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6th Grade KBA State Tournament
Somerset has a great team. Good players and well coached. They may just have three hold backs but others started school later than most. I believe all of their contributors are older than typical 6th graders. It seems as though almost all athletes hold back or delay enrollment in Pulaski County. Can't think of why else they would all be doing this unless it is for sports. But it is within the rules so no need to complain too much. It looks as though surrounding schools are doing the same in order to compete with the Pulaski Schools.

The kid from CAL would be no different though, I guess they just don't have as many.

Now we're getting somewhere. That's basically all I was trying to get at. Was just trying to compare apples to apples.

And yes, the center is a "late starter" just like his twin brother (oh yeah!!!!) and our Sophomore. They are "boys" that says it all. We have no "holdbacks" on the CAL team which has been defined as 6-8 repeaters.

Given that we picked up the roundball 2 months ago, I'd say we acquitted ourselves well.

And AGAIN I wasn't sating anything about the legality. After all there wouldn't be a "holdback" rule starting '15-'16 SPECIFICALLY if there wasn't an "problem". The stat about Region 12's recent domination in MS hoops (and recent DQ in MS football in 2013) suggests a problem. I have a feeling next year that Final Four will look quite a bit different.

Anyone for football??
I like the new KHSSA rules, I think they are fair. It's not in the state's best interest financially to educate a kid additional years because they want to participate in athletics additional years or take a size/experience advantage in order to get a college scholarship. If you really need held back for academic reasons you shouldn't be engaged in additional activities anyway. Obviously no one can deny the lack of rule was abused in the past. Heck, I remember playing kids with full mustache's in the sixth grade 20 years ago. It's in effect next season, so if you held your kid back to "stay at home another year" or "to get an advantage at MS state championships" the reason doesn't matter.
SWHS future Wrote:Shelby East is one of the top teams in the tournament. They have a few solid players that play with GHITP AAU.
You are correct. 2 really good kids to watch for in the future.
Congrates Shelby East.
If anyone thinks the new rules will change anything your delusional. I would bet my house that every team there has at least one holdback or late starter on there team. 90% of the teams will have multiple players on there teams. For the life of me I can't figure out why people complain about playing within the rules. We have this same discussion every year about this time
If North Oldham brings a 7th grader tonight that only plays 8th grade outside of AAU, then Meece will have a heck of a game on their hands. He by the way is still 13.
Oldham fisherman Wrote:Kids should not be graduating at the age of 19, and teams that have 13 yr old 6th graders playing against 11 yr olds in state tournaments is a joke! Meece had a transfer from Oldham Co that had no business being held back, the kid was a A and B student, transfers to Meece and they held him back for sports, don't say I'm wrong either, I know the family

It doesn't matter if the kids are A and B students, the only thing that matters is what's best for the kids. My friend held his straight A son back in 7th grade. That allowed his son to take Alegebra 1 his second year of 7th grade, geometry in 8th grade, and other high school classes while in middle school. Thus enabling him to take AP classes earlier in his high school career. By his senior year he was taking almost all dual credit classes with University of the Cumberlands. If you're not aware of dual credit courses it allows HS students to get college credit at only a percentage of the cost. So he got 24 college credits for under $3000, at an university that costs over $20,000 for tuition. They saved in the long run over $20,000 by eliminating a year of paying for college. All because they gave their child another year to get ahead of the game. Sure he also excelled at sports, but that wasn't the reasoning. Every parent has the opportunity to do what's best for their children don't get upset if you're one of those not willing to make the decision. It's a hard decision to hold your kids back, but it's in their best interest. Don't feed me that my kid doesn't need it BS. Regardless of the situation there are benefits from holding a kid back. So if you're not willing to hold a kid back don't complain about parents that are willing to give their children the best opportunity to excell at the highest levels.
For all this back and forth! Play AAU basketball with the new rules and see how your kids do. You may have kids that excel at middle school ball,but would not do anything on an AAU team. Now that age not grade is the basis.
Anyone know when the rankings for state will be released?
goBIGblue82 Wrote:It doesn't matter if the kids are A and B students, the only thing that matters is what's best for the kids. My friend held his straight A son back in 7th grade. That allowed his son to take Alegebra 1 his second year of 7th grade, geometry in 8th grade, and other high school classes while in middle school. Thus enabling him to take AP classes earlier in his high school career. By his senior year he was taking almost all dual credit classes with University of the Cumberlands. If you're not aware of dual credit courses it allows HS students to get college credit at only a percentage of the cost. So he got 24 college credits for under $3000, at an university that costs over $20,000 for tuition. They saved in the long run over $20,000 by eliminating a year of paying for college. All because they gave their child another year to get ahead of the game. Sure he also excelled at sports, but that wasn't the reasoning. Every parent has the opportunity to do what's best for their children don't get upset if you're one of those not willing to make the decision. It's a hard decision to hold your kids back, but it's in their best interest. Don't feed me that my kid doesn't need it BS. Regardless of the situation there are benefits from holding a kid back. So if you're not willing to hold a kid back don't complain about parents that are willing to give their children the best opportunity to excell at the highest levels.
If you hold back your kid for academic reasons just play up with kids their own age.
Is that fair?
Jamesjam Wrote:If you hold back your kid for academic reasons just play up with kids their own age.
Is that fair?

That's your argument, you're just looking for a fair playing field? Everyone is offered the same opportunities it doesn't get much more fair than that. So what you're saying is if a child is held back for academic reasons he should have to play up a level. What if he can barely compete at his grade level he is at? Should the kids not be afforded the opportunity to grow and excell in all areas? Or is this topic about the same things it's always been about, egos. Mommy and daddy want the best athlete possible so they hold their kid back hoping he receives numerous accolades. While other parents sit back whine and cry because their baby can't compete with a kid a year older than them and they shouldn't have to anyway. High levels of competition breeds a competive drive and improve skills so why complain that they have to play against better players. I agree that kids should play up a level if their abilities allow it, but some schools don't allow kids to play up grade levels. Like I said everyone has the same opportunity their is no right or wrong. Do what you think is best, but don't sit back and cry like my 3 year old when it doesn't go the way you hoped it would. If you lose you work that much harder in the offseason, not pout until next season. Rant over...
goBIGblue82 Wrote:That's your argument, you're just looking for a fair playing field? Everyone is offered the same opportunities it doesn't get much more fair than that. So what you're saying is if a child is held back for academic reasons he should have to play up a level. What if he can barely compete at his grade level he is at? Should the kids not be afforded the opportunity to grow and excell in all areas? Or is this topic about the same things it's always been about, egos. Mommy and daddy want the best athlete possible so they hold their kid back hoping he receives numerous accolades. While other parents sit back whine and cry because their baby can't compete with a kid a year older than them and they shouldn't have to anyway. High levels of competition breeds a competive drive and improve skills so why complain that they have to play against better players. I agree that kids should play up a level if their abilities allow it, but some schools don't allow kids to play up grade levels. Like I said everyone has the same opportunity their is no right or wrong. Do what you think is best, but don't sit back and cry like my 3 year old when it doesn't go the way you hoped it would. If you lose you work that much harder in the offseason, not pout until next season. Rant over...
quit making excuses for holding kids back that CAN'T compete with kids their own age.
Jamesjam Wrote:quit making excuses for holding kids back that CAN'T compete with kids their own age.

It's clear you could've used a holdback year, considering your low reading comprehension... Holdback or don't holdback, to each his own. Whatever is in the best interest of the kid is the best option. The easy decision isn't always the right decision, and the best decision isn't always the most popular.
The Khsaa made the rules, the people who choose to hold there kids back for whatever reason, are playing whithin rules. Enough said!
The rules go into effect next year. Enough said!
The age limit rule has been in effect for as long as I can remember. I'm 54 years old and they was holding kids back when I was in grade school and when I'm 104 they still will be holding kids back.
insideinfo Wrote:The age limit rule has been in effect for as long as I can remember. I'm 54 years old and they was holding kids back when I was in grade school and when I'm 104 they still will be holding kids back.
Are you sure??? Might want to research before you respond.

(7) Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year and thereafter, require that no student enrolled initially in grade (5) through grade (8) during the 2015-2016 school year or thereafter who is repeating a grade for any reason be eligible to compete in interscholastic competition involving students enrolled in grades six (6) through eight (8) while repeating a grade;
Jamesjam Wrote:Are you sure??? Might want to research before you respond.

(7) Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year and thereafter, require that no student enrolled initially in grade (5) through grade (8) during the 2015-2016 school year or thereafter who is repeating a grade for any reason be eligible to compete in interscholastic competition involving students enrolled in grades six (6) through eight (8) while repeating a grade;
I don't think you get it. The kids can still hold back, but they will now have to sit out a year before they can compete with the school team. This is how it was when I played, but now it is an official rule.
So a kid that is in 6th grade starting in 2015-16 decides to hold back, he will not be able to play with the 6th grade team in 2015-16. When the class moves to 7th grade in 2016-17 he can play with the school team.
It's a deterrent but won't stop it completely. I applaud the KHSAA for making it an official rule now, but it didn't stop kids from holding back when it was an unofficial rule at my school.
Jamesjam Wrote:Are you sure??? Might want to research before you respond.

(7) Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year and thereafter, require that no student enrolled initially in grade (5) through grade (8) during the 2015-2016 school year or thereafter who is repeating a grade for any reason be eligible to compete in interscholastic competition involving students enrolled in grades six (6) through eight (8) while repeating a grade;

He said AGE rule, such as 13 for 6th grade, 14 for 7th, and 15 for 8th. You may not turn that age before August 1st. As I said earlier improve your reading comprehension before you post...
Again too easy. Your reading comprehension level is off the charts. Insideinfo mentioned age once and holding back twice in his post. Maybe he mentioned age and holding back together for a reason. It would be crazy to think that holding a kid back his age would come into play.
Does Pulaski co have AAU teams? If so how competitive are they?

Insideinfo Post:
The age limit rule has been in effect for as long as I can remember. I'm 54 years old and they was holding kids back when I was in grade school and when I'm 104 they still will be holding kids back.
Jamesjam Wrote:Again too easy. Your reading comprehension level is off the charts. Insideinfo mentioned age once and holding back twice in his post. Maybe he mentioned age and holding back together for a reason. It would be crazy to think that holding a kid back his age would come into play.
Does Pulaski co have AAU teams? If so how competitive are they?

Insideinfo Post:
The age limit rule has been in effect for as long as I can remember. I'm 54 years old and they was holding kids back when I was in grade school and when I'm 104 they still will be holding kids back.

You really don't get it, do you?
I guess I don't. I knew you wouldn't bite on AAU ball because you can't.
I am done
Jamesjam Wrote:I guess I don't. I knew you wouldn't bite on AAU ball because you can't.
I am done

I don't live in Pulaski or know anything about Pulaski sports, so why would I comment on their AAU teams.
I was talking about age was the 19 after August 1st. As for as I know this has been a rule forever. As for as AAU I know of a team Whitley , Knox Co area that made it to the championship game at nationals couple years ago, that if I was guessing was all hold back. I know several of them and they was all hold backs. I believe they are freshmen and sophomores now.My daughter play on a team that played up in age group in every tournament they played in, and they was in the Final four in every tournament they entered and won 2 of the 8 tournaments they entered. They had 2 hold backs and 1 late starter in there group that I know about. When I was first approached about holding mine back my wife was not for it at all. She is a school teacher so we went and talked to the principle and he informed us he was a hold back,and he gave us the pros and cons and the pros outweighed the cons by a lot in our eyes. By the way I have two children and I only held my youngest one back, also my oldest was the best athlete by a lot. My wife and I consider not holding our oldest back one of the worst mistakes we made in raising our children. She likes 6 hours graduating from college after 5 years LOL She was just so immature when she left highshool that she had no idea what she wanted to do and it took a couple years to figure out what she wanted to do. My youngest graduated from high school with 24 college credits and had a plan that she has stuck to so for.
I've coached a group of kids for several years, now they are in Middle School. No hold backs, all birthdays line up in school year. We've done pretty well in these Middle School championships. Well aware of the programs who have held back their kids and their AAU programs (sponsors, real ages, etc...). Does it stop us from competing, No! My kids basketball skill wise are heads above those programs winning right now in a gap in height and size. Eventually my bigs are gonna catch up with yours and your done. One of these programs came to an AAU tourney in Huntington, WV last year close to us and embarrassed themselves.
This rule won't change a whole lot of what's been going on for years. Parents will simply hold their kids back before 6th grade or start them later to avoid having to sit out a year.
Per the KBA website

State Rankings:

1. Meece Middle

2. Christian Academy Of Louisville

3. Shelby Co. East

4. Lincoln Co

5. Campbell

6. Crosby

7. Rosspoint Elementary

8. Conner

9. Manchester Elementary

10. Hacker Elementary


12. West Jessamine

13. McNabb

14. Russell Co

15. Paintsville

16. Johnson Traditional
Saw where mid America just changed march as cut off date noticed previous post ghitp are march birthdays this sounds very convenient are they making the rules up to benefit 1 team??

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