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irs targets conservative voting groups
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I assumed that you know him. You obviously did not become a moderator on merit. Seriously, you should stop the spamming. Activity on this website has been declining and that kind of childish behavior is not helping matters. I have been spending more time on a competitor's website after they got rid of their subscription fees. There are others who have done the same.

It's funny because I didn't know who he was till after I became a mod.

Spamming? I posted scandals and lies. Believe me , qq isn't worried about his political forum. Althought it's more active then it's ever been.

No one is forcing you to stay hoot. People leave everyday . New people come. I think u have left about 15 times now.

Love how you attack me being a mod every time u want to get personal.

Are you mad your not a mod? Ill put a good word in with stardust?
TheRealVille Wrote:I changed the topic, it was just a hypocrisy check for you guys, not really a topic change. I'm not staff. Until you acknowledge Bush's proven lies, how can we take you guys serious?
You are not staff, RV, but you certainly are moderator material on this site. You can spam with the best of them. I would not be surprised if you are not rewarded with a moderator title before long. You and WC23 are on about the same level, and neither of you should take that as a compliment.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:It's funny because I didn't know who he was till after I became a mod.

Spamming? I posted scandals and lies. Believe me , qq isn't worried about his political forum. Althought it's more active then it's ever been.

No one is forcing you to stay hoot. People leave everyday . New people come. I think u have left about 15 times now.
Yes, spamming. Copying and pasting somebody else's opinions and posting them where they have no relevance to the thread topic because you are apparently not bright enough to articulate your own opinions and support them with facts. I don't plan on leaving. I do plan to remind you Obama voters of the damage that you have done to this country with every new scandal that breaks, and more are on the way.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yet, when I, and now WC23, post proof of Bush's lies, you completely ignore the proof, and start your bashing.

After actually having read the report, in lieu of a Mother Jones outtake or similar liberal drivel, I saw nothing to indicate the charges leveled by Jay Rockefeller were substantiated by any evidence. There is no question that those charges are embarrassingly offensive, especially in light of the fact that they are completely unsubstantiated. The SIC quotes you posted were damage control efforts by yet another democrat that is willing to put party ahead of country. There was no bipartisan agreement on Mr Rockefeller's allegations. The minority opinion clearly ran opposite to Rockefeller's claims and therefore the report is not a bipartisan 'finding'. In this case the Chairman abruptly changed course to pursue other possibilities. Why would he do that if there were anything to his statements charging Mr Bush with leading America to war under false pretense?

Like was said. The sensational nature of those statements got the dems the headlines they were looking for. Forget the fact there was nothing in the trail of evidence which would have led them to that kind of a conclusion.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yes, spamming. Copying and pasting somebody else's opinions because you are apparently not bright enough to articulate your own opinions and support them with facts. I don't plan on leaving. I do plan to remind you Obama voters of the damage that you have done to this country with every new scandal that breaks, and more are on the way.
And I intend to remind you that Bush damn near brought this country to "zero" with his lies and scandals. We are lucky that we are even able to start to crawl out of his hole. I voted for him twice, and I wake up ashamed at what I helped do to this country every morning. I'm obligated to help show the wrongs he did to America by his lies, I'm partly at fault. Bush and Cheney are two of the most sinister people that have ever walked through the back door of the White house.
TheRealVille Wrote:And I intend to remind you that Bush damn near brought this country to "zero" with his lies and scandals. We are lucky that we are even able to start to crawl out of his hole. I voted for him twice, and I wake up ashamed at what I helped do to this country every morning. I'm obligated to help show the wrongs he did to America by his lies, I'm partly at fault.

You do realize you're suggesting a Gore presidency would have been a better choice, right?
TheRealVille Wrote:And I intend to remind you that Bush damn near brought this country to "zero" with his lies and scandals. We are lucky that we are even able to start to crawl out of his hole. I voted for him twice, and I wake up ashamed at what I helped do to this country every morning. I'm obligated to help show the wrongs he did to America by his lies, I'm partly at fault. Bush and Cheney are two of the most sinister people that have ever walked through the back door of the White house.
Remember, RV, the IRS is not a private business. It reports to President Obama, as does the Justice Department, which just wiretapped 20 AP phone lines. Obama's administration is rotten to the core and the truth is beginning to ooze out. Shame on you for voting for him. An honest liberal provided the following information:

IRS sent unpublished info on conservative groups to investigative news outfit
TheRealThing Wrote:You do realize you're suggesting a Gore presidency would have been a better choice, right?
Gore could not possibly been more crooked and more incompetent than Obama, and RV continues to be an enthusiastic Obama supporter, no matter how many failures he racks up. (That being said, only a fool would think that this country would have been better off with this century's P.T. Barnum in the White House.)
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yes, spamming. Copying and pasting somebody else's opinions and posting them where they have no relevance to the thread topic because you are apparently not bright enough to articulate your own opinions and support them with facts. I don't plan on leaving. I do plan to remind you Obama voters of the damage that you have done to this country with every new scandal that breaks, and more are on the way.

If you vote for bush twice you should remind yourself every morning of how he crippled the country and were still barely getting by.
This IRS deal of targeting conservative groups is very interesting. Maybe someone will start a thread on it...this one has turned into another CHILDISH Bush bashing thread.

For the ones that constantly return to Bush with their whining attitudes...Your weakness, along side the weakness of your current president is glaring.

A legit thread cannot be started and intelligently discussed without those that are so defensive, they can't refrain from attacking Bush.

It's all quite revealing and I will keep what it reveals to me to myself.

I am fully aware that no one cares and BGR will never miss me but, I am searching for another discussion board to visit. The Anti-Bush rhetoric coupled with the constant juvenile name calling (guilty of the name calling myself on occasion) and demands for proof are getting ridiculous. Proof or truth are foregone with our government.

Any recommendations on a better discussion board will be greatly appreciated.
TheRealThing Wrote:You do realize you're suggesting a Gore presidency would have been a better choice, right?
Looking back, I would have loved to have had a Gore presidency instead of Bush W.
TheRealVille Wrote:They didn't say it was limited to Ohio. But, the Cincinnati office are the ones that handle that particular application process.


Yes, the newscast on the radio said exactly what I said it did in my original post. Hence the reason for my original post. Spelling everything out for you is very annoying and time-consuming.
vector Wrote:and you thought Romney would win :biglmao:

Despite reading your posts on here, I underestimated how stupid most people really are.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Ok let's try this again.

He said there was WMD. There wasn't.

Hopefully one of your accounts sees this.

Do you know how long the UN drug their feet getting inspectors into Iraq? I could have walked all the wmds out of the country all by myself.
TheRealVille Wrote:Looking back, I would have loved to have had a Gore presidency instead of Bush W.

Now you're making things up. I know you are not that dumb.
jetpilot Wrote:Now you're making things up. I know you are not that dumb.
Looking back, after voting for the W Bush moron twice, I would have 100 times more, rather had Al Gore as President. I wake up ashamed every single day that I voted for Bush, and it is a major reason I'll never vote republican again.
TheRealVille Wrote:Looking back, after voting for the W Bush moron twice, I would have 100 times more, rather had Al Gore as President. I wake up ashamed every single day that I voted for Bush, and it is a major reason I'll never vote republican again.

Al Gore might be the most despicable person in America. His home state didn't vote for him. Don't have anything against you RV, but glad you are on the other side.
TheRealVille Wrote:Looking back, after voting for the W Bush moron twice, I would have 100 times more, rather had Al Gore as President. I wake up ashamed every single day that I voted for Bush, and it is a major reason I'll never vote republican again.

I don't believe this post. If you were capable of feeling shame, you would be eaten up with it right now over Obama.
jetpilot Wrote:I don't believe this post. If you were capable of feeling shame, you would be eaten up with it right now over Obama.
Obama isn't fixing the economy as fast as I would like, but the wound is healing.
TheRealVille Wrote:Obama isn't fixing the economy as fast as I would like, but the wound is healing.

How is Obama fixing the economy. Name one of policies that whould inspire a person to hire someone?
jetpilot Wrote:How is Obama fixing the economy. Name one of policies that whould inspire a person to hire someone?
Ask some of the people that are hiring at an increased tare why they are hiring. I know that unemployment is dropping, more people are hiring, and manufacturing and construction is on the rise. I'm not an economist, but I can see.
TheRealVille Wrote:Ask some of the people that are hiring at an increased tare why they are hiring. I know that unemployment is dropping, more people are hiring, and manufacturing and construction is on the rise. I'm not an economist, but I can see.

You dodged the question, again? If what you say is true, what is Obama doing to make it happen. You do know workforce participation is at a zillion year low don't you? But again you are fooled by the government's unemployment number.
jetpilot Wrote:You dodged the question, again? If what you say is true, what is Obama doing to make it happen. You do know workforce participation is at a zillion year low don't you? But again you are fooled by the government's unemployment number.

What is Obama doing? He addressed the convention of the number one mass murderer in the world- Planned Parenthood. He called the NBA homosexual player to offer his congratulations and support. He has played more rounds of golf. He continues to invite dubious characters from the "entertainment" industry to the White house (at the taxpayers expense, of course). He continues to avoid those subversive Christian venues like churches.

What else can he do?
jetpilot Wrote:You dodged the question, again? If what you say is true, what is Obama doing to make it happen. You do know workforce participation is at a zillion year low don't you? But again you are fooled by the government's unemployment number.
Like I said, I'm not an economist. But, I'm not blind. I know manufacturing is on the rise. Construction is on the rise. The housing market is recovering. New house construction is on the rise. Unemployment is down. For your workforce "zillion year low", do you factor in that the baby boomers are retiring in massive numbers? Everyone knew this would happen when the baby boomers got to retirement age. Bottom line, Hoot's chart tells more of a story than he, or you would like to admit. The US was losing jobs at an amazing rate in the last term of Bush's Presidency, and almost as soon as Obama took the reigns, the drop stopped, leveled out, and then began to rise. You might have a case if the chart just kept dropping under Obama.
Quote:Washington (CNN) -- With a congressional hearing set for week's end, President Obama vowed Monday to hold the Internal Revenue Service accountable if reports of political targeting turn out to be true.
"If in fact IRS personnel engaged in the kind of practices that have been reported on and were intentionally targeting conservative groups, then that's outrageous. And there's no place for it," Obama told reporters.
"And they have to be held fully accountable. Because the IRS as an independent agency requires absolute integrity, and people have to have confidence that they're ... applying the laws in a nonpartisan way."
Documents set to be released this week by the IRS watchdog show that the agency targeted tea party organizations and other groups focused on government spending and the federal debt that were seeking tax-exempt status.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:This IRS deal of targeting conservative groups is very interesting. Maybe someone will start a thread on it...this one has turned into another CHILDISH Bush bashing thread.

For the ones that constantly return to Bush with their whining attitudes...Your weakness, along side the weakness of your current president is glaring.
A legit thread cannot be started and intelligently discussed without those that are so defensive, they can't refrain from attacking Bush.

It's all quite revealing and I will keep what it reveals to me to myself.

I am fully aware that no one cares and BGR will never miss me but, I am searching for another discussion board to visit. The Anti-Bush rhetoric coupled with the constant juvenile name calling (guilty of the name calling myself on occasion) and demands for proof are getting ridiculous. Proof or truth are foregone with our government.

Any recommendations on a better discussion board will be greatly appreciated.

LOL, and then right on cue RV takes yet another swipe at Bush in the very next post. But, you're observation is entirely accurate. Every single thread in which RV gets involved, is invariably high jacked to become a Bush bashing thread. I didn't know civics and history could be boiled down to a single (Bush) administration until I started to visit this forum.

The liberal smear machine did an effective job of raising the spector of scandal where none existed in the Bush administration. So effective in fact, the same smear machine has done an effective job of damage control for BHO blowing more of the same smoke. Romney being the latest victim, found that out the hard way too. And though Bush bashing works every time with folks of the liberal bent, he none the less has nothing to do with the three scandals presently rocking this administration and no amount of Bush bashing ala Jehmu Greene, will divert attention away from them. Not to say that congress will grow a spine and assume the mantle of governmental oversight intended by the founding fathers but, we'll see. At this point, all we can do is vote diligently and pray.
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, and then right on cue RV takes yet another swipe at Bush in the very next post. But, you're observation is entirely accurate. Every single thread in which RV gets involved, is invariably high jacked to become a Bush bashing thread. I didn't know civics and history could be boiled down to a single (Bush) administration until I started to visit this forum.

The liberal smear machine did an effective job of raising the spector of scandal where none existed in the Bush administration. So effective in fact, the same smear machine has done an effective job of damage control for BHO blowing more of the same smoke. Romney being the latest victim, found that out the hard way too. And though Bush bashing works every time with folks of the liberal bent, he none the less has nothing to do with the three scandals presently rocking this administration and no amount of Bush bashing ala Jehmu Greene, will divert attention away from them. Not to say that congress will grow a spine and assume the mantle of governmental oversight intended by the founding fathers but, we'll see. At this point, all we can do is vote diligently and pray.
When you guys hold Bush accountable, like you want Obama held accountable, maybe it will not be brought up. Fact is, Bush lied, got 4488 soldiers killed, you guys deny it, the Senate proved it, and you will hear it as long as you deny it.
What happened to the "opinion" you guys had during the Martin/Zimmereman thing? As of right now, these allegations are being studied by the IG. Wanna wait and see what comes of the report? The same guys that sided with Zimmerman before the evidence came in, is automatically pronouncing guilt as soon as an allegation is made, and an official at the IRS says they are true. How the worm turns, lol? What's good for the goose, ain't really good for the gander, as long as the gander is democrat. A few of you even have the balls to use the H word for others here. Hypocrisy anyone? LOL.
TheRealVille Wrote:When you guys hold Bush accountable, like you want Obama held accountable, maybe it will not be brought up. Fact is, Bush lied, got 4488 soldiers killed, you guys deny it, the Senate proved it, and you will hear it as long as you deny it.

The only thing that got 'proved' was my psychological diagnosis for liberals. They have to be adept at self delusion to be liberal, because to be liberal is to believe a lie.
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