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Obama v. Romney: Part Deux
Unfortunately, what will stand out is the terror quote.
WideRight05 Wrote:Damn, except for the "terror" quote Romney had that one nailed.

Somebody probably told Romney not to push that one too hard because it is all coming out in the news and the Issa investigation anyway.
WideRight05 Wrote:Damn, except for the "terror" quote Romney had that one nailed.

But in what he was trying to say, he was still right.
Bob Seger Wrote:But in what he was trying to say, he was still right.

I agree Seger. It's just that all people are going to see is that quote replayed over and over and over, without the actual facts of that question coming up.
TheRealThing Wrote:Somebody probably told Romney not to push that one too hard because it is all coming out in the news and the Issa investigation anyway.

That's right. It'll all come out.
The questions were of the social justice variety. Will republicans ever learn not to trust these people? Liberals are going to steer things for their guy. Nothing much of substance, other than a lot of questions geared towards women, this debate should be dubbed the soap opera debate.
WideRight05 Wrote:I agree Seger. It's just that all people are going to see is that quote replayed over and over and over, without the actual facts of that question coming up.

Don't fret Wide. It takes more to turn the tide than something like that. Obama didn't do near enough to make much of a difference for himself. A llying lawyer is a tactic that makes people mad, they do it in the court room all the time. Obama just went the insult route cause that's all he's got.
I agree. I just hope people aren't THAT stupid lol. But judging from some of my friends on Facebook right now, it wouldn't surprised me if they went on that.
CNN and CBS poll, Obama.
WideRight05 Wrote:I agree. I just hope people aren't THAT stupid lol. But judging from some of my friends on Facebook right now, it wouldn't surprised me if they went on that.

Folks already know that when Obama spoke from the Rose Garden with regard to the Benghazi incident he mentioned (paraphrasing) that acts of terror would not be tolerated. At the very end of his comments, he spoke of terror only in the most generic of terms and he did not call the attack an act of terror for over 2 weeks. Think about it, on the anniversary of 9/11 the attack happens. Obama, Hillary, Susan Rice, Jim Carney et-al, state catagorically it was because of the video. Fifteen days later, after Obama has appeared on the View and other venues and declines to call the violent attack terror, instead brings up the video each time, on the 25th Obama adresses the UN (which in effect is addressing the planet) and says the violence was cause by the video no less than six different times. He'll never sell his way out of this one.
WideRight05 Wrote:I agree. I just hope people aren't THAT stupid lol. But judging from some of my friends on Facebook right now, it wouldn't surprised me if they went on that.
The Rose Garden quote is somewhat ambiguous and Obama explicitly declined to call the attack terrorism for several days after that speech. There are some good campaign ads to come from all of the lying about Libya that Obama and his administration have done.

Obama just plain lied about his administration's record on oil and gas permits and production on federal lands. That should be the basis of some great ads in states like Pennsylvania and Ohio.
TheRealThing Wrote:Folks already know that when Obama spoke from the Rose Garden with regard to the Benghazi incident he mentioned (paraphrasing) that acts of terror would not be tolerated. At the very end of his comments, he spoke of terror only in the most generic of terms and he did not call the attack an act of terror for over 2 weeks. Think about it, on the anniversary of 9/11 the attack happens. Obama, Hillary, Susan Rice, Jim Carney et-al, state catagorically it was because of the video. Fifteen days later, after Obama has appeared on the View and other venues and declines to call the violent attack terror, instead brings up the video each time, on the 25th Obama adresses the UN (which in effect is addressing the planet) and says the violence was cause by the video no less than six different times. He'll never sell his way out of this one.

I hope so. But then again people are THAT stupid.

Having once had an interest in being a religion major, 9/11 is considered a major holiday for muslims. Any chance they have to make that holiday special for them, they will.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The Rose Garden quote is somewhat ambiguous and Obama explicitly declined to call the attack terrorism for several days after that speech. There are some good campaign ads to come from all of the lying about Libya that Obama and his administration have done.

Obama just plain lied about his administration's record on oil and gas permits and production on federal lands. That should be the basis of some great ads in states like Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Did you notice that Candy denied Romney an opportunity to respond to Obama when he talked about Romney standing in front of a coal fired generating station that he supposedly closed down because it was dangerous and then tried to deny him an opportunity to respond to Obama's slander about investing in companies in China? Of course the 47% slam got in there after Romney's final remarks were made as well.
TheRealThing Wrote:Did you notice that Candy denied Romney an opportunity to respond to Obama when he talked about Romney standing in front of a coal fired generating station that he supposedly closed down because it was dangerous and then tried to deny him an opportunity to respond to Obama's slander about investing in companies in China? Of course the 47% slam got in there after Romney's final remarks were made as well.
Yes, I noticed. She promised that Romney would get his fair share of time to respond later but she lied. She also decided the order of the questions and I don't think that the timing of the last question to Obama was a coincidence.
Fat bitch kept saying, "You'll get a chance at the end...blah blah blah." I don't know about you guys, but I didn't see him get that chance. I don't see the moderator of this next one being such a douche bag.

Candy Crowder sat on a quarter and squeezed a booger out of George Washington's nose.
As predicted, the lovely Candy did her deed. Republicans were dumb butts for approving her to moderate. Still Kardashian lied. He never called it a terrorist act on the 12th. He would never do that and insult his true brothers. It is up to Romney to make a big deal out of it. He should have done so during the debate.
Here is the most important poll .This is CNN results:

Who would better handle the economy?
Romney 58%
Obama 40%

Who would better handle health care?
Romney 49%
Obama 46%

Who would better handle the issue of taxes?
Romney 51%
Obama 44%

Who would better handle the deficit?
Romney 59%
Obama 36%

Forget all of the other "who has the best looking hair" questions. These are the numbers that will represent who the next president will be.

Next President= Mitt Romney
^ is this as of tonight? Do they have anything posted on the debate results?
Oh yeah, and I do agree on all of them, especially the last one. Big Grin
As of tonight.

CNN just posted them.

As far as the debate they say Obama 46% Romey 39%.

Where's the other 15%? That's a lot of unaccounted for.

Anyways, CNN is calling it a draw, but they unanimously agree that the results that I posted say Romney will be the next president.
Wow, that's a shocker...46-39??? I thought Romney would have been posted as the winner...but, since CNN is posting the results that you are mentioning, that means that no doubt Romney will be the winner this November.
Anderson Cooper just said again when you look at the overall numbers, Obama won the debate, but when you look at the breakdown on the tax, economy etc. numbers it looks very promising for Mitt Romney.
Yeah, that is a good sign.
Neither one of them are fit to be in the white house.
Were only 3 weeks away from the election.
This election has taken a heavy toll on all voters IMO.

The next 4 years are detrimental to our country.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Fox had Obama talking three minutes longer than Romney. After three debates, I think I see a pattern developing there...

I purposely do not watch the media's show afterward, but my husband said that Dianne Sawyer reported Obama had 4.5 more speaking minutes than Romney.
TheRealThing Wrote:Did you notice that Candy denied Romney an opportunity to respond to Obama when he talked about Romney standing in front of a coal fired generating station that he supposedly closed down because it was dangerous and then tried to deny him an opportunity to respond to Obama's slander about investing in companies in China? Of course the 47% slam got in there after Romney's final remarks were made as well.

Yes, I did notice that one. And, like Hoot, I believe that she decided the order of questions (not many people knew those beforehand but she did) AND chose the last question carefully. Romney never had an opportunity to refute or clarify.

Also, why is Candy the last word to verify what was said in the Rose Garden? I don't understand that one.
Bob Seger Wrote:Here is the most important poll .This is CNN results:

Who would better handle the economy?
Romney 58%
Obama 40%

Who would better handle health care?
Romney 49%
Obama 46%

Who would better handle the issue of taxes?
Romney 51%
Obama 44%

Who would better handle the deficit?
Romney 59%
Obama 36%

Forget all of the other "who has the best looking hair" questions. These are the numbers that will represent who the next president will be.

Next President= Mitt Romney

Should that happen Bob Seger, you're gonna owe me a plate of crow!!!
I watched and I have not swayed my opinion, Romney is still my pick on election day. But last night, he looked BAD! He was flustered and many times stumbled through his responses! Yes, he had more substance than Obama and Obama did a horrible job stating facts, but on Romney's presence in front of America, he got his ass handed to him!
Granny Bear Wrote:[/B]

Should that happen Bob Seger, you're gonna owe me a plate of crow!!!

Went over my head Granny.....remember I'm slow.
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