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why isn't romney not running away with this election
why isn't romney not running away with this election?
Because he........

:gtfo: TROLL
vector Wrote:why isn't romney not running away with this election?

why wont you answer my questions?
A better question would be: Obama being an incumbent with three major media networks in his pocket (manipulating voters)...Why isn't he running away with it?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:A better question would be: Obama being an incumbent with three major media networks in his pocket (manipulating voters)...Why isn't he running away with it?

SP, I read an article written by Dick Morris over the weekend, and he was commenting on a certain poll that shows Obama leading 48%-45%. His opinion is that that does not necessarily mean that Obama is up by 3%. The way he calculates things is that there is another 7% of the votes that are not being accounted for. In his estimation, the incumbent never receives these votes. So in reality Romney, in his opinion, Romney commands a 52%-48% lead in whatever poll it was he was referring too.
easy becuz he isnt going to win de election
SKINNYPIG Wrote:A better question would be: Obama being an incumbent with three major media networks in his pocket (manipulating voters)...Why isn't he running away with it?


Bob Seger Wrote:SP, I read an article written by Dick Morris over the weekend, and he was commenting on a certain poll that shows Obama leading 48%-45%. His opinion is that that does not necessarily mean that Obama is up by 3%. The way he calculates things is that there is another 7% of the votes that are not being accounted for. In his estimation, the incumbent never receives these votes. So in reality Romney, in his opinion, Romney commands a 52%-48% lead in whatever poll it was he was referring too.

If we read deep into the fine print of a lot of these polls, we find out that in most cases, democrats are grossly oversampled. I just don't buy in to democrats voting 13% more than republicans. A real poll would sample by the latest election (2010 midterms), where democrats and republican voters were almost even.

Most polls at this time are being used/manipulated to depress republicans and conservatives in hopes it keeps them from voting.

Democrat strategists readily admit they want people probable voters staying home on election day. That speaks volumes of their patriotism, or lack there of.

There's way too many people across the country that voted for Mr. Gag last time that claim they have no interest in repeating the mistake.

I just don't think it's as close as "some" are being "led" to believe.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Because he........

:gtfo: TROLL

Favorite post ever!
you are awesome vector dont listen to the haters you are one of the smartest people i know of on this site
WideMiddle03 Wrote:you are awesome vector dont listen to the haters you are one of the smartest people i know of on this site
[Image:]ain't love grand
looks like the slick willy speech and the 47% comment just might be all for romney
Morris picked Hillary to win, remember
vector Wrote:looks like the slick willy speech and the 47% comment just might be all for romney

And there's no response to the great Vector. Why? Because the truth hurts. Romney is defeated. Obama 2012!
^or user have put him on their ignor list
That could be. Vector is probably on people's ignore list because they hate FACTS. Vector is the man and he speaks the truth!
yea that's it
Silly Vector and Widemiddle....always trying to outdo one another....


HEY! I'm offended! You shouldn't be allowed to make fun of people like that on here.
And so reappears the correct grammar and punctuation!!

Nice pictures Gut; those from your personal collection??
Scrap book photos of BGR mods.

BTW, im not in one of them, so you can guess who they are Confusednicker:
I wouldn't touch that answer (or the pictures) with a ten foot pole!!
I'm not too terribly concerned about the presidency. I volunteer about 2 hours a day at the local GOP office, with my primary objective being to get the Senate back in the hands of republicans and fire Harry Reid as majority leader. I doubt this will occur in this election cycle, with the probable outcome being a 51-49 Democrat majority as far as I can tell. This is much better than the 53-47 currently enjoyed, when considering candidates like Sen Manchin from WV are distancing themselves from Obama on several key issues. The president's power is terribly overstated these days, and the real power lies in the house, where majority rules absolutely.

The house currently looks extremely safe for the GOP and I have no worries at all.
Because dumb people, illegals, and ignorant people toward what is good for this country are allowed to vote

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