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Will there ever be another republican president?
TheRealVille Wrote:You need to get in bed. Geritol needs to be taken early., to be more effective.

LOL, I'll be around to cancel your vote for who knows how long. :flame:
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, I'll be around to cancel your vote for who knows how long. :flame:
Who's vote won this time? Wink
TheRealVille Wrote:Who's vote won this time? Wink

Kentucky went over 60-40 Romney.
TheRealThing Wrote:Kentucky went over 60-40 Romney.
Who's vote is in the White House, and who's isn't?
TheRealVille Wrote:Who's vote is in the White House, and who's isn't?

Your vote is buried under thousands of votes for Romney, Kentucky is as red as red can be.
TheRealThing Wrote:Your vote is buried under thousands of votes for Romney, Kentucky is as red as red can be.
:Thumbs: It will be even redder after four more years of Obama.
The next pres will be a republican
Hoot Gibson Wrote::Thumbs: It will be even redder after four more years of Obama.



You got that right.
TheRealThing Wrote:2012 ELECTION MAP BY COUNTY


You got that right.
Where the blue is, big cities, and populous states, is what matters. Keep telling yourself all that red means much.
TheRealVille Wrote:Where the blue is, big cities, and populous states, is what matters. Keep telling yourself all that red means much.

No the red clearly shows the overwhelming preference of the people for Romney. I understand the electoral process, but thanks for your guidance there RV. The point is if one parachuted into America from the edge of space (la-la land) he'd have a 99% chance of landing in a red county versus a blue. You go on like the republicans are toast. The map demonstrates the validity of the argument being made by folks who employ their senses rather than parroting DNC talking points. This election was bought with entitlements funded by the red counties. I doubt the 'few' will be able to hold the many hostage for much longer. Things will undoubtedly change.
TheRealThing Wrote:No the red clearly shows the overwhelming preference of the people for Romney. I understand the electoral process, but thanks for your guidance there RV. The point is if one parachuted into America from the edge of space (la-la land) he'd have a 99% chance of landing in a red county versus a blue. You go on like the republicans are toast. The map demonstrates the validity of the argument being made by folks who employ their senses rather than parroting DNC talking points. This election was bought with entitlements funded by the red counties. I doubt the 'few' will be able to hold the many hostage for much longer. Things will undoubtedly change.
No, the popular vote should tell you a little bit about who wanted Romney. Who won that?
TheRealVille Wrote:No, the popular vote should tell you a little bit about who wanted Romney. Who won that?

Sidestepper, again you dodge the content of my post. The la-la's and the takers were the main constituency of the doler-in-chief.
TheRealThing Wrote:Sidestepper, again you dodge the content of my post. The la-la's and the takers were the main constituency of the doler-in-chief.
Get back with us after the mid terms. Maybe we can re-evaluate then. Right now, all the momentum is with the democrats. That's fact.
TheRealThing Wrote:Your vote is buried under thousands of votes for Romney, Kentucky is as red as red can be.


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