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Obama once again trying to take advantage of stupid people
Since we know that celebrities are so smart...and what's sad is that the 47% lowlifes will listen to them. :biglmao:

The Obama administration’s thirst to attract young Americans to the health care exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act, meant to bring coverage to millions of uninsured Americans, is well documented.

Because this demographic is cheap to insure, the Obama administration needs to convince young people to sign up for insurance on the superstore-like exchanges this October in order to balance out the older and sicker patients who are more likely to sign up for health insurance as soon as possible. The correspondingly larger insurance premiums paid by the young cover the big bills for the relatively small number of sick people. According to estimates made by the Obama administration, approximately 7 million people will sign up for coverage via the exchanges in 2014, and about 2.7 million of those enrollees need to be young, cheap-to-insure Americans for the system to work.

To help the exchanges meet this target, senior White House officials met with a group of Hollywood entertainers on Monday,
reported Reuters, to discuss how to use pop culture to convince young Americans to purchase medical coverage on the health care exchanges in October. President Barack Obama, who signed the health care reform into law in March 2010, stopped by the meeting, which was attended by comedian Amy Poehler, actor Jennifer Hudson, along with representatives for Oprah Winfrey and Alicia Keys, and the websites Funny or Die, Google’s (NASDAQ:GOOG) YouTube, and others.

“The reach of these national stars spreads beyond the Beltway to fans of their television shows, movies, and music – and the power of these artists to speak through social media is especially critical,” a White House official told the publication. The biggest message the administration has to communicate, aside from perhaps educating the masses regarding the implications the reform will have on their access to health care, is one that counteracts the skepticism that the new plans are worthwhile.
Obama can't function without all the various and sundry groups that fall under the blanket of "stupid people".
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Obama can't function without all the various and sundry groups that fall under the blanket of "stupid people".

WideRight05 Wrote:[Image:]

Yep. His "people" are all of those who, generation after generation, take from the system and who continually whine about being "victims".
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Yep. His "people" are all of those who, generation after generation, take from the system and who continually whine about being "victims".

You are soooo right. The irony I see in that is Obama himself doesn't have a basis for comparison. The product of a free education and at one time an empty vessel into which liberal academiacs deposited their anti-American spew. Upon graduation he, being fully transformed himself, was granted a number of honorariums in the form of an unearned Nobel peace prize and a Harvard Law Professorship. He likes to refer to his good fortune as kind hearted folks giving him a "helping hand." Ya think? Now, his self assigned charter is to bring his transformation to everybody. Well, no thanks Mr President. I favor the Benjamin Franklin school, 'work and advance' formula of success. Not the liberal 'stick out your hand and dance', formula.

If we survive what I believe to be the madness of this administration, we best learn how to vet those who would serve in public office. We'd never survive two, which is why folks better get those eyes open when big Hill makes her run at the Captain's chair.
Obama's act always includes calling people the "folks". He didn't learn that term in Indonesia, in Hawaii, at Columbia, or at Harvard. And, of course, his poor dumb, non-productive "folks" eat it up. They are even fool enough to believe that he is one of them.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Obama's act always includes calling people the "folks". He didn't learn that term in Indonesia, in Hawaii, at Columbia, or at Harvard. And, of course, his poor dumb, non-productive "folks" eat it up. They are even fool enough to believe that he is one of them.

70 million baby boomers are capable of showing up to the polls in any given election. The fact that a large percentage of them could be that naïve is a sad state of affairs, Shows how much sway the mainstream media has on their trusting little minds.
Might come back to bite the celebs as these people get on Obamacare their disposable
income will shrink and where they gonna come up with extra dough for movies, music, etc
TheRealThing Wrote:70 million baby boomers are capable of showing up to the polls in any given election. The fact that a large percentage of them could be that naïve is a sad state of affairs, Shows how much sway the mainstream media has on their trusting little minds.

You are correct. And, you can add to that the indoctrination that almost all of them got in the government schools- from kindergarten through college.

Many can neither read nor write with any degree of comprehension. They are lazy using whatever energy they can muster to tweet, text, and play with other electronic gadgets. Of course, they are very accepting of the "idiosyncrasies" of others and find fault with no one other than the abominable traditionalists. And, thanks to the brainwashing of the government schools, they have a good level of self esteem. In other words, they have no values, they have no core beliefs, and they are intellectual dullards. But, they do feel good about themselves.

If you have any doubts about this, go to any local public. government college or public/government elementary, middle school, or high school and observe what is going on.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You are correct. And, you can add to that the indoctrination that almost all of them got in the government schools- from kindergarten through college.

Many can neither read nor write with any degree of comprehension. They are lazy using whatever energy they can muster to tweet, text, and play with other electronic gadgets. Of course, they are very accepting of the "idiosyncrasies" of others and find fault with no one other than the abominable traditionalists. And, thanks to the brainwashing of the government schools, they have a good level of self esteem. In other words, they have no values, they have no core beliefs, and they are intellectual dullards. But, they do feel good about themselves.

If you have any doubts about this, go to any local public. government college or public/government elementary, middle school, or high school and observe what is going on.

No, I can see your point. I met a guy out on the job once who had a degree in psychiatry. He found he couldn't make enough money to live on in his career field of choice and wound up in the construction industry. In our days of working together, he gave me a crash course on the teachings of psychology. Some of the premises of which, I found to be unacceptable from a logical point of view.

Psychologists basically use drugs to override our God given sense of right, wrong and shame. Thusly thwarting the guidance of conscience, in a drug induced state of moral numbness. There is a reason people feel bad for wrong decisions they have made. Sadly society told them to go ahead and indulge themselves but, their consciences are killing them. Hence the rash of mood elevating drug prescriptions.

Clinically, as I understand the concepts, people who are having trouble with depression and shame are taught to accept the trail of collateral damage their pursuit of selfish gratifications have wrought in the lives of those whom they have exploited as natural for them. And, they are told not to feel bad. Man is a product of his environment they say. So, if we are a product of our environment, how could we be held accountable for our actions? After all, it's not our fault. It's a lack of education, or a perceived lack of opulence. They say society is actually at fault because these folks have been made to feel ostracized, causing them to act out uncontrollably by killing 30 or so innocents in a movie theater for example. Thus, the rationale for dumping billions of dollars into the projects and slums.

I tend to take a different view. I believe that man's environment is the product of his own hand. We need to challenge ourselves to a high standard of existence. Not to play the victim for successive generations. Again, this is the message of conservative blacks. The cycle of dependence has only deepened since the inception of LBJ's "Great Society".

Liberalism is the example of man trying to do things his way. Their efforts seem right and noble enough to them. But, look at our state of affairs. To say we are in a death spiral, and moral free fall, is somewhat of an understatement of the true horror of our condition. God manages every last detail of this universe. The vastness and complexities of which defy logic. The one lone exception, is where the will of man is concerned. If we insist on living our way, God will allow it. And the pain of such incredible folly is abundantly obvious as we blunder around in the darkness created by our own rebellious arrogance.

Man's nature is inherently depraved. It takes God's own discipline and guidance to keep us lined out. It is He Who has blessed us in the past and it is He Who sustains us. But no, we have taken over that responsibility now, we know what we're doing here in this land. Legislators imagine themselves to be vastly more capable than they really are. Hence the throngs of willfully ignorant political adherents. They don't really want to know the weight of self reliance or self governance. They just want to believe voting democratic will insure their continued well being. And you're right, the common people are lazy. It's much easier to imagine ourselves entitled to safety and plenty merely because of the country we grew up in. The sacrifice and labor that went into building this great land must be maintained if it is to continue. The great generation gave the American ship of state a powerful shove through their ultimate sacrifices. Will the next generation step up? It's difficult to envision that likelihood with the bozos in office who preach dependence of government daily. Where does this government believe they derive their substance from in the first place? Obviously from the pockets of those they make their daily promises to.

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