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City of Houston demands Pastors turn over sermons

Here we go, Houston has an openly gay mayor and they are now requiring all pastors to turn over sermons dealing with homosexuality and gender identity. Any Pastor who fails to comply could be held in contempt of court. Love and tolerance, right?

Regardless of party, one should be frightened at this.
If authorities ever wanted mine they can just come to the worship service or pull them up online and listen.
I knew this kind of thing would happen when the Congress and activist judges began to overturn 235 years of established law. And, you know what will come on the heels of this investigation into Church affairs. The state will for the first time since the inception of this great land, dictate terms to the Church as to what is acceptable to preach from the pulpit in terms of tolerance.

Calling out sin from our nation's pulpits will therefore be regulated by clueless bureaucrats, and Americans who have grown up in an environment of freedom will be forced to comply with the state and renounce certain aspects of their faith, or face punishment under the law. I told you the homosexual community will never stop.

Even if this winds up going away for the short term. It demonstrates what will ultimately be coming down the road as the result of man's recent forays onto the thin ice, in his absurd challenges to God's authority. Legalizing homosexuality and abortion on demand are mere symptoms of the real problem. The United States of America has turned her back on God, and the ramifications associated therewith are coming. The Church elected to sit on it's hands with barely a whimper when they had the chance to oppose what has become a liberal juggernaut. Now she will reap the whirlwind as the Lord will force her to face the responsibility for not answering the call to oppose sin.

In the secular sense, the 'chickens' for mischaracterizing the founders vision and intent of the doctrine of "The Separation of Church and State", have started to come home to roost. In the spiritual sense, the Christian faith will suffer oppression while authorities give Islamist extremists all the slack they will ever need.
How did Houston end up with a fairy mayor? I guess all those welfare people coming in from New Orleans have destroyed the electorate.

This is clearly a violation of the First Amendment both as to freedom of religion and freedom of speech as well as the oft used Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause. However, I feel sure that no liberal, black, or fairy friendly churches are involved in the persecution.

As I have posted before, it is long past time for Christians to offer resistance. Passiveness isn't going to get the job done. And, for those waiting for God to "straighten" it out, don't hold your breath. I believe He expects us to step up and carry the load.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:How did Houston end up with a fairy mayor? I guess all those welfare people coming in from New Orleans have destroyed the electorate.

This is clearly a violation of the First Amendment both as to freedom of religion and freedom of speech as well as the oft used Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause. However, I feel sure that no liberal, black, or fairy friendly churches are involved in the persecution.

As I have posted before, it is long past time for Christians to offer resistance. Passiveness isn't going to get the job done. And, for those waiting for God to "straighten" it out, don't hold your breath. I believe He expects us to step up and carry the load.

The big cities seem to have this big "fad" of electing liberals into office. Sadly, it is really showing in this time period. Houston, and even Lexington have a gay mayor.
I seriously doubt that there will be one word said about this from out of Washington. However, let a mayor in anytown USA demand that a sermon from a Muslim mosque be turned over investigating how their members plan to mass murder Americans, and you'd see the Obama gang go nuts.
A video was made from a man in Florida that showed "similar" circumstances, and it caused Benghazi to happen!!!
Granny Bear Wrote:^^
A video was made from a man in Florida that showed "similar" circumstances, and it caused Benghazi to happen!!!

Yeah , I remember someone telling that story over and over and over , one Sunday morning.
Bob Seger Wrote:I seriously doubt that there will be one word said about this from out of Washington. However, let a mayor in anytown USA demand that a sermon from a Muslim mosque be turned over investigating how their members plan to mass murder Americans, and you'd see the Obama gang go nuts.

Absolutely correct. Obama takes care of his own people and those people, like him, are not Christians.
Bob Seger Wrote:I seriously doubt that there will be one word said about this from out of Washington. However, let a mayor in anytown USA demand that a sermon from a Muslim mosque be turned over investigating how their members plan to mass murder Americans, and you'd see the Obama gang go nuts.

Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Absolutely correct. Obama takes care of his own people and those people, like him, are not Christians.

All one really needs to do to understand what has been going on, is to sort and stack the events involving Islam since 2008. Generally speaking, Islam seems to have been defended by this administration, (how many times have we all heard Mr Obama speak about the virtues of Islam?) While the Christian Church has had to fight off regulation. To list the advancements and victories achieved by the forces of Islam would require a very lengthy post. Meanwhile, we have seen the Tea Party treated like anarchists. And we have seen media reports of the political opponents of the left being persecuted by the IRS. We are prepared to initiate travel bans for those (US citizens) who may have been potentially exposed to the Ebola virus here within the US, such as health care workers. On the other hand, we are not prepared to restrict travel for those who wish to come here from West Africa, the hotbed of the Ebola outbreak.
TheRealThing Wrote:All one really needs to do to understand what has been going on, is to sort and stack the events involving Islam since 2008. Generally speaking, Islam seems to have been defended by this administration, (how many times have we all heard Mr Obama speak about the virtues of Islam?) While the Christian Church has had to fight off regulation. To list the advancements and victories achieved by the forces of Islam would require a very lengthy post. Meanwhile, we have seen the Tea Party treated like anarchists. And we have seen media reports of the political opponents of the left being persecuted by the IRS. We are prepared to initiate travel bans for those (US citizens) who may have been potentially exposed to the Ebola virus here within the US, such as health care workers. On the other hand, we are not prepared to restrict travel for those who wish to come here from West Africa, the hotbed of the Ebola outbreak.


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