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Is Obama Terrified of Fox News?
He sure acts like it. He mentions Fox News more than he mentions ISIS or Ebola......Always looking over his shoulder?

Needs a villain for the base.
All Fox "News" does is drive Democratic fundraising through the roof. Demographics and intra party struggles for control render the GOP more and more irrelevant each national election cycle.
Pick6 Wrote:All Fox "News" does is drive Democratic fundraising through the roof. Demographics and intra party struggles for control render the GOP more and more irrelevant each national election cycle.

What would your explanation be for the reason why more people watch Fox News than all other sources combined?

Are you saying that Fox has a huge democratic audience as well?


FYI...... I will be providing ironing boards and plenty of Downy dryer sheets, for all those whose panties get in a wad.......
nky Wrote:Needs a villain for the base.

Exactly. And the blissfully ignorant base eats it up.
Ring'Em Up Wrote::biggrin:


FYI...... I will be providing ironing boards and plenty of Downy dryer sheets, for all those whose panties get in a wad.......

The Real Clear Politics average of polls shows Mitch up by 5.3 percent.

RCP Average 8/28 - 9/12 -- -- 47.3 42.0 McConnell +5.3
Reuters/Ipsos 9/8 - 9/12 944 LV 3.6 46 42 McConnell +4
NBC News/Marist* 9/2 - 9/4 691 LV 3.7 47 39 McConnell +8
Rasmussen Reports 9/1 - 9/2 750 LV 4.0 46 41 McConnell +5
CNN/Opinion Research 8/28 - 9/1 671 LV 4.0 50 46 McConnell +4

All Kentucky Senate - McConnell vs. Grimes Polling Data

RCP has the Republicans picking up 7 seats, see map at link provided below.

Credible polling entities aren't going to give a poll that says "REAL LIBERAL POLITICS" on it, even a passing glance.
If the mainstream media did their job and was neutral to all sides, Fox News probably wouldn't exist.
I think its a forgone conclusion that Grimes doesn't has the slightest chance at winning.
Repubs will make Obama surrender ever little last ounce of manhood he has come November.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I think its a forgone conclusion that Grimes doesn't has the slightest chance at winning.
Repubs will make Obama surrender ever little last ounce of manhood he has come November.

Well, they've had a lot of success propagandizing the masses according to their agenda goals. Declaring that the majority of Americans are pro abortion for example, when the truth is they are not. But, since they've learned how to work the system so well, Dems are 'managing' the majority by legislating them into submission. By no means do such tactics indicate a conversion to the liberal rationale.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I think its a forgone conclusion that Grimes doesn't has the slightest chance at winning.
Repubs will make Obama surrender ever little last ounce of manhood he has come November.

You ever watch him try to throw a baseball?.......Not sure he ever had any of that to begin with.
The face of liberalism or in this case, "Hope and Change." (They made him take his mom jeans off the back of the chair before the picture)

Ring'Em Up Wrote::biggrin:


FYI...... I will be providing ironing boards and plenty of Downy dryer sheets, for all those whose panties get in a wad.......

Silly fiction. These morons even have Clueless Barbie ahead of McConnell. I suspect they still have McGovern over Reagan. No need for Downy but you can use printouts from this dubious site to wipe your butt.
Since Fox News is the only media source not kissing up to the little fellow, it is natural that he lashes out at them. Fox News makes the little boy wet his girlie jeans.

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