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Hazard, Kentucky
Truth Wrote:This morning I saw a really neat bumper sticker. It said:

"Alison Lundergan Grimes:
Kentucky's Fart in a Whirlwind".

That pretty well sums it up.

Appropriate message. Maybe it was on Andy Lundergan's car.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Losing 800,000 jobs a month? Where did you read such a ridiculous statement? Or, like most of your posts, did it come from up your butt?

If you have seen Obama attempt to throw a baseball you would know that that pansy couldn't move any kind of ball forward.

Most of the jobs "created' recently are part time jobs and the unemployment percentage appears to go down because, each month, hundreds of thousands of people quit looking for work, Of course, that means most of them are living off the rest of us, mostly Republicans, who fund the government handout programs.

You are disillusioned. But that has been obvious because you seem to think that Little Lundergan is qualified to run for office. She needs to run for Target and apply for a job in the shoe department.

And, you still haven't answered my questions about Little Lundergan, have you? Obviously, you have no answers.

Where is Andy Lundergan? You should ask the muskrat, Holder, to initiate an investigation into his disappearance. If you claim that Andy is black, Holder will jump right on it.

Quote:According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics seasonally adjusted figures, the U.S. lost 779,000 jobs in January 2009, which was Bush’s last month in office. The U.S. lost approximately 3,526,000 jobs in Bush’s last six months, about 474,000 jobs less than Axelrod claimed.

I believe that there are only four people still making excuses for the incompetent little boy in the White House. They are Obama himself; his wife, Chewbacca; Al Sharpton; and TheRealVille.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You are again displaying both your personal ignorance and your weakness on referring to mindless sources in making your arguments.

Numbers 5: 11-31 does not deal with abortion whatsoever. Where in the text is pregnancy or abortion mentioned? Clearly, neither is mentioned. The text deals with testing a woman who may or may not have been unfaithful to her husband. Nothing else. Try reading the text and, if you are honest and able to comprehend, you will reach the same conclusion.

I know that you, with your radical beliefs, feel the need to strike out at that which you, for whatever reason, oppose. However, your arguments and your fringe "sources" prove that no one can grant you even a scintilla of credibility.

No. My God did not perform or condone abortions. The evidence is clear. However, He did state, with complete certainty, that life begins at conception.

As I have posted before, I'll have a multitude of sins to answer for down the line. I am ashamed of most of them but I am not ashamed of some of them (For example: I cannot, in regard to abortion and same sex marriage, hate the sin but love the sinner. I have no love for nor tolerance for the sinners in these cases.). However, supporting in any way the premeditated murder of our most innocent human beings by women who conceived them and by medical people who assist them in committing murder won't be one of my sins.
How many innocent children has he killed?
TheRealThing Wrote:I don't know what it tells Harry Rex, but I know what it tells me. Actually there are 9 Democrats and 7 Republicans with a lower rating than Mitch.
Senators ranked lower than McConnell. http://ratemycongress.com/top-rated-demo...rs/page/5/


Rob Portman 46th rating 1.0
Lisa Murkowski 45th rating 1.0
Orin Hatch 44th rating 1.2
Saxby Chambliss 43rd rating 1.3
Roger Wicker 42nd rating 1.3
Thad Cochran 41st rating 1.4
Lindsey Graham 40th rating 1.9
Mitch McConnell 39th rating 1.9


Jon Tester 52nd rating 0
Chris Coons 51st rating 0
Tim Johnson 50th rating 0
Mazie Hirono 49th rating 1.0
Mark Begich 48th rating 1.0
Tom Carper 47th rating 1.0
Claire McCaskill 46th rating 1.2
Tom Harkin 45th rating 1.7
Kay Hagan 44th rating 1.8

I'm sorry. The man you guys tried to send to the big seat is the most hated senator in America, McCain I see you conveniently left him off that list.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm sorry. The man you guys tried to send to the big seat is the most hated senator in America, McCain I see you conveniently left him off that list.

You want to talk about McCain now huh. McCain has a rating of 2.4 according to the site I sourced. Your information is wrong or gleaned from another liberal hate site, though I will concede that you liberals hate McConnell worse than any other Senator because he stands in the way of the looner schooner. At any rate, I left everybody off the list that was rated higher than 1.9.
TheRealVille Wrote:How many innocent children has he killed?

I have no idea. I do know that He has allowed hundreds of millions of children, born and preborn to be killed. That doesn't mean that He killed them. It means that He didn't prevent the killing. I would be dishonest if I didn't state that I have a problem with that. Nonetheless, I am told that, since He is the source of all life, we cannot question it. Because of a personal devastating loss, I have trouble with that, too.

I do know that abortion murders millions of babies each year. Those decisions are made by other human beings- most often by the woman who is carrying the baby. Thus, I am convinced that the woman and those who assist her are guilty of premeditated murder. Traditional law, modern medical science, spiritual law, and common sense all confirm my conclusion.
TheRealThing Wrote:You want to talk about McCain now huh. McCain has a rating of 2.4 according to the site I sourced. Your information is wrong or gleaned from another liberal hate site, though I will concede that you liberals hate McConnell worse than any other Senator because he stands in the way of the looner schooner. At any rate, I left everybody off the list that was rated higher than 1.9.
Of course you cherry picked a site that agrees with you. At any rate McConnell is rated very badly as a senator, even on your link.

Here's your McCain link.

I will offer both you contestants in the game of life this: while the bickering has gone on for over a decade now, liberties have simply been pissed away on "our watch."

Chew on that...and don't give me the passed down from generation response. I respect and really enjoy many of the posts I've read over two years of reading bgr political threads. Great minds and feedback on both sides. Here's what's missing. Consensus building and common ground.

Debate must lead to resolution with parties making sacrifice. If not we literally will become a nation of idiots with the "entitled" laughing their way to the bank filling their pockets with campaign deals and wallet kickbacks.

Kindergarten must stop and adults must step up to re-establish a true democracy/republic. The politicians have been bought by corporations led by attorneys and hr departments...while enabling each passionate party recipients to point fingers at one another!!!

The clock is ticking before we all should start learning Chinese. Start finding common ground before it's too late...


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Spirit100 Wrote:I will offer both you contestants in the game of life this: while the bickering has gone on for over a decade now, liberties have simply been pissed away on "our watch."

Chew on that...and don't give me the passed down from generation response. I respect and really enjoy many of the posts I've read over two years of reading bgr political threads. Great minds and feedback on both sides. Here's what's missing. Consensus building and common ground.

Debate must lead to resolution with parties making sacrifice. If not we literally will become a nation of idiots with the "entitled" laughing their way to the bank filling their pockets with campaign deals and wallet kickbacks.

Kindergarten must stop and adults must step up to re-establish a true democracy/republic. The politicians have been bought by corporations led by attorneys and hr departments...while enabling each passionate party recipients to point fingers at one another!!!

The clock is ticking before we all should start learning Chinese. Start finding common ground before it's too late...


I don't know at which "two" your redress is aimed, but if you've read my posts as you stated, then you know you're preaching to the choir. My replete assortment of posts on the matter reflect the fact that liberties are already gone. RV is a cheerleader to that end and I am of the resistance to that end.

I have also posted extensively about the fact that a complacent Church, too timid and too afraid to upset the apple cart, have stood idly on the sidelines watching as the ACLU et-al, have used the court system to sue conservatives/Christians into submission on matters of moral implication such as abortion on demand and homosexuality. There is no "common ground" between the two sides, as we are watching the war of good against evil leading up to the time of the end. One cannot enter into consensus with those whose bent is rebellion. All we can do is stick to the truth and do our best to convey the message.

The common ground then, exists in willing repentance before the Almighty Judge, both by those who are called by His name and those who are not. Personally, the days for discovering common ground likely lay in the past, though I do recognize the coming of one more spiritual awakening for our country in the near future. There is your consensus unless, as I've been hoping, 2014 is a time of wakening and the avowed enemies of God are swept out of office.

People are going to govern as their consciences dictate. So, our leaders reflect the opinion relevant to this age. Again, as I have said in the past. The doctrine of the so-called Separation of Church and State launched in 1947 has seen it's erosive effect take place. The "Wall" of separation was never intended to be an impervious barrier of the sort that a Christ centered understanding of morality would be deemed unlawful. On the contrary, that separation was intended to protect the Church from the prying and meddlesome machinations of the state. The Church was to be given free reign in the molding of men's character. Thusly "trained up in the way they should go", it follows then that men would be prepared to govern in a fashion honorable and capable as is the requirement. However, thanks to that flawed redefinition of The Separation of Church and State, if a present day candidate were to make so much as a cursory allusion to his Christian faith, the result is usually the death knell for his campaign. As the left media makes a hey day of a story out of it. In our time, it is the Christian who is not trusted while those who celebrate their open embrace of immorality are elevated in stature and acceptance in the mind of the voter. So, we see that we really do not have "freedom of religion" under the religious civil liberties guaranteed by the First Amendment.

I for one, will never compromise my standards to find common ground with those who reject the wisdom on which this nation was founded. The whole liberal crusade is an elaborate attack on traditional America. What we are left with then is a choice, compromise what we know to be true as validated by Scripture and the account of our own historical record, or stand our ground as best we can.

Now, as to your observation about us speaking Chinese. You my friend are looking at this world logically. Where as liberals look at this world through rose colored glasses where the character of man is concerned. That is the fight as things stand today. Liberals think man has evolved past prejudice and large scale war into some sort of universal brotherhood that Obama refers to as the global community. Ironic is it not? Here we are on the precipice of universal Armageddon and our leaders are bandying about terminology symbolic of global government. Even though I hope for a return to the traditional American values under which we all grew up, I have seen nothing in Scripture or man's commentary which suggests that God's timetable can be altered. Therefore, in light of the results of the last presidential election, we must stipulate to the possibility that said return might not happen. Which, makes speaking the truth an even greater responsibility to those who are familiar with it. At any rate, my hope for America is that adults will step up and reestablish this great republic as you say but, great is the gulf between the entitlement vote and the actions of self governance.
^ You aren't "sued into submission", you are just being less allowed to keep other tax paying citizens from following your "morals. As a taxpaying Americans, people shouldn't have to conform to your abortion/gay ideas. You are welcome to have those views, you just can't force them on others. One might say, " you live your life, and let others live their". You christians are the one that want to force others into submission, and grant unequal rights for some. That is what us liberals are tired of, and fighting for. "I'm fine for you to believe any way you want, but I'm not fine with you taking my equal rights to the same things you enjoy". That's all the liberals are wanting, you mind you business, I'll mind mine. I don't see what's so hard for you to understand in that. If you don't want to believe in gays/abortions/, or any other liberal thought, feel free to not condone it. Just don't try to force others into your beliefs by lawmaking.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ You aren't "sued into submission", you are just being less allowed to keep other tax paying citizens from following your "morals. As a taxpaying Americans, people shouldn't have to conform to your abortion/gay ideas. You are welcome to have those views, you just can't force them on others. One might say, " you live your life, and let others live their". You christians are the one that want to force others into submission, and grant unequal rights for some. That is what us liberals are tired of, and fighting for. "I'm fine for you to believe any way you want, but I'm not fine with you taking my equal rights to the same things you enjoy". That's all the liberals are wanting, you mind you business, I'll mind mine. I don't see what's so hard for you to understand in that. If you don't want to believe in gays/abortions/, or any other liberal thought, feel free to not condone it. Just don't try to force others into your beliefs by lawmaking.

I know you don't agree with my post. I didn't expect you to. The rest of your advice is blather and not applicable in real terms. You evidently get some measure of comfort in telling yourself that you can define God in a manner that suits your own palate, or how you think He should be. Which, I find to be absurd in the extreme.

God has clearly defined Himself and I will take my cues from Scripture and my conscience where it comes to that particular matter. The liberal has in fact attempted to legislate and litigate Christians into submission because we will never accept their view of God's law. Which, is actually the real subject of this discussion. You cannot explain how it is that America functioned so well under the clear, conservatively traditional views which were indisputably the norm for the first 230 years in America, if there was actually something wrong with them. Such was the case up until the first wave of rebellion under Clinton, and the subsequent tsunami of rebellion which has been the hallmark of the past 6 years.

God made the laws about morality. Abortion, gay marriage, slothfulness etc.. Liberals had to run over those laws and the wishes of those who choose to obey God, by legalizing abortion and gay marriage under man's law. In this way, God's people are being forced into submission by the law of man. The majority would not have voted for these measures otherwise. Lord knows how many times the "people" voted down same sex marriage, only to have the courts overturn for example, a whopping 75% majority right here in Kentucky. I know where all this is leading us and, so do most folks. You want Christians to be censored. You want to see us under a kind of gag order as if our service to the King of Kings is somehow wrong. But, thanks for enlightening me about how liberals enjoy aborting their unborn babies into the trash, while others enjoy living the homosexual lifestyle. As I have mentioned now many times, my charge and my responsibility is to point out the truth and I will continue to do that as often as it applies. Just because liberals think they've got all this stuff in their rearview, doesn't mean the rest of us will necessarily get on board.
Acts 5:29 (KJV)
29 "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men."
Again, your god don't make American laws. All of the founders didn't believe in your god. God was a general term for citizens. It meant their god. Think Thomas Paine. He didn't believe in your god, yet he was a founding father. No one says you have to believe like us, but in the same sense, we don't have to believe like you. You can't force your view on us through laws, and constitutional lawyers are finally shutting you guys down. FTR, I say screw your god. As an American, he doesn't make my rules. Again, if you don't want to have an abortion, don't. If you don't want to be gay, don't. If I don't want to believe in your god, or anybody else's, I won't. If you don't want to smoke weed, don't. America is 100% about citizens rights to believe in what they want, but you can't take my rights, that are equal to yours, away from me. I'm straight, but if I wasn't, and wanted to have the right to marriage to someone I loved, it's none of your damn business. As to your "230 year" tradition, gays have been here the whole time, they just stayed in the closet more, until it became more acceptable. Now, they aren't letting you hold their views back.
TheRealVille Wrote:Again, your god don't make American laws. All of the founders didn't believe in your god. God was a general term for citizens. It meant their god. Think Thomas Paine. He didn't believe in your god, yet he was a founding father. No one says you have to believe like us, but in the same sense, we don't have to believe like you. You can't force your view on us through laws, and constitutional lawyers are finally shutting you guys down. FTR, I say screw your god. As an American, he doesn't make my rules. Again, if you don't want to have an abortion, don't. If you don't want to be gay, don't. If I don't want to believe in your god, or anybody else's, I won't. If you don't want to smoke weed, don't. America is 100% about citizens rights to believe in what they want, but you can't take my rights, that are equal to yours, away from me. I'm straight, but if I wasn't, and wanted to have the right to marriage to someone I loved, it's none of your damn business. As to your "230 year" tradition, gays have been here the whole time, they just stayed in the closet more, until it became more acceptable. Now, they aren't letting you hold their views back.

Thanks for drawing the distinction between us.
TheRealThing Wrote:Thanks for drawing the distinction between us.
And that's what you do, you don't address American truth. Me, or anybody else for that matter, are required to live by your god's rules. Don't force unequal rights for citizens on us.
TheRealVille Wrote:And that's what you do, you don't address American truth. Me, or anybody else for that matter, are required to live by your god's rules. Don't force unequal rights for citizens on us.

I address what I want to address and you're certainly not the one to tell me what the truth is. History will unfold and truth will be revealed. Roll with it or not, but you're not going to tell me what to say on here.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ You aren't "sued into submission", you are just being less allowed to keep other tax paying citizens from following your "morals. As a taxpaying Americans, people shouldn't have to conform to your abortion/gay ideas. You are welcome to have those views, you just can't force them on others. One might say, " you live your life, and let others live their". You christians are the one that want to force others into submission, and grant unequal rights for some. That is what us liberals are tired of, and fighting for. "I'm fine for you to believe any way you want, but I'm not fine with you taking my equal rights to the same things you enjoy". That's all the liberals are wanting, you mind you business, I'll mind mine. I don't see what's so hard for you to understand in that. If you don't want to believe in gays/abortions/, or any other liberal thought, feel free to not condone it. Just don't try to force others into your beliefs by lawmaking.

I know you are upset but you really should clean up your spelling and grammar. It might give you some credibility.
Well now that I have got caught up, I know you have missed me! I will try to respond to all the differernt posts
First off Harry, I am Baptist I believe I have the personal right to determine what the Gospel says in the book of Numbers... To the other one... what smack down, did Macho Man come down and put me in a sleeper hold. I asked a simple question and response "smack down"... great discussion point.
Depending on which poll you look at Alison is up today by 1 point...polls mean nothing to me, goodness they had President Obama beat in late October. I wish people would look at the last 30 years of work of Mitch, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Nacy Polsi(sp) and then they would come to the conclusion that term limits are needed. Luckly for myself I can vote two of these people out just based on the idea I like term limits.
Ok, got to go for another week, so much I wish to say, enjoy the banter and have a great week everyone!
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I know you are upset but you really should clean up your spelling and grammar. It might give you some credibility.

That's how I figured you'd address something you couldn't answer honestly. FTR, some of my posts are typed on an iPhone, and typing and spelling is tough.
According to news outlets, Repubs are looking good in elections they weren't suppose to be contenders for.
McConnell still showing anywhere from a 5-8% favorite.
tvtimeout Wrote:First off Harry, I am Baptist I believe I have the personal right to determine what the Gospel says in the book of Numbers... To the other one... what smack down, did Macho Man come down and put me in a sleeper hold. I asked a simple question and response "smack down"... great discussion point.

The Gospel has nothing at all to do with Numbers Chapter 5, at all. That passage describes the law of jealousies. Numbers 5:29 (KJV)
29 "This is the law of jealousies, when a wife goeth aside to another instead of her husband, and is defiled;" So, a husband who suspected his wife had been with another man could take her before the priest. The text is clear. You brought the passage up several times but, you never ventured an opinion as to what you think, which makes me think you don't know what you think. I gotta ask, what did Harry have to do with it?
TheRealThing Wrote:The Gospel has nothing at all to do with Numbers Chapter 5, at all. That passage describes the law of jealousies. Numbers 5:29 (KJV)
29 "This is the law of jealousies, when a wife goeth aside to another instead of her husband, and is defiled;" So, a husband who suspected his wife had been with another man could take her before the priest. The text is clear. You brought the passage up several times but, you never ventured an opinion as to what you think, which makes me think you don't know what you think. I gotta ask, what did Harry have to do with it?

Well, tvtimeout, you may well lose your Baptist merit badge. Even non Baptists know that the Book of Numbers is not a part of the Gospel. Maybe you need to attend more studies of the Holy Bible and less pot luck dinners.

And, the "poll" indicating that Little Lundergan is leading must be a poll of the Lundergan family. Real Clear Politics has McConnell ahead by 5.2% in its averaging of relevant polls.
TheRealVille Wrote:That's how I figured you'd address something you couldn't answer honestly. FTR, some of my posts are typed on an iPhone, and typing and spelling is tough.

I didn't notice, TheRealVille, where you asked a coherent question. All I saw was more rantings about your homosexual friends. And, as for your posts, let me recommend that you proof your text. Of course, that would assume that you would recognize grammatical errors as well as misspelled words.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I didn't notice, TheRealVille, where you asked a coherent question. All I saw was more rantings about your homosexual friends. And, as for your posts, let me recommend that you proof your text. Of course, that would assume that you would recognize grammatical errors as well as misspelled words.
That's what I'd say, if I were in your shoes. When you can't respond to truth, attack grammar and spelling.
TheRealVille Wrote:That's what I'd say, if I were in your shoes. When you can't respond to truth, attack grammar and spelling.

Ahh. The educated often initially judge others by their ability (or lack thereof) to use the English language properly. It is a fine tool. You aren't in my shoes, TheRealVille. You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face. If Obama, Little Lundergan, abortion, homo marriages, unions graft, welfare maidens, and anti-Christianity are the "truth", this country died long ago.

And, I am seriously considering starting a fund for the safe location and return of Andy Lundergan. He has been missing a long time and I am sure Jerry and Little are deeply concerned. You don't suppose he fell (or was pushed) into one of those big ice makers at Jerry's catering service do you?
Can anyone see Grimes actually going to Washington and accomplishing anything for the people of Kentucky? Or is it more likely that she will be in over her head and be a yes girl for Obama?
Memo Luna Wrote:Can anyone see Grimes actually going to Washington and accomplishing anything for the people of Kentucky? Or is it more likely that she will be in over her head and be a yes girl for Obama?

Of course not. As you rightly point out, this has nothing to do with state government. It's an attempt to keep control of the Senate in Democrat hands or, more to the point in Harry Reid's hands. The man has no aversion whatever to stealing through chicanery, the intended workings of the Congress from the "people." So, what we've seen here is a campaign and a candidate which was born of national origins, not the state origin. Control of the Senate and therefore the entire congress is at stake. If we Kentuckians stick with Mitch, his could well be the seat that guarantees Republicans a majority in the Senate. Advancing him to Leader, sending Reid to the backwater which is probably better than he deserves, and mercifully thwarting the liberal agenda.

We should not forget that Hollywood's first choice in the matter was Ashley Judd. Knowing the effect star power has on low information voters, the DNC and Hollywood put forth Ashley, as she is both star and Kentuckian. However, due a somewhat overstuffed closet, that didn't work out so well. Thus in lieu of a bonafide starlet, Dems had to both sidestep that embarrassment and call up an obscure B team player in a desperate attempt to salvage the situation.

There is no doubt that defamation can substitute for a viable campaign, and ala the recent Romney atrocity, the liberals have run another slam fest based on lies and distortions. I should add they will lose this time.
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