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Bengals lead div.
Once again gut the bengals lead the division and all you want to do is blast them. Fact is your ravens may be the 3rd best team in the AFC North. The browns look like they can take the ravens this year also.

Living The Dream!!
They're a solid team. Not sure I'd be bragging about leading the division 2 weeks into the season though.
Is panther talking to himself? I didn't know this thread was addressed to anyone...doesn't say it is.
It was just for you my friend.

Living The Dream!!
It's week 2....
It's not close to the playoffs yet. Then we will see the Bengals.
Need I remind you of the Bungles history...
If they can play like they did last week against Atlanta without Green they will win the AFC North!

Living The Dream!!
If Cincy and Cleveland weren't so awful all the time there should have been plenty of times they won the division, especially years like this where Baltimore and Pitt are both way down, but they always find a way to screw it up.
I don't think cincy will screw it up this year. One of the better defenses in the AFC this year and a pretty good offense also.

Living The Dream!!
Bengals look to have the best defense in the league
Bengals looked good yesterday..
But it was the Titans they played on the other hand..
The Ravens have already taken down the Aluminum Curtain and the Brownies.
Had the most overblown scandal of all time not been going on, I think the Bungles game would have been vastly different.

I just hop Pitta finds a way to come back. Flacco has proved time and time again hes his number one go to.

AND, what about Steve Smith? Most underrated guy in the league right now.
First of all, I wouldn't count out the aluminum curtain just yet. While we have had a couple mediocre years, have you noticed the young talent they are putting together? While Pittsburgh is rebuilding, the Bengals are winning division titles. When other teams are rebuilding, the Steelers are winning Super Bowls. Yes, it has been a few years, but is hasn't been that long since they played in a Super Bowl. Take your jabs, but everyone of you know deep in your heart it won't be long before order is restored in the AFC North. Heck the Ravens front office can't even decide what to do about Rice. They handled it all wrong, tried to cover it up, but the truth came out in the end. Ravens are on borrowed time and the Bengals will win the division and party like they have done something.
Shady Grady Wrote:First of all, I wouldn't count out the aluminum curtain just yet. While we have had a couple mediocre years, have you noticed the young talent they are putting together? While Pittsburgh is rebuilding, the Bengals are winning division titles. When other teams are rebuilding, the Steelers are winning Super Bowls. Yes, it has been a few years, but is hasn't been that long since they played in a Super Bowl. Take your jabs, but everyone of you know deep in your heart it won't be long before order is restored in the AFC North. Heck the Ravens front office can't even decide what to do about Rice. They handled it all wrong, tried to cover it up, but the truth came out in the end. Ravens are on borrowed time and the Bengals will win the division and party like they have done something.

I cant speak for other fans, but myself and everyone I know think the Steelers don't have any really good young talent. They look like a bunch of 40 year olds way past there prime. I cant tell you how many plays Palamalu? didn't make that he would have 5 years ago. Roethlisburger is one big hit away from being done for good, and everyone else looks out of shape.
There even talking about brining Harrison back just for this year because there defensive line is to beat up to compete.

It sounds like Tomlins luck ran out years ago and so did the talent.
Hell, at least Cincinnati can claim they have Dalton and Green. Im not sure I could name a great young player on the Steelers roster that will still be there in 5 years.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I cant speak for other fans, but myself and everyone I know think the Steelers don't have any really good young talent. They look like a bunch of 40 year olds way past there prime. I cant tell you how many plays Palamalu? didn't make that he would have 5 years ago. Roethlisburger is one big hit away from being done for good, and everyone else looks out of shape.
There even talking about brining Harrison back just for this year because there defensive line is to beat up to compete.

It sounds like Tomlins luck ran out years ago and so did the talent.
Hell, at least Cincinnati can claim they have Dalton and Green. Im not sure I could name a great young player on the Steelers roster that will still be there in 5 years.

Pitt can claim Antonio Brown and Leveon Bell who are two of the best young skill players in the NFL. Not to mention Jarvis Jones at LB.
Mr. Onion Head Wrote:Pitt can claim Antonio Brown and Leveon Bell who are two of the best young skill players in the NFL. Not to mention Jarvis Jones at LB.

How many casual NFL fans who aren't Pitt fans can even tell you who Jarvis Jones is or where he went to school?

These same arguments were made 5 years ago that Pitt was starting to rebuild. They're either doing it wrong or suck at it.
:haters: talk all you want but the bengals will win the division and will be either the 1 or 2 seed in the AFC mark it down!!!TongueirateSho

Living The Dream!!
I'm not even a bengals fan either. But I think that their defense is just that good. And as we all know defense wins championships.

Living The Dream!!
Yes, I remember the Steelers, they were really good way back when.....

Gut and Dusty you crack me up. Roethlisberger one hit from being done? How long have people been saying that? No young talent? Good young linebackers. Jones, Shazier, Timmons, Worilds. If people don't know Jones, they have been living in a shell. If you don't know him, you will. Not to mention young players like Brown (who is as good as Green), Bell (who Tomlinson just proclaimed as the best back in the NFL), Wheaton is young and will be heard of. And Dusty, as for Pittsburgh being good way back when? If you want to talk that trash, be able to back it up. Cincy hasn't been in a Super Bowl since 1981!!! Wow, what tradition. You can have all the division titles you want. Bungle fans trying to talk trash is like Tennessee basketball fans trying to sit at the same dinner table with UK, UNC and Duke. Please, have some credentials before bragging.:hilarious:
Yes, the Bengals have a history to. But that's all that is, History. As for the Steelers. Yes, they used to be great way back when, They used to be great just like the Boston Celtics used to be great, but that's all History as well. Let's all try to come back to current affairs. We all loved Elvis, Michael Jackson and Tupac, but - they are all Dead! The new NOW is Rihanaa,Bieber and the Bengals.....

Remind me again of the Bengals history? History of futility maybe.:Clap:
You Bengal fans talked all that trash last year and what did it get you? A division title and a first round exit. Dang, at lease wait until they win a playoff game to talk smack.
Shady, smack talk is only for those who can at least say they have been in the playoffs year in and year out in the present day. Go on back to your Black & White television, adjust those rabbit ears, and dream of Steeler lore......

Shady Grady Wrote:Gut and Dusty you crack me up. Roethlisberger one hit from being done? How long have people been saying that? No young talent? Good young linebackers. Jones, Shazier, Timmons, Worilds. If people don't know Jones, they have been living in a shell. If you don't know him, you will. Not to mention young players like Brown (who is as good as Green), Bell (who Tomlinson just proclaimed as the best back in the NFL), Wheaton is young and will be heard of. And Dusty, as for Pittsburgh being good way back when? If you want to talk that trash, be able to back it up. Cincy hasn't been in a Super Bowl since 1981!!! Wow, what tradition. You can have all the division titles you want. Bungle fans trying to talk trash is like Tennessee basketball fans trying to sit at the same dinner table with UK, UNC and Duke. Please, have some credentials before bragging.:hilarious:

At least if your going to trash talk about the bengals get your facts straight!!! The last time they was in the Super Bowl was 1988 Super Bowl XXIII against the 49ers. How many did the steelers go to durning the 80s?

Living The Dream!!
Shady Grady Wrote:Gut and Dusty you crack me up. Roethlisberger one hit from being done? How long have people been saying that? No young talent? Good young linebackers. Jones, Shazier, Timmons, Worilds. If people don't know Jones, they have been living in a shell. If you don't know him, you will. Not to mention young players like Brown (who is as good as Green), Bell (who Tomlinson just proclaimed as the best back in the NFL), Wheaton is young and will be heard of. And Dusty, as for Pittsburgh being good way back when? If you want to talk that trash, be able to back it up. Cincy hasn't been in a Super Bowl since 1981!!! Wow, what tradition. You can have all the division titles you want. Bungle fans trying to talk trash is like Tennessee basketball fans trying to sit at the same dinner table with UK, UNC and Duke. Please, have some credentials before bragging.:hilarious:


The Ravens have won two superbowls in a little over 15 years.
That's more than the Steelers have won on average.

If were talking about greatest "history" the Ravens have you statistically beat.

Hell, nobody even worries about Pitt anymore. I really hope you keep Tomlin for 30 years. We will continue not to worry. Better ask Cowher to quit with the time warner and come back to the sideline.
panther nation Wrote:At least if your going to trash talk about the bengals get your facts straight!!! The last time they was in the Super Bowl was 1988 Super Bowl XXIII against the 49ers. How many did the steelers go to durning the 80s?

OMG, you are bragging about it being 1988? That is so hilarious. Now that is some tradition. Bengals have absolutely no right to talk smack. 1988? For real? You are hanging you hat on a Super Bowl appearance 27 years ago?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote::biglmao:

The Ravens have won two superbowls in a little over 15 years.
That's more than the Steelers have won on average.

If were talking about greatest "history" the Ravens have you statistically beat.

Hell, nobody even worries about Pitt anymore. I really hope you keep Tomlin for 30 years. We will continue not to worry. Better ask Cowher to quit with the time warner and come back to the sideline.

The blackbirds were he Browns so we have to talk franchise here. Yeah, the blackbirds have won two in 15 years. Pittsburgh has won two in the same period of time while appearing in another. And you honestly think the blackbirds strike fear into people like they did in previous years? Heck, they had the new Browns absolutely shaking in their boots last week. But, the Ravens franchise has been around for a long time. Modell took the same team and relocated. The organization didn't start 15 years ago, so redo your stats.
Stardust Wrote:Shady, smack talk is only for those who can at least say they have been in the playoffs year in and year out in the present day. Go on back to your Black & White television, adjust those rabbit ears, and dream of Steeler lore......

Smack talk is for those who actually win something. Last time I was in Paul Brown all I could find was division winner banners. Those come a dime a dozen. Heck, they give out 8 of those every year. Win something of importance and then brag. Educate me here. Exactly when was the last time the Bengals won a playoff game? Getting there two or three years in a row don't mean squat.

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