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Elimination Chamber PPV Results and Live Updates
Bray Wyatt takes Ambrose out through the crowd, no where to be seen is Ambrose.

Harper and Rowan double chokeslam Rollins through the Spanish announce table..

3 three Wyatt's against Roman Reigns all by himself
Reigns cleans house.....goes to spear Bray but Harper gets in the way and he gets speared...Bray Wyatt runs into Reigns and puts the Sister Abigal kiss on Reigns then delievers Sister Abigal...for the 1..2..3...Wyatt's win
The Wyatt's left The Shield destroyed all over the arena..
Up next: Divas Championship....AJ © vs. her mystery half of the Funkadactyles
Cameron wins by DQ
Up next: Batista vs. Del Rio
Batista with the Batista Bomb for the win
time for the CHAMBER.....
Cena out 1st
Christian out 2nd
Randy Orton out 3rd
Daniel Bryan out 4th
Sheamus and Cesaro to start the match off
Daniel Bryan the first one out of the pod....
Christian out of the pod...
Cena out 3rd....Orton last one in the pod....
Christian hits Bryan with the kill switch but Bryan kicks out
Let's go Cena, Cena sucks chants start breaking out
here comes orton
Orton locks himself back in the pod..
Sheamus brogue kicks the pod..then starts beating up Orton
sheamus eliminated after a frog splash off the top of the pod by Christian...5 men remain (Cena, Orton, Bryan, Christian, Cesaro)

This is awesome, chants start breaking out
Christian eliminated by Bryan
Cesaro taps out to Cena..3 men remain
Wyatt's have entered the chamber and targetting Cena
Orton eliminates Cena after Bray Wyatt delievers Sister Abigal
Orton retains the title thanks to Kane
Bryan had the match won but Kane interferred.

Rhodes brothers won the pre-show match over Ryback and Curtis Axel

Big E retains the IC Championship over Jack Swagger
New Age Outlaws retain the tag titles over The Usos
AJ retained the Divas Title over Cameron
The Wyatt's destroyed The Shield
Batista defeated Alberto Del Rio
Randy Orton retained the WWE title in the Elimination Chamber

I wonder who came up with the design of the Elimination Chamber?

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