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Mitch McConnell is he stupid?
This was added to the budget settlement. Is the senior senator from Kentucky crazy? Besides agreeing to the terms of the budget to add this pork to it is strange for someone running for re-election. Does this hurt him in his primary run against a Tea Party candidate.

Kentucky kickback?: $2.2 billion. That's the amount in additional cash authorized for a project that involved a dam and decades-old locks on a river that flows through Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's home state of Kentucky. Sounds kinda fishy, but a Democratic senate aid and a Republican senator say it's on the level. The aide tells CNN that McConnell didn't push for the project to be included. And Sen. Lamar Alexander, who's a key figure on the committee that oversees what water projects get what money, says he and another senator asked for the cash. He tells CNN's Chris Frates the new money -- which more than triples the original $775 million -- will save the federal government many millions because contracts won't be canceled due to work stoppages. Still, the Senate Conservatives Fund calls the money a "Kentucky Kickback."
Appropriately enough since we are talking about a river project, it is "kinda fishy" sounding. They're saying that Rand Paul dodged the question earlier today too. We'll have to see how it all shakes out I guess. CNN's Steve Almasy who wrote the piece didn't have a clue either, or he'd have shouted it to the heavens. The northern shoreline of the Ohio is the border, or was in 1792, so he was right (but only in technical terms) to say that the Ohio flows through Kentucky. The Ohio River forms the entire southern border of the state of Ohio, which stands to gain substantially from the deal too, as their southern river ports are vital to their economy and flood control picture as well. The Ohio also forms the entire length of Indiana's southern border as well as Illinois. So, the same holds true for those two states as well.

My guess is it's going to be hard to hang this barrel of pork entirely around McConnell's neck. It impacts too many people. And, said contracts and design work for the project are very likely way up in the millions as was suggested by the article.
I think getting the project funded demonstrates just how much power he has in Washington. Neither Bevins nor Little Lundergan could have gotten the funding. It should get him some votes and open a few eyes. It will make those from other states mad but who cares what they think?

I'm no fan of McConnell. However, either alternative is far worse. Bevins can't beat Little Lundergan. Defeating McConnell would give the seat to undoubtedly the most inexperienced, unqualified candidate since the pansy- Small Barry.

Give Small Barry a bigger majority in the senate and give him control of the house and it is all over. George Orwell's predictions will be fulfilled.

McConnell, with all his negatives, is still a better choice than the unelectable Bevins and Little Lundergan.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I think getting the project funded demonstrates just how much power he has in Washington. Neither Bevins nor Little Lundergan could have gotten the funding. It should get him some votes and open a few eyes. It will make those from other states mad but who cares what they think?

I'm no fan of McConnell. However, either alternative is far worse. Bevins can't beat Little Lundergan. Defeating McConnell would give the seat to undoubtedly the most inexperienced, unqualified candidate since the pansy- Small Barry.

Give Small Barry a bigger majority in the senate and give him control of the house and it is all over. George Orwell's predictions will be fulfilled.

McConnell, with all his negatives, is still a better choice than the unelectable Bevins and Little Lundergan.

you guys have already given him the house in 2014
Its only pork if its needless spending for someone else's state. If its needless spending for your own state, then its bringing back tax dollars to your state!
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I think getting the project funded demonstrates just how much power he has in Washington. Neither Bevins nor Little Lundergan could have gotten the funding. It should get him some votes and open a few eyes. It will make those from other states mad but who cares what they think?

I'm no fan of McConnell. However, either alternative is far worse. Bevins can't beat Little Lundergan. Defeating McConnell would give the seat to undoubtedly the most inexperienced, unqualified candidate since the pansy- Small Barry.

Give Small Barry a bigger majority in the senate and give him control of the house and it is all over. George Orwell's predictions will be fulfilled.

McConnell, with all his negatives, is still a better choice than the unelectable Bevins and Little Lundergan.
If I still lived in Kentucky, there is no way that I would ever cast another vote for McConnell. Obama does not have a better ally in Washington than McConnell. I would vote for any Kentucky Republican over McConnell and I would abstain if my only choices were McConnell and a Democrat. McConnell has been worse than useless. I hope that Cruz and his allies can muster enough votes to strip McConnell of his leadership role and his perks. It is time for him to pack his ill gotten gains and go home, wherever that is these days.
^^I agree completely Hoot.
vundy33 Wrote:^^I agree completely Hoot.
I think that we have a lot of company, Vundy. I think for many conservatives, McConnell and Boehner jerking the rug from under Cruz and the real conservatives who were ready to go to the mat with Obama, was the last straw. I don't think that McCain, Graham, McConnell, Boehner, and the rest of the RINOs can do any damage to Cruz's likely presidential bid. That is what is driving their hatred of him. The GOP is scared to death that a RINO like Chris Christie or Jeb Bush might lose the nomination to Cruz. The Democrats are attacking him because they don't want to face Cruz in the general election either.

Obamacare will be extremely unpopular and the number of people who admire Cruz's stand against Obama and socialized healthcare will grow quickly as Obamacare continues to leave the rails. Congress will, in a mostly bipartisan manner, attempt to make CGI, the Canadian company that wrote the Obamacare software, the scapegoat to divert attention from the real villains in this saga. I don't think that it will work. Nothing is going to save Obama and the Democrats from taking the blame for Obamacare - and the RINOs who helped Obama last night will have a hard time taking any credit away from those who stood their ground - the high ground.
vector Wrote:you guys have already given him the house in 2014

Actually, that will depend on just how much your media can influence voters. Fortunately, gerrymandering has made it very difficult for your Small Barry suck-ups to make too much of a change.

But, even you must admit that, if the networks and print media can pull it off for Small Barry, George Orwell will be the greatest prophet since Jeremiah.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If I still lived in Kentucky, there is no way that I would ever cast another vote for McConnell. Obama does not have a better ally in Washington than McConnell. I would vote for any Kentucky Republican over McConnell and I would abstain if my only choices were McConnell and a Democrat. McConnell has been worse than useless. I hope that Cruz and his allies can muster enough votes to strip McConnell of his leadership role and his perks. It is time for him to pack his ill gotten gains and go home, wherever that is these days.

I nearly always agree with you, Hoot Gibson. But, I believe that, if you studied the prospect of having Little Lundergan elected, you would, like me, vote for the lesser of the evils.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I nearly always agree with you, Hoot Gibson. But, I believe that, if you studied the prospect of having Little Lundergan elected, you would, like me, vote for the lesser of the evils.
Voting for McConnell as the lesser of two evils is like choosing whether you would rather be killed by a fellow soldier rolling a grenade into your tent or stepping on an enemy's land mine. You are going to be maimed or killed either way and at least you know that your enemies are out to get you. Well, I survived McConnell's grenade and he will not victimize me again.

If McConnell is the best that the Kentucky GOP can do for a candidate, then they do not deserve anybody's vote. If the Republicans want my vote again, then they are going to have to earn it for a change. No more lesser evil candidates for me, and I think that there are plenty of conservatives who agree with me.

As soon as Cruz officially announces his candidacy, then I will begin writing him checks - and I have never been that motivated before. You can thank McConnell, Boehner, McCain, Graham, Rove, and a host of other RINOs if Republicans lose the House and fail to take the Senate in 2014.
^No offense intended here Hoot. I'm certainly no RINO fan either. However, though I can offer no defense for the chinless McConnell, he and the rest of the RINO's are still a better option on the spiritual plane. I despise his bent for undercutting and judging folks like Cruz but, as long as he continues to vote against abortion rights, the gay agenda and represents no threat to become just another Obama rubber stamp as Lundergan would surely be, I'm not about to let my vote lay on the sidelines.

Something always rushes in to fill a vacuum. I'd rather roll the dice and hope a better candidate comes to the fore the next time, than to see another brainless liberal gain a seat in the Senate.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Voting for McConnell as the lesser of two evils is like choosing whether you would rather be killed by a fellow soldier rolling a grenade into your tent or stepping on an enemy's land mine. You are going to be maimed or killed either way and at least you know that your enemies are out to get you. Well, I survived McConnell's grenade and he will not victimize me again.

If McConnell is the best that the Kentucky GOP can do for a candidate, then they do not deserve anybody's vote. If the Republicans want my vote again, then they are going to have to earn it for a change. No more lesser evil candidates for me, and I think that there are plenty of conservatives who agree with me.

As soon as Cruz officially announces his candidacy, then I will begin writing him checks - and I have never been that motivated before. You can thank McConnell, Boehner, McCain, Graham, Rove, and a host of other RINOs if Republicans lose the House and fail to take the Senate in 2014.

Totally agree, I'll be happy to contribute too. McConnell needs to go no doubt, we just need to find a viable replacement.
TheRealThing Wrote:^No offense intended here Hoot. I'm certainly no RINO fan either. However, though I can offer no defense for the chinless McConnell, he and the rest of the RINO's are still a better option on the spiritual plane. I despise his bent for undercutting and judging folks like Cruz but, as long as he continues to vote against abortion rights, the gay agenda and represents no threat to become just another Obama rubber stamp as Lundergan would surely be, I'm not about to let my vote lay on the sidelines.

Something always rushes in to fill a vacuum. I'd rather roll the dice and hope a better candidate comes to the fore the next time, than to see another brainless liberal gain a seat in the Senate.
As long as Republicans are the minority party in the U.S. Senate, then McConnell's vote on anything does not matter unless it is cast to block votes on Democratic bills on the floor. What he did to Cruz and the other true conservatives in the House and Senate was to ensure that Obamacare continues damaging this country's economy. I have never seen two worse negotiators than Boehner and McConnell. They are so bad, I suspect that they are fully on board with the Obama agenda. Why that would be, I have not a clue, but surely these men cannot be as stupid as they so often seem.

Do you realize that in supporting Obamacare with his vote, he was supporting government funding for abortion? McConnell is a deal maker who runs as a conservative and then governs according polls and focus groups.

You can tell yourself that McConnell is standing up for the principles in which you believe, but all he does is pay lip service to those principles to get your vote.

I don't mean to sound like I am lecturing you, TRT, because for years I have voted for Republicans as the lesser of two evils, just as you and Harry are advocating. I am just sharing my reasons for abandoning that strategy. Guys like McConnell have done enough damage to the GOP. If the GOP will not clean its own house, then I intend to help do it for them.
TheRealThing Wrote:Totally agree, I'll be happy to contribute too. McConnell needs to go no doubt, we just need to find a viable replacement.
I agree and I will never, ever vote for a Democrat in a national election. If Republicans do not get my vote in an election, then it will be their fault, not mine.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:As long as Republicans are the minority party in the U.S. Senate, then McConnell's vote on anything does not matter unless it is cast to block votes on Democratic bills on the floor. What he did to Cruz and the other true conservatives in the House and Senate was to ensure that Obamacare continues damaging this country's economy. I have never seen two worse negotiators than Boehner and McConnell. They are so bad, I suspect that they are fully on board with the Obama agenda. Why that would be, I have not a clue, but surely these men cannot be as stupid as they so often seem.

Do you realize that in supporting Obamacare with his vote, he was supporting government funding for abortion? McConnell is a deal maker who runs as a conservative and then governs according polls and focus groups.

You can tell yourself that McConnell is standing up for the principles in which you believe, but all he does is pay lip service to those principles to get your vote.

I don't mean to sound like I am lecturing you, TRT, because for years I have voted for Republicans as the lesser of two evils, just as you and Harry are advocating. I am just sharing my reasons for abandoning that strategy. Guys like McConnell have done enough damage to the GOP. If the GOP will not clean its own house, then I intend to help do it for them.

I understand and your points are all valid. In no way am I defending him and I certainly did not mean to indicate McConnell stands up for Christian principles. All I meant was that he like all RINO's, votes against the liberal agenda the vast majority of the time.

I believe that in his mind, he feels strongly about his stated values and conservative principles. Obviously, if he'd an ounce of the real thing, LOL, Cruz would be his buddy not his whipping boy. And he would stand on principle rather than practice. No, I'd say it's possible that Mitch goes to church, albeit mostly for show and still feels good about it. But, past that, I think it's possible that he is naïve to the point where he has yet to make the hook up about the nature of the threat and what the stakes truly are, while Ted Cruz already gets it. Your point about ObamaCare funding abortion on demand is undeniable. Which is why I have always said that Republicans tend to adhere to conservative American values more strictly. I'd love to see him gone but not at the expense of seeing his seat go to Lundergan.

We'd have the same thing if McCain was Senate Minority Leader. And there in lies the problem. We could get by alright with a few RINO's sprinkled in among the Republican Conference as long as none of them ever ascend to a position of leadership. History called upon him to step up and be a statesman last month and he couldn't answer the bell. The bad thing is he doesn't even understand how miserably he failed us. Then we had McCain running his mouth and offering a scathing rebuttal and rebuke of Cruz because again, he is clueless as well.

They have outlived their usefulness and it's now past time for them to step down and make room for somebody who has their act together. Ironically, it should be them with all the wisdom and yet, it was a freshman Senator by the name of Cruz that has shown more understanding and wisdom than all of them put together. Saying all that to say I'd still take one of them over another liberal as far as my vote goes. Therefore, where it comes to fortifying the dike against the liberal flood. I guess I would rather put up a half a bag of sand over no bag at all. :biggrin:
So, who do you elect over Mcconnell?
A shady Bevins, or a spolied little girl with now knowledge and a love for Obama.
Fact is, KY doesnt produce quality competetion to Mcconnell.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:So, who do you elect over Mcconnell?
A shady Bevins, or a spolied little girl with now knowledge and a love for Obama.
Fact is, KY doesnt produce quality competetion to Mcconnell.

Absolutely correct, RunItUpTheGut. There is no choice but McConnell. A vote for Bevins is a vote to guarantee that Little Lundergan wins in the end. That would be a disaster far worse than McConnell. So, we need to hold our noses and vote to hold the seat for Republicans and out of the hands of a rubber stamp for Small Barry.
McConnell did not do his re-election campaign any favor with this whole compromise and the bill. I wonder if he knew that appropriations for the dam was even in the bill to begin with?
This has given the Bevin campaign(Tea Party supporters) a large talking point to hit on next spring wether he can take advantage of it is another thing.
by the way to bad McConnell didn't use the Brent Spence Bridge (I-75 bridge going into Cincinnati) as his big pet pork project
nky Wrote:by the way to bad McConnell didn't use the Brent Spence Bridge (I-75 bridge going into Cincinnati) as his big pet pork project

The aging lock and dam system in question cannot just be allowed to deteriorate to the point where it starts to malfunction. Olmsted was designed to replace two dams which have fallen into a state of disrepair attributable to age. Not to mention their design limitations are hurting river traffic causing a five hour delay to lock through as things presently stand. Commerce associated with the Ohio River involves nearly every industrial concern and complex from Pittsburg to the confluence of the Mississippi. We're talking about an incredible volume of shipping here. This project (US Army Corps of Engineers) has been in construction phase since before the year 2000. And the locks section of the project was completed in 2002. LOL, it's not like boats can take another route or something.

Like I said, this is a huge project which has been well under way for many years now and was deemed a vital infrastructural development by the Clinton Administration. I mean, what's the alternative? Just walk away from it and the millions of dollars invested to date? The whole nation has skin in the game where this upgrade is concerned, so hopefully they won't try to make a campaign ad out of it just yet. Heck, my biggest concern is that McConnell won't be able to adequately articulate a response to rebuff his critics.

This legislation was put through in the form a rider which happens all the time. Unfortunately, it's import is overshadowed by the mishandling of the government shut down. The issue is Mitch's lack of insightful leadership and personal assault against Ted Cruz and other Tea Party legislators who have done a lot more good than he has, especially of late. Not the fact that the project in question needs ongoing financing .
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:So, who do you elect over Mcconnell?
A shady Bevins, or a spolied little girl with now knowledge and a love for Obama.
Fact is, KY doesnt produce quality competetion to Mcconnell.
Why do you think that Democrats threw a nearly $3 billion water works project for Kentucky into the CR to reopen the federal government? What possible reason could Obama have to throw such a project to McConnell when Senate Republicans had already decided to cave? Could it be that if Kentucky sends a Republican to Washington, he wants to make sure that it is McConnell? McConnell, if he wins the primary, will campaign just like a Democrat in the general election. He will boast about how much pork he brings back to Kentucky because of all of his valuable "experience." If that is what floats your boat, then you might as well vote for a real, card carrying Democrat.

No Senate Democrat could have done more damage this country in the federal government shutdown showdown than McConnell did. Boehner held out long enough that he thinks his House Speakership is safe. I hope that he miscalculated.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Absolutely correct, RunItUpTheGut. There is no choice but McConnell. A vote for Bevins is a vote to guarantee that Little Lundergan wins in the end. That would be a disaster far worse than McConnell. So, we need to hold our noses and vote to hold the seat for Republicans and out of the hands of a rubber stamp for Small Barry.
As long as you reward corrupt Republicans who do not keep their campaign promises with your votes, you will just get more of the same. It is quite possible that by the time the 2014 election arrives, enough people will agree with Max Baucus that Obamacare is a train wreck that any Republican will be able to defeat any Democrat for McConnell's seat.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Voting for McConnell as the lesser of two evils is like choosing whether you would rather be killed by a fellow soldier rolling a grenade into your tent or stepping on an enemy's land mine. You are going to be maimed or killed either way and at least you know that your enemies are out to get you. Well, I survived McConnell's grenade and he will not victimize me again.

If McConnell is the best that the Kentucky GOP can do for a candidate, then they do not deserve anybody's vote. If the Republicans want my vote again, then they are going to have to earn it for a change. No more lesser evil candidates for me, and I think that there are plenty of conservatives who agree with me.

As soon as Cruz officially announces his candidacy, then I will begin writing him checks - and I have never been that motivated before. You can thank McConnell, Boehner, McCain, Graham, Rove, and a host of other RINOs if Republicans lose the House and fail to take the Senate in 2014.

might as well burn it
vector Wrote:might as well burn it
If you were a taxpayer, then you would understand what it costs to vote for candidates like Obama. If I make the maximum allowable contributions to Ted Cruz's campaign, it would be a drop in the bucket compared to what the idiots who put Barack Obama into office have cost my family and me.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you were a taxpayer, then you would understand what it costs to vote for candidates like Obama. If I make the maximum allowable contributions to Ted Cruz's campaign, it would be a drop in the bucket compared to what the idiots who put Barack Obama into office have cost my family and me.

you would be surprised what I pay in taxs
vector Wrote:you would be surprised what I pay in taxs
No, I would be surprised if you paid any federal income taxes. Sales tax on beer and cigarettes don't count. Confusednicker:
vector Wrote:you would be surprised what I pay in taxs

Well, the way I see things when you insist on voting for Democrats, even though they swear and be durned they'll raise your taxes or know the reason why. You're getting what you've asked for. But hey, look at it like this. If your hero Obama gets his way, you'll wind up paying much much more in taxes than you ever dreamed. And, like you said, Hillary, according to your own gleeful prediction, will follow him up to make sure you don't draw another breath of relief. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, the way I see things when you insist on voting for Democrats, even though they swear and be durned they'll raise your taxes or know the reason why. You're getting what you've asked for. But hey, look at it like this. If your hero Obama gets his way, you'll wind up paying much much more in taxes than you ever dreamed. And, like you said, Hillary, according to your own gleeful prediction, will follow him up to make sure you don't draw another breath of relief. :biggrin:

just 1 ? did Obama raise my taxs?
vector Wrote:just 1 ? did Obama raise my taxs?
Non-taxpayers are safe under Obama. You can count on him to rob your neighbors and borrow from the Chinese to buy your vote.

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