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The first female president
Since Hillary Clinton's popularity is declining and considering that anyone that proclaims to be a woman is a woman, maybe the Democrats can still send the first female president even if Hillary doesn't win the nomination.
I'm just thankful that the first female President wasn't Geraldine Ferarro.
Granny Bear Wrote:I'm just thankful that the first female President wasn't Geraldine Ferarro.

Isn't that the truth! She and Mondale were the first liberals to make serious noise at the highest levels of government. If you will recall, two planks of the Dem's platform back during that election year (1984) were jaw dropping even by today's standards. The first applied to "sexual orientation." Don't you just love the way libs play with words to lend dignity to something as unacceptable as the homosexual lifestyle?

At any rate, the plank wording went something like this; "We hereby recognize the dignity of man and his right to pursue happiness regardless of sexual orientation." Under this heading were two items of interest. The first stating the Dem's intent to write laws mandating a homosexual hiring standard set to a minimum of 10% for all government agencies etc. And another using the same standard with regard to the acceptable minimum ratio of homosexual teachers at all levels of public education. The second had to do with abortion rights which BTW, is nowadays referred to as "women's health." :please:

At the time America rejected the liberal assault but, the threat was far from over. You see what we are dealing with today. How far we have fallen.
Democrats have already proven that any child in the world can grow up to be President of the United States. They will not change horses in mid stream as long as there is a glimmer of hope, even if the nag that they are riding is an unindicted felon.

Besides, the Democrats' stable of potential female candidates is not exactly teeming with thoroughbreds. Sen. Fauxcahontas, Nancy Pelosi, ...?

Maybe they could draft Caitlyn Jenner to run on the Democratic ticket. That would let them check the first female and first transgender candidate boxes. It might even give them a trifecta, depending on Caitlyn's sexual preference. Supposedly, Caitlyn holds some conservative political views, so she might even have some crossover appeal to GOPe moderates.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Democrats have already proven that any child in the world can grow up to be President of the United States. They will not change horses in mid stream as long as there is a glimmer of hope, even if the nag that they are riding is an unindicted felon.

Besides, the Democrats' stable of potential female candidates is not exactly teeming with thoroughbreds. Sen. Fauxcahontas, Nancy Pelosi, ...?

Maybe they could draft Caitlyn Jenner to run on the Democratic ticket. That would let them check the first female and first transgender candidate boxes. It might even give them a trifecta, depending on Caitlyn's sexual preference. Supposedly, Caitlyn holds some conservative political views, so she might even have some crossover appeal to GOPe moderates.

Yeah, why not? After all, Barack Obama just appointed the first openly gay Secretary of the Army. I'm sure it was because he had the best qualifications for the position.
WideRight05 Wrote:Yeah, why not? After all, Barack Obama just appointed the first openly gay Secretary of the Army. I'm sure it was because he had the best qualifications for the position.
Well, the first transgendered lesbian Democrat who is also the most qualified person in the world to be POTUS might not come along for millennia. It is much more important to Democrats to be first than to be best. If Caitlyn divorced Mrs. Jenner and married Mr. Hernandez, she would be the perfect 2016 presidential candidate from their perspective. The first male Hispanic First Lady, and the first trangender lesbian Olympic athlete to reside in the White House. What could go wrong? :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Well, the first transgendered lesbian Democrat who is also the most qualified person in the world to be POTUS might not come along for millennia. It is much more important to Democrats to be first than to be best. If Caitlyn divorced Mrs. Jenner and married Mr. Hernandez, she would be the perfect 2016 presidential candidate from their perspective. The first male Hispanic First Lady, and the first trangender lesbian Olympic athlete to reside in the White House. What could go wrong? :biggrin:

Absolutely nothing could go wrong. Confusednicker:

I wonder how long the Democrats will continue to lower their morals before wising up.

Do Democrats who support their party and its agenda have morals? I would suggest that they do not. And, that certainly includes all those "good Christian Democrats" who fill church pews each Sunday and Wednesday. It is not possible spiritually to be pro-abortion and pro-homosexual marriage and be a "good Christian". There really are some absolutes.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Do Democrats who support their party and its agenda have morals? I would suggest that they do not. And, that certainly includes all those "good Christian Democrats" who fill church pews each Sunday and Wednesday. It is not possible spiritually to be pro-abortion and pro-homosexual marriage and be a "good Christian". There really are some absolutes.

^^What he said. :Clap::Clap::Clap:
Well, I have to call bull on Hillary's support dropping.

According to CNN's poll of 300 Americans today, Hillarys lead is growing over the socialist :hilarious:
How can they be serious with a 300 person poll? The coincidence that you randomly called her supporters instead of his would be way to high when millions will end up voting.

Im curious as to why these democrats wont say anything bad about each other and why journalist and the media doesn't ask them about it. Does Hillary agree with the socialist over there running? If not, why doesn't she say so?
Its all one big circus on that side while the media and liberal rejects claim that the repubs aren't fit for president because of the way they attack each other HAHA.

A new report came out yesterday that shows Kentucky had the worst growth in the nation last year in median income. We were the only state with a significant drop on average at over 2000. The report never mentioned Obamas EPA and his other bull shit that has destroyed our economy and our weak governor never speaks, hell im not sure if hes still alive to be honest, but its interesting that while our state more or less becomes a ghost town with families going hungry, that the media never mentions this but talks about how some black family in new York is working there tails off while only making 50 grand a year.

Its not time for change. Obama promised change. Change sucks if this is what it is.
No friends, its time for a complete damn revolution.
Sanders is starting to put a bit of a scare in me. He's attracting quite a crowd and I have seen people now start to bash capitalism after seeing them follow Bernie Sanders.

You made some good points Wide Gut, and I really wonder what this is going to lead to. Some kind of civil war or a powerful state like Texas (I think they're the only one that can do that) seceding.
I think a region similar to what the Louisiana Purchase represented may tend to consider seceding.
WideRight05 Wrote:Yeah, why not? After all, Barack Obama just appointed the first openly gay Secretary of the Army. I'm sure it was because he had the best qualifications for the position.

The atrocities just keep on coming don't they? Think about what you said for just a second. In 2010 an openly gay person would have been expelled from the Army. Here we are in 2015 (5 years is not a long time in the history of a nation), and all that stands in the way of an openly gay Secretary of he Army is confirmation by the US Senate. :igiveup:
TheRealThing Wrote:The atrocities just keep on coming don't they? Think about what you said for just a second. In 2010 an openly gay person would have been expelled from the Army. Here we are in 2015 (5 years is not a long time in the history of a nation), and all that stands in the way of an openly gay Secretary of he Army is confirmation by the US Senate. :igiveup:
Don't worry, Mitch McConnell will never let that happen...when he gets a super majority in the Senate and House of Representatives and a Republican in the White House. Yeah, Mitch will show those Democrats whose boss when the planets, moon, and sun are finally perfectly aligned. Until then, he will continue to protect us against Ted Cruz and the Tea Partiers who support him.
WideRight05 Wrote:Sanders is starting to put a bit of a scare in me. He's attracting quite a crowd and I have seen people now start to bash capitalism after seeing them follow Bernie Sanders.

You made some good points Wide Gut, and I really wonder what this is going to lead to. Some kind of civil war or a powerful state like Texas (I think they're the only one that can do that) seceding.

On the flip side there is a bit of good news in electing a socialist.
He's crazy enough that some nut job will get his autograph and then blow him away. The company Bernie Sanders keeps is the most extreme mentally ill.
At least Hillarys minions are just stuck in denial.

I do wonder what will happen if the select committee finds something, anything, that they can try to charge her with to the point that she has to withdrawal. I don't see Bernie Sanders winning a majority over anyone, even Randy Paul. The dems will hurry to push crazy ole uncle Joe to the forefront of the democratic nomination in which case we would be even worse off than we were with Obama.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Don't worry, Mitch McConnell will never let that happen...when he gets a super majority in the Senate and House of Representatives and a Republican in the White House. Yeah, Mitch will show those Democrats whose boss when the planets, moon, and sun are finally perfectly aligned. Until then, he will continue to protect us against Ted Cruz and the Tea Partiers who support him.

Im curious if this state is capable of putting up a legitimate challenge who we could actually vote for to unseat the Rhino and carpet bagger.
There are never any worthy Republicans that run against these two.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Im curious if this state is capable of putting up a legitimate challenge who we could actually vote for to unseat the Rhino and carpet bagger.
There are never any worthy Republicans that run against these two.
I have reached the point of thinking if it takes Kentucky electing a Democrat over McConnell to get rid of him as Senate Majority Leader, it would be worth it, but when you look at his likely successors as Majority Leader, I am not sure that ousting McConnell would make any difference.

The Senate is dominated by RINOS, who offer nothing but excuses for not doing anything they promised to do during their campaigns. But it would feel good to see McConnell pack his bags and head to whatever DC suburb he considers home. He has not been a Kentuckian in many years.

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