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CIA Director David Petraeus Resigns, Cites Extramarital Affair
Fox News Channel says that it has confirmed that the FBI found classified documents stored on Paula Broadwell's personal computer, but that it found no evidence that the documents were obtained through Petraeus.

Then there is this video, in which Mrs. Broadwell publicly suggests a motive for the attack on the Benghazi consulate.

[YOUTUBE="Did Petraeus's Mistress Reveal Secrets About Benghazi CIA Annex?"]_PgsLSsSKMI[/YOUTUBE]
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If the charges below are true, then Gen. Petraeus will either deliver testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee in a few days that will push the Benghazi cover-up into Watergate territory, or his lawyers will claim that he cannot testify because of confidentiality agreements he signed when he joined the CIA and kicked in when he became its former employee following his resignation. The question is, as it was in Watergate, what did the president know, and when did he know it.

Barack Hussein Obama combines the worst traits of Richard M. Nixon and Jimmy Earl Carter. Like Nixon, he was reelected despite a large black cloud of scandal hanging over his head. Now, we shall see if he can do something that Nixon could not - escape the consequences of his actions.[INDENT][/INDENT]

Let's hope there is still some semblance of accountablility left at the federal level and the real truth comes out here.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:Who believes that the New York Times did not have this information before the election but decided to help Obama keep a lid on it until after the election? Things sure have changed since the American media considered providing a check on presidential power to be its moral obligation to the public. The mainstream media has become nothing but President Obama's lap dog - emitting a weak little yap when nobody is paying any attention and cowering in the face of presidential power when it matters.

Or maybe a lap dog that lifts it's adoring face up to beam at it's master, and is complicitous through unbridled affection to help him when the steely missiles of blame are pointing at him?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The foreign press is all over this story. Why was our own media not on top of it before the election? Now that the media has helped Obama win another election, will they remain in his bed for another four years, or will they be shamed into doing their job?

I find it extremely unlikely that Obama did not know about Petraeus's affair before he was appointed to head the CIA. If he was not aware of it, then the FBI background check done on Petraeus was incredibly and uncharacteristically poorly done. I am also skeptical that infidelity alone would disqualify Petraeus from serving in an administration who openly allowed illegal foreign donations to his campaign by not properly vetting credit card donations.


Agree, and I'll tell you what I am skeptical about. If one finds herself in a love triangle such as has been reported in the Patraeus investigation, and finds herself getting some email warning shots across the bow by the 'other', other woman telling her to buzz off, who in their right mind would go to the FBI about that? Aren't there several spouses involved here including her own that might not be so happy about all of this? I can imagine several other kinds of reactions which are a lot more likely to have occured than going to the FBI. I mean, at that point the other, other woman, was just a would be interloper, trying to horn in on some side action. Hardly a position of having been wronged I would think. Supposedly this is what intialized the entire investigation.
TheRealThing Wrote:Agree, and I'll tell you what I am skeptical about. If one finds herself in a love triangle such as has been reported in the Patraeus investigation, and finds herself getting some email warning shots across the bow by the 'other', other woman telling her to buzz off, who in their right mind would go to the FBI about that? Aren't there several spouses involved here including her own that might not be so happy about all of this? I can imagine several other kinds of reactions which are a lot more likely to have occured than going to the FBI. I mean, at that point the other, other woman, was just a would be interloper, trying to horn in on some side action. Hardly a position of having been wronged I would think. Supposedly this is what intialized the entire investigation.
Kelley is a family friend, that was targeted by the mistress. Nothing says Kelley and the General were having a fling, except to crackpots like you and Hoot. The Kelley woman has said her family is nothing but friends with the general, why do you persist in slandering him without proof?
TheRealThing Wrote:Agree, and I'll tell you what I am skeptical about. If one finds herself in a love triangle such as has been reported in the Patraeus investigation, and finds herself getting some email warning shots across the bow by the 'other', other woman telling her to buzz off, who in their right mind would go to the FBI about that? Aren't there several spouses involved here including her own that might not be so happy about all of this? I can imagine several other kinds of reactions which are a lot more likely to have occured than going to the FBI. I mean, at that point the other, other woman, was just a would be interloper, trying to horn in on some side action. Hardly a position of having been wronged I would think. Supposedly this is what intialized the entire investigation.
The second woman may not have been involved romantically with Petraeus. Reportedly, Jill Kelley had a close personal friend who was an FBI agent and went to him or her for guidance. I think that it is very possible that she thought that the agent would be able to quietly handle the situation.

However, given the fact that Kelley's twin sister lives with her and is a litigious lawyer, the sisters' real motivation might have been greed. I looked at her sister's LinkedIn account just before it was yanked. I was going to link her profile in one of my posts to RV, but it was broken when I tried to return to it. The profile clearly stated that she has exclusively represented whistle blowers since last month. Maybe Petraeus just chose a nutty mistress and the two sisters decided to use that knowledge to seek fame and fortune. Kelley has said that her family is friends with the Petraeus family. Jill may have been as close to Mrs. Petraeus than to the General. If she was not romantically linked to him, she would probably have been more sympathetic to his wife's position.

I don't know if we will ever know the truth about what happened. The timing of the Petraeus sex scandal seems a little too convenient for Obama to me. Nixon is probably kicking himself in his grave for being born 50 years too soon.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The second woman may not have been involved romantically with Petraeus. Reportedly, Jill Kelley had a close personal friend who was an FBI agent and went to him or her for guidance. I think that it is very possible that she thought that the agent would be able to quietly handle the situation.

However, given the fact that Kelley's twin sister lives with her and is a litigious lawyer, the sisters' real motivation might have been greed. I looked at her sister's LinkedIn account just before it was yanked. I was going to link her profile in one of my posts to RV, but it was broken when I tried to return to it. The profile clearly stated that she has exclusively represented whistle blowers since last month. Maybe Petraeus just chose a nutty mistress and the two sisters decided to use that knowledge to seek fame and fortune. Kelley has said that her family is friends with the Petraeus family. Jill may have been as close to Mrs. Petraeus than to the General. If she was not romantically linked to him, she would probably have been more sympathetic to his wife's position.

I don't know if we will ever know the truth about what happened. The timing of the Petraeus sex scandal seems a little too convenient for Obama to me. Nixon is probably kicking himself in his grave for being born 50 years too soon.
Proof please. I don't take your word for anything.
TheRealVille Wrote:Proof please. I don't take your word for anything.
Your opinion really means nothing to me. You can Google for a reference to the woman's LinkedIn profile, but the link to the profile will not work because she has either removed it or marked it private.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Your opinion really means nothing to me. You can Google for a reference to the woman's LinkedIn profile, but the link to the profile will not work because she has either removed it or marked it private.
As far as I'm concerned, you lied about seeing it.
TheRealVille Wrote:As far as I'm concerned, you lied about seeing it.
Like I said, your opinion does not matter to me. You really have no credibility here. Nobody has been a bigger Obama suck-up, and that includes the clones. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Like I said, your opinion does not matter to me. You really have no credibility here. Nobody has been a bigger Obama suck-up, and that includes the clones. Confusednicker:
You were the one that said you saw something on her page, just show proof. Until you do, you lied, to make Obama look bad.
TheRealVille Wrote:You were the one that said you saw something on her page, just show proof. Until you do, you lied, to make Obama look bad.
Make up your mind. You spent several posts claiming that nothing about the Petraeus scandal has anything to do with Obama's Benghazi cover-up. Now you are claiming that what the sister of a friend of Petraeus wrote in her LinkedIn profile makes Obama look bad. How can both positions be correct? Answer: they can't. You are running down another logical dead end as you continue to insult me.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Make up your mind. You spent several posts claiming that nothing about the Petraeus scandal has anything to do with Obama's Benghazi cover-up. Now you are claiming that what the sister of a friend of Petraeus wrote in her LinkedIn profile makes Obama look bad. How can both positions be correct? Answer: they can't. You are running down another logical dead end as you continue to insult me.
No, you said she posted something on her page, yet have yet to prove that she said it. You are the one saying she said something on her page, and to you, it makes him look bad. Just show the page, or admit you lied.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, you said she posted something on her page, yet have yet to prove that she said it. You are the one saying she said something on her page, and to you, it makes him look bad. Just show the page, or admit you lied.

Times like this is an example of how you go over the line. The party line states that loyal dems will always slander anybody who does not agree with what the dems are putting out. You're getting pretty good at it, how about showing a little respect for Hoot and others that don't agree with you on here? I've never thought Hoot lied about a thing.
TheRealThing Wrote:Times like this is an example of how you go over the line. The party line states that loyal dems will always slander anybody who does not agree with what the dems are putting out. You're getting pretty good at it, how about showing a little respect for Hoot and others that don't agree with you on here? I've never thought Hoot lied about a thing.
If he can't show what she said on her linkedin page, he lied, plain and simple. He shouldn't have said anything, if it wasn't there for all to see.
TheRealVille Wrote:If he can't show what she said on her linkedin page, he lied, plain and simple. He shouldn't have said anything, if it wasn't there for all to see.

There you go again. Making up all the rules as you go. I bet you didn't have a lot of friends when you were growing up! Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:If he can't show what she said on her linkedin page, he lied, plain and simple. He shouldn't have said anything, if it wasn't there for all to see.
You are making a fool out of yourself again, RV. You really are a very slow learner. Anybody who has posted here for any length of time knows how you operate. You lose debates and look really dumb in doing so, then you launch into personal attacks or try to jack the thread. Your problem is that you are never playing with a full deck, and your tactics always blow up in your face.

Go ahead, and make yourself look even smaller. Keep calling me a liar because a woman decided to make her LinkedIn account private after the link was posted in public forums. It just reminds everybody that you have no class.
TheRealThing Wrote:There you go again. Making up all the rules as you go. I bet you didn't have a lot of friends when you were growing up! Confusednicker:
That would be a pretty safe bet. :biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are making a fool out of yourself again, RV. You really are a very slow learner. Anybody who has posted here for any length of time knows how you operate. You lose debates and look really dumb in doing so, then you launch into personal attacks or try to jack the thread. Your problem is that you are never playing with a full deck, and your tactics always blow up in your face.

Go ahead, and make yourself look even smaller. Keep calling me a liar because a woman decided to make her LinkedIn account private after the link was posted in public forums. It just reminds everybody that you have no class.
Ok, show where it is in public forums. Class is not lying. Where do you stand?
TheRealVille Wrote:Ok, show where it is in public forums. Class is not lying. Where do you stand?
I am not showing you anything. You wanted to call me a liar, so Google the woman's name. A decent human being would have done so before falsely accusing somebody of lying, but then we are talking about you. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am not showing you anything. You wanted to call me a liar, so Google the woman's name. A decent human being would have done so before falsely accusing somebody of lying, but then we are talking about you. Confusednicker:
If I had talked about what she said on Linkedin, I would post the proof. You have none. Confusednicker:
If you believe, read, post, think or dream anything negative about Obama and his administration, and cannot produce something in writing by a previously approved (by TRV) source, you are a liar and need to shut the hell up! If you believe, read, post, think or dream anything positive about Obama and his administration, and can produce anything that backs it up (especially Obama's website), you are golden!
SKINNYPIG Wrote:If you believe, read, post, think or dream anything negative about Obama and his administration, and cannot produce something in writing by a previously approved (by TRV) source, you are a liar and need to shut the hell up! If you believe, read, post, think or dream anything positive about Obama and his administration, and can produce anything that backs it up (especially Obama's website), you are golden!
At least prove it.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:If you believe, read, post, think or dream anything negative about Obama and his administration, and cannot produce something in writing by a previously approved (by TRV) source, you are a liar and need to shut the hell up! If you believe, read, post, think or dream anything positive about Obama and his administration, and can produce anything that backs it up (especially Obama's website), you are golden!
Don't worry, SP, I can prove that Natalie Khawam has or had a LinkedIn account. I just enjoy watching RV show his "character" once in awhile. He loves calling people liars, but he has a glass house problem himself and everybody here knows it. Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:At least prove it.

Of the hundreds of links and sources (that shed negative light on Obama) posted by Hoot and others...I can't recall you accepting any of them. So what's the point?
at 1 time this guy was going to run for president on the rep ticket
vector Wrote:at 1 time this guy was going to run for president on the rep ticket
It is certainly a big drop from presidential hopeful to Obama scapegoat. That is your point, Fraud, is it not?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Of the hundreds of links and sources (that shed negative light on Obama) posted by Hoot and others...I can't recall you accepting any of them. So what's the point?
Because I know he has no link, or proof of what he said was on her page. He made it all up. It's what he does.
TheRealVille Wrote:Because I know he has no link, or proof of what he said was on her page. He made it all up. It's what he does.
You are a liar, RV, and everybody here knows it.
TheRealVille Wrote:Because I know he has no link, or proof of what he said was on her page. He made it all up. It's what he does.

Nobody on here believes that except you. vector may say he does but his posts are just an act.
The important thing here is there is some very malicious mischief afoot with regard to this matter of Patraeus quitting. I think it's very likely that someone doesn't want him to testify.

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