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New Gallup Poll: October 8,2012
And since we're going with "today"....

It was 47-47 according to Gallup. Go to bed. you might regret posting anymore.
ronald reagan Wrote:How about you go with today, and a single poll that looks good for you.
I'll go with the rest of the polls that in unisen are showing Obama either losing his advantage, Romney leading, swing states going for Romney, etc. You don't like facts. I get it. But... I do.

You're like the scared little boy whistling in the dark, trying to keep your spirits up, but fooling no one....

I'm going to start a thread highlighting the many lies that you've been caught up in. It may take a while.... considering you've told several just in the past 30 minutes. :biglmao::biglmao:
Get back to me on the 7th of next month.
TheRealVille Wrote:Get back to me on the 7th of next month.

Dude, I really don't care if Obama is the president. Fact is, no matter who is president.... when they sign a bill... remember, it is written by republicans. :Clap:

I'm only concerned about gaining in the Senate. And its looking like 1-2 seats we'll pick up. The president is at the complete mercy of House Republicans... Who holds the power of the purse?? Who has to fund Obamacare?? Hmmm....
TheRealVille Wrote:

From politico. Michigan is a 3 point race.
Romney up 51-48 in Ohio among those certain to vote!
Military Times poll:
Romney 66
Obama 26
Battleground poll:
Independents went for Obama 52-44 in 2008. Today, 51-35 for Romney! 73% of Obama supporters report they are "extremely likely" to vote. 86% for romney say the same!

The pew poll, for those who like numbers, shows a 12 point swing from 51-43 for obama, to 49-45 for Romney in a matter of days.

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