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Kentucky gay marriage ban struck down
TheRealVille Wrote:I merely found another point in your post to respond to, after edit time ran out. I answered you in post #81, which you ignored because I proved you wrong where you said the majority of Americans agree with you, and you being forced to accept anything, other than treating citizens equal. You, and your kind, are in the minority on this topic. The truth of the matter is, that you can't name how them marrying, and being treated equal under the law, does you harm, because it does no harm to you or anybody else. FTR, we shall see in November. As of late, there are more people that vote like me. Granted, in midterms, they usually sit at home on their ass. That, coupled with the fact that republicans have found several ways to cheat, and tip the voting scales in their favor, via redistricting, and ID laws.

No, evidently the truth is that you are too thick to grasp my explanation as to how I and my country are being harmed and how the common good is being thrown over to accommodate the minority and special interest gripers. You did post a poll result that backs up your contention that a majority of people favor gay marriage. That same poll also stated that same majority dropped to a minority when they were asked if they would support same sex marriage legislation. And it can be sliced any way imaginable but, in spite of that poll which I freely admit supports your contention, I maintain that the majority of Americans do not support gay marriage. I know one thing, if one were to poll 100 around my neighborhood, the result would not be support for gay marriage and I strongly suspect that would be true for most of this country.

And yet even if they did, all that would mean is that the prophetic horror of the end time is demonstrably closer. You'll be able to revel in man's rebellion soon enough, in the meantime, people like me will stand against sin with our vote and our right of "free speech."
I have some legitimate questions about all this "free will". In all honesty, I don't believe it. For example, what "free will" is present for the innocent child when a woman chooses to murder (abort) that child? If, as often happens, a black murders another black in Chicago, what "free will" did the victim have? A child is kidnapped and raped. Where is her "free will"? An endless number of examples could be provided, but this will be a good start. Now some of you can spin your answers but I suspect they will be hollow.
TheRealVille Wrote:Name one thing that gay marriage does to harm you? You have made it clear that you are ok with them doing what they want, while unmarried. Where does a marriage license do harm to you personally? It merely gives them spousal, and property rights upon death, they same thing that piece of paper does for you.

I don't have any biblical answers for you, other than to say I don't like gays. In other words im very discriminative. You could call me non politically correct. I don't feel the need to find answers on why I should or shouldn't like something. Im trying to protect what has always been. If you let this happen, then what stops it from snowballing? Are people unable to care for themselves allowed to marry someone without being clear headed? Could I marry a goat and sodomize it daily?

Theres a fine line, and we don't need to cross it. As I said before, this should be a state issue. That should be easy enough for the dems to accept. If California wants flamers that is fine. Doesn't bother me, but I don't want it in my state. Should be left up to a vote. This isn't a civil rights issue, its a biological one.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I don't have any biblical answers for you, other than to say I don't like gays. In other words im very discriminative. You could call me non politically correct. I don't feel the need to find answers on why I should or shouldn't like something. Im trying to protect what has always been. If you let this happen, then what stops it from snowballing? Are people unable to care for themselves allowed to marry someone without being clear headed? Could I marry a goat and sodomize it daily?

Theres a fine line, and we don't need to cross it. As I said before, this should be a state issue. That should be easy enough for the dems to accept. If California wants flamers that is fine. Doesn't bother me, but I don't want it in my state. Should be left up to a vote. This isn't a civil rights issue, its a biological one.
This America, I don't need biblical answers. All citizens have equal rights. It's pretty simple.

Actually, in KY that's legal. At least, having sex with animals is legal in KY. I don't see you guys trying to get a vote on making that illegal.

Citizens rights can never be a state issue.

A federal judge ruled Ky's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional, the same as other states have been ruled. You might as well start trying to get used to it.
^Now,if you need a straight, married buddy, to drink a beer with you, and drown your sorrows, I'm in Richmond, Ky., and there is a great bar here for supper, and a beer.
What are your thoughts on pologamy, TRV?
TheRealVille Wrote:This America, I don't need biblical answers. All citizens have equal rights. It's pretty simple.

Actually, in KY that's legal. At least, having sex with animals is legal in KY. I don't see you guys trying to get a vote on making that illegal.

Citizens rights can never be a state issue.

A federal judge ruled Ky's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional, the same as other states have been ruled. You might as well start trying to get used to it.

Because you don't see people trying to marry animals. Its really not different than gay marriage. Anything other than a man and woman is not scientifically correct. So you could argue that two men together is no different than a man and goat together. Same principle.

As I stated before, its not a "citizens rights" issue. If these people were purple and fighting for basic human rights I would agree with it. This is totally different. I don't see it in the same right. Whats so wrong with moving all the gays to California? They can have that entire state. It is perfectly fine with me.

This stuff will be tied up in court and not legally done until im dead and gone.
TheRealVille Wrote:^Now,if you need a straight, married buddy, to drink a beer with you, and drown your sorrows, I'm in Richmond, Ky., and there is a great bar here for supper, and a beer.

Hell, I don't drink to drown sorrows, I drink to encourage truthfulness Confusednicker:

And of course it would have to go with supper. Drinking beer by itself makes you look desperate and depressed :biggrin:
WideRight05 Wrote:What are your thoughts on pologamy, TRV?

Good question!
I don't really see how you can keep this from happening if you allow other things to happen.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I don't have any biblical answers for you, other than to say I don't like gays. In other words im very discriminative. You could call me non politically correct. I don't feel the need to find answers on why I should or shouldn't like something. Im trying to protect what has always been. If you let this happen, then what stops it from snowballing? Are people unable to care for themselves allowed to marry someone without being clear headed? Could I marry a goat and sodomize it daily?

Theres a fine line, and we don't need to cross it. As I said before, this should be a state issue. That should be easy enough for the dems to accept. If California wants flamers that is fine. Doesn't bother me, but I don't want it in my state. Should be left up to a vote. This isn't a civil rights issue, its a biological one.

Not a darn thing. This whole thing started off when the Obama administration had it's super majority back at the beginning of 2009. If you will recall there were some big deals that he prioritized for accomplishment during that two year stint of Democrat invincibility. The financial stimulus (the grand Keynesian economic kick off), universal health care, Dodd Frank, and the repeal of DADT.

DADT was repealed under the guise of the soldiers just due. Liberals argued that it was un-American to deny our own soldiers the dignity they had earned on the battle field. In fact, the repeal merely gave cover to a veritable avalanche of pro gay legislation which, is not over by a long shot. Like Roe V Wade, in which we were supposed to see only "rare and legal" abortions. Line after line will be drawn in the sand until at some point desensitized and litigation weary combatants will just roll over all together.

Only those rooting for the demise of order and the rule of law could endorse such madness. Therefore, your point is VERY well taken and everyone should be sweating bullets about all this.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Good question!
I don't really see how you can keep this from happening if you allow other things to happen.
I do well to keep just one wife in shopping money. If you can afford more, it doesn't bother me any. You just get a tax break on one, though.
Just to be clear...
I do not hate anybody in the LGBTQ movement. It's the actions they engage in that we (Christians) hate. We are taught in The Bible to hate the ACTS.... NOT the people.

Now, if you don't believe in God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and The Bible... then anything The Bible says, you will dismiss as snake oil.
Check out my YouTube channel.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:Just to be clear...
I do not hate anybody in the LGBTQ movement. It's the actions they engage in that we (Christians) hate. We are taught in The Bible to hate the ACTS.... NOT the people.

Now, if you don't believe in God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and The Bible... then anything The Bible says, you will dismiss as snake oil.

Amen... I have enough sins against myself that I have to worry about, I will never cast the first stone. I am curious about the book of Numbers Chapter 5 11-31. I am going to post this question in the other forum.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I don't have any biblical answers for you, other than to say I don't like gays. In other words im very discriminative. You could call me non politically correct. I don't feel the need to find answers on why I should or shouldn't like something. Im trying to protect what has always been. If you let this happen, then what stops it from snowballing? Are people unable to care for themselves allowed to marry someone without being clear headed? Could I marry a goat and sodomize it daily?

Theres a fine line, and we don't need to cross it. As I said before, this should be a state issue. That should be easy enough for the dems to accept. If California wants flamers that is fine. Doesn't bother me, but I don't want it in my state. Should be left up to a vote. This isn't a civil rights issue, its a biological one.

It would be if homosexuals were treated in the same by all states. If you get rid of the Federal Income Tax for an example or take away the tax break for married couples. The reason why repel after repeal happens is the equal right clause in the constitution.

I do agree that it is a biological issue, 5% of all species show homosexual tendacies.
TheRealVille Wrote:This America, I don't need biblical answers. All citizens have equal rights. It's pretty simple.

Actually, in KY that's legal. At least, having sex with animals is legal in KY. I don't see you guys trying to get a vote on making that illegal.

Citizens rights can never be a state issue.

A federal judge ruled Ky's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional, the same as other states have been ruled. You might as well start trying to get used to it.

For some reason, I didn't see you as a pro-fairy person. But, then, I should have figured it out since you support Obama.
tvtimeout Wrote:Amen... I have enough sins against myself that I have to worry about, I will never cast the first stone. I am curious about the book of Numbers Chapter 5 11-31. I am going to post this question in the other forum.

I don't think you're curious at all. You've already posted some vague but thinly veiled suggestion that God's Word is somehow contradictory of otherwise questionable.

So again, if you're going to throw something out for opinion or whatever your intention was, at least be brave enough to reveal your concern with regard to the text you've mentioned.
tvtimeout Wrote:It would be if homosexuals were treated in the same by all states. If you get rid of the Federal Income Tax for an example or take away the tax break for married couples. The reason why repel after repeal happens is the equal right clause in the constitution.

I do agree that it is a biological issue, 5% of all species show homosexual tendacies.

Animals go by smell, hence dogs affinity for old footballs, work boots, and dirty socks. So the animal homosexuality deal is a laughably absurd attempt by the so-called LGBT community to give some measure of validation to their trespass owing to pseudo science.

But, there is a matter more troubling. What would one do with the following in attempting to justify homosexuality as a fact of nature.
Romans 1:24-27 (KJV)
24 "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause [SIZE="3"]God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly,
[/SIZE]and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."

It's a choice or the Lord could never judge man for "their error," not in the future or even back when He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah from off the face of the earth for the sin of homosexuality.
TheRealThing Wrote:Animals go by smell, hence dogs affinity for old footballs, work boots, and dirty socks. So the animal homosexuality deal is a laughably absurd attempt by the so-called LGBT community to give some measure of validation to their trespass owing to pseudo science.

But, there is a matter more troubling. What would one do with the following in attempting to justify homosexuality as a fact of nature.
Romans 1:24-27 (KJV)
24 "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause [SIZE="3"]God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly,
[/SIZE]and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."

It's a choice or the Lord could never judge man for "their error," not in the future or even back when He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah from off the face of the earth for the sin of homosexuality.
That's the thing I can't understand that you don't get, all citizens don't go by your lord, and are not bound by him. This is America, you can have your god, and I can have mine. Laws don't respect either, therefore you can't tell a gay he can't marry because your lord says so.
TheRealVille Wrote:That's the thing I can't understand that you don't get, all citizens don't go by your lord, and are not bound by him. This is America, you can have your god, and I can have mine. Laws don't respect either, therefore you can't tell a gay he can't marry because your lord says so.

And in turn, that's the thing I don't understand about you. I'm not at all saying that anybody reading my posts has to adopt my spiritual recommendations or observations. But despite all the hollow protestations you make about God's place in the world, truth is still truth whether you accept it or not.

You claim to be some sort of intellectual whose background is steeped in studies of the Scriptures at the college level. If that is so, it escapes me how you could come up with the notion that man has the right to in any way compartmentalize God's existence, much less His role in this world. He said He is Lord of all, the Alpha and Omega.

US law was based on man's moral interpretations of Scripture. In fact, it was the founding father's understanding of God's law that enabled them to understand how unjust the rule of men like Mad King George was in the first place. Thus to escape persecution and the arrogant Kingly rule of England, they fled to America. Unfortunately, it seems like the wheels are about to come off again though. Hence, the heaviness of Ben Franklin's heart seemingly shone through when he answered the lady who asked; “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.

Scripture is that which gives us the moral authority to make any judgment about behavior whatever. Else who are we to judge anything folks might want to do? Do you deny that serial killers aren't happy with their evil deeds? They've got the right to pursue happiness, right? At that point, the right to pursue happiness could mean anything including marrying one's pet Airedale. You contend that gays should be allowed to marry legally. RUTG asked you why that would be any different than men marrying goats and you dodged the question. The truth IMO is that blurring the lines means chaos. There is no 'extended' safe zone. Beastiality will have to be sanctioned by courts because there is no way to draw the line, that is if the world stands that long. Since man has of late, been in the throes of divorcing himself of the 'God standard,' it has become ever harder to actually prosecute even those guilty of very serious crime. The average time a murderer has to stay in the slam is now less than 10 years. And that is the case all across the board, we live in the age of lawlessness and it will only get much worse.

Pointing out the truth is my right and my charge. God expects His people to warn men of their err. That's not judging them, as the nature of sin is clearly spelled out in the Bible. At any rate, they say the truth hurts and going by the frequency of your posts, your agitation level is high.

And FTR, I'm not telling a gay he can't get married. I'm saying God says that and I'm saying US law said that before Obama took office. If I didn't know better, I might think all this "change" happened a hundred years ago. But I will say this as well. I believe that the Church sat still with the spit dripping off their chins as all this went down and, are therefore as culpable as anyone. Further, if America has any chance whatever of pulling out of the nose dive, it is the Church that will have to respond, and it will have to be as follows;
2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
TheRealThing Wrote:And in turn, that's the thing I don't understand about you. I'm not at all saying that anybody reading my posts has to adopt my spiritual recommendations or observations. But despite all the hollow protestations you make about God's place in the world, truth is still truth whether you accept it or not.

You claim to be some sort of intellectual whose background is steeped in studies of the Scriptures at the college level. If that is so, it escapes me how you could come up with the notion that man has the right to in any way compartmentalize God's existence, much less His role in this world. He said He is Lord of all, the Alpha and Omega.

US law was based on man's moral interpretations of Scripture. In fact, it was the founding father's understanding of God's law that enabled them to understand how unjust the rule of men like Mad King George was in the first place. Thus to escape persecution and the arrogant Kingly rule of England, they fled to America. Unfortunately, it seems like the wheels are about to come off again though. Hence, the heaviness of Ben Franklin's heart seemingly shone through when he answered the lady who asked; “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.

Scripture is that which gives us the moral authority to make any judgment about behavior whatever. Else who are we to judge anything folks might want to do? Do you deny that serial killers aren't happy with their evil deeds? They've got the right to pursue happiness, right? At that point, the right to pursue happiness could mean anything including marrying one's pet Airedale. You contend that gays should be allowed to marry legally. RUTG asked you why that would be any different than men marrying goats and you dodged the question. The truth IMO is that blurring the lines means chaos. There is no 'extended' safe zone. Beastiality will have to be sanctioned by courts because there is no way to draw the line, that is if the world stands that long. Since man has of late, been in the throes of divorcing himself of the 'God standard,' it has become ever harder to actually prosecute even those guilty of very serious crime. The average time a murderer has to stay in the slam is now less than 10 years. And that is the case all across the board, we live in the age of lawlessness and it will only get much worse.

Pointing out the truth is my right and my charge. God expects His people to warn men of their err. That's not judging them, as the nature of sin is clearly spelled out in the Bible. At any rate, they say the truth hurts and going by the frequency of your posts, your agitation level is high.

And FTR, I'm not telling a gay he can't get married. I'm saying God says that and I'm saying US law said that before Obama took office. If I didn't know better, I might think all this "change" happened a hundred years ago. But I will say this as well. I believe that the Church sat still with the spit dripping off their chins as all this went down and, are therefore as culpable as anyone. Further, if America has any chance whatever of pulling out of the nose dive, it is the Church that will have to respond, and it will have to be as follows;
2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
My studies of christian religion brought me to where I am today.

What religion were the first settlers running from in England?

US law has never been based on the bible.
TheRealVille Wrote:My studies of christian religion brought me to where I am today.

What religion were the first settlers running from in England?

US law has never been based on the bible.

What religion?
Look it up for yourself, we've already had this argument.

US law never been based on the Bible.
Using religion to dictate how you life your life is great. Using religion religion to dictate how other people live their lives is horrible and gives religion a bad name.
runbch Wrote:Using religion to dictate how you life your life is great. Using religion religion to dictate how other people live their lives is horrible and gives religion a bad name.

Okay, let me ask you a couple questions about that. What source or authority would you say gives society the right to set laws which determine what is right and what is wrong? Further, what gives society the right to place any limits on behavior, or how folks live their lives at all?
TheRealThing Wrote:Okay, let me ask you a couple questions about that. What source or authority would you say gives society the right to set laws which determine what is right and what is wrong? Further, what gives society the right to place any limits on behavior, or how folks live their lives at all?
There is no outer source that "lets" Americans set laws. If it hurts someone else vs If it doesn't hurt someone else. Gay marriage won't affect you one iota. You don't have to right to make someone conform to your biblical law. You don't have the right to deny other American citizens rights that you enjoy. Again, your god doesn't set American law, the same as the muslim god, or any god for that matter, doesn't set American law. Of course, I know you are too ignorant to get this fact.
TheRealVille Wrote:There is no outer source that "lets" Americans set laws. If it hurts someone else vs If it doesn't hurt someone else. Gay marriage won't affect you one iota. You don't have to right to make someone conform to your biblical law. You don't have the right to deny other American citizens rights that you enjoy. Again, your god doesn't set American law, the same as the muslim god, or any god for that matter, doesn't set American law. Of course, I know you are too ignorant to get this fact.

Well, I'm informed enough to know that I wasn't asking you. I already know what you've been told to think. I was asking runbch what he thought. As I posted my questions, I knew you could not be patient long enough to allow runbch the time to respond for himself. Now you don't know if he has the potential to be a viable ally or not. Confusednicker: Any way, what is an 'outer' source, the LGBT?
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, I'm informed enough to know that I wasn't asking you. I already know what you've been told to think. I was asking runbch what he thought. As I posted my questions, I knew you could not be patient long enough to allow runbch the time to respond for himself. Now you don't know if he has the potential to be a viable ally or not. Confusednicker: Any way, what is an 'outer' source, the LGBT?
Like you, I answer who I want, and say what I want. I don't give a rat's ass who you were talking to. You don't dictate when I respond. An "outer source" is your fairytale god. No, you are ignorant of any reasonable thought, concerning American law.
TheRealVille Wrote:Like you, I answer who I want, and say what I want. I don't give a rat's ass who you were talking to. You don't dictate when I respond. An "outer source" is your fairytale god. No, you are ignorant of any reasonable thought, concerning American law.

Whatever, you know you waded right into it.

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