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Zimmerman Not Guilty
nky Wrote:Can one minority person commit a hate crime on another?
They can if you transform them into a hyphenated American as in "white-Hispanic." :biggrin:

Zimmerman needs to make friends with some powerful Hispanic politicians. If I were Ted Cruz, I would already have a secret meeting scheduled with him.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I doubt that a wrongful death judgment would be dischargable in bankruptcy. Nonetheless, there are many "procedures" that Zimmerman can implement in order to minimize his estate. We call it "estate planning". I encourage him to get a good estate/tax attorney and to follow his/her advice. Good luck and best wishes, George.
I did not suggest bankruptcy to discharge any judgment, but to make sure that it would be obvious to the jury in a civil trial who had the deep pockets, Zimmerman or the Martins, who have already won a large settlement from the home owners association. Many jurors just love to feel like they are Ed McMahon delivering a large check to a poor person. If they perceive the plaintiffs as the wealthier party, they are not as enthusiastic about spending other people's money. Maybe bankruptcy is the wrong course of action, but Zimmerman needs to minimize his visible assets and perhaps delay actions against the many people and organizations that have slandered him. (I am not explaining this for your benefit, but for those who have never been involved in civil lawsuits involving large sums of money.)
TheRealVille Wrote:If Zimmerman were black, and Martin white, BGR would be lit up calling for Zimmerman's head.

Well, I guess we are all "racists", aren't we? That's the problem with many blacks, black wantabes, black exploiters, and black apologists. They translate everything into race. Blacks have become impotent because they are always played as the victims and it gives them an excuse for nonachievement and government reliance.

Didn't get the job? Must be "racism". No promotion? Must be "racism". Low grade in school? Must be "racism". Didn't win the prize? Must be "racism". Held accountable for your actions? Must be "racism". And on and on ad nauseum.

One would think that this "racial crutch" would be discarded somewhere along the line. But that won't happen. There are too many politicians who will continue to use the crutch to keep the black votes in their column.

Until blacks see all this for what it truly is, quit making excuses, pull up their pants, go to work, and make their own way, that crutch will always keep them impotent.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Well, I guess we are all "racists", aren't we? That's the problem with many blacks, black wantabes, black exploiters, and black apologists. They translate everything into race. Blacks have become impotent because they are always played as the victims and it gives them an excuse for nonachievement and government reliance.

Didn't get the job? Must be "racism". No promotion? Must be "racism". Low grade in school? Must be "racism". Didn't win the prize? Must be "racism". Held accountable for your actions? Must be "racism". And on and on ad nauseum.

One would think that this "racial crutch" would be discarded somewhere along the line. But that won't happen. There are too many politicians who will continue to use the crutch to keep the black votes in their column.

Until blacks see all this for what it truly is, quit making excuses, pull up their pants, go to work, and make their own way, that crutch will always keep them impotent.
It won't, until blacks are treated exactly the same as whites, which will never happen.
TheRealVille Wrote:It won't, until blacks are treated exactly the same as whites, which will never happen.

And just how do you define "treated exactly the same as whites"? Explain it, if you can.

And don't come back with the silly phrase "colorblind society". That is meaningless.

I would argue that, in recent years and particularly under your boys (Obama and Holder), blacks get special treatment.

Regardless, all this "social engineering" and "war on poverty" and all the other "touchy, feely" programs haven't produced any improvement in the living situation and habits of blacks. Actually, the result is worse because the "crutch" is more in evidence.
TheRealVille Wrote:It won't, until blacks are treated exactly the same as whites, which will never happen.

Don't know how to take that statement. The best I can tell from the so-called civil rights leaders...the LAST thing "blacks" want is to be treated "exactly the same as whites". I get the impression the leaders want more, right?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Don't know how to take that statement. The best I can tell from the so-called civil rights leaders...the LAST thing "blacks" want is to be treated "exactly the same as whites". I get the impression the leaders want more, right?
No. If there was really zero difference in how the races were treated, nationwide, you wouldn't have all this. You can shout that blacks are treated equal, but it's far from the truth.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:And just how do you define "treated exactly the same as whites"? Explain it, if you can.

And don't come back with the silly phrase "colorblind society". That is meaningless.

I would argue that, in recent years and particularly under your boys (Obama and Holder), blacks get special treatment.

Regardless, all this "social engineering" and "war on poverty" and all the other "touchy, feely" programs haven't produced any improvement in the living situation and habits of blacks. Actually, the result is worse because the "crutch" is more in evidence.
It's not just at the federal level that race shouldn't matter, it's nationwide, all peoples. Granted, you will always have the extremist on both sides, but individually, person to person, as a whole, this nation is far from being over the race issue.

TheRealVille Wrote:No. If they was really zero difference in how the races were treated, nationwide, you wouldn't have all this. You can shout that blacks are treated equal, but it's far from the truth.
What experience do you have living and working with or working for black people in this country that you believe makes you an expert in this area? Black men who work hard and follow the law are treated very well in this country - better than they are in any other country on the planet.
TheRealVille Wrote:It's not just at the federal level that race shouldn't matter, it's nationwide, all peoples. Granted, you will always have the extremist on both sides, but individually, person to person, as a whole, this nation is far from being over the race issue.

Well, I will certainly agree with your last statement. However, you never answered my question, and I doubt that you can do so. I'll try again. Just how do you intend to set the country up so that "blacks are treated exactly the same as whites"? That is your statement. Back it up.

I would have to agree with SKINNYPIG. Most blacks don't want to be held to the same level of responsibility for their actions and for their self support as whites. Refute that.

Many whites believe that blacks are looking for a free ride through life with special treatment and special handouts. They feel that, although blacks were slaves six or so generations ago, enough special breaks (affirmative action, quotas, etc.) have been given to expect blacks to stand on their own. I think that is a reasonable expectation. Can you legitimately argue otherwise?

If your boys in Washington strong arm the Zimmerman matter for political gain, which likely they will, the divide will widen and hearts and minds will harden even more. Bet on it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What experience do you have living and working with or working for black people in this country that you believe makes you an expert in this area? Black men who work hard and follow the law are treated very well in this country - better than they are in any other country on the planet.
As long as they act white.
TheRealVille Wrote:https://www.upworthy.com/sometimes-it-ta...cism?c=bl3

A video of a white liberal explaining the plight of the black man in this country? Do you think that he understands the subject matter better than Dr. Thomas Sowell, Dr. Walter Williams, or Justice Clarence Thomas? What makes white liberals feel so free to speak for black men in this country and why does the media focus on race baiting black men like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson instead of showcasing truly successful black men like Dr. Ben Carson?

White children often see white men on TV who are great role models. Black children see white liberals and black "civil rights" leaders telling them that the deck is stacked against them and if they fail it will be because white men want them to fail. When black children see successful black men on TV who are not telling them that they are doomed to failure because of whitey, they see pro athletes, many of whom end up dead or in jail themselves.

So, I ask you, what makes you an authority on how black Americans are treated in this country?
TheRealVille Wrote:As long as they act white.
So, you are saying that to act white is to work hard and follow the law? That sounds a bit racist to me.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Not that it really matters, but I think that you are wrong again. I heard nothing during the trial to suggest that the altercation was not on or near concrete. In fact, the prosecutor even asked a witness if the injuries were consistent with Zimmerman's head hitting the pavement only one time - as he tried to rebut Zimmerman's claim that his head was slammed against the pavement repeatedly. During the closing arguments, the defense argued that Martin's use of concrete constituted a deadly weapon and during the prosecution's rebuttal, they made no claim that Martin was not in close proximity to any concrete. I don't find your claim credible in light of the statements made by the lawyers during final arguments.
You see any concrete real close to him? How was he banging Zimmerman's head? I won't do the image here, but you can see it at the link.

What does act white mean?
TheRealVille Wrote:You see any concrete real close to him? How was he banging Zimmerman's head? I won't do the image here, but you can see it at the link.

Those square gray squares located within 3 or 4 feet of Martin's body look like concrete to me - and the body may have been rolled by police to co llectevidence on both sides of the body. Am I wrong? Is that not a concrete sidewalk next to the blanket covering Martin's corpse?
Crossbones Wrote:What does act white mean?
Wanting black men to act exactly like you, dress like you, talk like you, do everything the way you do it.
Crossbones Wrote:What does act white mean?
Take another look at RV's post and the words that he chose to make bold. Apparently he does not think that hard working black men who follow the law are acting "black." I have worked and currently work with (and for) hard working black men and they still appear black to these two eyes - not that it matters to me.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Those square gray squares located within 3 or 4 feet of Martin's body look like concrete to me - and the body may have been rolled by police to co llectevidence on both sides of the body. Am I wrong? Is that not a concrete sidewalk next to the blanket covering Martin's corpse?
3-4 feet? You've been lying to your wife. Martin was 5' 11". Even if he is 6 feet away, which is about what it looks like, that is not close enough to hit Zimmerman's head on the concrete, even if they rolled him over. That body isn't parallel to the sidewalk, it's perpendicular. Rolling the body they way it is laying wouldn't change the distance.
TheRealVille Wrote:Wanting black men to act exactly like you, dress like you, talk like you, do everything the way you do it.
The only thing i want anyone to do is to be a good citizen an quit bitchin an crying over something that happened over 100 years ago. Talk about racist..that was a racist comment.
:lame: I
TheRealVille Wrote:Wanting black men to act exactly like you, dress like you, talk like you, do everything the way you do it.
The black men with whom I work follow the same dress code that I do and when an officer approaches their desk, they stand and show them the same respect that I do. Does that make them white or me black?
TheRealVille Wrote:Wanting black men to act exactly like you, dress like you, talk like you, do everything the way you do it.
You mean being a working law biding American citizen?
TheRealVille apparently doesn't like the fact that most of us expect blacks to earn respect, position, and wealth rather than having it given to them by the government.

I am still waiting on TheRealVille to give us the blueprint (Am I allowed to say "blueprint"?) to arriving at the utopian aura of blacks being treated exactly like whites.

I'll try to help the effort with a suggestion. Maybe blacks would be looked at a bit more positively if, every time they didn't get their way, they didn't threaten to burn and loot. I never see whites taking that approach. So, learning to be civilized, law abiding human beings and being perceived by others to be so might be a decent place to start.

Now, TheRealVille, take it from there.
I notice we got away from the concrete thing. Also, Zimmerman said Martin jumped out from behind a tree. He would have to be pretty skinny to hide behind the trees in the picture. To be in the position the body is in(even if rolled), Zimmerman's head would have to be facing the condos to have Martin on top, then shoot him, then getting out from under Martin.
anyone see the concrete
[Image: http://theconservativetreehouse.files.wo...rative.jpg]
Without the lighting used to take a picture that sidewalk looks like it would be dark and easy for someone to jump out from behind the trees to attack another
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:TheRealVille apparently doesn't like the fact that most of us expect blacks to earn respect, position, and wealth rather than having it given to them by the government.

I am still waiting on TheRealVille to give us the blueprint (Am I allowed to say "blueprint"?) to arriving at the utopian aura of blacks being treated exactly like whites.

I'll try to help the effort with a suggestion. Maybe blacks would be looked at a bit more positively if, every time they didn't get their way, they didn't threaten to burn and loot. I never see whites taking that approach. So, learning to be civilized, law abiding human beings and being perceived by others to be so might be a decent place to start.

Now, TheRealVille, take it from there.
When whites stop with the racial bias of wanting them to act and dress exactly like them. I'm not talking about law abiding, everybody should be held accountable for law breaking. But, profiling for skin color, dress, speech, and other things is not acceptable. I'm sure, no matter how smart, or hard working a black man is, if he talks "ghetto" for lack of a better word, and dresses the different way some blacks do, you wouldn't respect him near as much as dressing and talking like we do, casual or business casual. It's just fact.
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