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Does Obama ban knifes now?
14 injured in knife attack on Lone Star College campus, suspect arrested

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Evil doers do evil either with a gun or a knife or whatever
Timothy Mcveigh didn't need a gun. Just Saying
Nobody does.

Its been said a million times, guns do not kill people. People kill people.
^ more than likely mentally ill people
Remind us how many people were killed in this "knife attack".
TheRealVille Wrote:Remind us how many people were killed in this "knife attack".

I saw nowhere that the other guy said people were killed in this knife attack. You know what they were talking about. They were talking about the fact that evil people will do evil things if they get it set in their mind to do so and no regulation on this earth will ever stop that. If someone wants to go on a killing spree they don't need a gun to do it. Now for a wise ass like you we can get technical about it. If a person were to study up just a little on the human anatomy they could figure out where to cut or stab a person that would kill a person just as quick as a gun. As I have posted before I was a correctional officer for about 7 years of my life and we have had inmates who in just about 5 full seconds could stab a person 60,70 and even 80 times. If we take the guns they will find something else and if we take it all they will use there hands. I don't know about you but I will take my chances with a person with a gun over a person with a bomb any day of the week. If you take the guns then the evil people will adapt and then things like stabbings and bombings will go up. Ya know TRV the more I read your posts the more I think you are just a troll and I don't know why people keep taking you seriously. I think everyone on BGR would be better off if they would just ignore your threads and posts and move on and you would just disappear like all ignored trolls do. I know you don't believe some of the things you post but you do it just to get a rise from people. If Obama were found guilty of murder you would find some way to twist it and sound like you were ok with it. Don't bother to try and come back with your usual crafty comeback(crafty in your mind) because I don't care enough or even come on the political thread enough to even see it. :gtfo:
Do-double-gg Wrote::gtfo:

I saw nowhere that the other guy said people were killed in this knife attack. You know what they were talking about. They were talking about the fact that evil people will do evil things if they get it set in their mind to do so and no regulation on this earth will ever stop that. If someone wants to go on a killing spree they don't need a gun to do it. Now for a wise ass like you we can get technical about it. If a person were to study up just a little on the human anatomy they could figure out where to cut or stab a person that would kill a person just as quick as a gun. As I have posted before I was a correctional officer for about 7 years of my life and we have had inmates who in just about 5 full seconds could stab a person 60,70 and even 80 times. If we take the guns they will find something else and if we take it all they will use there hands. I don't know about you but I will take my chances with a person with a gun over a person with a bomb any day of the week. If you take the guns then the evil people will adapt and then things like stabbings and bombings will go up. Ya know TRV the more I read your posts the more I think you are just a troll and I don't know why people keep taking you seriously. I think everyone on BGR would be better off if they would just ignore your threads and posts and move on and you would just disappear like all ignored trolls do. I know you don't believe some of the things you post but you do it just to get a rise from people. If Obama were found guilty of murder you would find some way to twist it and sound like you were ok with it. Don't bother to try and come back with your usual crafty comeback(crafty in your mind) because I don't care enough or even come on the political thread enough to even see it. :gtfo:
I've never said anything about guns. I have many. I am for extensive background checks, and that doesn't go against the 2nd. Yes, I know the pretense of the thread, but he should have picked a knife crime with deaths if he wanted to compare the banning of either. You are more than welcome to not look at, or post in response to anything I say. You wont be missed.

And no, I'm not a troll, I just don't believe in a lot of things the conservatives do, and I will voice my opinion. There are several on here that know me personally, and they will tell you I'm a very nice guy to people that treat me as such. But, I will never back down to anybody that treats me otherwise. I have many conservative friends(I do live in EKY), and get along fine with them, because they treat me with respect, as I do them. Their views are their views, and mine are mine.
I'm all for background checks. But last I checked, President Obama is not for banning firearms...
TheRealVille Wrote:Remind us how many people were killed in this "knife attack".

You want a death from something see my other post about the number of people pushed in front of subway trains. And if anyone on here doesn't think Obama would not get rid of guns in a second if he could is in need of help.

The point was made evil people will do evil things. And by the way a few box cutters killed 3,000 people on 9-11 so there is your example where knifes were used in deaths.
Box cutters didn't kill 3,000 people man...flying planes into buildings did. But I get what you're saying.
I also don't think he'd ban guns if he could. You don't get to the White House being stupid man...that's political suicide in America. Come on...
vundy33 Wrote:Box cutters didn't kill 3,000 people man...flying planes into buildings did. But I get what you're saying.

No box cutters no hijacking no deaths.
Yeah, like I said, I got that part.
vundy33 Wrote:I also don't think he'd ban guns if he could. You don't get to the White House being stupid man...that's political suicide in America. Come on...
I think that you are wrong on your first point. Obama was against gay marriage until it was politically safe to support it, He has done everything within his power to make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to purchase firearms since he has been in office. His attitude toward gun ownership bubbled to the surface with his "bitter clingers" comment during the 2008 campaign. I agree that he is smart enough not to attempt to impose an outright ban on guns, but he will definitely continue to push for more federal red tape and higher taxes and fees on gun owners to discourage legal gun ownership.

As a wise American once observed, the power to tax is the power to destroy, and if nothing else, Democrats will continue to push policies that will increase the cost of guns and ammo out of the reach of many law abiding citizens. That will only make the theft of guns and ammo more lucrative for criminals who have no respect for the law.

IMO, guns and ammo should both be exempt from taxation, for the same reason that churches should be exempt. The founders of this nation never intended for politicians to be able to tax the Bill of Rights out of existence.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I think that you are wrong on your first point. Obama was against gay marriage until it was politically safe to support it, He has done everything within his power to make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to purchase firearms since he has been in office. His attitude toward gun ownership bubbled to the surface with his "bitter clingers" comment during the 2008 campaign. I agree that he is smart enough not to attempt to impose an outright ban on guns, but he will definitely continue to push for more federal red tape and higher taxes and fees on gun owners to discourage legal gun ownership.

As a wise American once observed, the power to tax is the power to destroy, and if nothing else, Democrats will continue to push policies that will increase the cost of guns and ammo out of the reach of many law abiding citizens. That will only make the theft of guns and ammo more lucrative for criminals who have no respect for the law.

IMO, guns and ammo should both be exempt from taxation, for the same reason that churches should be exempt. The founders of this nation never intended for politicians to be able to tax the Bill of Rights out of existence.

We agree then.
They can create as much red tape as they want, I don't care, it will just be an inconvenience for me and other legal gun owners. They can even ban "assault" rifles, they won't get mine though, especially if I ever have a family to protect.

The gun debate is blown out of proportion a bit in my opinion. I've never worried about losing my right to own firearms, and am certainly not worried about it now.
The gun debate is a circus. Obama is interested in a political victory. He knows his bumping and jiving will stop no future gun incidents. The saddest part of all of it is that Obama shamelessly parades these grieving parents from Connecticut around using them as props to further his power grabbing initiative. He is a parasite.
I don't think any of this will stop any future shootings either man...wish that wasn't the case, but it's just not going to happen.
vundy33 Wrote:I also don't think he'd ban guns if he could. You don't get to the White House being stupid man...that's political suicide in America. Come on...
Right. Could you imagine how many people would die if somebody came to get their guns? "Banning your guns" has always been used as a scare tactic, and always will.
vundy33 Wrote:We agree then.
There is not much difference between a de facto gun ban and a literal one. If the federal government regulates gun and ammo sales through heavy taxes and registration, confiscation will be the next incremental step. Socialism is a disease that creeps through society as it sleeps.

It does not take much imagination to envision a time when guns will not be legal in homes where anybody lives who has ever had a bout with alcohol or drug abuse, or any history of mental illness, including mild bouts of depression. From there, it is small step to include people living in households having family histories or genetic markers indicating potential mental illness issues. Felons are already banned from owning guns, so what would stop those with "serious" misdemeanors from being included in the list?

We currently have a president who once called live born babies fetuses and advocated allowing a doctor to declare them "non-viable" and to deny them any medical treatment as they died screaming in agony. Do you really think that these people have any respect for our Bill of Rights? I don't. We are a couple of Supreme Court justices away from true tyranny.
TheRealVille Wrote:Right. Could you imagine how many people would die if somebody came to get their guns? "Banning your guns" has always been used as a scare tactic, and always will.

Feinstein would like to disagree.

To cut off your argument she was speaking of the 94 "assault weapon" ban.
BTW if he didn't hate guns and gun owners why did he stop the importation of thousands of historic ww2 rifles?
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Feinstein would like to disagree.

To cut off your argument she was speaking of the 94 "assault weapon" ban.
Can you say "edited words"? It's obvious they cut and sliced to make that video.
TheRealVille Wrote:Can you say "edited words"? It's obvious they cut and sliced to make that video.

So you are cool with her saying if she had the votes she would have ordered a gun turn in? Didn't you literally just say that a gun turn in was a scare tactic used by the gun lobby?
There is no bigger hypocrisy than changing your beliefs simply for party.
I think its safe to say Obama and Hillary both hate the idea of gays marrying and are personally totally against it, yet choose to side with it because of party.
Repubs do the same. There are some who believe it should be allowed but swear against it.

It would be nice to see a politician with balls.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:So you are cool with her saying if she had the votes she would have ordered a gun turn in? Didn't you literally just say that a gun turn in was a scare tactic used by the gun lobby?
Show me where she was talking about picking up guns guns on the old footage. Like I said, she could have been talking about anything, with the edited out parts. She never names picking up guns from "Mr. and Mrs. America". Even if she was meaning guns, how are we to know she wasn't talking about the assault weapons they had just banned?
TheRealVille Wrote:Show me where she was talking about picking up guns guns on the old footage. Like I said, she could have been talking about anything, with the edited out parts. She never names picking up guns from "Mr. and Mrs. America". Even if she was meaning guns, how are we to know she wasn't talking about the assault weapons they had just banned?

So its cool for the government to confiscate private property based off of an arbitrary definition? Remember these "assault weapons" are used in less than 1% of gun crimes. More kids will drown in swimming pools this year than will die by an ar-15. But you are cool with them taking peoples property because they made a definition of a weapon they wanted banned after these folks realized there handgun ban wasn't going anywhere? But of course liberals forget that little inconvenient truth of how all of this "assault weapons" horseshit came into existence. After handgun control inc realized that there was no shot of getting what they wanted (a ban on handguns) they changed their name and made up the definition of what we now call an "assault weapon" in an attempt to get a foot in the door towards more gun control. But hey im sure as a responsible gun owner you don't own one single handgun do you? Remember those are what are used in the vast majority of murders, not "assault weapons". All I want TRV is an honest explanation of why you think it is ok for a US senator to suggest confiscation of peoples personal property.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:So its cool for the government to confiscate private property based off of an arbitrary definition? Remember these "assault weapons" are used in less than 1% of gun crimes. More kids will drown in swimming pools this year than will die by an ar-15. But you are cool with them taking peoples property because they made a definition of a weapon they wanted banned after these folks realized there handgun ban wasn't going anywhere? But of course liberals forget that little inconvenient truth of how all of this "assault weapons" horseshit came into existence. After handgun control inc realized that there was no shot of getting what they wanted (a ban on handguns) they changed their name and made up the definition of what we now call an "assault weapon" in an attempt to get a foot in the door towards more gun control. But hey im sure as a responsible gun owner you don't own one single handgun do you? Remember those are what are used in the vast majority of murders, not "assault weapons". All I want TRV is an honest explanation of why you think it is ok for a US senator to suggest confiscation of peoples personal property.
Where did I say it was ok?

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