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Christmas Classic in Somerset
catfanmd Wrote:The three were born in 1998.
Dykes has an August birthdate
Butt has an October birthdate and
Fitzgerald has a November birthdate.

They will all be 18 on August 1st of their senior year.

The three of them probably play 100-150 games per year all over America against top competition, to be better at their sport. KBA requires a birth certificate and a grade card to play. The coaches have them when they check into the tournament. Anyone at KBA this weekend could have seen the documentation if they wanted.

I believe the three of them will be at the eighth grade tournament in two weeks, just ask Tom at KBA, he would be happy to show you the documents. He has been proving to people for years the boys are within the rules.

All 3 will be 19 in the fall of their senior seasons. Each of these players are already 15 with many of them playing against 13 year old 8th son included.

However, we welcome the challenge from Southern Middle and other schools.

It may seem like a moot point now, but, as an outsider it would seem the wear would kick in during the second half the season, aka postseason.

Like i stated earlier, there's nothing to gain from playing middle school if youre talented enough to be getting major minutes at the Varsity level.

Anyways, it's not big deal to me.. If anything, it kinda hurts the late bloomers, the non holdbacks, that lose nice experience and opportunity to develop their own game.

To each their own I assume..
SMSBasketball Wrote:If they qualify as to age and grade then yes, it is fair. Players who work hard and get better and have some success are expected to apologize for being good. Teams should not have to feel bad about winning. As far as kids playing both, if you look at KHSAA rosters, there are more teams than not in the 12th region with 8th graders on the high school roster. Not sure how many still play middle school, but they are within their right to do both.

Has nothing to do with fair… It's just dumb, dumb to play both, nothing to gain, everything to lose.

At the end of the day, no one will remember an 8th grade state tournament a year from now. but, we would remember if one suffered an injury that kept them out for a long period of time.
thats the thing that alot of people overlook in the to holdback or to not holdback. This area does not holdback to be better in middle school like most people think. I am 42 and held back after we moved to somerset in 8th grade. super happy I did I had a july birthday and would have graduated at 17. anyway kids holdback around here just to compete with the kids here not somewhere else. I have seen kids go from being a def back or not even playing much to starting tailback after the holdback. If they didnt they would never have the opportunity to be a tailback, qb, starting point guard,or a starting pitcher etc. They would have missed out on all the reps at a position because a holdback was getting them. It has just snowballed from there. Yes all my kids have heldback or in the case of my younger one just started him late. None of mine are going pro or make a living from sports but they do have a better opportunity to play and have fun the short time they are in school.
If Coach Wright approves of these kids playing varsity b-ball and middle school b-ball that's all that should matter. With his success how do you question his decisions you may not like it but his results speak for their selves.
I have no problem with hold backs. My son got some great high school varsity minutes as a 7th grader only to play middle school ball only as a 8th grader. The coach didn't want him having to join the team his 8th grade year after he was finished with football in January. But this year he is doing great as a freshman starting center for belfry. Staying back not only let's the kid mature more physically but mentally as well.
Being a holdback has nothing to do with this. The Khsaa puts a limit on how many games a kid can play in any particular sport for a reason. The well being of the child mentality,socially, and physically, for reasons like this they are going to start regulating middle school sports. All of us can agree the only reason these kids are playing middle school basketball is the winning streak and in my opinion that is wrong.
insideinfo Wrote:Being a holdback has nothing to do with this. The Khsaa puts a limit on how many games a kid can play in any particular sport for a reason. The well being of the child mentality,socially, and physically, for reasons like this they are going to start regulating middle school sports. All of us can agree the only reason these kids are playing middle school basketball is the winning streak and in my opinion that is wrong.

The reason you think it's wrong is because your jealous because your kid is not playing varsity b-ball or because there middle school team killed your kids team. These kids have a chance to win a middle school state championship and a 12th region championship in the same year, how many kids can say that? There is something special going on with the South Western b-ball program right now, no need to hate it just because you're not part of it.
They want to win another chip. Can't blame them for that. Some have killer instincts and are born winners, some are not. The ones who are not are the ones whining about it on this message board. Those people see someone bigger and more talented than them and back down. Those winners I speak of see someone bigger and better than them and accept the challenge while playing at their highest level possible. That's what I see when I look at the Pulaski area football and basketball...and as an outsider, I see it with Belfry and Corbin, and am starting to see it over in Wayne County as well. You don't see that killer instinct everywhere.
The reason these three boys are playing 8th grade as well as varsity (as told to me by one of their parents) is because they want to have an unbeaten middle school record and three middle school state titles. Who can blame them for wanting that? Do I agree with it? No, but I might see it differently through their eyes. As long as their team mates are good with it, it shouldn't matter to the rest of us. BY THE WAY, Southern left the tournament after pool play and took a 1-0 forfeit against East Perry. Are they no longer undefeated?
Like I said before, these boys are very good, good enough to play varsity.
Again, I don't know of any other kids that play varsity that still play middle school. Sure if they were sitting on the bench I could see they would still want to play middle school.
Don't be stupid!! No one is jealous of the boys. Pissed at coaches is a better word for allowing kids to be selfish.
If you took all the boys that went and played varsity and left middle school back into the game in middle school the outcome would be 100% different.
It's all about being classy, not selfish.
It's about a coach that puts his foot down and does what most high school coaches do which is set the rules and not let parents set them.
Most coaches that recruit could care less about any of this and this is the problem. He doesn't care about what he does to win, if the boys get hurt, all he wants is a WIN.
I really hope people start dropping out of these games at KBA until some new rules are set.
Would any middle school kid look forward to playing in a tourney that varsity players play 80% of the game , even when they are winning by 60.
I know parents of other boys that moved up to varsity and they will not let them play travel ball or with their own age anymore.
Going back to being cocky!!! If u really are telling the kids people are jealous of them, that could explain it all.
Most kids would love to be asked to play varsity but most wouldn't be trying to do both.
If other teams had the 8th graders back that are playing varsity Southern might not look so good anymore.
Just keep in mind only the kids are being hurt in this whole ordeal and no parent or coach can respect what southern is doing.
jim rome Wrote:The reason you think it's wrong is because your jealous because your kid is not playing varsity b-ball or because there middle school team killed your kids team. These kids have a chance to win a middle school state championship and a 12th region championship in the same year, how many kids can say that? There is something special going on with the South Western b-ball program right now, no need to hate it just because you're not part of it.

12th region championship? Really? Undefeated at the middle school level does not always equate to undefeated in high school, in any sport. They are very talented young men at the middle school level but as far as 12th region champions? Not sold on that one yet. But much luck to them on their quest.
basketballdad you have mentioned being cocky several times in your post. Is this something you know or have witnessed, or are you just making assumptions based on the situation and your perceived unfairness of it? I have been around the boys in question (granted on a limited basis) and they have always seemed very respectful in their dealings with others and disciplined in their work ethic towards basketball.
jim rome Wrote:The reason you think it's wrong is because your jealous because your kid is not playing varsity b-ball or because there middle school team killed your kids team. These kids have a chance to win a middle school state championship and a 12th region championship in the same year, how many kids can say that? There is something special going on with the South Western b-ball program right now, no need to hate it just because you're not part of it.

Confusednicker: Jealousy….. hah.

Kinda ironic, youre right not many can say that.. Which brings to the point, you don't see such a talented core playing at both levels either.

It's really simple, IF you can get quality time & especially if you are starting at the varsity level, YOU have no reason to be playing middle school ball. Go ahead though, those middle school rings will look sharp for a year or two.
To me it would be fear of injury. If these kids are playing a middle school schedule, jv, and varsity that would have to tax their bodies which could lead to injury or limit their contribution due to exhaustion.

As the season goes on you're looking at more wear and tear with that many games. No way they could be fresh and play at their highest level.
SMS , yes I have seen them and yes they are cocky as I would expect them to act based on them feeling its normal to still play middle school ball and beat teams by 60 and still play one of the varsity starters. It may be hard for you to except but this team is the talk from lots of schools and even though this is a talented bunch of boys they are losing respect from everyone, trying to be stars at both levels is a cocky action alone. People posting that others are jealous of them is a cocky action as well.
If you want respect give up varsity and play middle school only or play varsity which you and everyone else knows they are very capable of playing and winning. These boys are at another level and do not need to think beating teams with 13 year olds is a accomplishment.
Whats the diff in these boys playing middle and highschool and you working two jobs. Shouldnt you just work one job so somebody else can have the other job? Idk I cant believe the high school coach allows it but only because of like somebody else said fatigue and the chance of getting hurt but like I said If they are ok with it its really none of our business
Last year the boys actually played alot more than this year. Last year they played 7th 8th freshman and jv. This year its just 8th and varsity so fatigue may not be a problem
If you don't like my opinion, mind your own business. I am making this my business so stop hijacking my thread.
I have 3 jobs so maybe they can play second grade youth ball and beat up on those kids too.
Ky playmaker, you tell me the names of other kids and schools if there are other kids playing and starting both middle and varsity ball?
Than if you can name 3 or 5 that do it besides Southern I will kiss your butt. KHSAA needs to make it their business really quick.
If these boys only played middle school ball and didn't play varsity, people would still be complaining because they beat their team by 50. They'd be throwing out the age excuses like some of you have already tried to do. They play both because they want to and they're allowed to. They play AAU ball as well I'm sure. Were any of you complaining when their 6th grade group was playing 8th grade competition? They play up to make themselves better. They're not playing for you or for me. No one will benefit from it but them. However, when colleges come around upon their senior year of high school, I have a feeling that some of them will get a few looks.
I guess my experience has been more with girls basketball which has a fall middle school season and a winter basketball season. I have seen several schools have girls who play both and I have not heard a lot said about those situations.
jim rome Wrote:The reason you think it's wrong is because your jealous because your kid is not playing varsity b-ball or because there middle school team killed your kids team. These kids have a chance to win a middle school state championship and a 12th region championship in the same year, how many kids can say that? There is something special going on with the South Western b-ball program right now, no need to hate it just because you're not part of it.

Jealous, I don't know what I would be jealous about my oldest one played four years of college baseball with an appearance in the NAIA World Series ,my middle one although she choose to concentrate on cheerleading, won the region In track and qualified for the state in swimming. She also had scholarship offers from the UL and Morehead in Cheerlading. My youngest one play in the sweet 16 her senior year and and had several NAIA if you think I got something to be jealous you got more problems than I thought What I'm saying is when you guys can't figure out why you have no bench and can't get over the hump, thank back and say you know we should have got those guys some playing time. Forgot to tell you those kids will be playing for a different team.the problem with you guys is it's all about a few kids instead of being about the team and school pride.
lmbo, I actually said I agree. I dont know of a single coach that would allow it but at the same time it is not against any rule. If they want to do it and varsity coach is ok with it its not a big deal to me. Some think its a big deal cause they just happen to play varsity nobody ever said a word last year about them playing 7th grade and thumping people while playing 8th 9th and jv. really no difference in the 2.
my daughter played 8th grade girls this year at south laurel middle and either starts or 6th man off bench for the varsity
Wildcat18 Wrote:If these boys only played middle school ball and didn't play varsity, people would still be complaining because they beat their team by 50. They'd be throwing out the age excuses like some of you have already tried to do. They play both because they want to and they're allowed to. They play AAU ball as well I'm sure. Were any of you complaining when their 6th grade group was playing 8th grade competition? They play up to make themselves better. They're not playing for you or for me. No one will benefit from it but them. However, when colleges come around upon their senior year of high school, I have a feeling that some of them will get a few looks.

I dont think anyone is complaining because they're beating teams by 50. That's great. But that's even the more reason why THEY SHOULDNT be playing middle school..

My whole argument is that, why would YOU WANT to play middle school when youre a key piece to the varsity team. Why risk injury, tired legs, etc ? Is it for the pleasure of beating teams by 50? The joy of winning state championships in MS that won't amount to anything 5 yrs from now?.

Middle school isnt making them better, if anything it creates bad habits that YOU CANT get by with at the HS level.

Also, the majority, not minority over the years have played ONE OR THE OTHER… NOT BOTH
insideinfo, I have been telling them that for awhile now. Thats the part that will hurt but I got a feeling it wont matter. they will get the pieces they need from somewhere
I got a question and I am serious not being smart about it. If these boys were playing freshman and or jv along with varsity would you still feel the same way? thats mainly a question for basketballdad
ky playmaker Wrote:I got a question and I am serious not being smart about it. If these boys were playing freshman and or jv along with varsity would you still feel the same way? thats mainly a question for basketballdad

If youre getting key minutes for varsity. Most of the time if youre a freshman you wouldn't play freshman nor jv. If youre starting then you need to play neither. If you're a role player then JV is acceptable imo.
On some occasions they will get better playing ms ball. Wayne gives them a good challenge and I would say meece and McCreary do also. I ain't complaining I want our kids to see the best. I want them to improve. These kids will be seniors at the same time. I don't imagine their talents will fall off.
If they were cheating it would be one thing but they aren't , so it's up to their coaches.
The johnson kid at whitley county played against south laurel 8th grade when we went down to whitley co and he plays just about every min of varsity also. Thats the only other kid I have seen

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