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Romney Pledges to Restore NASA
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has unveiled his plan for the future of NASA and American space exploration, unleashing a blistering attack on President Barack Obama in the process.

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Very strategic move. Many voters do not care what it costs but know how important it is for technological growth and placement in the world. Probably one of the few smart moves he has made lately.
LWC Wrote:Very strategic move. Many voters do not care what it costs but know how important it is for technological growth and placement in the world. Probably one of the few smart moves he has made lately.

Even when he has told the truth?
^Wait. You think he has ran a smart campaign lately? If so, you must be absorbing Republican talking points.

Obama AND Romney have ran terrible campaigns lately. Outside of Romney's support of NASA and Obama's burying Joe Biden as far away from the public as possible, neither has done anything well in a while.
^ Agreed !!!!!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Romney has greed in his heart and doo doo in his soul.
LWC Wrote:^Wait. You think he has ran a smart campaign lately? If so, you must be absorbing Republican talking points.

Obama AND Romney have ran terrible campaigns lately. Outside of Romney's support of NASA and Obama's burying Joe Biden as far away from the public as possible, neither has done anything well in a while.

I personally think that the media has twisted his 47% comment out of context to a degree. I know what he was meaning to say and I think everyone else does too. And for the record he was 100% right. As far as the comment after the slaying of our Libyan Ambassador he was spot on. It was Obama that has egg all over his face in my opinion. The "shoot and then aim" comment backfired on him royally. Obama lied and got caught red handed, but you did not see the media retract any of their bashing or Obama admit his spin job, did you? So I don't see how he can be blamed for not running a smart campaign because of the lies and distortions of others. I assume you dont think the press and Obama should be held accountable for any of the dishonesty of it? There is a big problem in this country when you tell the truth and then get condemned for it after it is twisted by a bunch of spinless jellyfishes.
^Agreed to an extent. However, every politician seems to speak a certain way to certain groups of people. Romney's mistake was answering the question about whether he stood by what he said.

If he had a good campaign manager and advisers, they would have not released a statement about it, answered any questions or even hint at saying anything about it.

Here are the possibilities:
1. Answer the question and tell the truth about how you feel. You get the fallout he has had right now. Not a good choice.
2. Answer the question and rescind your comments, or try to explain them away. Doing that compromises your integrity, somewhat alienates your base (though they will still vote for you) and makes you look wishy-washy. Not a good choice.
3. Release a statement but do not talk about it any further. The media rips the statement to pieces, calls him a poor-hater, helps him seem even more arrogant, etc... Not a good choice.
4. Say or do nothing until the debates roll around, giving you and your advisers time to contemplate a good response. Still not a good choice but still somewhat better than the other three.
LWC Wrote:^Agreed to an extent. However, every politician seems to speak a certain way to certain groups of people. Romney's mistake was answering the question about whether he stood by what he said.

If he had a good campaign manager and advisers, they would have not released a statement about it, answered any questions or even hint at saying anything about it.

Here are the possibilities:
1. Answer the question and tell the truth about how you feel. You get the fallout he has had right now. Not a good choice.
2. Answer the question and rescind your comments, or try to explain them away. Doing that compromises your integrity, somewhat alienates your base (though they will still vote for you) and makes you look wishy-washy. Not a good choice.
3. Release a statement but do not talk about it any further. The media rips the statement to pieces, calls him a poor-hater, helps him seem even more arrogant, etc... Not a good choice.
4. Say or do nothing until the debates roll around, giving you and your advisers time to contemplate a good response. Still not a good choice but still somewhat better than the other three.

IDK, I'm kinda a tell the truth and let the cards fall where they may kinda guy. If you consider that being smart or not smart is something you'll have to answer to your own conscience. The truth will always set you free in the end LWC. I know that I have more respect for him telling the truth and standing by it , than if he had tried to weasel out of it to avoid the backlash like Obama does everytime he gets caught up in a lie or lays the blame on someone else.. I still think in the end, most American people will begin to see things for what they really are and will vote accordingly. I just cant see how Obama and his supporters can keep getting away with just one lie, after lie, after lie and the media keep covering for them over and over again. Sooner or later they'll get caught up in it so deep they'll fall.
Bob Seger Wrote:IDK, I'm kinda a tell the truth and let the cards fall where they may kinda guy. If you consider that being smart or not smart is something you'll have to answer to your own conscience. The truth will always set you free in the end LWC. I know that I have more respect for him telling the truth and standing by it , than if he had tried to weasel out of it to avoid the backlash like Obama does everytime he gets caught up in a lie or lays the blame on someone else.. I still think in the end, most American people will begin to see things for what they really are and will vote accordingly. I just cant see how Obama and his supporters can keep getting away with just one lie, after lie, after lie and the media keep covering for them over and over again. Sooner or later they'll get caught up in it so deep they'll fall.

Totally agree. Who would want a president that couldnt't think for himself and is governed by political correctness? Isn't that a little like being a sham? Give me a man that says what he thinks. I've had enough guile to last a lifetime. Put another way, if it isn't the truth it's a lie. I've had enough of those too.
TheRealThing Wrote:Totally agree. Who would want a president that couldnt't think for himself and is governed by political correctness? Isn't that a little like being a sham? Give me a man that says what he thinks. I've had enough guile to last a lifetime. Put another way, if it isn't the truth it's a lie. I've had enough of those too.

Exactly. I would think that LWC of all people would have appreciated his stance, rather than to call it "not smart" and basicly chastize the man. I personally am not concerned with "smart" I am sick of politics, I am way more concerned with what's "right", and finding someone who will say and do that exact thing. To me, it is refreshing to see someone say what they mean and then back it up by meaning what they say. There is a lot to be said for a man that will stand by his convictions when everything is at stake. It's the same in religion now adays too. Churches and (quote, unquote)Christians have compromised their principals all for the sake of political correctness that it's down right sickening.
I am more concerned on what's going on, on the earth, than what's going on, where we can't live anyway.
TheRealThing Wrote:Totally agree. Who would want a president that couldnt't think for himself and is governed by political correctness? Isn't that a little like being a sham? Give me a man that says what he thinks. I've had enough guile to last a lifetime. Put another way, if it isn't the truth it's a lie. I've had enough of those too.

What does space exploration mean to you? What can we gain from it, if we can't move there? Wouldn't this be a great place to "cut spending", or is it just partisan?
TheRealVille Wrote:What does space exploration mean to you? What can we gain from it, if we can't move there? Wouldn't this be a great place to "cut spending", or is it just partisan?

Thanks for asking.
NASA's budget for 2011 was a paltry $18.4 billion, only about 0.5% of the United States federal budget for that year. We all have benefited from the scientific advances of our space program. As famed heart surgeon Dr. Michael DeBakey, who has collaborated with NASA on one of its most beneficial inventions, an artificial heart pump, has said, “NASA is engaged in very active research. It has as its goal to explore space. But to do so, you’ve got to do all kinds of research – biological research, physical research and so on. So it’s really a very, very intensive research organization. And anytime you have any type of intensive research organization or activity going on, new knowledge is going to flow from it.” The story of NASA’s tangible impacts on our daily lives may not garner as much attention as dramatic space missions do, but the return on investment to society from NASA’s challenging activities is significant. It was heartening, therefore, when USA Today recently offered a list of the “Top 25 Scientific Breakthroughs” that have occurred in its 25 years, and nine of them came from space, eight directly from NASA.

In a speech kicking off NASA’s 50th anniversary year, NASA Administrator Michael Griffin said---“We see the transformative effects of the Space Economy all around us through numerous technologies and life-saving capabilities. We see the Space Economy in the lives saved when advanced breast cancer screening catches tumors in time for treatment, or when a heart defibrillator restores the proper rhythm of a patient’s heart….We see it when weather satellites warn us of coming hurricanes, or when satellites provide information critical to understanding our environment and the effects of climate change. We see it when we use an ATM or pay for gas at the pump with an immediate electronic response via satellite. Technologies developed for exploring space are being used to increase crop yields and to search for good fishing regions at sea.” [Wiki][NASA]

The benefits are literally endless RV. If, and this is a very big if, if Obama is reelected, and we survive long enough, weapons launched from space will likely one day very soon be the greatest threat we will face. It's going to be hard to mount a defense if we don't have a space program, don't you think? We presently add 4 billion new dollars every day of the world, to our national debt. That mean NASA's total budget for one year equals the new debt we incur every day for only 4 and 1/2 days. That's like moaning over the loss of a single drop of water out the ocean. We need to cut spending alright. Cutting out duplicated agencies and federal waste would be a great start to spending cuts. Thing is, Senator Tom Coburn has identified hundreds of billions of wasted federal dollars during his time as a US Senator and serving on the following committees---
Committee on Finance Subcommittee on Health Care
Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure
Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight
United States Senate Finance Subcommittee on Social Security, Pensions, and Family Policy (Ranking Member)
Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth

Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information and International Security
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (Ranking Member)

Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution
Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs
Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security

A pretty impressive resume by any definition. Guess how many times the Obama administration has bothered to take even one step towards eliminating the graft and federal waste Senator Coburn has labored to ferret out? ZERO. Our president is lame and so are his cohorts Reid and Pelosi. Responsible governance is out the window with these bone heads, all they care about is social justice issues and who's gay or not.
Bob Seger Wrote:Exactly. I would think that LWC of all people would have appreciated his stance, rather than to call it "not smart" and basicly chastize the man. I personally am not concerned with "smart" I am sick of politics, I am way more concerned with what's "right", and finding someone who will say and do that exact thing. To me, it is refreshing to see someone say what they mean and then back it up by meaning what they say. There is a lot to be said for a man that will stand by his convictions when everything is at stake. It's the same in religion now adays too. Churches and (quote, unquote)Christians have compromised their principals all for the sake of political correctness that it's down right sickening.

LOL, since when is telling the truth about how you feel not a good choice? That kind of thinking is exactly why we can't believe the first darn word these politicians say these days. Now that we finally have a candidate who will tell us the truth, he gets slammed for being honest? I don't get it, good governance comes best from those who can most artfully dodge the truth and lie to us?

And FWIW, on the downright sickening part of your post;
Revelation 3:14-16 (KJV)
14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

We are in the last days after all.
lol funny thing is Barry cant say anything about how Romney's space idea would take away from his presedential duties because Barry cant meet with Isreals leaders but had plenty of time to speak with Whoopi on the view.

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