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Obama Supporter: "He Gave Us a Phone-Romney Sucks"
TheRealThing Wrote:If I supported Obama, you'd be lapping them up. Me after the election :biggrin:

Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Can I then assume that you oppose the gestapo tactics of the present administration in trying to force Catholics and other like-minded religions to abandon their foundation beliefs and provide free contraceptives to women?

I would be interested in hearing a valid argument from a serious Catholic explaining how he/she can vote for the present occupant of the White House. When it gets down to God's Law or Obama's Law, the answer is obvious and crucial. Of course, Obama, with his unprecedented arrogance, thinks that he and God are one in the same.

Yes. I oppose them strongly on that. (by the way, the second post was an extension of the first one... both are from his 84 speech. I just messed up on the first one, didn't include it all.

I don't know how a serious catholic could vote for obama, yet, over half will. (i dunno if they're serious, but they're catholic)
TheRealThing Wrote:My, my, you do go on don't you? Who or what about government are you afraid is beginning to lean towards a state sanctioned church?

It was the second half of the reagan quote that you quoted. He was speaking of Jewish protection from a law that was anti-sabbath day in nature. He wanted all beliefs to practice freely, as long as life, limb, or property isn't affected.

I'm not honestly that fearful of ever having a state santioned religion, or church. I know it won't ever happen. But I do fear those who want one. They're dangerous in my eyes.
ronald reagan Wrote:It was the second half of the reagan quote that you quoted. He was speaking of Jewish protection from a law that was anti-sabbath day in nature. He wanted all beliefs to practice freely, as long as life, limb, or property isn't affected.

I'm not honestly that fearful of ever having a state santioned religion, or church. I know it won't ever happen. But I do fear those who want one. They're dangerous in my eyes.

Well, I agree with you totally on that one. And, RR is the greatest president in modern history. He is right of course, seperation of church and state is critical to our survival. The English Anglican Church and the Crown were one in the same when the founding fathers fled to the new world seeking asylum. The state sanctioned church was rife with corruption and served as a way for the mad king to control his subject's lives. The intimacy of the church setting served as a conduit of information to those who wanted favor or position from King George. Thus his spies numbered in the hundreds, and with such a network of 'eyes' he ruled with a vengence.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Dead beats, those that do not intend to work, vagrants, bottom feeders, lazy asses, abortion lovers, redistributionist, anti capitalists, those that cannot afford a prophylactic, movie stars and thugs will overwhelmingly vote for Obama.

I'll take my chances (win or lose) with the evil rich, business owning, gun and Bible toting crowd.

Which group seems more appealing?

Both seem ridiculous and certainly not appealing, lol.

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