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Is the Economy improving?
WideRight05 Wrote:You must not shop for groceries.

Maybe not for groceries. But he certainly shops around a lot for some good news regarding policies espoused by the administration. :biglmao:
if you think the economy was better 6 years ago then you are out of your mind
^ They are right wing nuts, Vector, of course they think it was better 6 years ago, at the edge of depression, their guy was holding the reins.
TheRealThing Wrote:Maybe not for groceries. But he certainly shops around a lot for some good news regarding policies espoused by the administration. :biglmao:
I don't have to shop around for good news about the economy. I know the numbers. The numbers don't lie. Plus, my investments/returns in the stock market remind me every month how good times are. :biggrin:
George H had a saying I liked, "Been there, done that." I've seen left wing nut fiscal policy in place before. That was during the Jimmy Carter era and for anybody who was trying to run a household, those were some very rough days for bread winners. I also had the privilege of seeing Ronald Reagan come in and deliver America from the scourge of the Keynesian experiment headed up the Carter Administration. You and vector have yourself a nice laugh between you, because nobody else on here is goofy enough to buy into it.

Under Carter, William G Miller became Chairman of the Federal Reserve. He didn't have the courage to go with the level of quantitative easing we have seen during the Obama era and failed to prop up the dollar to any extent. The dollar fell dramatically against the yen and the mark and the result was called 'stagflation'. Stagnant wages and inflation caused the misery index to peg.

These days liberals have learned better thus open ended quantitative easing has spared the stock market. Not so with wages and growth though, and that's why so many were upset with the president for anteing up only a one trillion dollar stimulus, fearing a decline similar to that of Jimmy Carter. Wages are stagnant and taxes are up. That along with over 18 trillion in debt assures us that everybody, will at some point face the financial piper. ObamaCare is every bit the bust predicted, and although a healthy stock market is better than a crashing stock market, I believe the predicted 'correction' may yet cause more grief than most are prepared to deal with.
TheRealThing Wrote:George H had a saying I liked, "Been there, done that." I've seen left wing nut fiscal policy in place before. That was during the Jimmy Carter era and for anybody who was trying to run a household, those were some very rough days for bread winners. I also had the privilege of seeing Ronald Reagan come in and deliver America from the scourge of the Keynesian experiment headed up the Carter Administration. You and vector have yourself a nice laugh between you, because nobody else on here is goofy enough to buy into it.

Under Carter, William G Miller became Chairman of the Federal Reserve. He didn't have the courage to go with the level of quantitative easing we have seen during the Obama era and failed to prop up the dollar to any extent. The dollar fell dramatically against the yen and the mark and the result was called 'stagflation'. Stagnant wages and inflation caused the misery index to peg.

These days liberals have learned better thus open ended quantitative easing has spared the stock market. Not so with wages and growth though, and that's why so many were upset with the president for anteing up only a one trillion dollar stimulus, fearing a decline similar to that of Jimmy Carter. Wages are stagnant and taxes are up. That along with over 18 trillion in debt assures us that everybody, will at some point face the financial piper. ObamaCare is every bit the bust predicted, and although a healthy stock market is better than a crashing stock market, I believe the predicted 'correction' may yet cause more grief than most are prepared to deal with.
So,.... the economy is worse now than when Obama took office? Tell us. The numbers say that you guys are running out of lies to explain how "bad" the economy is. Like I said, tell your bullshit to someone that hasn't turned a pretty good profit this year in the stock market, plus a very good wage. :biglmao:

Quote:Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama?

It’s enough to make even the most ardent Obama cynic scratch his head in confusion.

Amidst all the cries of Barack Obama being the most prolific big government spender the nation has ever suffered, Marketwatch is reporting that our president has actually been tighter with a buck than any United States president since Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Who knew?
[Image: http://b-i.forbesimg.com/rickungar/files...2_ME11.jpg]

So, how have the Republicans managed to persuade Americans to buy into the whole “Obama as big spender” narrative?

It might have something to do with the first year of the Obama presidency where the federal budget increased a whopping 17.9% —going from $2.98 trillion to $3.52 trillion. I’ll bet you think that this is the result of the Obama sponsored stimulus plan that is so frequently vilified by the conservatives…but you would be wrong.

The first year of any incoming president term is saddled—for better or for worse—with the budget set by the president whom immediately precedes the new occupant of the White House. Indeed, not only was the 2009 budget the property of George W. Bush—and passed by the 2008 Congress—it was in effect four months before Barack Obama took the oath of office.

Accordingly, the first budget that can be blamed on our current president began in 2010 with the budgets running through and including including fiscal year 2013 standing as charges on the Obama account, even if a President Willard M. Romney takes over the office on January 20, 2013.

So, how do the actual Obama annual budgets look?

Courtesy of Marketwatch-

In fiscal 2010 (the first Obama budget) spending fell 1.8% to $3.46 trillion.
In fiscal 2011, spending rose 4.3% to $3.60 trillion.
In fiscal 2012, spending is set to rise 0.7% to $3.63 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate of the budget that was agreed to last August.
Finally in fiscal 2013 — the final budget of Obama’s term — spending is scheduled to fall 1.3% to $3.58 trillion. Read the CBO’s latest budget outlook.
No doubt, many will wish to give the credit to the efforts of the GOP controlled House of Representatives. That’s fine if that’s what works for you.

However, you don’t get to have it both ways. Credit whom you will, but if you are truly interested in a fair analysis of the Obama years to date—at least when it comes to spending—you’re going to have to acknowledge that under the Obama watch, even President Reagan would have to give our current president a thumbs up when it comes to his record for stretching a dollar.


[Image: https://scontent-a-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hpho...e=55461104]
The little fellows policies have been a boom to the printers of food stamps. Businesses have thrived by employing only part time workers. The unemployment numbers have skyrocketed. The number of people employed has followed the lead of the invisible shrinking man. Obama's chosen few- blacks- have suffered most. Wages have been stagnant for Obama's whole reign. Polls show that the vast majority of people believe the country, and the economy, are headed in the wrong direction. And on and on.

Yep. That Obama has proven that an unaccomplished, inexperienced community organizer who claims to be, but never was, a law professor, who has socialist beliefs and a complete lack of knowledge of or respect for traditional Judeo-Christian tenets can thrive through quotas, affirmative action, and an uninformed, truly ignorant, and passive electorate.
TheRealVille Wrote:So,.... the economy is worse now than when Obama took office? Tell us. The numbers say that you guys are running out of lies to explain how "bad" the economy is. Like I said, tell your bullshit to someone that hasn't turned a pretty good profit this year in the stock market, plus a very good wage. :biglmao:


[Image: https://scontent-a-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hpho...e=55461104]

Starting early on your campaign efforts for 2016 there RV? You got vector on your side but, you're not going to convince anybody new.
I don't need to convince nutjobs. You guys have your mind made up, no matter what the numbers say. Keep trying to convince yourself the economy is tanking, the real numbers say otherwise. All you end up looking like is a Darrell Issa wannabe. You know the economy is better than when your guy turned the reins, and trashed economy over to President Obama. You only look like an ignorant moron when you state otherwise.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't need to convince nutjobs. You guys have your mind made up, no matter what the numbers say. Keep trying to convince yourself the economy is tanking, the real numbers say otherwise. All you end up looking like is a Darrell Issa wannabe. You know the economy is better than when your guy turned the reins, and trashed economy over to President Obama. You only look like an ignorant moron when you state otherwise.

Darrell Issa is a great man. The guy who ought to be taking all the flak should be Cummings. He has stonewalled and filibustered the committee from the outset. So, if your intention was to embellish your personal attack with the idea that I am like Issa, you fell as miserably short in your attempt as does your fake enthusiasm for the epic failures of the Obama administration. And I am certainly not of the minority view on politics these days. In any event, Issa was assailed in the same manner as Dems did against Romney. They can not win on the merits, therefore they turn elections into food fights.

Let me remind you again. Your side lost the Senate in historic fashion. And contrary to your dish water weak rationale, the six year cycle can only account for so much. Case in point. You lost the House in 2010, only to lose even more seats in 2014. But you and vector go ahead and yuk it up and we'll see what happens between now and 2016. I don't think you can win again using the same old tactic.

BTW, I noticed you completely sidestepped a very good post directed your way by Harry Rex.
Just what I thought, your ignorant ass has to run from the numbers. Like I stated earlier, your party had an inevitable cakewalk in the last election. It won't be that way in '16, as you guys have about 24 very vulnerable seats in that election. At least, don't deflect and try to change the fact that you can't run from an improving economy, as the numbers prove. You are even more of a dumbass than I have always thought. I, at least, thought you wouldn't try to hide from Obama's good economy numbers.
TheRealVille Wrote:Just what I thought, your ignorant ass has to run from the numbers. Like I stated earlier, your party had an inevitable cakewalk in the last election. It won't be that way in '16, as you guys have about 24 very vulnerable seats in that election. At least, don't deflect and try to change the fact that you can't run from an improving economy, as the numbers prove. You are even more of a dumbass than I have always thought. I, at least, thought you wouldn't try to hide from Obama's good economy numbers.

LOL, I'm so hurt.
114th Congress of the United States[/SIZE]

Senate Republican majority 54-44

House Republican majority 234-188

I just can't wait till 2016!
LOL. Run from the economy numbers, as usual. FTR, at 65-66, you'll be lucky to see 2016. If I were your age, I'd be concentrating on staying away from political boards, and enjoying what time I had left with my family.
TheRealVille Wrote:LOL. Run from the economy numbers, as usual. FTR, at 65-66, you'll be lucky to see 2016. If I were your age, I'd be concentrating on staying away from political boards, and enjoying what time I had left with my family.

You seem to be getting more and more comfortable speaking for the Lord these days. He has already spoken to me regarding my time of death. Hebrews 9:27 (KJV)
27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

One thing is sure, like all men, I have an appointment. But of all men, you in particular would have no clue whatever about what day that might be. Not for yourself, and certainly not for me. However, my sins are under the blood of Christ and my eternal situation is therefore made secure. Romans 8:37-39 (KJV)
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Christ will plead for me. And who will plead for you? In any case, probably the last man I would ever look to for advice on what to do with my time, would be a guy who has said some the things about the Almighty that you have said on here. I mean, the spoken word is one thing, but to put blasphemies in print?
TheRealVille Wrote:LOL. Run from the economy numbers, as usual. FTR, at 65-66, you'll be lucky to see 2016. If I were your age, I'd be concentrating on staying away from political boards, and enjoying what time I had left with my family.

Wow, that's just a cold thing to say...that is still fairly young in our time though, assuming that's his age.
WideRight05 Wrote:Wow, that's just a cold thing to say...that is still fairly young in our time though, assuming that's his age.

It's all in the imagination for liberals Wide. His ideas about my physical state are just part of the overall self delusion with which he has framed the world around him.

At any rate, we've been down this path before, have we not? Start with the post he made citing, of all people, Rick Ungar, who is so far left of reality that even NASCAR's best could not hope to keep him in sight. I watch Rick speak nearly every Saturday morning, sometimes on more than one show, and he is always off by himself in La-La Land. He's not what you'd call an economist, he's just another left wing commentator with a heart full of soul. And yet, even though he appears on a panel where he actually is surrounded by real financial experts who are bonafide players on Wall Street, he continues to argue the Keynesian view irrespective of the evidence. To me, he is in the company of people like Alan Combes and possibly Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and of course to borrow a term, wannabes like RV.

He (Rick) starts off in the article cited by RV, (from back in 2012 no less) stating that the budgetary explosion in the first year of Obama's tenure was not of his own doing, owing to the long held view that he is saddled with the budget of the outgoing president. And yet, in the very first week of his tenure, Mr Obama added a trillion dollars to that inherited budget as the result of his stimulus package. And don't think it wasn't all his idea, he was so proud of it that he made sure he put his name on it. As anybody with even the most cursory familiarity with Keynesian Economics is aware, part and parcel to the concept of KE are government investments in the economy, financial tinkering if you will, with guidelines that are very often political in scope. Therefore, first priority was to rescue the economy by borrowing a trillion dollars. The free enterprise system is thusly in flux, as they have picked the winners they wanted, which means everybody else just pays their taxes and survives if they can.

Rick Ungar is a true believer, and he's all-in. As I have said and as the historical record clearly demonstrates over and over again, Keynesian Economics do not work. But, when a true believer is arguing something like KE, and they are as in this case working without benefit of knowing what they're talking about, they are left with little to come back with except insults. I became aware of this long ago, but so too are the voters in general, as they are becoming more and more aware. The left is notorious for personal attack. So far they've gotten by with riding the coattails of credibility, associated with the Democratic party's once valid reputation. In that light, many have been willing to give Dems the benefit of the doubt, rather than admit their party has been taken over by social justice zealots. None the less, the more they lie, and smear, the more they will lose votes.
TheRealThing Wrote:You seem to be getting more and more comfortable speaking for the Lord these days. He has already spoken to me regarding my time of death. Hebrews 9:27 (KJV)
27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

One thing is sure, like all men, I have an appointment. But of all men, you in particular would have no clue whatever about what day that might be. Not for yourself, and certainly not for me. However, my sins are under the blood of Christ and my eternal situation is therefore made secure. Romans 8:37-39 (KJV)
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Christ will plead for me. And who will plead for you? In any case, probably the last man I would ever look to for advice on what to do with my time, would be a guy who has said some the things about the Almighty that you have said on here. I mean, the spoken word is one thing, but to put blasphemies in print?
No one. I'll only be in the dirt, as you will. I don't need your bullshit religion to plead anything for me, because it isn't real. You can go to your grave believing in it, but it won't change anything. You'll just be dead worm bait, as will I. The grave is the great equalizer. But, if believing in fairy tales, and fables, helps get you through life, go for it.
TheRealVille Wrote:No one. I'll only be in the dirt, as you will. I don't need your bullshit religion to plead anything for me, because it isn't real. You can go to your grave believing in it, but it won't change anything. You'll just be dead worm bait, as will I. The grave is the great equalizer. But, if believing in fairy tales, and fables, helps get you through life, go for it.

Well, you did manage to get two words right. You're the one who opened the door to discussing mortality.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, you did manage to get two words right. You're the one who opened the door to discussing mortality.
If there were a heaven, and there's not, I wouldn't want to spend eternity next to the people that espouse christianity. One life lived next to people like you is plenty. But, is there was a heaven, I'd bet my ass the likes of you will never see it.
TheRealVille Wrote:If there were a heaven, and there's not, I wouldn't want to spend eternity next to the people that espouse christianity. One life lived next to people like you is plenty. But, is there was a heaven, I'd bet my ass the likes of you will never see it.

Why are you so bitter, TheRealVille? Your rejection of Christianity is not just a part of you, it is an obsession. You must have been really hurt somewhere along the line. Thus, you strike out at everything that most of us hold as central to our lives. Actually, while we rarely agree with you, we wish you peace.
TheRealVille Wrote:If there were a heaven, and there's not, I wouldn't want to spend eternity next to the people that espouse christianity. One life lived next to people like you is plenty. But, is there was a heaven, I'd bet my ass the likes of you will never see it.

Soon the Church will be taken out. When that happens, those who espouse Christianity will no longer be around to remind you that you must bow before God and repent. Then the forces of Antichrist (the lawless one) will prevail for a time, and things will become entirely secular. I don't believe you'll like the world at that point. In fact, I believe the world will be a raging nightmare with precious few comforts, and no place for any man to hide. Frankly, I'd rather call you friend than enemy, as it gives me no comfort to consider what your future holds, if you remain outside the protection offered to you and all men by an acceptance of Christ. But, as Harry Rex mentions, it would seem we have very little if anything on which to agree.

In the meantime; "For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." 2 Timothy 1:12 (KJV)

My views, all of them, are based on the ultimate authority, that being God's Word. Which BTW, always interfaces perfectly with all forms of truth.
TheRealVille Wrote:If there were a heaven, and there's not, I wouldn't want to spend eternity next to the people that espouse christianity. One life lived next to people like you is plenty. But, is there was a heaven, I'd bet my ass the likes of you will never see it.

C'mon TRV, seriously? Gotta be something more than politics/religion to make you react this way. Seek peace my friend, you know where it is.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:C'mon TRV, seriously? Gotta be something more than politics/religion to make you react this way. Seek peace my friend, you know where it is.
I don't like people that espouse bogus religions to act like they know my future, based on a fairy tale book.
My economy is doing fantastic! The best it's been the past five years. People vote their own pockets, not yours.
^My economy is doing extremely well, then some. This president has made me some good money.
TheRealVille Wrote:^My economy is doing extremely well, then some. This president has made me some good money.

The only way that is possible is if you are a printer specializing in printing food stamps and welfare checks.
Truth Wrote:The only way that is possible is if you are a printer specializing in printing food stamps and welfare checks.

Financial experts, those who actually risk investing money in the stock market, always make reference to the fact that the market is being propped up by the fed. Some call it printing money, some call it quantitative easing. But, anyway you slice it the government is engaged in manipulating currency. At any rate, we are experiencing an undeniable surge in the market, as records are being set daily.

Those same experts however, are very concerned about the correction they feel certain is coming. Most believe that our 20 trillion national debt has a reasonable chance of dealing a devastating blow to our financial system and they are worried. They are worried that the two models, free enterprise and the European style Keynesian system, cannot work together in the same country in the way the US is presently trying to pull off. One system is based on the tenets of socialism, which takes from the productive side of society and gives to the non productive side. The other rewards those who work, thusly innovation and progress have the perfect environment to flourish.

Despite Margaret Thatcher's here quoted observation, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money", we press on. Greece is an excellent example of what we have to look forward to. They've been bailed out at least 3 times by the other member nations of the Eurozone, and having gotten their debt ratio down to 136% of their GDP in the last bail out, are once again looking at a ratio of 174%.

The point? Human nature is what it is. The Greeks are not going to change because their culture has raised legions of those who expect to be taken care of by the government. We're doing exactly the same thing and it will come back to bite us, hard. And, the problem is almost systemic across the globe. Japan has a debt to GDP ratio of over 200%. I mentioned that Greece has gotten help from her neighbors. Does anybody on here really believe the US can expect something like that once our steady progression to an upside down debt to GDP ratio has our economy in it's grip?

The United States used to be the country that loaned money to other nations, we have been knocked off that lofty perch as China now holds that distinction. Now the US has to come begging to China, who manages to save 51% of it's GDP. I've seen my share of heavy-weight boxing championships. And, I've seen several champs get knocked off. Their reaction is always the same. Even though they just lost they refuse to believe it, and vow to reclaim their title in a rematch. And, it almost never happens. Many economists are doing their best to get America to wake up while there is still time and opportunity to right her financial ship. And predictably, liberals (Keynesians) are blowing their advice off as passé 20th century thinking. You see, we have not run out of other people's money yet.

If and when we do, the comforts of today will disappear over night, it won't matter how much one has in the banks of this land, or the stock market. They will crash for the guy who has millions just as they will the guy with hundreds. At that time the so-called have nots, people who have been taken care of their entire lives, will very likely take to the streets in mobs and packs. Most Americans are so used to going to a drive-thru, they have no concept of actual cooking. Much less gardening and scraping to feed themselves and their families. In that light, the apocalypse is not that far fetched a concept.
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