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Colorado votes to legalize Marijuana?
crazytaxidriver Wrote:Not all of this is true. Some of the people I k ow who deal pot tend to stay away from the other drugs. Unless its a special occasion or something. As far as being a gateway that argument holds some merit. However I know people who smoke pot but won't touch a cigarette. While some smoke and don't drink. Then I know a few who use hard stuff and won't touh anything else. It's a rotating door of possibilities. But everyone I know who does pot with other drugs like the two together. They all say that pot enhances their high. So it can be a gateway drug AND it can not be a gateway drug. Everyone is different

Okay, let's put it like this then. A first time user is much more likely to smoke a little bit of pot than to shoot up heroin or drop a hit of LSD. Hence the gateway drug effect, it's just logical to assume the wade in approach rather than the over your head approach. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:Okay, let's put it like this then. A first time user is much more likely to smoke a little bit of pot than to shoot up heroin or drop a hit of LSD. Hence the gateway drug effect, it's just logical to assume the wade in approach rather than the over your head approach. :biggrin:
Most pot users smoke cigarettes, and drink alcohol before they start smoking pot. Should we ban those? Should we ban coffee, because most smokers drink coffee? Pot is a lot less harmless on people than blood pressure medicine. Should we ban that, because it is medical science that pot also reduces blood pressure. Most people that get killed on motorcycles, first rode a bicycle. Should we ban bicycles?
TheRealVille Wrote:Most pot users smoke cigarettes, and drink alcohol before they start smoking pot. Should we ban those? Should we ban coffee, because most smokers drink coffee? Pot is a lot less harmless on people than blood pressure medicine. Should we ban that, because it is medical science that pot also reduces blood pressure. Most people that get killed on motorcycles, first rode a bicycle. Should we ban bicycles?

No, probably not. Banning arguments like the one above might not be a bad idea though. I understand you are bound to justify you're own behavior. I totally disagree with you. I smoked pot and I know it's a very bad idea. I know what it leads to morally and I know it introduces the naturally trepid into the drug world by a seemingly innocuous form of drug use, pot smoking.
TheRealThing Wrote:No, probably not. Banning arguments like the one above might not be a bad idea though. I understand you are bound to justify you're own behavior. I totally disagree with you. I smoked pot and I know it's a very bad idea. I know what it leads to morally and I know it introduces the naturally trepid into the drug world by a seemingly innocuous form of drug use, pot smoking.

TRT, morals are a thing of the past; especially, in this country. It's terrible to say, but it's true. I will never lose my faith, morals, or beliefs and will continue to preach what I believe is right.

People like TRV don't care what is morally right or what the Bible says. He's even mentioned before how you try to "take him to church" with every argument you fire at him. I'm not calling you out, TRV. It's your right to believe what you want to believe or not believe what you do not want to believe. I'm just simply giving an example of where this country has gone to. The statement is often that this country was founded on Christian principles. It sure was. Now, we have ventured way off from that, particularly in the last 50-60 years. There has always been an abundance of sin to take place throughout this country, but not to the magnitude we have seen in the last half century. So many people have lost sight of what our country was founded on. No one cares about "that stuff" anymore, though. "Morals don't matter anymore".

I truly believe that this country will be doomed until they get back to some of these principles and cut out some of the feel-good junk that we have slowly collected as apart of our culture.

Backing Israel is another vital part in the recovery of this country, but that is a story for another day.

I understand that hardly anyone agrees with these arguments anymore, nor even listens to them. It's just simply not "the thing to do" anymore. Everyone likes to believe in what feels good to them. That's fine and dandy for awhile, but if you look around and see the various events/tragedies/disasters that have struck the world today in unusual places, you start to think a little bit. People don't like to hear that nor think about that because it's scary. It gets them outside their comfort zone. America as a majority is in a major comfort zone in current times and likes where their at, shielding themselves from current events and how awful things have become. If we are ever going to get out of this mess, we are going to have to step outside our comfort zone a little bit and wake to what's going on this world. It isn't pleasant out there.

In my heart, I don't believe any of these things will happen and we are primed for a gradual entry into a hellhole that we cannot get out of.
TheRealThing Wrote:Okay, let's put it like this then. A first time user is much more likely to smoke a little bit of pot than to shoot up heroin or drop a hit of LSD. Hence the gateway drug effect, it's just logical to assume the wade in approach rather than the over your head approach. :biggrin:

With hard drugs I can really see the argument here. And I'm really not trying to "debate" anything, I'm just bringing up things I've seen. So by saying that the problem now isn't so much what is the gateway to heavy drugs. As far as the "wade in" approach, that doesn't work much either. Now people who have never touched anything get a prescription for hydrocodone, or oxycodone anytime they have to have a surgery, thus bypassing any need for weed or cigarettes. That stuff is easily abused and does in fact lead to heavier stuff.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
MiddlesboroAlumni Wrote:TRT, morals are a thing of the past; especially, in this country. It's terrible to say, but it's true. I will never lose my faith, morals, or beliefs and will continue to preach what I believe is right.

People like TRV don't care what is morally right or what the Bible says. He's even mentioned before how you try to "take him to church" with every argument you fire at him. I'm not calling you out, TRV. It's your right to believe what you want to believe or not believe what you do not want to believe. I'm just simply giving an example of where this country has gone to. The statement is often that this country was founded on Christian principles. It sure was. Now, we have ventured way off from that, particularly in the last 50-60 years. There has always been an abundance of sin to take place throughout this country, but not to the magnitude we have seen in the last half century. So many people have lost sight of what our country was founded on. No one cares about "that stuff" anymore, though. "Morals don't matter anymore".

I truly believe that this country will be doomed until they get back to some of these principles and cut out some of the feel-good junk that we have slowly collected as apart of our culture.

Backing Israel is another vital part in the recovery of this country, but that is a story for another day.

I understand that hardly anyone agrees with these arguments anymore, nor even listens to them. It's just simply not "the thing to do" anymore. Everyone likes to believe in what feels good to them. That's fine and dandy for awhile, but if you look around and see the various events/tragedies/disasters that have struck the world today in unusual places, you start to think a little bit. People don't like to hear that nor think about that because it's scary. It gets them outside their comfort zone. America as a majority is in a major comfort zone in current times and likes where their at, shielding themselves from current events and how awful things have become. If we are ever going to get out of this mess, we are going to have to step outside our comfort zone a little bit and wake to what's going on this world. It isn't pleasant out there.

In my heart, I don't believe any of these things will happen and we are primed for a gradual entry into a hellhole that we cannot get out of.
Yea, I don't believe in sin. I believe in right and wrong, but without the bible as a reference. You are correct, it is my right, and no one has the right to tell me I'm wrong in my thinking.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yea, I don't believe in sin. I believe in right and wrong, but without the bible as a reference. You are correct, it is my right, and no one has the right to tell me I'm wrong in my thinking.

Without the bible as a reference, how can one tell the difference and why would he even care?
You all turn every single thread into something about religion, lol smh...
^The obvious reason for that Vundy is because America is a nation founded on Christian principles. Our laws were concieved and set in place consistent with Christian perceptions of morality. Like I have mentioned before, the reason we find ourselves gridlocked socially and politically is because we abandoned the authority for that foundation which is of course, the Holy Scriptures. Now therefore, all that matters is what the majority wants. Last election we saw that the majority wanted to continue the fiscally suicidal policies which guarantee the on going of government handouts. When a society becomes obliged to the voters devoid of a strong moral compass selfish desires rule the day. And obviously, unscruptulous politicians are willing to use the people's selfishness to benefit their own selfish, and in our case pompous ends.

My favorite Benjamin Franklin quote, [SIZE="4"] "When the people find that they
can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."[/SIZE]

Looks a lot like the beginning of the end to me.
According to new Quinnipiac polls, the majority of Americans favor legalizing pot, along with legalizing same sex marriage. We are now moving forward, with or without, conservatives.
TheRealVille Wrote:According to new Quinnipiac polls, the majority of Americans favor legalizing pot, along with legalizing same sex marriage. We are now moving forward, with or without, conservatives.

Yeah, I guess we could call it forward.... :yawn:
TheRealVille Wrote:According to new Quinnipiac polls, the majority of Americans favor legalizing pot, along with legalizing same sex marriage. We are now moving forward, with or without, conservatives.

Yeah, lemmings are all about moving forward.
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