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Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity/Romantic Attraction

We've all seen the LGBT acronym..... but all of the letters I have listed above have at least one (some letters have multiple) Sexual Orientations/Gender Identities/Romantic Attractions. Every Letter has their own Flag, Colors and some have their own symbol. There are probably more that I am missing, but these are what I could find. I would argue that every letter in the alphabet has a meaning in the SO, GI & RA lifestyle.


At the rate we are going, our population will decrease at an insane rate in about another 20-30 years. The 18-35 year olds are the pioneer's of the SO, GI & RA lifestyle's.... But what happens when those people get old and the young kids now grow up and think it's ok to live like that. Two men cannot pro-create, Two women cannot pro-create. Science has come along way.... having a baby is easier now that it ever has been. Medical procedures can let any TRUE female carry and have a baby. But still yet, those numbers will be drastically lower than what we see now.

Genesis ch. 1 (KJV)
28: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Genesis ch. 9 (KJV)
7: And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.

God is telling Man & Woman TO BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY!!!!!
Meaning.... Man & Woman are to have sex TOGETHER and make babies!!!!

Some men & women, for whatever reason, can't have kids naturally or with medical assistance. But that doesn't mean God was wrong in these verses. He has a purpose, and it's easy to say "what kind of God is that" or say God is wrong. I don't have all the answers to those type of questions, but I do know He has never been wrong.
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This is a list of SO, GI & RA that I found. I will post their flags, colors and symbols later.

Sexual Orientation
Gay Bear
Lipstick Lesbian

Gender Identity
Gender Fluid
Gender Non-Binary

Romantic Attraction
Check out my YouTube channel.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:ABDGILNPQST

We've all seen the LGBT acronym..... but all of the letters I have listed above have at least one (some letters have multiple) Sexual Orientations/Gender Identities/Romantic Attractions. Every Letter has their own Flag, Colors and some have their own symbol. There are probably more that I am missing, but these are what I could find. I would argue that every letter in the alphabet has a meaning in the SO, GI & RA lifestyle.


At the rate we are going, our population will decrease at an insane rate in about another 20-30 years. The 18-35 year olds are the pioneer's of the SO, GI & RA lifestyle's.... But what happens when those people get old and the young kids now grow up and think it's ok to live like that. Two men cannot pro-create, Two women cannot pro-create. Science has come along way.... having a baby is easier now that it ever has been. Medical procedures can let any TRUE female carry and have a baby. But still yet, those numbers will be drastically lower than what we see now.

Genesis ch. 1 (KJV)
28: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Genesis ch. 9 (KJV)
7: And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.

God is telling Man & Woman TO BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY!!!!!
Meaning.... Man & Woman are to have sex TOGETHER and make babies!!!!

Some men & women, for whatever reason, can't have kids naturally or with medical assistance. But that doesn't mean God was wrong in these verses. He has a purpose, and it's easy to say "what kind of God is that" or say God is wrong. I don't have all the answers to those type of questions, but I do know He has never been wrong.


I missed a letter.
Check out my YouTube channel.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:This is a list of SO, GI & RA that I found. I will post their flags, colors and symbols later.

Sexual Orientation
Gay Bear
Lipstick Lesbian

Gender Identity
Gender Fluid
Gender Non-Binary

Romantic Attraction

I missed a GI.
Check out my YouTube channel.
My reason for starting this thread IS NOT HATE, DISCRMINATION or HARASSMENT towards any SO, GI or RA.

For whatever reason, people just can't take anything on Faith anymore. Every miracle that is written in The Bible happens when Faith is active.

Life is not fair.... I don't have all the answers in this life. But I do know God has never made a mistake. It's easy for somebody to hate God because of the way their life is/has went. And in an attempt to distance themselves from God, they will do whatever they can to say "F U" to God. Satanism.... SO, GI, RA are just some of the ways people do this. You can argue against this all you want, but it's the truth.

Everybody wants an escape from reality and to be accepted for the life they choose to lead.
Just because something is legal doesn't make it right.

In today's society, nobody wants their lifestyle to be condemned..... especially by The Bible.

Just because somebody doesn't believe in God, doesn't mean He's not real.
This is where the question comes up... "Prove God is real."

My answer is....
I've prayed about more problems in my life that nobody else in the world knows about but me. And some of the ways those prayers have been answered, there are no other explanation other than 'It Was God'. But, as Garth Brooks would say, "Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers."
I've seen and had healings when medicine wasn't involved.
I've had money just show up in my pockets on several occasions when I knew I was broke.
I've never been without.
He's kept me safe from any major injury, major accidents or serious medical problems for 30 years, 6 months and 16 days. But when I have been hurt or sick, He's always healed me.
And I'll end with this..... The way I know He speaks directly to me and deals directly with me. I can say for certain, there is no denying God is real and alive.
Check out my YouTube channel.
CEFJKMORUVWXYZ.... these are the only letters of the alphabet left with out some type of SO, GI & RA that haven't been claimed. But give it time, something new will come along and take these letters as well.

Political correctness and the feeling that we need to be "accepting" has already put our nation on Self-Destruction.

If you want to be live a certain lifestyle, FINE. Live it. But there is no reason, OTHER THAN WANTING ATTENTION, to have 'Pride rallies' or Pride Parades' about your SO, GI & RA and not expect people who don't agree or like your lifestyle to say something or act out against it.

Let me be clear, Christianity DOES NOT HATE THE PERSON. They HATE THE ACT OF. And it's not something we do on our own, we HATE THE ACT OF because it comes from God straight out of The Bible.
Other than blasphemy..... God will love you regardless of your SO, GI & RA. It's not too late to change your lifestyle.

Hebrews ch. 11 (KJV)
25: Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;
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Check out my YouTube channel.
I don't know any of this crap.
Does the mentally ill of the world really describe themselves as such?
Hermaphrodite is the ONLY Gender Identity that is an actual medical condition. Everything else on this list is lifestyle choice that people choose to lead.

NO, I don't know why somebody is born with both Male & Female genitals. I have no control over that. I do know God has never made a mistake. There has to be a reason.

He's the same God that led the children of Israel across the Red Sea.
He's the same God that created Man.
He's the same God that said "Let there be light and there was light."

God has a reason for everything. If you don't believe me, ask Him about it (Prayer).
Check out my YouTube channel.
I would argue that 99% of the SO,GI & RA that are on this list can be solved/corrected with professional counseling and medication.

Some people are born with or acquire a mental illness at some point in their life that go un-diagnosed and alters their life.

Our society is so accepting and doesn't want to offend anybody and our society makes it so easy for people to get attention by claiming a SO, GI & RA other that being heterosexual. Look at the list I posted.... most of the GI, SO & RA's are so generic or an umbrella term that really means nothing OTHER than saying "I WANT ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!" Cause you know as well as I do if somebody claims to be a "Pansexual" they are accepted by every other SO, GI & RA on this list. Not too mention if they are discriminated against, they can claim Discrimination or Harassment for their SO, GI & RA. And they know people will ask them about it and they will more than likely be the topic of most of the conversations they are in. THEY WANT ATTENTION!!!!!!!!
Think about it....... Use the Noodle, the Peanut, the Hat rack. It's not about 'being born a certain way' IT'S ABOUT WANTING ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People begging for attention will do ANYTHING to get it.
Check out my YouTube channel.
I will say this.... some people do hate those with a SO, GI & RA other than Heterosexual. And sadly, they commit serious acts of violence and even murder towards them.

That is wrong. I have said before, I do not hate anybody that has a SO, GI & RA that is other that Heterosexual. It is the Act Of..... that Christians hate.

I agree that nobody deserves to be hurt or killed for their SO, GI & RA. And most people that that claim a SO, GI & RA other than Heterosexual are, for the most part, easy targets for people that want to hurt others.

I have NEVER told anybody that I know that has a SO, GI & RA other than Heterosexual that I hate them. I have told them I hate the Act Of.... but never said anything about the person.

And yes, I do realize not everybody believes in God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and The Bible. That's another thread.... my point is, God loves you. He knew you before He created The Heaven's and The Earth.
Check out my YouTube channel.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:Hermaphrodite is the ONLY Gender Identity that is an actual medical condition. Everything else on this list is lifestyle choice that people choose to lead.

NO, I don't know why somebody is born with both Male & Female genitals. I have no control over that. I do know God has never made a mistake. There has to be a reason.

He's the same God that led the children of Israel across the Red Sea.
He's the same God that created Man.
He's the same God that said "Let there be light and there was light."

God has a reason for everything. If you don't believe me, ask Him about it (Prayer).

Even if you are born with both male and female parts your insides are still going to be either male or female. This is no difference than any condition. It can be taken care of as an infant and should be.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Even if you are born with both male and female parts your insides are still going to be either male or female. This is no difference than any condition. It can be taken care of as an infant and should be.

Excellent point, I guess I didn't describe myself good enough. :thanks:
Check out my YouTube channel.
Getting down to brass tax, I'm a tits and arse man myself.

What would the talking heads call that...Confusedinglepar

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Pulp Fiction Wrote:I will say this.... some people do hate those with a SO, GI & RA other than Heterosexual. And sadly, they commit serious acts of violence and even murder towards them.

That is wrong. I have said before, I do not hate anybody that has a SO, GI & RA that is other that Heterosexual. It is the Act Of..... that Christians hate.

I agree that nobody deserves to be hurt or killed for their SO, GI & RA. And most people that that claim a SO, GI & RA other than Heterosexual are, for the most part, easy targets for people that want to hurt others.

I have NEVER told anybody that I know that has a SO, GI & RA other than Heterosexual that I hate them. I have told them I hate the Act Of.... but never said anything about the person.

And yes, I do realize not everybody believes in God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and The Bible. That's another thread.... my point is, God loves you. He knew you before He created The Heaven's and The Earth.
Where did God come from besides everlasting? not everything can be explained and doesn't have to be Smile. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.
pjdoug Wrote:Where did God come from besides everlasting? not everything can be explained and doesn't have to be Smile. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.

The Word = Jesus
Check out my YouTube channel.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:The Word = Jesus

exactly right.Jesus is God. I haven't seen him but I have felt his presence so I know he is real Smile
pjdoug Wrote:exactly right.Jesus is God. I haven't seen him but I have felt his presence so I know he is real Smile

I see him every time I walk out the front door. Every living and non living thing outside your window wasn't created from nothing.
Spirit100 Wrote:Getting down to brass tax, I'm a tits and arse man myself.

What would the talking heads call that...Confusedinglepar

I believe the liberals call it a typical pig Confusednicker:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I see him every time I walk out the front door. Every living and non living thing outside your window wasn't created from nothing.

#21 forgot polyamorous!!

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I see him every time I walk out the front door. Every living and non living thing outside your window wasn't created from nothing.

Very well said and the first chapter of Romans makes that fact abundantly clear.
Romans 1:19-20 (KJV)
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

V19 God hath shown men His presence
V20 Things that men say are hidden are "CLEARLY" seen through His creation and therefore no man has any excuse.

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