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Person Above you Game
^ Joined September 2006

^knows the Reds are once again chocking when it counts
^ Knows that the Braves are only winning because of Waffle House Magic.

Likes the Blue Jackets, like myself.
^ Likes the Reds, like myself

has some really cool sigs
^ Has a Cat!
Should know it's a rescue kitty..named Gizmo!
^^ knows she wants to rescue her favorite kitty (#1 Blackcat Fan) Smile
^Is stalking GB.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis

is excited Kash is back in Paintsville
my stalking object!!!
^ better save me some food, knows I will be lucky to make kickoff in time
needs to believe me when I say that I have a "special" plate already in mind for him!!!

^ Almost to 5,000 posts!

very observant

(Go Granny Go!!!)

^Makes me think I better eat on the way to the game lol.

Like your new sig by the way. We should all live by that motto.
^ Braves fan

^poor guy is Reds fan. I know your still young though. As you get older you will realize they only play good the first 60-90 games then choke. Smile
^ Should know that the Reds are gonna win it all this year

predicting good stuff about the Reds
Providing alternative perspective on rain :Thumbs:

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
^ Will be disappointed when the Reds miss the playoffs.
irritating Reds fans!!
^ Was glad to see the skins win their preseason game last night

Granny Bear Wrote:^^
irritating Reds fans!!

I don't have to. The team does it for me Confusednicker:
Better yet, BOTH are pretty doggone irritating!
Lol, I can agree with that. Good to know I'm reaching my goals Smile.
Bears fan, like my brother is.
^His brother knows a good football team to root for.
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