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800 coal jobs opening in region
Quote:Officials with Professional Contracting in Norton, Virginia tell us they are opening up five coal mines and two preparation plants in the region and need employees to fill several positions.

Company leaders say they're opening underground mines, surface mines and prep plants in Dickenson and Wise Counties in Virginia and in Harlan County, Kentucky.

Officials say they are looking to hire miners, foremen, mine rescue, dispatchers, scoop operators and more. Company leaders say their goal is to hire workers that were laid off.

So far, they say over 3,000 applications have been submitted. They say you must apply in person. You can do that at their office at 850 Park Avenue, Norton, Virginia.[]
No surprise after the dismal news that all this green stuff isnt so green. Confusednicker:

Hopefully coal will start booming again. Its been rough the past 2 years. Bout time for another boom again. A really hot summer will have coal moving like crazy, as long as they allow permits to mine it.
Hopefully it will be good for a while, but with the closing of the power plant in ashland next year it's just going to set it back again. Right now the company I work for is selling their coal to AEP. When I went back to work in Novembelr I came back to the same company but I had to take a 4 dollar/hr paycut. I happy to be working but things still aren't great. It's highly volatile right now, and I feel like I'm on the verge of losing my job again. For the 3rd time in 4 years. I hope I'm wrong. But I guess we will have to wait and see
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:Hopefully it will be good for a while, but with the closing of the power plant in ashland next year it's just going to set it back again. Right now the company I work for is selling their coal to AEP. When I went back to work in Novembelr I came back to the same company but I had to take a 4 dollar/hr paycut. I happy to be working but things still aren't great. It's highly volatile right now, and I feel like I'm on the verge of losing my job again. For the 3rd time in 4 years. I hope I'm wrong. But I guess we will have to wait and see

What have you been hearing about the proposed shut down of the Ashland Plant?
crazytaxidriver Wrote:Hopefully it will be good for a while, but with the closing of the power plant in ashland next year it's just going to set it back again. Right now the company I work for is selling their coal to AEP. When I went back to work in Novembelr I came back to the same company but I had to take a 4 dollar/hr paycut. I happy to be working but things still aren't great. It's highly volatile right now, and I feel like I'm on the verge of losing my job again. For the 3rd time in 4 years. I hope I'm wrong. But I guess we will have to wait and see

TheRealThing Wrote:What have you been hearing about the proposed shut down of the Ashland Plant?
Ashland doesn't have an AEP power plant.
TheRealVille Wrote:Ashland doesn't have an AEP power plant.

You know he means Big Sandy.
"American Electric Power Company (NYSE: AEP) is making its closure plans official. The power generator and utility has made its notifications to the PJM Interconnection and Southwest Power Pool to retire more than 4,600 megawatts of coal-fueled power generation. This move is “primarily to comply with a series of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations” and the company was required to file its plan for plant retirements prior to PJM’s auction in May 2012 that will set electric generation capacity prices for June 2015 through May 2016.

This is no happy day for AEP and it marks a change that other power generators and utilities will have to consider around their coal-fired power plants."

Read more: AEP Formalizes Plant Closures, Power Grid Trouble Ahead? (AEP) - 24/7 Wall St.

This is the true legacy of the Obama presidency. The news, after all the liberal lies are strained out, will be bad and more bad. The total damage done to this country by the time his days are done in the White House will be immeasurable. Guarantee our electrical rates will go through the roof because of this travesty too, just as I have said all along.
For the coal industry under Obama, it is 1 step forward, 3 steps backward. 800 jobs is nothing compared to the thousands that Obama has destroyed.
TheRealVille Wrote:Ashland doesn't have an AEP power plant.

I was talking about the one in that area.. I apologize, but when people are talking about the Big Sandy plant for some reason they always refer to Ashland.

But TRT summed it up..
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:I was talking about the one in that area.. I apologize, but when people are talking about the Big Sandy plant for some reason they always refer to Ashland.

But TRT summed it up..
No need to apologize. Louisa does not have a power plant either. The Big Sandy plant is located near Louisa, but near is a relative term. The plant is located closer to Catalpa than to Louisa, but few people are aware that Catalpa exists.
In any event, the trade off between the 800 or so new jobs, versus the job loses associated with the closure of the Big Sandy Plant seems unlikely to net any job gains to me. You have the jobs on the river; boats, barges, pilots, deck hands, etc., fuel, mechanics, maintenance jobs, spare parts, cooks, groceries, insusrance, taxes, only my reluctance to drone on about this causes me to curtail describing the trail of dead bodies, economically, in just that one area. These same things will apply to truckers, supply lines associated with all the aspects of generating electricity, those who work at the plant, periodic construction workers, and on and on.

There is no way to adequately define the trememdous loss and negative impact on the town of Louisa, and those of the surrounding area. There will be a loss of revenue for the state of Kentucy and those who are customers of AEP will now pay extra for electricity for perpetuity. But, ask a la-la about all that and they'll tell you it is all good. :please:
I love how I can stay away for weeks and months at a time, and when I post a few posts Hoot shows back up after a hiatus of a couple of weeks. I would check back now and then, when I took a little over a month off, and Hoot never posted either. It makes me wonder if he is following me. Confusednicker: I fully support gay rights Hoot, but I don't roll that way, if you are infatuated with me.
TheRealVille Wrote:I love how I can stay away for weeks and months at a time, and when I post a few posts Hoot shows back up after a hiatus of a couple of weeks. I would check back now and then, when I took a little over a month off, and Hoot never posted either. It makes me wonder if he is following me. Confusednicker: I fully support gay rights Hoot, but I don't roll that way, if you are infatuated with me.
Everybody knows that you are a radical advocate for more than equal rights for gay people. I posted because there were topics that I found interesting. The fact that you have been watching for my return and found it worthy of comment is a bit disturbing.
TheRealThing Wrote:You know he means Big Sandy.
You hold me to "exact" standards when I post. No mis-steps allowed for me.
TheRealVille Wrote:You hold me to "exact" standards when I post. No mis-steps allowed for me.

Causual little slip ups and misspelled words aside. I knew immediately what taxidriver was talking about, and I would bet the ranch you did too. In my mind that interpretive uh-oh, as compared to the enormity of impact to all of us resulting from the closure of the Big Sandy Plant, was just a little off topic. I have been very upset about the whole deal. My worst fears were realized years earlier than I ever dreamed possible when I first heard on the news that AEP was rolling over on it's original plan to stay in business at the BS Plant and invest a billion dollars there. During the presidential campaign I predicted mass industrial and commercial closings as the result of the one two punch of Obama's green gestapo and ObamaCare. There is waaay more evidence to support my interpretation of the short and long term effects of this president's policies, if you can even call them that, than your stated opinions in support.

You've said at least once that you were willing to give Obama 8 years to undo what you believe were 8 years of George W's failures. I'm a reasonable man but, when I compare the Bush administration record with the Obama administration record, I just don't see anything that compares favorably for Mr Obama. Just the opposite in fact. I have called out the negatives of O's clearly laid out plans enough times on here so that there is no need for me to go through the litany again. Suffice it to say, at some point in the past I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and chalked up your endless support of these bozos to pot stirring. You know, there are times when things are so serious, trifling and smoke blowing are just beyond bad taste.

You saw what AEP said was the reason they decided to close the Plant. “primarily to comply with a series of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations” This stuff is way past trading RNC vs DNC talking points anymore. Your looking at the true face of "fundamental transformation" Obama style. It's his EPA, he sets the agenda and we all know who pulls his strings. The effects of totally changing every aspect of our society will hurt every one of us, you too.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:Hopefully it will be good for a while, but with the closing of the power plant in ashland next year it's just going to set it back again. Right now the company I work for is selling their coal to AEP. When I went back to work in Novembelr I came back to the same company but I had to take a 4 dollar/hr paycut. I happy to be working but things still aren't great. It's highly volatile right now, and I feel like I'm on the verge of losing my job again. For the 3rd time in 4 years. I hope I'm wrong. But I guess we will have to wait and see

I wont name the company, but the same thing just happened to a company in Bell County. Closed, Bought, now workers are making much less.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Everybody knows that you are a radical advocate for more than equal rights for gay people. I posted because there were topics that I found interesting. The fact that you have been watching for my return and found it worthy of comment is a bit disturbing.
Just checking to confirm my suspicions that you stalk me on here when I post.
TheRealThing Wrote:Causual little slip ups and misspelled words aside. I knew immediately what taxidriver was talking about, and I would bet the ranch you did too. In my mind that interpretive uh-oh, as compared to the enormity of impact to all of us resulting from the closure of the Big Sandy Plant, was just a little off topic. I have been very upset about the whole deal. My worst fears were realized years earlier than I ever dreamed possible when I first heard on the news that AEP was rolling over on it's original plan to stay in business at the BS Plant and invest a billion dollars there. During the presidential campaign I predicted mass industrial and commercial closings as the result of the one two punch of Obama's green gestapo and ObamaCare. There is waaay more evidence to support my interpretation of the short and long term effects of this president's policies, if you can even call them that, than your stated opinions in support.

You've said at least once that you were willing to give Obama 8 years to undo what you believe were 8 years of George W's failures. I'm a reasonable man but, when I compare the Bush administration record with the Obama administration record, I just don't see anything that compares favorably for Mr Obama. Just the opposite in fact. I have called out the negatives of O's clearly laid out plans enough times on here so that there is no need for me to go through the litany again. Suffice it to say, at some point in the past I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and chalked up your endless support of these bozos to pot stirring. You know, there are times when things are so serious, trifling and smoke blowing are just beyond bad taste.

You saw what AEP said was the reason they decided to close the Plant. “primarily to comply with a series of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations” This stuff is way past trading RNC vs DNC talking points anymore. Your looking at the true face of "fundamental transformation" Obama style. It's his EPA, he sets the agenda and we all know who pulls his strings. The effects of totally changing every aspect of our society will hurt every one of us, you too.
The Mountaineer plant is going to take up the slack of the dilapidated Big Sandy plant. But, I also wish the BS plant was remaining open. It is close to home work.
TheRealVille Wrote:Just checking to confirm my suspicions that you stalk me on here when I post.
Sorry, RV, I have wasted enough time exchanging personal insults with you. You are just not worth the effort.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Sorry, RV, I have wasted enough time exchanging personal insults with you. You are just not worth the effort.
I've posted no personal insults. It really does seem that you are infatuated with me. I guess you are feeling guilty about stalking. Good day sir.
TheRealVille Wrote:I've posted no personal insults. It really does seem that you are infatuated with me. I guess you are feeling guilty about stalking. Good day sir.
I understand smart and/or talented people toting around big egos and getting the mistaken impression that everything is about them. In your case, I just don't get it.

Until you actually buy this website and ban me for life (that was the plan, was it not?), I will continue to post where and when I please.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I understand smart and/or talented people toting around big egos and getting the mistaken impression that everything is about them. In your case, I just don't get it.

Until you actually buy this website and ban me for life (that was the plan, was it not?), I will continue to post where and when I please.
You feel free to post whenever, and wherever you want, but if I continue to feel that you are stalking me, and you post mostly only when I post, I will think about pressing internet stalking charges. You are annoying harassing, and causing me a lot of stress.
TheRealVille Wrote:The Mountaineer plant is going to take up the slack of the dilapidated Big Sandy plant. But, I also wish the BS plant was remaining open. It is close to home work.

Glad to hear you wish BSP was staying open. Now, are you ready to admit the guy you supported for president is clueless?
TheRealVille Wrote:You feel free to post whenever, and wherever you want, but if I continue to feel that you are stalking me, and you post mostly only when I post, I will think about pressing internet stalking charges. You are annoying me, and causing me a lot of stress.
Maybe you should take up a hobby like quilting to diffuse all that anger. I don't know if it would help alleviate your paranoia or not, but it couldn't hurt.
TheRealThing Wrote:Glad to hear you wish BSP was staying open. Now, are you ready to admit the guy you supported for president is clueless?
You did read the "dilapidated" part, right?
TheRealVille Wrote:You did read the "dilapidated" part, right?

Yeah, and you know you need to blow that smoke somewhere else. I know better. A generating station is a collection of pipe, valves, heaters, pumps and all kinds of other gadgets that are designed to be replaced through periodic maintenance and other scheduled and non-scheduled upkeep.

The Big Sandy Plant still has a lot to give. The EPA shut them down through oppressive over-regulation, “primarily to comply with a series of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations”
Man, it's is SOOO good to hear good news for once...even if it is small.
TheRealThing Wrote:Yeah, and you know you need to blow that smoke somewhere else. I know better. A generating station is a collection of pipe, valves, heaters, pumps and all kinds of other gadgets that are designed to be replaced through periodic maintenance and other scheduled and non-scheduled upkeep.

The Big Sandy Plant still has a lot to give. The EPA shut them down through oppressive over-regulation, “primarily to comply with a series of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations”
Why do BS AEP people say the life of it is over, then? You are a "commercial" construction guy, leave the big stuff to the big boys.
You are exactly right, TRT. Obama declared war on the coal industry in 2008 and when he could not get his anti-carbon agenda through Congress, he unleashed the EPA and other federal agencies to make like difficult for all Americans. Utility prices are soaring, just as Obama promised that they would, and gasoline prices are higher than they have ever been during the month of February.

The Soviet Union wasted billions of dollars trying to bring down our way of life. If the Soviet government had been more patient, the USSR would not have gone belly-up and Obama would have achieved all of their goals with no cost to them. The Chinese seemed to have learned a lesson from the Soviet Union's collapsed. They are patiently standing by while Obama spends this country into oblivion, hollows out our military, and ensures that our energy costs will make American manufacturers unable to compete in the global market.
vundy33 Wrote:Man, it's is SOOO good to hear good news for once...even if it is small.
The bad news is that my "coal" buddy says that the Justice guys are crooks that won't pay,and treat their workers like crap, and will go belly up at the slightest hint of trouble.

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