect towards the democrats of yester year. I think we both know that when you mention democrat now, it means something entirely different than it did to my dad, uncle, grandparents etc. etc, and your husband.
I hope I didn't give the impression that I was offended!! Nothing could be further from the truth. My husband was tired of somethings W was doing/not doing, and wanted a change. Well, he got it!! And I remind him of it often.. Smile
He is now disgusted, and while he has some issues with Romney, he tells me he would vote for almost anyone over Obama.
I happen to agree.

I mostly wanted to make the point that I don't things are as bad with Democratic voters as Bob does. I think there are intelligent, well read Democrats (and Repubicans) who will make an informed decision. I think those folks will make a difference come November. I could be wrong, but that's what I believe.
Granny Bear Wrote:^^
I hope I didn't give the impression that I was offended!! Nothing could be further from the truth. My husband was tired of somethings W was doing/not doing, and wanted a change. Well, he got it!! And I remind him of it often.. Smile
He is now disgusted, and while he has some issues with Romney, he tells me he would vote for almost anyone over Obama.
I happen to agree.

I mostly wanted to make the point that I don't things are as bad with Democratic voters as Bob does. I think there are intelligent, well read Democrats (and Repubicans) who will make an informed decision. I think those folks will make a difference come November. I could be wrong, but that's what I believe.

Well , lets all hope that I am the one dead wrong and you are spot on. I'll graciously eat crow on it Granny.
Americans are coming under fire all over the world by Islamic extremist thugs. The administration's sudden pivot in admitting the murders and riots in over 27 countries were planned or organized, caught main stream media outlets by surprise. Overtaken by the admission amid feverish attempts to connect the violence to a video published on the web, media outlets were unprepared to keep their coverage current. Meanwhile, Obama has submitted to demands of the Muslim Brotherhood to quash the video, in direct contravention to of the US Bill of rights article 1 which, guarantees freedom of expression in America.

I wonder if the liberal 'true believers' will insist Obama is still the object of their affection after he releases the murderous, 'Blind Cleric', in submission to yet another of the Brotherhood's demands?
Heck, maybe he could just hand deliver this month's blood money to Egypt for us?
I received a press release saying that these pictures were of non-extremists carrying him to the hospital.

I don't buy it...

Just figured I would put it out there.
zaga_fan Wrote:I received a press release saying that these pictures were of non-extremists carrying him to the hospital.

I don't buy it...

Just figured I would put it out there.
What makes you not buy it?
zaga_fan Wrote:I received a press release saying that these pictures were of non-extremists carrying him to the hospital.

I don't buy it...

Just figured I would put it out there.

If this was the case you then wouldn't see him lying in the street being propted up while those around him snap pictures on their phones.

With that being said, he doesn't appear to be alive in those photos. Do we know if he was even taken to a hospital? If so, are there pictures?
judgementday Wrote:If this was the case you then wouldn't see him lying in the street being propted up while those around him snap pictures on their phones.

With that being said, he doesn't appear to be alive in those photos. Do we know if he was even taken to a hospital? If so, are there pictures?

Good point. There was certainly intense photographic documentation of everything else!
TheRealVille Wrote:What makes you not buy it?

No real evidence or anything - all of us are being handed pics and told what they depict

I'm just going by my gut.
judgementday Wrote:If this was the case you then wouldn't see him lying in the street being propted up while those around him snap pictures on their phones.

With that being said, he doesn't appear to be alive in those photos. Do we know if he was even taken to a hospital? If so, are there pictures?

In the first picture, it seemed to me that the ambassador was lifting up his arm. I would think at least in that picture, he would still be alive. I would guess that if he was alive during that time, he might've been in shock.
zaga_fan Wrote:I received a press release saying that these pictures were of non-extremists carrying him to the hospital.

I don't buy it...

Just figured I would put it out there.

I agree with you zaga_fan. That doesn't make sense to me.
zaga_fan Wrote:I received a press release saying that these pictures were of non-extremists carrying him to the hospital.

I don't buy it...

Just figured I would put it out there.

After all of the lies and denials over this stuff, it's called having to resort to "damage control".
TheRealVille Wrote:What makes you not buy it?

Duh, cause he is dead as a hammer?
Bob Seger Wrote:After all of the lies and denials over this stuff, it's called having to resort to "damage control".

Liberal media misdirection is all it is. Now that the administration looks like the amatures they in fact are, damage control is standard operating proceedure. Bought and paid for Obama stooges like UN Ambassador Susan Rice, have contended hammer and tong that the murders and violence in the middle east were caused entirely by the much bally-hooed anti-Islamic web video, (which was released way back in July BTW).


The administration had no choice but, to jerk the rug out from under her and others while yet in mid speech as the truth became known from an insurmountable number of sources. So, they'll lie like dogs until there is nowhere else to manuver and then the truth is owned up to, LOL.
zaga_fan Wrote:No real evidence or anything - all of us are being handed pics and told what they depict

I'm just going by my gut.

I wouldn't worry about it much Zaga, you gut serves you better that your state department does, LOL.

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