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AAA Championship: Belfry 3 Wayne Co 0
Lilly Wrote:Agreed. Belfry fans are the worst, even in winning. This was the biggest upset of the finals. If game is played today you would have lost by no less than two td. But enjoy your championship and good job to the Belfry players, they cant help you fans suck. And I dang sure am not a Wayne fan!

Congrats to Belfry on a great year! and for bringing the title back to the Mountains. No doubt Belfry was the best team in 3a. For all the crybabies, I wouldnt be talking smack because the way it looks, Its going be Belfry back to BG again next year. Good job Pirates..
johnnyd Wrote:Because maybe it was on Wayne's side of the field. When did play stop? The only time play stopped was when our #70 was injured. Or maybe your talking about the helmet to helmet hit on our #20 by #6. Are those the hits your talking about. Play never stopped....you make it sound like Wayne was carting people off the field every play. Just win graciously.

Ok, if we ever win another title I'll supply the kleenex to the losing sides fans.

How's that for gracious?
How bout this, you Wayne Co. Supporters that are crying, STOP. Everyone on Belfrys side of the field seen the ball hit the turf. Geez. I've never seen so many people crying. The game is over nothing can be changed. It should have been 10-0. But it wasn't it was 3-0. Either way it's a belfry win
After watching this game on replay, no wonder the Wayne fans are thinking like they are. Their team is the better team. If KHSAA had moved the game like they should have Wayne would have beaten Belfry badly. Call it crying but you guys were not the best team.
olewillie Wrote:After watching this game on replay, no wonder the Wayne fans are thinking like they are. Their team is the better team. If KHSAA had moved the game like they should have Wayne would have beaten Belfry badly. Call it crying but you guys were not the best team.

I had a nice long response to this idiotic post all neatly typed and ready to go....but after careful consideration....I came to the conclusion that such idiocy does not even deserve a reply.
olewillie Wrote:After watching this game on replay, no wonder the Wayne fans are thinking like they are. Their team is the better team. If KHSAA had moved the game like they should have Wayne would have beaten Belfry badly. Call it crying but you guys were not the best team.

The IQ of this thread just bottomed out with this post...Belfry scored more points, has more yards, more first downs, better third down conversion, and dominates time of possession and Wayne is the better team? Explain your reasoning please!!
And furthermore this is a tainted championship. The others were moved so they could play in better weather so this one should have been also. Seldom does a Bell fan agree with a Corbin fan, but GoBigRed was right. Wayne is a better team than Belfry.
olewillie Wrote:And furthermore this is a tainted championship. The others were moved so they could play in better weather so this one should have been also. Seldom does a Bell fan agree with a Corbin fan, but GoBigRed was right. Wayne is a better team than Belfry.

You're nothing more than a sad little troll....move along please.
olewillie Wrote:After watching this game on replay, no wonder the Wayne fans are thinking like they are. Their team is the better team. If KHSAA had moved the game like they should have Wayne would have beaten Belfry badly. Call it crying but you guys were not the best team.

Yeah, you're right.

Heck, I even think the NFL should stop the season because of all the weather today.

A post like this could not have been made by a person who calls themselves a man. Bucslover is dead on, there isn't any facet of the game Belfry didn't control and believe it or not they were playing in the same weather. Wait a minute, Wayne did win one aspect, they didn't have a single penalty called on them and still lost on the scoreboard.
olewillie Wrote:And furthermore this is a tainted championship. The others were moved so they could play in better weather so this one should have been also. Seldom does a Bell fan agree with a Corbin fan, but GoBigRed was right. Wayne is a better team than Belfry.

This is sad! I was at all the games this weekend and the weather was bad all the way around. The weather is never going to be great playing this time of year, Its football weather. When you start the year in the scorching sun, your whole goal is to be playing in the snow come December. Belfry was able to wear Wayne Co. down with there physical play, if Belfry can keep you within striking distance the ground and pound will flat wear you down. Belfry platooning players in and out the whole game was also a big advantage. Wayne Co. got punched in the mouth and didn't respond well.

Congrats to Wayne Co on a great season, a team that will go down in history in Monticello.

Congrats Pirates on a great season and the Third State Title
Is this the first time Wayne Co. has played in any adverse weather this year?
olewillie Wrote:And furthermore this is a tainted championship. The others were moved so they could play in better weather so this one should have been also. Seldom does a Bell fan agree with a Corbin fan, but GoBigRed was right. Wayne is a better team than Belfry.

No they were not.

The 1A game went exactly as scheduled...

The only game that technically got moved due to inclimate weather was the 6A Game. Moving that game to Saturday forced the 5A game (with the two schools with the shortest drive) to be moved for logistical purposes... but the 6A game was the only game that was truly moved to accommodate for weather.

I still think it is comical to see, to be frank, awful posts like yours. The weather at game time was cold, moderately windy, with moderate rain.... there was no ice, there wasn't 30+ mph wind gusts (the wind was less than 15 mph), there wasn't snow on the field, there wasn't mud. It wasn't remotely close to being the coldest championship... in fact it probably wasn't even the 2nd or maybe even 3rd coldest 3A Final the past 10 years. IT WAS DECEMBER FOOTBALL!

Why the heck should they have moved the 3A Game? The roads were completely clear with no ice... people were not suffering from hypothermia or frost bite from the 33 degree temperature...there was no ice or snow accumulation before, during, or immediately after the game...

Wayne County wasn't complaining about the Regional Finals when they won a close game against Central in the rain, cold, and mud... maybe with Central's team speed they should have claimed it was a "tainted win". WAYNE COUNTY RAN FOR OVER 2000 YARDS ON THE SEASON... THEY SCORED 40 RUSHING TD's... IN POSSIBLY WORSE CONDITIONS AGAINST CENTRAL THEY RAN THE BALL 36 TIMES... Everyone in the State of KY knew that it was going to be cold and wet Friday including the Wayne staff. As I said, IT IS DECEMBER... you don't get sunny, warm Finals very often.

Wayne's offense was designed for balance... their coach mentioned this the entire week... yet they managed to run for 39 total yards and scrapped their run game that had been vital to their success against a team rushing 3 men. Wayne could not run the football on Belfry so they gave up on it.. even when they knew that their running game had to be effective they were literally forced to pass the ball.

People also want to make a big deal about "Wayne getting the stops when they needed them" and this is not entirely true whatsoever. When Wayne was facing a 3rd and 4 with one timeout left they could not stop a Belfry 1st Down. This allowed Belfry to eat a huge chunk of clock.

When Wayne got the ball back with over a minute left they had their opportunity to prove they were the better team. Instead they go Incomplete, Incomplete, Interception with the game on the line.

You people act as if it is impossible to have a passing game in a cold, wet game (on turf no less where there is no mud). Football is played in these conditions... even moreso in worse conditions... all the time. Have you all seen the Ohio State Finals? There was over 100 points scored in the D-1 Championship game in much worse conditions.I take it schools in Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, and Pennsylvania are only won by running teams :HitWall:

I also will point out that 40% of Wayne's total offense came on two plays that they don't make if not for the conditions. Both passes were grossly underthrown into double coverage and the only reason the pass was complete was a sensational leaping catch by a receiver when the Defense anticipated the pass going longer.
^very true
Luckily Austin Hall can still catch in the rain!

[Image: http://distilleryimage5.s3.amazonaws.com...31d7_8.jpg]
If Wayne is the better team then why was the score BELFRY 3 - Wayne -0. Usually the better team is the one with the most points at the final buzzer.
If a girl who had planned for her wedding day her whole life had it ruined by a down pour of rain right in the middle of the ceremony, i could understand crying. But my god people this FOOTBAL!! A man's sport! Belfry lives for this type of football. Why? So they can prove that they can do it. I remember when Belfry played at Vipperman stadium (their old stadium with grass field) they would pray for rain and mud, the whole team would be fired up if it was raining on a friday night because Belfry is a blue collar, gritty team. They would be embarrassed to say they lost because of the rain.
I believe that Wayne Co has a tough ass football team with a good offense and a tough defense. But those blaming the lose on the rain are basically saying they are a fair-weather team and like i said before you are selling your them short. Dont make excuses for them, they played a great game and so did Belfry and you cant take that away with your nonsense. If you want to cry about the rain in a football game go ahead, but in eyes you look like a bunch of girls standing in the rain with your flat hair and your make-up running down your face.
Belfry out played them plain and simple. If You cant play in the rain just forfeit the game and go home.
From what I've seen in this thread, real Wayne County fans have said their congrats and moved on. You can play the what if's all day long but it doesn't change the final score. Again, congrats to Belfry. Wayne needs to stay hungry and get ready for next season. Coach Thompson has already put his countdown thing on Facebook for our first game of next season and the team is right there following his lead.
No one from Wayne, the real Wayne fans at least are blacming it on rain. Congrats to Belfry. The only thing by a Wayne County fan that was in question was Belfry was much more more physical and then cited a pass of all things to quantify that. It was a awesome game. Just don't kick us when we are down.
[quote=Go Big Red!]I thought they were making bridesmaid dresses again!! Finally got hitched!! Good job belfry you stopped a Wayne team that was on a mission. I think the inexperienced coaching staff made a bad call. If you get a chance to hang 3 on the board against a team like Belfry you better take it!! Awesome game by two awesome teams!! Guffey is still a stud!!

i disagree with you saying the coaching staff made a bad call, our kicking has be questionable all year and the coaches dialed up a perfect play that was exexcuted to perfection minus the end result
pigskin1987 Wrote:i disagree with you saying the coaching staff made a bad call, our kicking has be questionable all year and the coaches dialed up a perfect play that was exexcuted to perfection minus the end result

I agree completely. I don't blame the Wayne coaches there for going for the TD. For one thing, I would have bet my car that 3 points wasn't going to win this game. Secondly they called a perfect play that worked to perfection, the kid was open and the throw was a little off and made it a very hard catch to make. I wouldn't second guess them on that play at all.
johnnyd Wrote:No one from Wayne, the real Wayne fans at least are blacming it on rain. Congrats to Belfry. The only thing by a Wayne County fan that was in question was Belfry was much more more physical and then cited a pass of all things to quantify that. It was a awesome game. Just don't kick us when we are down.

It is all Bell and Corbin fans riding the coattails of Wayne.

No Belfry fan was doing anything to kick Wayne...in fact several people, myself included, heaped praise on them and even went as far to say they were an equal team who just didn't execute quite as well as Belfry.

The problem is Corbin and Bell fans living vicariously through this Wayne team who simply can't accept the fact that Wayne lost a game after crushing their respective teams. It is a way to validate that their program is better than their results or comparable to their fellow Mountain School Belfry. Bell fans have been doing this for the better part of the past decade with their whole mythical "King of the Mountain" spiel and their "Winning Streak vs. Mountain Teams" that they held onto despite not playing Belfry. The past two years they tried to validate their team by talking about how they "played Central better" or that Belfry had a cakewalk to the Finals. Corbin fans simply haven't had a competitive product until this year and after screaming their lungs out about how great their team was early in the season they are simply trying their best to avoid eating crow.

It really is a shame... as I mentioned both teams poured their hearts out and put on a show that both communities could be proud of.
pigskin1987 Wrote:[quote=Go Big Red!]I thought they were making bridesmaid dresses again!! Finally got hitched!! Good job belfry you stopped a Wayne team that was on a mission. I think the inexperienced coaching staff made a bad call. If you get a chance to hang 3 on the board against a team like Belfry you better take it!! Awesome game by two awesome teams!! Guffey is still a stud!!

i disagree with you saying the coaching staff made a bad call, our kicking has be questionable all year and the coaches dialed up a perfect play that was exexcuted to perfection minus the end result

Agreed... also I still can't get over the fact that for as much emphasis people want to put on that play they want to ignore the fact that if Wayne simply converts a 3rd and 1 that play doesn't even become an issue.

At that point in time points were certainly at a premium... but you have an offense that had been able to come through when you needed all season with a TD...you have to trust that and go for 7 instead of 3 (Especially when Belfry had proven they could put themselves in position for a TD twice already that Half).
Here are just a few examples of why Wayne County had trouble with their passing offense "in the bad weather"..... I have plenty more if any further discussion is necessary, because, as far as I can tell, warm, sunny, clear conditions wouldn't have changed how our pass defense played would it?
EKUAlum05 Wrote:It is all Bell and Corbin fans riding the coattails of Wayne.

No Belfry fan was doing anything to kick Wayne...in fact several people, myself included, heaped praise on them and even went as far to say they were an equal team who just didn't execute quite as well as Belfry.

The problem is Corbin and Bell fans living vicariously through this Wayne team who simply can't accept the fact that Wayne lost a game after crushing their respective teams. It is a way to validate that their program is better than their results or comparable to their fellow Mountain School Belfry. Bell fans have been doing this for the better part of the past decade with their whole mythical "King of the Mountain" spiel and their "Winning Streak vs. Mountain Teams" that they held onto despite not playing Belfry. The past two years they tried to validate their team by talking about how they "played Central better" or that Belfry had a cakewalk to the Finals. Corbin fans simply haven't had a competitive product until this year and after screaming their lungs out about how great their team was early in the season they are simply trying their best to avoid eating crow.

It really is a shame... as I mentioned both teams poured their hearts out and put on a show that both communities could be proud of.

I'm not sure what your problem is with Corbin, but there has only been 1 Corbin fan who has made any comment at all on this thread that could have been construed as negative. You should not paint an entire fan base due to one outspoken fan's opinion.

The weather was obviously a factor in the game, but whether it would have changed the outcome is strictly conjecture. I believe that it would have changed the score in that both teams would have scored more, but my best guess is that Belfry, with a large part of it due to Haywood being on their sideline, would have won a close game regardless.

Personally, I am extremely happy that Belfry was able to get another title for Coach Haywood.
olewillie Wrote:And furthermore this is a tainted championship. The others were moved so they could play in better weather so this one should have been also. Seldom does a Bell fan agree with a Corbin fan, but GoBigRed was right. Wayne is a better team than Belfry.

:thatsfunn:hilarious: :hilarious: You want a little cheese with that whine?Confusednicker:
People keep playing the if's and but's game. The only thing we can safely predict is that had it been perfect weather then JJ doesn't fumble 2x, Sani's deep ball to Keaton doesn't slip and Guffey's shovel dart might be caught. The weather may have played a part in the outcome of this game, then again all the things listed could have happened in sunny clear weather as well. It can be said that Belfry left 3 TD's off the board while Wayne left 1 TD off the board. In perfect weather is this a 21 - 7 or 24 - 7 Belfry win? Of course not because that is not the game the was played. We have no idea how it would have turned out. What we know is that weather is a part of football, fumbles and dropped passes are a part of football and on this day Belfry outplayed Wayne Co to a tune of 3 - 0 and that number is the only thing that matters in any way, shape or form.
Final Thoughts:: How about the 2013 football edition of the Wayne County Cardinals. It was a great season for the kids, the program, and coaching staff. The Cards played one heck of a defensive game against the high powered running attack of Belfry only allowing 3 pts. When a defense limits a team like Belfry to 3 pts you have got to like your chances of winning but on this day our Cardinals struggled to execute offensively mainly because of the excellent defense Belfry played. The Belfry "D" took away all of our intermediate and short routes because they was dropping 7 defenders into coverage, heck of a game plan. The weather didnt help anything for either team but when you make it to the State Championship which is in december you can expect inclement weather. WOW what a season for the Cards i enjoyed every last minute of it. Roll Cards 2014
SEKYFAN Wrote:I'm not sure what your problem is with Corbin, but there has only been 1 Corbin fan who has made any comment at all on this thread that could have been construed as negative. You should not paint an entire fan base due to one outspoken fan's opinion.

The weather was obviously a factor in the game, but whether it would have changed the outcome is strictly conjecture. I believe that it would have changed the score in that both teams would have scored more, but my best guess is that Belfry, with a large part of it due to Haywood being on their sideline, would have won a close game regardless.

Personally, I am extremely happy that Belfry was able to get another title for Coach Haywood.

EKUAlumin05 ..... as a moderator you shouldn't be critical of entire Fan bases. I took my crow like a responsible fan and most do, but don't give trolls any attention and attack fan bases. They aren't represented by just a few vocal individuals. I do enjoy you post and think you have good incite and put in a lot of time !!!! Maybe a little over the top here.
History will remember what you did, rather than what you were capable of doing. This game was not David vs Goliath. It was David vs David.
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